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Advantage Actor-Critic

Implementation of an Advantage Actor-Critic using Artificial Neural Networks
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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Contact
  5. Acknowledgements

About The Project

This is a very simple implementation of a Deep Reinforcement Learning Advantage Actor-Critic. It uses 2 independent Artificial Neural Networks to approximate the Policy function (Actor) and the State-value function (Critic). To test the implementation, I use the Moon Lander environment provided by OpenAI-Gym.

If you want to have a deeper understanding of the Actor-Critic algorithm, I strongly recommend you to take a look into the document References/A2C_Summary/A2C_Summary.pdf and References/A2C_Presentation.pdf. In References/A2C_Summary/ you can also find the original $\LaTeX$ document used to create the summary.

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

Prerequisites (only for Ubuntu 20.04)

A running installation of Anaconda. If you haven't installed Anaconda yet, you can follow the next tutorial:
Anaconda Installation


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install the environment
    # For ubuntu 20.04
    conda env create -f conda_environment.yml
    # For Ubuntu 22.04
    conda deactivate # Only if base conda environment is loaded
    python3 -m venv ~/venv/dl_seminar
    . ~/venv/dl_seminar/bin/activate
    pip3 install tensorflow tensorflow-probability matplotlib numpy pandas jupyterlab
    pip3 install gym==0.17.3
    pip3 install box2d-py==2.3.8


To train and test this implementation, simply activate the environment

# For ubuntu 20.04
conda activate A2C_env

# For Ubuntu 22.04
. ~/venv/dl_seminar/bin/activate

open jupyter-lab


and navigate to open the notebook A2C.ipynb. Then, just follow the steps inside the notebook.

Have fun!


Andres Becker - LinkedIn -

Project Link:
