This algorithm finds the bomb through two kinds of behaviors. The first one is investigative and it is actuated when the algorithms has already some information on where the bombs might be, therefore it investigates those squares until the bomb is found. The second behavior is explorative, and it is actuated when the algorithm has absolutely no clue of where the bombs might be, so it just probes the board to find clues, this probing can happen either randomly or in an orderly manner to improve efficiency at low bomb densities (design chosen).
The algorithm maintains three different mappings of the board, the first one is an untainted map of the values returned by the board when mined. The second one is a knowledge map that contains the flag assigned to each square (S = safe, M = mined, U = unknown/not mined, X = bomb) and its risk score (the sum of the mined value of all the surrounding mined squares) if the flag is U or the mined value if the flag is M. The third map is a knowledge gain map which contains the amount of knowledge that would be gained by mining a specific square. If we mine an isolated square with 8 not mined squares around it, then we would gain more knowledge about 9 squares, the one mined plus the 8 neighbors, however if we mine a similar square that has instead 3 square that we are certain already that they are safe, then the knowledge gained from mining such square would only be 6.
The first square mined is always the “safe” square, and the value returned by the board is then
incorporated in the AI knowledge maps through an update by calling updateProcedure()
def updateProcedure(self):
The first item in the update process is offsetMinedValues()
which offsets the mined values in the
knowledge map if a mine was found nearby. Therefore, if a mined square tells us that there are 3
mines nearby, and we already found one, then offsetMinedValues()
will offset that mined value
from 3 to 2 so that the knowledge map maintains risk scores that are solely based on mines that
have not been found just yet. This step requires O(nm) time where n is the number of rows and m
the number of columns.
The second item of the update procedure is updateKnowledge()
which updates the knowledge
map risk scores and flags by integrating the newly offset mined values and the mined value
returned by the board after mining a square. This step requires O(nm) time.
The third item of the update procedure is updateKnowledgeGain()
which updates the knowledge
gain map based on how many unexplored squares are nearby and traverses the whole board to
compute lists of possible next moves. This step requires O(nm) time.
At this point the board, from the AI view, would look like the following after mining the safe square:
The last step of the update is then getNextMove()
which decides what kind of behavior is best to
actuate and from there pick the next square to mine. The AI will always prefer an investigative
behavior, therefore if it has some clues on where some bombs might be, it will go hunting them
down, by selecting the square with the highest risk score as the next square to open. In case of a
tie, the AI will then select the square with the highest risk score and with the highest knowledge
gain, so to also maximize the knowledge gain for the next update. When there are no clues on
where the mines might be (all the U squares have a 0 risk score), then the algorithm will switch
to an explorative behavior, which actually has two sub-behaviors: orderly probing and random
probing. The orderly probing will probe the board in an orderly manner by probing squares at
regular intervals (2 squares apart), traversing the board left to right, top to bottom. This behavior
increases the performance (only on boards with lower bomb density where random approaches
would be less efficient) by minimizing the creation of many low-knowledge gain isolated squares
that a random probing would cause. Both approaches still always pick the square with the highest
knowledge gain, and the AI will pick the approach that guarantees the maximum knowledge gain
(9). In case of a tie, the orderly probing will be picked as it is a smarter way to probe the board in
the long term, but if it cannot offer a knowledge gain of at least 9, then the random probing will
be in charge.
It is necessary to specify that the AI, when selecting the next square to open, will always and
only consider the squares that have the U flag.
These two images show the AI playing on a 30x30 board with a very low density (only 1 bomb present at 16|20). The image on the left is the AI with the orderly probing enabled, while the one on the right has the orderly probing option disabled. We can notice how, in the long run, solely relaying on random probing (image on the right) can result in the creation of many small patches of low-knowledge gain squares that reduce the knowledge gain generated by each mining if the AI got unlucky enough to not accidentally hit the bomb earlier on. In fact such a cluttered (random) pattern will over time degrade the explorative knowledge gain of each consecutive mining, while the AI version on the left will always guarantee a +9 knowledge gain for each mining (except for the very end where it has to deal with those patches inevitably generated by the misalignment of the first mining at the “safe” square (19|15) if the “safe” square was not conveniently aligned with the mining pattern of the orderly probing algorithm).
If there is a pool of squares with the same risk score and knowledge gain, then one of these squares is randomly selected to be the next one to be mined. This step requires O(1) time.
This AI will always find all the bombs as it designed to mine all the squares where it suspects a bomb is located as to confirm their locations and keep making accurate predictions on where the remaining bombs are (removing the uncertainty about the correctness of the location). The AI will keep playing, looking for bombs until all the bombs have been discovered, even to the cost of mining every square of the board.
All the steps in updateProcedure()
(except getNextMove()
) need to traverse the whole board to
update the maps, so they will run in O(nm) time where n is the number of rows and m the
number of columns. However each of these steps needs to be run only once, so the
also runs in O(nm) time.
Since we need to do an update of the maps every time we mine a new square, and since this algorithm needs to confirm the presence of each bomb, then the worst case scenario would be the case of a n x m board with 100% bomb density, case in which the AI will need to open each square ( nm squares) and perform an update for each one of them in O(nm) time, therefore the worst case running time would be O((nm)^2).
This algorithm is an alteration of the Naive Single Point algorithm. It uses three sets of coordinates to base the decision making off of, a set of squares that we know are safe, a set of squares that we know are bombs and a set of squares to explore that may likely have a bomb in it. For each square in the set to explore we use two strategies to determine if there is a bomb nearby. If a square is opened and it is a bomb, it is a bomb, it is added to the list of bombs and we move on to another square from the explore list. If the length of the bombs list is equal to the number of bombs on the board we can return the list. If a square is opened and it has a value of 0, we know that there are no bombs around the eight squares surrounding the opened square, so all the surrounding squares are added to the safe list (if they are not already there). If these squares are in the explore list they can be removed. This lets us know that we do not need to explore these squares. This strategy is detailed in the Becerra paper, defining the square as an AFN, or all free neighbors. If the square does not have a value of 0 or 9, then we use an alteration of the AMN or all marked neighbors strategy described in the Becerra paper. First, we determine the number of unopened squares that surround the current square we are exploring. If the number of unopened squares is equal to the value of the current square, accounting for neighboring bombs that are already opened, we know that all neighbors are bombs and can be added to the list of bombs. If these squares are in the explore list they can be removed. Otherwise, all of the neighbors are added to the list of squares to explore. We continue to explore each square in the explore list until all bombs are found or the explore list is exhausted. If the list is exhausted we select a random unopened square to explore that is not in the safe list or bomb list, as we already know the outcome of those squares.
This algorithm will continue to explore the board until every bomb is found. It begins with adding the initially known safe square to the explore list. After the method is called, it will always return another square to open, if all bombs are found. If the explore list is empty, an unopened square whose value cannot be predicted based on the information we have, is randomly selected and added to the explore list. It is impossible for a square to not be added to the explore list after an execution of the method without all bombs being found.
The runtime of executing this algorithm once is O(1). The time it takes to explore each square is constant. If the square explored is a bomb, it just has to be added to the list of bombs which is constant. Otherwise all unopened neighbors are added to either the bomb list, the safe list or the explore list, which also takes constant time. The worst case time it can take to find all of the bombs is O(nm) where is n is the number of the rows and m is the number of columns in the board. The best case time it can take to find all of the bombs is O(n) where n is the number of bombs present on the board.
Both algorithms have been tested with all the varied density and varied size test cases provided, and the number of minings and runtime was measured for each test played. Each test case was played by each algorithm 5 times (to average out lucky random guesses or unlucky sequences of moves). All the trials’s results were then averaged altogether for a given board size or bomb density, therefore each data point in the graphs is the average of a total of 25 trials, where 5 different boards (with either same size or density) got played 5 different times.
These two graphs have on the common x-axis the area of the board played. The first graph has on the y-axis the time in seconds taken by the AIs to play the whole board (the lower the better), while the second graph has on the y-axis the performance of the AIs as percentage of squares mined (the lower the better).
It can be noticed right away that AI-1 has a much lower (and more slowly growing) runtime. However AI-0 takes advantage of the extra computing time taken to compute a better playing strategy and making smarter choices, in fact AI-0 has a better (and more constant and predictable) performance as it can be seen in the second graph, where AI-0 needs to open fewer squares to identify all the bombs present on the board.
These two graphs have on the common x-axis the bomb density of the board played as a percentage of the grid area. The first graph has on the y-axis the time in seconds taken by the AIs to play the whole board (the lower the better), while the second graph has on the y-axis the performance of the AIs as percentage of squares mined (the lower the better).
These two graphs repeat what the previous graphs have shown already, which is that AI-0 has an greater runtime, but also better performance, while AI-1 solves the game much faster, but at a greater cost of mined squares. However in these two graphs we can see that the bomb density affects the performance and runtime of the algorithms more linearly compared to the grid size.
Overall, how already suggested in the runtime analyses, the grid size has a major impact on the runtime of both AIs rather than their performance, while bomb density instead, mainly affects the performance rather than the runtime of the AIs.
========================= Collaborations =========================
> Andrea Covre
> Parisha Reddy
============================ Files =============================
description: document that explains the design,
correctness, and runtime analysis of both
AIs, and compares their performance and
runtime against both grid area and bomb
authors: Andrea Covre
description: contains the class that defines our first
AI, it finds bombs based on risk score,
knowledge gain and minimized probing
authors: Andrea Covre
description: contains the class that defines our second
AI, it is based on the naive single point
algorithm described in the "Algorithmic
Approaches to Playing Minesweeper" thesis by
David Becerra.
authors: Parisha Reddy
description: game engine and controller where AIs and
Boards are instantiated and executed.
authors: Andrea Covre
description: class that takes in a JSON file, parses it,
stores all the related information about the
board that is being played, manages the
mining and counts the accesses.
authors: Andrea Covre
======================== Instructions ==========================
From the command line and inside the project directory run the
python <JSON test file>
where <JSON test file> represents the name (or relative path) of
a JSON file (within the project directory) that represents a
minesweeper board with the proper formatting.
Such command will make both AIs (AI-0 and AI-1) play one full
game from start to finish on the board specified. The board
information will be printed out along with the execution time,
number of board accesses, percentage mined and bombs locations
from both AIs.
Python version required: 3.9.1