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17 Mathematical Theory of

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17 Mathematical Theory of Computing

During 1961. and 1962. McCarthy gave several presentations about mathematical theory of computations on scientific gatherings. During the midterm 1961., at Western Joint Computer Conference in Los Angeles, McCarthy held the presentation A basis for a mathematical theory of computation - preliminary repport. Same year, presentation with same theme was given on a seminarium in IBM’s school in Blaricuum, Netherlands. The presentation was published first in 1963. in book Computer programming and formal systems, but it was also contained in a much older AIM-031 from january 1962. It seems that in the article from 1963, the name LISP appears for the first time in form Lisp.^264 Second presentation, Towards a mathematical science of computation was held at second IFIP congress in München, Germany and was published in the congres’s journal,^265 as published on McCarthy’s Web pages. Those two publications cover and complement each other in many parts.

McCarthy suggests development of “mathemtical theory of computation”. One element of the computing theory is the development of a universal programming language. McCarthy claims that formalism he describes, very similar to generalized “pure Lisp” is not a suitable candidate for universal programming language but the reason he cited was not very strong.^266

A mathematical theory of computation would be very useful in practice. Programming languages cold be developed systematically, and proofing the correctness of a program could almost completely substitute “debugging”.^267 Amongst goals of the mathematical theory of computation, is also representation of an algorithm with symbolic expressions so that important changes in algorithm behavour can be represented with small changes in symbolic expressions. He also states a bold claim that the consciousness of algorithm representation is also accessible and suitable for processing by another algorithm.^268


There are five basic functions in “pure Lisp” defined over symbolic expressions, and from them could other functions be defined according to certain rules. Here, McCarthy allows any set of “basic functions” F defined over any arbitrary set, and then defines functions computable on basis of those functions. Set of all computable functions over basis F is denoted C{F}. Means with which functions can be defined are same as those in “pure Lisp”.

For exampl⋜e, using only two basic functions over non-negative numbers, succ(n)=n’, for example, succ(8)=9 and eq (n_1, n_2) = T if and only if n_1 and n_2 are equal, it is possible to define function pred (n) inverse to function succ, addition, multiplication, relation ≤ and many other functions. All those functions are defined relatively naturally, for example,

m ≤ n = (m = 0) ∨ (~ (n = 0) ∧ (pred(m) ≤ pred(n))).


Specially, rules for defining functions allow use of functions as arguments to functions. For example, functions map and apply are functionals. McCarthy introduces a hierarchy, separation of functionals into “orders”. First order functionals are functions which take arguments from a base domain (in case of Lisp, symbolic expressions). Second order functionals take arguments from the base domain or first order functionals, etc.

Some functionals are not in this hierarchy. For example, functions can be defined so that they accept themselves as arguments. Unfortunately, McCarthy stayed on a remark and didn’t ever try to describe more sophisticated classification of functionals.


Functions that accepts themselves as arguments are used for proof that label-expressions are not necessary for defining recursive functions. The proof is based on substitution of a function f(x) with more abstract function p(x,ϕ) which can be defined non-recursively, applied on itself, p(x,p). McCarthy shows that with suitably defined function p, for every x for which f(x) is defined, holds

f(x) = p(x,p).

During the computation p(x,p) calls itself, despite that call was not necessary while defining p. Specially, f = λ((x), p(x, p)). It is left to show how to define p. For example, let

fact(n) = (n = 0 → 1, T → n·fact(n − 1)).

Function fact can be defined with a label-expression

fact = label(f, λ((n), (n = 0 → 1, T → n· fact(n − 1)))).

Function p can be defined as a function that computes factorials directly by computing only base case, n = 0, and for all others, more demanding cases, by calling some other function.

p(n, ϕ) = (n = 0 → 1, T → n · ϕ(n − 1)).

Function p is not a recursive function. Specially, if second argument of function p is function fact then also p computes factorials, i.e. p(n,fact)=fact(n).

