AS A developer who writes about tech
I WANT a CMS-style blog site
SO THAT I can publish articles, blog posts, and my thoughts and opinions
This is a tech blog created in the UW Coding Bootcamp. On the front-end, the app can be accessed at Heroku. On the back-end, this is a node command line application that utilizes sequilize, dotenv, mysql2, express, handlebars, and bcrypt.
- Download it through Github
- Ensure express is installed
- Ensure express-handlebars is installed
- Ensure express-session is installed
- Ensure mysql2 is installed
- Ensure sequelize is installed
- Ensure connect-session-sequelize is installed
- Ensure dotenv is installed
- Ensure bcrypt is installed
- To connect to the database, once files are downloaded to you computer, you will need to use a .env file to input your password and username for your mysql.
Back-end after cloning or downloading repo files:
- Open terminal and navigate to tech_blog folder
- Type npm init -y into terminal to create a new .json file
- Type npm i into terminal
- Type npm i express into terminal
- Type npm i express-handlebars into terminal
- Type npm i express-session into terminal
- Type npm i mysql2 into terminal
- Type npm i sequelize into terminal
- Type npm i dotenv into terminal
- Type npm i bcrypt into terminal
- Type npm i connect-session-sequelize into terminal
- Navigate to the db folder
- Type mysql -u root -p into terminal
- Enter your password into terminal
- Type source schema.sql into terminal
- Type quit into terminal
- Navigate back to the tech_blog in terminal
- Type node seeds/index.js so the seeds will populate the database
- Type npm start into the terminal
- You will see the Now Listening indication and can access on your localhost
New Post Shows up on your Dashboard
Adding a Comment to a Post from Another User
Contributions are welcome through forking my repository.
- Github: andreahergert
- Email: