- Naive Bayes and Decision Tree Classifiers Implemented with Scikit-Learn and Graphviz Visualization
- Datasets:
- News (subset of 20 Newsgroups dataset, with testing label)
- Mushroom (with testing label)
- Income (UCI Adult Income dataset, with no testing label)
- < scikit-learn 0.20.1 >
- < numpy 1.15.4 >
- < pandas 0.23.4 >
- < Python 3.7 >
- < tqdm 4.28.1 > (optional - progress bar)
- < graphviz 0.10.1 > (optional - visualization)
├── src/
| ├── classifiers.py ----------> Implementation of the naive bayes and decision tree classifiers
| ├── data_loader.py ----------> Data loader that handles the reading and preprocessing of all 3 datasets
| └── runner.py ---------------> Runner that runs all modes: train + evaluate, search optimal model, visualize model, etc.
├── data/ -----------------------> unzip data.zip
| ├── income
| | ├── income_test.csv
| | ├── income_train.csv
| | ├── income.names
| | └── sample_output.csv
| ├── mushroom
| | ├── mushroom_test.csv
| | ├── mushroom_train.csv
| | ├── mushroom.names
| | └── sample_output.csv
| └── news
| ├── news_test.csv
| ├── news_train.csv
| └── sample_output.csv
├── image/ ----------------------> visualization and program output screen shots
├── result/ ---------------------> model prediction output
├── problem_description.pdf -----> Work spec
└── Readme.md -------------------> This file
- Unzip
with:unzip data.zip
Train and test with the best alpha parameter for the best distribution assumption of the Naive Bayes classifier:
- News dataset:
python3 runner.py --naive_bayes --data_news
- Mushroom dataset:
python3 runner.py --naive_bayes --data_mushroom
- Income dataset:
python3 runner.py --naive_bayes --data_income
- News dataset:
Search for the best alpha parameter for each distribution assumption of the Naive Bayes classifier:
- Add the
argument - News dataset (validated on the testing set):
python3 runner.py --naive_bayes --search_opt --data_news
- Mushroom dataset (validated on the testing set):
python3 runner.py --naive_bayes --search_opt --data_mushroom
- Income dataset (Using N-fold cross-validation on the training set):
python3 runner.py --naive_bayes --search_opt --data_income
- Add the
Compare all distribution assumption of the Naive Bayes classifier with their own best alpha parameter:
- Add the
argument - News dataset:
python3 runner.py --naive_bayes --run_all --data_news
- Mushroom dataset:
python3 runner.py --naive_bayes --run_all --data_mushroom
- Income dataset:
python3 runner.py --naive_bayes --run_all --data_income
- Add the
Train and test with the best max depth parameter for the Decision Tree classifier:
- News dataset:
python3 runner.py --decision_tree --data_news
- Mushroom dataset:
python3 runner.py --decision_tree --data_mushroom
- Income dataset:
python3 runner.py --decision_tree --data_income
- News dataset:
Search the best max depth parameter for the Decision Tree classifier:
- Add the
argument - News dataset (validated on the testing set):
python3 runner.py --decision_tree --search_opt --data_news
- Mushroom dataset (validated on the testing set):
python3 runner.py --decision_tree --search_opt --data_mushroom
- Income dataset (Using N-fold cross-validation on the training set):
python3 runner.py --decision_tree --search_opt --data_income
- Add the
Visualize the Decision Tree classifier with the best max depth parameter:
- Add the
argument - News dataset:
python3 runner.py --decision_tree --visualize_tree --data_news
- Mushroom dataset:
python3 runner.py --decision_tree --visualize_tree --data_mushroom
- Income dataset:
python3 runner.py --decision_tree --visualize_tree --data_income
- Add the
- naive_bayes.GaussianNB() => 0.80979 (baseline)
- naive_bayes.MultinomialNB(alpha=0.065) => 0.89511
- naive_bayes.ComplementNB(alpha=0.136) => 0.88811
- naive_bayes.BernoulliNB(alpha=0.002) => 0.82727
- naive_bayes.GaussianNB() => 0.95505 (baseline)
- naive_bayes.MultinomialNB(alpha=0.0001) => 0.99569
- naive_bayes.ComplementNB(alpha=0.0001) => 0.99507
- naive_bayes.BernoulliNB(alpha=0.0001) => 0.98830
- naive_bayes.GaussianNB() => 0.58602 (baseline)
- naive_bayes.MultinomialNB(alpha=0.959) => 0.79148
- naive_bayes.ComplementNB(alpha=0.16) => 0.74992
- naive_bayes.BernoulliNB(alpha=0.001) => 0.75760
- tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='gini', splitter='random', random_state=1337, max_depth=64) => 0.64895
- decision tree visualization with the graphviz toolkit:
- tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='gini', splitter='random', random_state=1337, max_depth=64) => 1.0
- decision tree visualization with the graphviz toolkit:
- tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy', max_depth=15, min_impurity_decrease=2e-4) => 0.83554
- decision tree visualization with the graphviz toolkit:
- None, raw input
- 22 categorical attributes are transformed into a 117 dimension one-hot feature vector
- Resulting data shape:
- Specify each entry to either one of the data type: (int, str)
- Identify all missing entries
and replace them withnp.nan
- Impute and estimate all missing entries:
- If dtype is
: impute with mean value of the feature column - If dtype is
: impute with most frequent item in the feature column
- If dtype is
- Split data into categorical and continuous and process them separately:
- categorical features index = [1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13]
- continuous features index = [0, 2, 4, 10, 11, 12]
- For categorical data:
- 8 categorical attributes are transformed into a 99 dimension one-hot feature vector
- For continuous data:
- Normalize with maximum norm of that feature column
- Re-concatenate categorical features and continuous features, the resulting data shape: