Releases: amzn/pecos
Releases · amzn/pecos
PECOS v1.2.8
Bug Fixes
- Remove a redundant XMR test; Add weights_only argument for torch.load by @hallogameboy in #303
Full Changelog: v1.2.7...v1.2.8
PECOS v1.2.7
- Update RankingTrainer usage and Remove BLAS by @OctoberChang in #300
- Refactor RankingModel class for Text+Numr use case by @OctoberChang in #299
- Add support for rankllama by @aniquetahir in #294
- add fixed length str2int / asin str2int memory-mappable hashmap by @vpung in #295
Bug Fixes
- Add unit test for TextNumrEncoder and fix bugs by @OctoberChang in #302
- Make pecos.xmr importable by @OctoberChang in #301
- pin setuptools version to 73.0.1 by @vpung in #298
- Remove Support of Py3.7 and Support Py3.11 by @OctoberChang in #297
- Update numpy, scipy, OpenBLAS, and setuptools version by @vpung in #296
New Contributors
- @vpung made their first contribution in #296
- @aniquetahir made their first contribution in #294
Full Changelog: v1.2.5...v1.2.7
PECOS v1.2.5
- Update PyTorch dependency to >= 2.0 and fix sparse gradient clipping by @jiong-zhang in #288
Bug Fixes
- Bump requests from 2.31.0 to 2.32.0 in /examples/xr-transformer-neurips21 by @dependabot in #287
- Bump tqdm from 4.42.1 to 4.66.3 in /examples/qp2q by @dependabot in #285
- Bump tqdm from 4.62.3 to 4.66.3 in /examples/xr-transformer-neurips21 by @dependabot in #286
Full Changelog: v1.2.4...v1.2.5
PECOS v1.2.4
- Implement Memory-mapped MLModel by @OctoberChang in #275
Bug Fixes
- Generate directory if path not exist when saving a XLinearModel. by @jianhao2016 in #281
New Contributors
- @jianhao2016 made their first contribution in #281
Full Changelog: v1.2.3...v1.2.4
PECOS v1.2.3
- Add XLinear mmap unittest by @weiliw-amz in #274
- Robust stop criteria for fitting Platt transform by @jiong-zhang in #277
Bug Fixes
- ci: Use GITHUB_OUTPUT envvar instead of set-output command by @arunsathiya in #276
- Fix broken link in documentation by @justindhillon in #278
New Contributors
- @arunsathiya made their first contribution in #276
- @justindhillon made their first contribution in #278
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.2.3
PECOS v1.2.2
- Add C implementation to fit Platt scaling by @jiong-zhang in #266
- Implement C/C++ PairwiseANN w/ Python API by @OctoberChang in #268
- Experiment Code of PEFA Paper for WSDM24 by @OctoberChang in #269
Bug Fixes
- move platt-transform exception to python by @jiong-zhang in #270
- Fix train/predict bugs in PairwiseANN by @OctoberChang in #271
- Add target clipping and update init point for platt transform by @jiong-zhang in #272
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2
PECOS v1.2.1
- Enhance mmap ValStore efficiency by @weiliw-amz in #262 #264
Bug Fixes
- Fix the missing val_prealloc reallocation during dynamic preallocation for mmap value store by @hallogameboy in #261
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
PECOS v1.2.0
- Memory-mappable 2D value store (float32 values or byte strings) for out-of-core database and feature stores.
- Batch lookup for memory-mappable hashmap and value store.
- Memory-mappable 2D value store for float32 values and byte strings by @weiliw-amz and @hallogameboy in #257 #260
- Batch lookup for memory-mappable hashmap by @weiliw-amz and @hallogameboy in #256 #258
Bug Fixes
- Bump certifi from 2021.5.30 to 2023.7.22 in /examples/xr-transformer-neurips21 by @dependabot in #251
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
PECOS v1.1.0
- Extend Sparse Inner Products to support DRM2DCM.
