- Anant Jeet Sahoo: anantsahoo
- Harrison Crettol: harrisoncrettol
- Deep Patel: Deep0320
- William Douglass: williamdouglass078
We're building a bus route planning web application using Flask. Users can view a map, plan trips, and save favorite locations.
- Please carefully follow all the steps listed below in order.
- Python 3.12.6 (Preferably Virtual Environment)
- pip (Python package installer)
- C++ Build Tools (install instructions listed below)
- Internet connection
- Go here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/
- Click "Download Build Tools"
- Open the installer.
- Under the "Workloads" section, select "Desktop development with C++"
- Click "Install"
- Restart computer to apply changes.
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/utk-cs340-fall24/RockyTop-Transit-Link.git
Go to Project Directory
cd FinalProj
Install Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Initialize Database
flask db init
Migrate Database
flask db migrate
Upgrade Database
flask db upgrade
Run the Application
flask run
Access the Application
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000/
- Finding a Route
- Enter a starting and ending location, which can be the name of a bus stop or any full address, then click "Find Route".
- You can also specify the departure time to calculate future routes.
- Register/Login
- First register an account by clicking "Register Account".
- Then you can login by clicking "Login".
- This gives you access to History, Favorites, and Settings.
- History
- You can see routes you've found by clicking "History" in the navbar.
- Favorites
- To add a favorite location, click the "Favorites", enter a bus stop name or full address, then click add.
- IMPORTANT: You must refresh the page for the favorites to show up on the map page.
- You can then click the favorite location on the map page and it will fill in the starting/ending location.
- Settings
- You can change your password or delete your account.
Credits: GTFS data downloaded from https://www.knoxvilletn.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&pageId=11688599
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.