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Email Management Application


This Python script simulates an email management application using an Email class and several functions to interact with a list of emails (inbox). The application allows users to mark emails as read, list unread emails, and quit the application.

Table of Contents

  1. Email Class
  2. Inbox Initialization
  3. Populate Inbox Function
  4. List Emails Function
  5. Read Email Function
  6. Menu Functionality
  7. Usage
  8. Author

Email Class 📧

The Email class is initialized with three attributes: email_address, subject_line, and email_content. It also includes a mark_as_read method to update the has_been_read attribute.

Inbox Initialization 📥

An empty list inbox is initialized to store Email objects.

Populate Inbox Function 📤

The populate_inbox() function creates and adds three sample Email objects to the inbox list upon initialization.

List Emails Function 📩

The list_emails() function iterates through the inbox list and prints the subject lines of all emails along with their index.

Read Email Function 📮

The read_email(i) function retrieves and marks a specific email from the inbox as read, displaying its content if it hasn't been read already.

Menu Functionality 📋

The main loop (while True) displays a menu with options:

  • Option 1: Read an email by listing emails and marking selected ones as read.
  • Option 2: View unread emails by listing emails that haven't been marked as read.
  • Option 3: Quit the application.

Usage 🚀

Run the script to start the email management application. Follow the prompts to read emails, view unread emails, or quit the application.

Author 👩‍💻

Ana Rodrigues
