History: July, 2024 - update for new colab version and new PyGMT. Note that we recommend you install pygmt in a conda enviroment. Follow the instructions here. If you want to use the local version, get the IBCSO V2 data (see postBuild file).
This is a (very dynamic) repository for the notebook/tutorial I created to share beautiful 3D maps, mainly of the Antarctic Peninsula, made with PyGMT using the new International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) V2 (Dorschel et al, 2022).
Do you want to reference this work ? Just use this DOI.
There are a few examples in the jupyter notebook (you can try using Binder - see below) and a ready-to-use Powerpoint file with few editions for anyone who needs.
Do you want to test is in COLAB ? Just click on the icon below and have fun.
If you have any question about these notebooks or data, just send an email to andrebelem@id.uff.br. Enjoy !