Redstone circuit synthesizer for the rapid prototyping of large-scale redstone circuits. Nearing MVP of "can place and bus moderately sized circuits from an existing library in a not-braindead way".
$ pip install -e .
$ pip install pre-commit; pre-commit install
Running tests:
$ pytest -k my_test_name
There are multiple conceptual stacks this codebase must build and unify:
- Position, region, and other basic 3d data utilities.
- This is extended to include minecraft-specific Block and Schematic concepts.
- The abstract concepts of Netlists, Instances, Networks, Ports, and Pins, and their manipulations.
- Path search and local search methods.
- Region placement search and methods
- This is extended to include complex bussing search methods.
- vHDL parsing and translation into a Netlist.
- redhdl.voxel: 3d data primitives and minecraft schematics.
- Local and graph search algorithms.
- redhdl.vhdl: VHDL parsing and analysis.
- redhdl.netlist: Abstract circuit representation. Includes tools to generate netlists from schematics and VHDL files.
- redhdl.misc: Generic utilities and data types (such as custom caching, slicing, bitranges, etc).
- redhdl.bussing: Generate 3d busses for redstone circuits.
- redhdl.assembly: Putting it all together: synthesizing circuits using the previous modules' tooling.
Misc. utilities:
- misc/ ASCII-art directed acyclic graph pretty printer.
- misc/ Custom caching decorators.
- misc/ Bit-range manipulation module.
- misc/ Provides Slice(), which is slice() but hashable.
Spatial stuff:
- voxel/ Fancy Dict[Pos, T] with helper tools.
- voxel/ Positions in 3d space, regions (point/rectangular/compound), position sequences.
- voxel/ Basic Block and Schematic representation, loading / saving.
vHDL stuff:
- vhdl/ ANTLR AST harness and simplified AST tools, representation.
- vhdl/ Simplified netlist-adjacent model of a VHDL file plus manipulations.
- vhdl/ Mapping from AST to simpler models.
Netlist stuff:
- netlist/ Somewhat abstract Netlist, Interface, Port, Pin, PinSequence definitions.
- netlist/ Concrete schematic-based Instance (and RepeaterPortInterface).
- netlist/ Parse a carefully-formatted circuit schematic into an Instance. Searches for I/O annotating sign blocks and parses out descriptions for Ports / Pins / etc.
- netlist/ Create Netlists from simple templates and a schematic library!
- netlist/ Create Netlists from simple VHDL files!
Search stuff:
- search/ Local search algorithm, Problem interfaces and sim. annealing implementation.
- search/ Path search algorithm, Problem interface and A* implementation.
- bussing/ Bussing error types.
- bussing/ Experimental fully-featured redstone wire path search problem.
- Only handles a single wire at a time.
- bussing/ Bussing cost heuristics and bussing wires in groups.
- Handlers for applying redstone_bussing in groups, converting to schematics.
- Variety of fast placement + netlist based heuristics for minimum bussing cost.
- Variety of bussing solution cost measurements.
- TODO: Should be separated into heuristics and placement+netlist <==> redstone_bussing logic.
- assembly/ Bussing-naive component placement logic and solvers.
- Placement definition (A Dict[InstanceId, Tuple[Position, Direction]])
- (Placement U Netlist) methods (including Schematic generation)
- Pin position localization tools
- Placement search methods (random and sim. annealing)
- Placement quality heuristics
- assembly/ Heuristic joint placement and (naive-wire-only) bus search.
Give redstone_bussing tools to handle diverging busses (TBD how).
Redstone descending bug (woops)
Have per-input input instances. Place them like regular instances.
- For hier placement: Either:
- force them to be on the edge, or
- improve collision detection and leave them internal [medium term goal :check:]
- For hier placement: Either:
Put together: Hierarchically generate Netlists in order.
VHDL: Actual assignment resolution logic
- Concat, reference
VHDL: Inject simple expression instances, constant instances
schematic_instance: Support for diagonal circuits. Use points, ha'spaces, or meshes
Build out schematic library
Support templated schematics
... Support SV sim + testing by mirroring redstone builds in SV 🤣
- You could also test against python
- You could also test against redstone schematics using redstone SAT :acts-distracted:
Synthesize stack of netlists simultaneously / more efficiently?
- Consider repartitioning using minimum-cut hierarchical clustering or fancy force-based model to synthesize hierarchies more effectively
Speed up redstone bussing and heuristic placement?
- Reduce decision points
- Implement multi-wire / relaxed / herd search