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Estimate and EstimateM

Андрей Мулик edited this page Sep 21, 2023 · 1 revision

Estimate and EstimateM

Estimate is a class of types whose (immutable) size can be compared to a finite number in a finite time.

EstimateM is a class of types whose (variable) size can be compared to a finite number in a finite time.

SizeHint is an service type that represents additional information about the size of the structure.

Can be useful when creating or modifying a structure.


The Estimate class functions and their variations help with working with infinite and potentially infinite structures, for example, with various types of lists and trees. For example, you can determine that a given structure es is shorter than n by executing the expression es .> n, etc.

Historical reference

Class Estimate added in sdp-0.2, EstimateM - in sdp-0.3.


Method Estimate Added EstimateM Added
Structure size hint sizeHint 0.3 getSizeHint 0.3
Structure size sizeOf 0.3 getSizeOf 0.3
Compare sizes (<==>) 0.2 estimateM 0.3
Compare size with number (<.=>) 0.2 lestimateM 0.3
Is the size equal to the number? (.==) 0.2 lestimateMEQ 0.3
Size not equal to number? (./=) 0.2 lestimateMNE 0.3
Is the size greater than or equal to the number? (.>=) 0.2 lestimateMGE 0.3
Is the size less than or equal to the number? (.<=) 0.2 lestimateMLE 0.3
Is size greater than number? (.>) 0.2 lestimateMGT 0.3
Size less than number? (.<) 0.2 lestimateMLT 0.3
Are the dimensions equal? (.==.) 0.2 estimateMEQ 0.3
Are the sizes not equal? (./=.) 0.2 estimateMNE 0.3
Longer or equal? (.>=.) 0.2 estimateMGE 0.3
Shorter or equal? (.<=.) 0.2 estimateMLE 0.3
Longer? (.>.) 0.2 estimateMGT 0.3
Shorter? (.<.) 0.2 estimateMLT 0.3
Function Estimate Added EstimateM Added
Compare number with size (<=.>) 0.2 restimateM 0.3
Is the number equal to the size? (==.) 0.2 restimateMEQ 0.3
Is the number not equal to the size? (/=.) 0.2 restimateMNE 0.3
Is the number greater than or equal to size? (>=.) 0.2 restimateMGE 0.3
Is the number less than or equal to size? (<=.) 0.2 restimateMLE 0.3
Is the number greater than the size? (.>) 0.2 restimateMGT 0.3
Is the number undersized? (.<) 0.2 restimateMLT 0.3