Text value is shown only when heatmap cell has a reasonable size
Text value is shown only when heatmap cell has a reasonable size
manually set palette is no longer squished in heatmaps
manually set palette is no longer squished in heatmaps
complementary matches indicated
complementary matches indicated
highlighting matching pairs in sequenceViewer
highlighting matching pairs in sequenceViewer
showValue bug in canvas mode fixed
showValue bug in canvas mode fixed
sequenceViewer is somewhat working
sequenceViewer is somewhat working
listen is now mentioned in the rlc main page
listen is now mentioned in the rlc main page
Tutorial for the igv example added
Tutorial for the igv example added
in case of overlapping points mouseover and click use the same point
in case of overlapping points mouseover and click use the same point
igv example added to the gallery
igv example added to the gallery
igv example uses positions instead of gene names
igv example uses positions instead of gene names
gene_positions added to the data file
gene_positions added to the data file
initial commit for igv browser example
initial commit for igv browser example
tiny example for bar charts added
tiny example for bar charts added
legendTitle is mentioned in the property list
legendTitle is mentioned in the property list
id replaced with chartId in the umap example
id replaced with chartId in the umap example
example code for three channel plot updated
example code for three channel plot updated
missing corrMat added to the data file
missing corrMat added to the data file
docs examples are added to the example directory for convenience
docs examples are added to the example directory for convenience
legendTitle added to heatmaps to match rlc
legendTitle added to heatmaps to match rlc