An UIButton
subclass that allows you to represent a fill percentage stylishly.
You only have to copy the ABFillButton folder to your project.
- Init the
like a regular UIButton - Add the delegate if you want to be notified when the button is empty:
- (void)buttonIsEmpty:(ABFillButton *)button
[self.playButton setFillPercent:1.0];
There are two main ways of use ABFillButton
- Reducing by yourself the fill percentage through a regular
, for example:
- (IBAction)playButtonPressed:(id)sender
//If we want to empty the button with every press
[self.playButton setFillPercent:1-(_numberOfPulses*0.1)];
[self.playButton setFillPercent:1.0];
- Or reducing the fill percentage aumatically when user press the button using:
//If we want to empty the button with user pressing
[self.playButton setEmptyButtonPressing:YES];
Also we can add a grow up effect and shadow when user press the button using:
//If we want to add shadows and a grow up effect when user press the button
[self.playButton configureButtonWithHightlightedShadowAndZoom:YES];
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.