Application of function p on any other function gives correct results for n = 0. For example p(0,sin)=fact(0).

Since p is a function of two variables, if application of function on itself will have sense, the definition has to be slightly changed

p(n, ϕ) = (n = 0 → 1, T → n· ϕ(n − 1, ϕ)). (*)

Function p is still not recursive. Specially, it holds

p(n, p) = (n = 0 → 1, T → n· p(n − 1, p)). (**)

It follows that

p(n, p) = fact(n).

We could think that p(n), after the expression (***) is anyway a recursive functon. But, equality (**) is not a definition of function p, but only a result of substitution of p for ϕ, and function definition (*) is not recursive, and thus it is possible to define function p also with lambda-expression

p = λ((n, ϕ), (n = 0 → 1, T → n· ϕ(n − 1, ϕ))).

Function p is still a function of two variables, and is not identical to function fact. But, function

λ((n), p(n, p))

is also not recursively defined, and can be defined with label-expression

fact2 = λ((m), p(m, p))

and for every n = 0, 1, … holds fact_2(n)=fact(n).

Same technique McCarthy applies also in general case. Let f be a recursive function defined by label

f(x) = E(x,f)

where E is an expression in which x and f appears. Fucntion f can be defined with a label-expresison which we wish to avoid. Let p be a function defined with expression

p(x, ) = E(x, λ((y), ϕ(y, ))).

Function p is not recursive so

p = λ((x, ϕ), E(x, λ((y), ϕ(y, ϕ))).

Function f_2 is defined with expression

f_2(x) = p(x, p).

Function f_2 is not recursive, so it can be defined with lambda-expression

f_2 = λ((x), p(x, p)).

Then for every x holds

f_2(x) = p(x, p) = E(x, λ((y), p(y, p)) = E(x, f_2).

Function f_2(x) defined exclusively with lambda-expessions is identical to f(x) for all x = 0, 1, 2, … Definition itself is, if unfolded, unusually conplex:

f = f_2 = λ((x), p(x, p)) = = λ((x), λ((z, ϕ), E(z, λ((y), ϕ(y, ϕ))) (x, λ((v, ψ), E(v, λ((w), ψ(w, ψ)))) )

McCarthy’s derivation holds, with some unsignificant changes, also for functions of several variables.


It could be thought it is possible to define function cond_n in 2n varibables for a given natural number so that

(p_1 → e_1, …, p_n → e_n) = condn(p_1, …, p_n, e_1, …, e_n).

According to McCarthy, it is not possible because “normally” all function agruments must be defined. For conditional expessions though, it is important that some of p_i and e_i are not defined. For example, in definition of factorial

n! = (n = 0 → 1, T → n ∙ (n − 1)!)

sub-expression n ∙ (n − 1)! is not defined for n = 0.


Beside lambda- and label-expressions, McCarthy develops new expressions with which functions could be defined. Let e be an exression which can have values T and F, and which contains variable x. We can define new form

T if e has value T for all x ∀((x), e = F if e has value F for at least one x undefined otherwise

With help of that form we can define other functions that are not S-functions, i.e. they can not be defined in Lisp because ∀((x), e)=F is defined even in case when e i computed infinitely for some expression x.

17.6. Multivalued functions [OBS! Viseznacne = multivalued?]

Multivalued functions have for avery argument a given set of valid values, and during the execution one of those values is chosen. Basic v function is amb(x,y) which at execution chooses one of values x,y. Other functions can be defined by using function amb, for example

less(n) = amb(n − 1, less(n − 1)), ult(n) = (n = 0 → 0, T → ult(less(n)))

Then holds

∀((n), ult(n) = 0) = T.


Some results described in presentations are interesting foremost to Lisp community. In original Lisp, symbolic expressions are sequences of symbols; for example ((A.B).C). Lists, such as (A,B,C) were abbreviations, in this case (A.(B.(C.NIL))). Here McCarthy defines symbolic expressions as ordered n-tubles over some such base set.

