The Code has been written using only numpy for calculations and matplotlib.pyplot for plots
- The General Algorithm for Backpropagation can be understood from
- Mnist Data set can be downloaded from (I have used a much smaller version of the dataset. So you might have to change the hyperparameters accordingly .)
- The Optimisation algorithm used here is called Stochastic Gradient Descent
The code can be run by using the following steps :
!git clone
!cd Neural_Network_From_Scratch
To install numpy :
!pip3 install numpy
The hyperparameters available to you are :
l=3 #Number of layers
layer_neuron=np.array([784,120,10]) #Number of neurons in each layer. 1st must be 784 and last must be 10
alpha = 0.11 # learning rate
lambda = 0.1 # regularisation contant
Change the above variable to extend the neural network infinitely.
- input size must be (784,1) and not (28,28)
Improvements to this can be made by :
- Changing to Batch Gradient Descent.
- LR scheduling
- Grid/Linear Search for hyperparameter tuning.
- Weight initialisation using special methods like xavier initialisation. is a fairly detailed analysis and intuition for weight initialisation.