Fortnide is a project where I am trying to create a game similar to Fortnite which can run on the browser. Obviously, I cannot make it with all the features like the original fornite (since I'm not Epic Games) but I will be implementing the essential features like building, shooting, emotes,and maybe a car.
Project under development.
You can try it out by following these steps :
Clone the repository.
You can download the zip file or you if you have git installed on your machine you can run the following commandgit clone
Install the required packages by running following command in folder you just cloned by running.
yarn install
I'm assuming that you have NodeJS and Yarn installed, if not you can get NodeJS from
And after installing NodeJS you can install Yarn by runningnpm install -g yarn
Start the game. Use the following command to start the project.
yarn start
This might take couple minutes for the first run depending on your machine.
Once ready, it should automatically open the game in the default browser of your system and you will see the screen as below.
Here you can move around using the mouse and walk forward by pressing the W key.
Also, if you click the left mouse button you'll see a projectile being fired whos trajectory is calculated based on your current position and the direction you are looking at. The projectiles path will be slightly curved in the upwards left direction, as I have programmed it to do that, this functionlity will allow me to add effects like recoil and wind direction on the projectile.
Have a suggestion ??
Please create an issue labeled Suggestion
Interested in the working of this project ?
This project is divided into following parts, open the one your interested in you'll get a more detailed desrciption of how everything is put together.