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Json Driver

Anders Peter Fugmann edited this page Apr 15, 2019 · 5 revisions

Json Driver

Maps to and from Yojson.Safe.t. Package ppx_protocol_conv_json


Standard options mimics that of ppx_deriving_yojson, except that Constructors without arguments are serialized to a string rather than a list.

To set options to create output compatible with ppx_deriving_yojson use

module Json = Json.Make(
    let field_name str = str
    let singleton_constr_as_string = false
    let omit_default_values = true

See Parameters for a description of possible options.


Ocaml type Generates Accepts
string, char,bytes `String `String
int, int32, int64 `Int `Int
nativeint `Int `Int
float `Float `Float
bool `Bool `Bool
unit `List [] `List []
'a list, 'a array `List 'a list `List 'a list
'a option `Null or 'a `Null or 'a
'a ref, lazy 'a 'a 'a
Json.t Yojson.Safe.t Yojson.Safe.t


Serialization differs from ppx_deriving_yojson when serializing in that constructors without arguments are serialized to strings, rather than a list. Constructors with arguments are serialized to lists.

This allows for deserialising a string directly into a ADT:

type country = Denmark | France
and t = {
  name: string;
  country: country;
}  [@@deriving protocol ~driver:(module Json)]

{ name = "Anders"; country = Denmark } |> to_json |> Yojson.Safe.to_string

produces: { "name": "Anders", "country": "Denmark" }

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