CSE 143x Critters project, with competitive Critters
For UW CSE 143x (Autumn 2019), we had a project to teach us about Object-Oriented Programming. This was the Critters project: the instructors (Professor Stuart Reges, and co-author Marty Stepp) constructed an environment for our Critters, classes we made which implemented Critter behaviors, to explore and survive.
For Competitive Critters, there was a tournament held a week after the project was over. I created SoloSIVA, and earned 5th place in the entire class. It was the strongest non-stationary Critter, thanks to iterative self-testing, heuristics, and more intelligent behavior.
This repository is for similar Critters, competitively designed and tested to be successful. I'm interested in hosting another Critter Tournament sometime with friends, this would be helpful for them training their Critters.