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simon-anders committed Jun 5, 2024
1 parent 7732a3d commit 987effb
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182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions ped_ifnagrko.R
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library( Matrix )
library( sparseMatrixStats )

## Read count matrix

feature.column=2, skip.cell=1, skip.feature=1,
cell.sep=",", feature.sep=",",
mtx.transpose=TRUE ) -> count_matrix

count_matrix[ 1:5, 1:5 ]

## Calculate fraction

fractions <- t( t(count_matrix) / colSums(count_matrix) )

## Get highly variable genes

hvg <- names( head( sort( rowVars(fractions) / rowMeans(fractions), decreasing=TRUE ), 2000 ) )

plot( rowMeans(fractions), rowVars(fractions) / rowMeans(fractions),
cex=.3, log="xy",
col = scales::alpha( ifelse( rownames(fractions) %in% hvg, "red", "black" ), .3 ) )
abline( h = mean( 1/colSums(count_matrix)), col="orange")

# Log transform

expr <- log1p( fractions * 1e4 )


pca <- irlba::prcomp_irlba( t( expr[hvg,] ), n=20, center=TRUE, scale.=TRUE )
rownames(pca$rotation) <- hvg
rownames(pca$x) <- colnames(expr)

# Distance matrix

dm <- as.matrix( dist( pca$x ) )

t(sapply( 1:ncol(expr), function(cell)
order( dm[cell,] )[1:20] )) -> nn
head( nn )

# Distance matrix, faster (using kd-tree algorithm:
FNN::get.knn( pca$x, 20 ) -> nn2

# Make UMAP

uwot::umap( pca$x, nn_method = list( idx=nn2$nn.index, dist=nn2$nn.dist ) ) -> ump
colnames(ump) <- c( "U1", "U2" )

plot( ump, cex=.1, asp=1, col="#00000050" )

sleepwalk::sleepwalk( ump, pca$x )

# Feature plots
library( tidyverse )
as_tibble( ump ) %>%
add_column( expr=expr["Mki67",] ) %>%
ggplot + geom_point( aes( x=U1, y=U2, col=expr ), size=.3 ) + coord_equal()

# Make a k-NN graph

library( igraph )

# Construct edge list: each cell to it's k-th nearest neighbor
k <- 3
# start of the edge list:
( rbind( 1:nrow(nn), nn[,k+1] ) )[ , 1:20 ]
# the same, flattened (this is the format that igraph wants)
as.vector( rbind( 1:nrow(nn), nn[,k+1] ) )[ 1:40 ]
# now for all values of k c, lapply( 1:9, function(k) as.vector( rbind( 1:nrow(nn), nn[,k+1] ) ) ) ) -> edgelist
# make a graph
make_graph( edges=edgelist, n=nrow(nn), directed=FALSE ) -> nn_graph

# Check the vertex degrees
hist( degree(nn_graph) )

# Leiden clustering
cluster_leiden( nn_graph, objective_function="modularity", resolution_parameter=.2 ) -> cm

table( membership(cm) )

as_tibble( ump ) %>%
add_column( cluster = factor( membership(cm) ) ) %>%
ggplot + geom_point( aes( x=U1, y=U2, col=cluster ), size=.3 ) + coord_equal()

# Check modularity score
modularity( nn_graph, membership(cm) )

# Calculate by hand:

# How many of the edges are connecting two vertices in the same group? nn_graph, what = "edges" ) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
from_cluster = membership(cm)[from],
to_cluster = membership(cm)[to] ) %>%
summarise( mean( from_cluster == to_cluster ) )
# -> 0.923

# And how many would we expect under random permutation of connections? nn_graph, what = "edges" ) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate( to = sample(to) ) %>%
from_cluster = membership(cm)[from],
to_cluster = membership(cm)[to] ) %>%
summarise( mean( from_cluster == to_cluster ) )
# -> 0.077

# The modularity score is the difference between these two:
0.923 - 0.077

# Can we calculated the expectation after permutation without
# actually performing the permutations?

# We can see for each community how many edge stubs it contains
vertex = 1:vcount(nn_graph),
degree = degree(nn_graph),
group = membership(cm) ) %>%
group_by( group ) %>%
summarise( n_stubs = sum(degree) ) -> stub_counts

