CPU Path Tracer developed between December 2018 and January 2019 as the final assignment of the Advanced Graphics (INFOMAGR) 2018-2019 course at UU. The PT was built on top of a ray tracing framework using a BVH as an acceleration structure, previously developed for the same course.
Currently supported features:
-Primitves: plane, sphere, triangle, triangle mesh
-Materials: Lambert, pure specular, dielectrics, Phong
-Importance Sampling (Cosine Weighted Indirect Illumination and Next Event Estimation)
-Russian Roulette
-(basic) Depth of Field
-(basic) Skybox
Some 512x512 scenes rendered using the framework:
Cornell box
Snowmen scene
master: stable CPU path tracer version which was submitted.
master-rt: stable previous version of the project; Whitted-style ray tracer + BVH.
development: current development branch.