All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Version of go to 1.20
- Linter to v1.55
- color
##[1.0.1] - 2020-10-04
- License.
##[1.0.0] - 2020-10-04
- Config pkg with a minimal config based on an interface.
- Validator component amd error.
- Validators for a base flow.
- Dead places validator.
- Non-finish places validator.
- Duplicated places in places validator.
- Duplicated places in transitions validator.
- Error in state pkg with tests.
- State in state pkg with tests.
- New implementation of net and tests for it.
- Listeners for state and net.
- Coverage for github action.
- E2e test.
- Linter version to 1.24
- GO version to 1.14
- Use gomock instead
- Old implementations.
- New linter errors.
- Use ErrStack instead Error in state.
- Error's workflow of state.
- If listener does not set, AfterPlaced will not be run.
- JSON serialization of err.
- Bug in build net function.
- Err in call of listener in net.
- Net in listener.
- Add state's getters.
- Global listener for all nets in registry.
- Method set listener.
- Implementation of network.
- Automatic transition listener.
- Part of unit test.
- Registry of nets.