# Let's write s_g for the number of stubs in cluster g. If we
# randomly pick to stubs to connect, what is the probability
# for them to be in the same group?

sum(stub_counts$n_stubs^2) / sum(stub_counts$n_stubs)^2

# Here, we have the 0.077 from above

# Calculation with matrix nn_graph, what = "edges" ) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
from_cluster = membership(cm)[from],
to_cluster = membership(cm)[to] ) %>%
group_by( from_cluster, to_cluster ) %>%
summarise( n=n() ) %>%
from_cluster = factor( from_cluster, 1:max(from_cluster) ),
to_cluster = factor( to_cluster, 1:max(to_cluster) ) ) %>%
pivot_wider( id_cols = "from_cluster", names_from = "to_cluster", values_from = "n", values_fill = 0, names_sort=TRUE ) %>%
column_to_rownames("from_cluster") %>% as.matrix -> ccm # cluster connection matrix
ccm + t(ccm) -> ccm # both directions

# Fraction of within-group edges
sum(diag(ccm)) / sum(ccm)

# Expected fraction after permuting edge conenctions
colSums(ccm) -> vertex_sums
sum( vertex_sums^2 ) / sum(vertex_sums)^2

# Modularity
sum(diag(ccm)) / sum(ccm) - sum( colSums(ccm)^2 ) / sum( colSums(ccm) )^2

sum(diag(ccm)) / sum(ccm) - sum( ( vertex_sums/sum(vertex_sums) )^2 )

# Compare to igraph's calculation
modularity( nn_graph, membership(cm) )
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# Comparison of four types of smoothing splines

# Make example data
n <- 15
x <- runif( n, 0, 10 )
y <- sin(x) + rnorm( n, sd=.1 )

# Make grid to plot smooth curves
xg <- seq( 0, 10, length.out=1000 )

# Determine knot positions:
# The knots should have the same range as the data x values
# and the number of data points between knots should be similar
nknots <- 10
stopifnot( knots < n )
f <- approxfun( 1:length(x), sort(x) )
knots <- f( seq( 1, length(x), length.out=nknots ) )

# Make plot to justify knot positions
plot( 1:length(x), sort(x) )
lines( seq( 0,length(x), length.out=1000), f(seq( 0,length(x), length.out=1000)), type="l" )
abline( v = seq( 1, length(x), length.out=nknots ), col="gray" )
abline( h = knots, col="gray" )

# Plot data and knot positions
plot( x, y, xlim=c(-1, 11), ylim=c(-1.3,1.3) )
abline( v = knots, col="gray" )
abline( v = range(x) )

# With bs
mysp <- function(x) bs( x, intercept=TRUE,
Boundary.knots=knots[c(1,length(knots))], knots=knots[2:(length(knots)-1)] )
fit <- mysp(x), y )
yg <- mysp(xg) %*% fit$coefficients
lines( xg, yg, col="pink" )

# With ns (like bs, but zero curvature at boundaries)
mysp <- function(x) ns( x, intercept=TRUE,
Boundary.knots=knots[c(1,length(knots))], knots=knots[2:(length(knots)-1)] )
fit <- mysp(x), y )
yg <- mysp(xg) %*% fit$coefficients
lines( xg, yg, col="darkgreen" )

# With smooth.spline (like bs, but with curvature penalty)
fit <- smooth.spline( x, y, df=df )
yg <- predict( fit, xg )$y
lines( xg, yg, col="blue" )

# With P-splines
m <- 50
mysp <- function(xx) bs( xx, intercept=TRUE,
Boundary.knots=range(x), knots=seq(min(x),max(x),length.out=m-4) )

pty <- diag(2,m)
pty[ row(pty) == col(pty)+1 ] <- -1
pty[ row(pty) == col(pty)-1 ] <- -1
pty[1,1] <- 1
pty[m,m] <- 1

lambda_scale <- sum(diag( t(mysp(x)) %*% mysp(x) )) / sum(diag(pty))
lambda <- 3 * lambda_scale # <- needs to be optimized
beta <- solve( t(mysp(x)) %*% mysp(x) + lambda * pty , t(mysp(x)) %*% y )
lines( xg, mysp(xg) %*% beta, col="brown" )

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