If you find any bugs or defects email me at info@greenrobot.com or you can submit a pull request.
I made the code open source so users could contribute to the game by making pull requests, not so someone can take the code using my server and release it as their own game. Please don't do that. Send me an email if you have any questions.
• All the images are from NASA or are public domain from places like Pexels.com or created by me
• View the new feature suggestions thread on the Open Space Forum: https://community.greenrobot.com/openspacegame-ios-mac-forum/open-space-new-feature-suggestions/
• I have an Asana with a lot of tasks for this game. If you'd like to contribute, let me know.
•All assets in this repository are copyright their respective owners.
•The code was developed by myself, Andy Triboletti.
•International Space Station model is from NASA https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/2378/international-space-station-3d-model/
•The images are from https://pexels.com or https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/ or https://images.nasa.gov/
•The flag on Mars is from https://free3d.com/3d-model/flag-pole-animated-unity-package-55318.html
•The spaceship is from a Blender script available from this link: a1studmuffin/SpaceshipGenerator#31
•The ship names were generated from https://www.samcodes.co.uk/project/markov-namegen/
•You will need to sign up for Firebase and download a GoogleService-info.plist for this project. You should not check your GoogleService-Info.plist into the project.
•pod install in directory
•open Xcode, build and run.
•Install git-lfs if you don't have it, to download media assets.
•In order to use the images GIT LFS is required (git-lfs).
We take openness and inclusivity very seriously. To that end we have adopted the following code of conduct.