- Memory-mappable Hashmap (int-to-int, str-to-int) for fast, out-of-core retrieval of large key-value store.
- Extend Sparse Inner Products to support DRM2DCM by @OctoberChang in #220
- Int2Int and Str2Int memory-mappable Hashmap based on Ankerl Hashmap by @weiliw-amz in #222
Bug Fixes
- Update according to dependences upgrades by @weiliw-amz in #215
- Bump requests from 2.26.0 to 2.31.0 in /examples/xr-transformer-neurips21 by @dependabot in #224
- Bump scipy from 1.7.1 to 1.10.0 in /examples/xr-transformer-neurips21 by @dependabot in #243
- Bump scipy from 1.4.1 to 1.10.0 in /examples/qp2q by @dependabot in #242
- Update Publication List as of May 2023 by @OctoberChang in #216
- Add PINA example folder by @jiong-zhang in #225
- feat: add FM project by @jybai in #211
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
PECOS v1.0.0
- Enable C++ interface of HNSW with 4bit PQ for faster inference of ANN
- Release AWS Batch CDK to automate AWS infra construction for distributed training
- Accelerate PECOS Hierarchical Clustering
- Memory-mapped Utility of XR-Linear and HNSW for faster loading large models
C++ Interface of HNSW with 4bit Product Quantization
- Add HNSW-QG AVX512f version by @Patrick-H-Chen in #175
- Add HNSWPQ4Bits example by @Patrick-H-Chen in #176
CDK for Automated Distributed XR-Linear Training
- AWS multi-node Batch CDK for distributed PECOS by @weiliw-amz in #178
- Fix AWS multi-node batch cdk docker file bug by @weiliw-amz in #197
- AWS CDK build image from local PECOS source by @weiliw-amz in #198
- Add make clean in CDK Dockerfile by @weiliw-amz in #201
- Add JSON API for distributed XR-Linear training by @jiong-zhang in #208
Accelerated Hierarchical Clustering
- Accelerate clustering with sparse-dense vector and parallel sorting by @yaushian in #183
- Implement sampling in clustering.hpp by @yaushian in #187
- Python interface for sampling of hierarchical clustering by @yaushian in #190
- Switch between sdvec and dense vec by @yaushian in #203
- Python code for sampling of distributed clustering by @yaushian in #204
Memory-mapped Utility for XR-Linear and HNSW
- Refactor chunked matrix for accommodating memory-mapped utility module by @weiliw-amz in #192
- Add memory-mapped utilility module by @weiliw-amz in #189
- Memory-mapped XLinear Model by @weiliw-amz in #195
- Enabled C++ memory-map usage in PECOS-HNSW by @OctoberChang in #209
- Enable Python API of memory-map IO for PECOS-HNSW by @OctoberChang in #212
Bug Fixes
- Temporarily Pin setuptools<=60.0 in Wheel Build by @weiliw-amz in #173
- Remove PretrainedTransformer Vectorizer to avoid Pytest Error by @OctoberChang in #179
- Bump joblib from 1.0.1 to 1.2.0 in /examples/xr-transformer-neurips21 by @dependabot in #181
- Pin build-pypi-wheel runner image to ubuntu-20.04 by @weiliw-amz in #188
- Remove deprecated hierarchical_kmeans and related unittest by @weiliw-amz in #193
- Remove Ubuntu-18.04, Python3.6 and add Ubuntu-22.04, Python3.10 in Actions by @weiliw-amz in #194
- Remove sphinx_rtd_theme from requirements by @weiliw-amz in #200
- Upgrade codeql action to v2 by @weiliw-amz in #199
- Bump Python and Ubuntu version in by @weiliw-amz in #213
- Refactor PECOS KDD2022 tutorial instructions and materials by @hallogameboy, @jiong-zhang, and @OctoberChang in #164 #165 #167 #168 #170
- Update PECOS-related paper citations by @jiong-zhang and @OctoberChang in #169 #180
- Add the example folder of PINA by @jiong-zhang in #182
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v1.0.0