Let A be a set of symbols {A,B,C,AA,…}. Let (a · b) be a notation for an oredered pair. Then, for example, (((A · B) · C) is an element of set (AXA)XA. Set of al symbolic expressions over A is denoted sexp(A). Then recursive definition of a set of symbolic expressions holds

sexp(A) = {Λ} ∪ A ∪ (sexp(A) × sexp(A)).

Set of all lists over A is a set of all symbolic expressions in form

(a_1, …, a_n) = (a_1 · (a_2 · … (a_n· Λ)))

where a_1, …, a_n are symbolic expressions. That set is the solution for the equation

seq(A) = {Λ} ∪ A × seq(A).

Over those sets can usual Lisp functions such as car, cdr, cons, atom, eq be defined.


In usual mathematical induction, if we wish to proof the equality in which variable n appears holds for every natural number n≥0, it is enough to proof that

  1. equality holds for n = 1;
  2. if equality holds for n-1 then it also holds for n.

McCarthy introduces analogous method for proofing equality of functions over symbolic expresions which he calls recursive induction.

Let g(x_1, …, x_n) and h(x_1, …, x_n) be functions over symbolic expressions and it needs to be shown that for all x_1, …, x_n holds

g(x_1, …, x_n) = h(x_1, …, x_n).

Then it is enough to proof that there exists i such that

  1. if /null/[x_i] then g(x_1, …, x_i, …, x_n) = h(x_1, …, x_i, …, x_n);
  2. if g(x_1, …, cdr[x_i], …, x_n) = h(x_1, …, cdr[x_i], …, x_n) then

    g(x_1, …, x_i, …, x_n) = h(x_1, …, x_i, …, x_n).

For example, let x*y be concatenation of lists x and y. For example,

(A B) * (B (C D)) = (A B B (C D)).

Function x*y is defined with

x * y = [null[x]→ y; T → cons[car[x];cdr[x]*y].

McCarthy shows that concatenation is associative operation, i.e. that for all symbolic expressions x, y and z holds

[x * y] * z = x * [y * z].

For the left side of the equality holds

[x * y] * z = [null[x] → y; T → cons[car[x]; cdr[x] * y]] * z = [null[x] → y * z; T → cons[car[x]; cdr[x] * y] * z] = [null[x] → y * z; T → cons[car[x]; [cdr[x] * y] * z]].

For the right side of equalith holds

x * [y * z] = [null[x] → y * z ; T → cons[car[x]; cdr[x] * [y * z]]].

From the last two equality follows

  1. if /null/[x] then [x*y]*z = x*[y*z];
  2. if [cdr[x] * y] * z = cdr[x] * [y * z] then [x * y] * z = x * [y * z]

what was necessary to proof.

McCarthy’r student Lewis M. Norton proofed in early 1962. about twenty lemmas and theorems about equality of expressions that contain applications of function subst.^269


In volumnous litterature prevailes the concensus that McCarthy introduced the idea of abstract syntax of programming languages.^270 Abstract syntax is defined with functions which (1) recognize the kind of term, symbolic expressions legal in a programming language, (2) analyze terms and (3) synthetize terms.

For example, let there be a given programming language in which only arithmetic expressions exist and the only operations are addition and multiplication of two arguments. The abstract syntax of that language is described with following sequence of functions:

  1. Predicates that recognize the term kind: isconstant(t), isvariable(t), issum(t) and isproduct(t). Predicate equalvariable(t,u) which checks if two symbols are repetition of same variable.
  2. Functions that factor out members of sum and product: augment(t) and addend(t), multiplier(t) and multiplicand(t).
  3. Funkcije koje synthetize expressions: makesum(t,u), makeproduct(t,u)/.

If an implementation of a programming language make use only of above stated functions during the processing of a term, then it does not effect the implementation if terms are in form of a+b, +ab, (PLUS A B) or even Gödel’s numbers.

