diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 09cf9f9..73ea2d9 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -3,8 +3,27 @@ This changelog file outlines a chronologically ordered list of the changes made
 It is organized by version and release date followed by a list of Enhancements, New Features, Bug Fixes, and/or Breaking Changes.
 <br /><br />
+## Version 0.0.3 (Latest) 
+**Released:** July 20, 2023<br />
+**Tag:** v0.0.3
-## Version 0.0.2 (Latest) 
+### Breaking Changes
+- views.py has been replaced by traffic.py in the main directory
+- views.yml has been replaced by traffic.yml in the .github/workflows directory
+- views.csv has been replaced by traffic.csv in the data directory
+- traffic.csv adds two extra columns to the table schema ("clones" and "unique_cloners") compared to the old views.csv file
+- traffic.csv renames two of the columns from the old views.csv file:
+  - "repo" renamed to "repository"
+  - "visitor" renamed to "unique_visitor"
+### Enhancements
+- Daily capture process now includes data for clones and unique cloners for each repository. 
+<br /><br />
+## Version 0.0.2 
 **Released:** July 13, 2023<br />
 **Tag:** v0.0.2