Abstract syntax has two advantages over back then popular Backus normal forms. First, Backus’ normal forms are synthetic; they don’t give rules for subdivision of a program in parts. McCarthy’s abstract syntax is synthetic, but also analytic, it makes it possible to subdivide a program in parts. Second, abstract syntax is independent of the concret syntax of a programming language.

McCarthy didn’t tried to connect Lisp with abstract syntax, but the way in which Lisp is defined - with functions applied on symbolic expressions - it makes it almost the language of the abstract syntax. McCarthy’s definition of eval, in “pure Lisp” and Lisp 1.5, still though, contain complex M-expressions used for factoring out parts of S-expressions, which means they are not written with abstract syntax in mind.^271 Later, McCarthy held that every language, including Lisp should also include functions that support it’s abstract syntax, and that languages should have several different syntaxes, for different purposes.^272

The idea of abstract syntax allows for generalizations about which McCarthy didn’t speak: defining language by more complex data structures than symbolic expressions alone, for example, list structures.


To define a semantic of the described arithmetic programming language, i.e. the meaning of the language terms, according to McCarthy we should define

  1. function valueconstant(t) whose value is a number denoted by t.
  2. function valuevariable(t,x) whose value is equal to number assigned to symbol /t in association list x.
  3. function makeconstant(n) whose term denotes number n

Function valuvariable is identical to already known function assoc. Finally, it is possible to define value(t,x), the meaning of term t for given vector of machine states x:

value(t, x) = (isvariable(t) → valuevariable(t, x), isconstant(t) → valueconstant(t), issum(t) → value(addend(t), x) + value (augend(t), x), isproduct(t) → value(multiplier(t), x) · value(multiplicand(t), x))

Function value(t,x) in arithmetic language is analogous to function eval(e,a) in Lisp.

More generally, program meaning is defined by result of applying the program to a machine state vector. Entire programming language can be defined as a function, for example


Where p is any program and x’ and x are machine state vectors, associative lists of variables and values.

McCarthy’s thoughts are generalizations of concepts known from Lisp. Scientific community stand divided about importance of McCarthy’s presentations. For example, while Dines Bjørner sees them as a “great classics of computer science”^273, Martin Davis left “unconvinced of any of McCarthy’s ideas presented in first presentation.”^274

264 McCarthy, A basis for a mathematical theory of computation, 1963., p. 52 265 McCarthy, Towards a mathematical science of computation, 1962. 266 “We believe that this goal has been written off prematurely by a number of people. Our opinion of the present situation is that ALGOL is on the right track but mainly lacks the ability to describe different kinds of data, that COBOL is a step up a blind alley on account of its orientation towards English which is not well suited to the formal description of procedures, and that UNCOL is an exercise in group wishful thinking. The formalism for describing computations in this paper is not presented as a candidate for a universal programming language because it lacks a number of features, mainly syntactic, which are necessary for convenient use.” McCarthy, A basis for a mathematical theory of computation, 1963., p. 34. 267 McCarthy, Towards a mathematical science of computation, 1996., p. 6. 268 “Programs that are supposed to learn from experience change their behavior by changing the contents of the registers that represent the modifiable aspects of their behavior. From a certain point of view, having a convenient representation of one’s behavior available for modification is what is meant by consciousness.” McCarthy, A basis for a mathematical theory of computation, 1963., p. 34. 269 Norton, Some indentities concerning the function subst[x; y; z], AIM-037, 1962. 270 Bjorner, Software engineering 2, 2006., p. 87. 271 “Lisp is close to its abstract syntax, but needs it anyway.” McCarthy, Beyond Lisp, 2006., sl. 2. 272 McCarthy, Guy Steele interviews John McCarthy, father of Lisp, 2009. 273 Bjorner, Software engineering 2, 2006., p. 87. 274 Davis, Review of John McCarthy, A basis for a mathematical theory …, 1968.