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16 Lisp

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16 Lisp 1.5

Despite the beauty, “pure Lisp” was innefficient and practically almost unusable.^236 Experience from a number of small problems convinced McCarthy that support for symbolic expression alone is not enough and that Lisp must make it possible to compute with other types of data.^237 Thus, further development of the language was directed towards practical aspects of the language. That period, unfortunately, is not that well docummented^238 such as previous, and it is possible that some interesting ideas are lost forever.

LISP programmer’s manual from March 1959. contains a list of functions and their definitions in LISP or IBM 904 Assembler. In that time, Lisp syntax was still similar to that from “imperative Lisp”.^239

Considerably more volymous Lisp preliminary programmer’s manual from January 1960.^241 brings many changes. Amongs other, the syntax from “imperative Lisp” is finally removed.

All important changes in Lisp I. found their place also in Lisp 1.5 which is mentioned in intern documents already in spring 1961.^242 LISP 1.5 programmer’s manual was published in August 1962. The manual was, as it seems, left more influnce than the paper from 1960. For example, Kay, Meyer and Dijkstra, when discussing about eval, talk about the version from the Manual.

The Manual leaves an impression of a collection of independent articles rather then a coherent book. It was sharply critized by Edsger W. Dijkstra.^243 Best addition to the manual is an article by Robert A. Saunders.^244


First chaper in Manual brings a short resume of “pure Lisp”, with some small changes. Among others, instead of term “S-function” is used simply “function”.

Beside commas, whitespaces can also be used for delimiting list elements. For example instead of (CAR,X) it could be written (CAR X).

As pair lists, which are in Lisp 1.5 called also association lists, are no longer used ordinary lists with two elements, but “dotted pairs”. For example, instead of ((X (A B)) (Y C)) is used ((X . (A B)) (Y . C)). That small change was introduced probably to save some memory. Also, some functions are redefined, and some new are introduced.

Function member/[x;y] is a predicate which is true if and only if a symbolic expression /x is element in a list y. For example,

/member/[X; (A X)] = T, /member/[Y; (A X)] = F.

Function definition is

/member/[x; y] = [null[y] → F; /equal/[x; car[y]] → T; T → /member/[x; cdr[y]]].

Function pairlis/[x;y;a] creates corresponding pair list from lists /x and y and adds it to association list a. For example,

pairlis[(A B C); (U V W); ((D.X) (E.Y))] = ((A.U) (B.V) (C.W) (D.X) (E.Y)).

Definition of the function is

/pairlis/[x; y; a] = [null[x] → a; T → cons[cons[car[x]; car[y]]; /pairlis/[cdr[x]; cdr[y]; a]]].

Function assoc/[x;a] searches for symbol pair /x in the association a. Function definition is

assoc[x; a] = [equal[caar[a]; x] → car[a]; T → assoc[x; cdr[a]]].

Function sublis/[a;y] substitues values instead of variables into a symbolic pair /y. For example,

sublis[((X.S) (Y.(T T)); (X WROTE Y)] = (S WROTE (T T)).

Definition of the function is

/sublis/[a; y] = [atom[y] → sub2[a; y]; T → cons[sublis[a; car[y]] /sublis/[a; cdr[y]]]].

Help function sub2/[a;z] solved a special case in which which /z is atom. Definition of the function is

/sub2/[a; z] = [null[a] → z; eq[caar[a]; z] → cdar[a]; T → /sub2/[cdr[a]; z]].

Because of the new format for association lists, definition for the function sub2 is simpler then before.

Definitions of funtions eval and apply differ from those in documents from 1959-60. Function apply have additional third argument, a list of values which are substituted in place of free variables and thus has got a part of functionality that was previously done by eval.

apply[fn; x; a] = [atom[fn]→ [eq[n; CAR] → caar[x]; eq[fn; CDR] → cdar[x]; eq[fn; CONS] → cons[car[x];cadr[x]]; eq[fn; ATOM] → atom[car[x]]; eq[fn; EQ] → eq[car[x];cadr[x]]; T → apply[eval[fn; a]; x; a]]; eq[car[fn]; LAMBDA] → eval[caddr[fn]; pairlis[cadr[fn]; x; a]]; eq[car[fn]; LABEL] → apply[caddr[fn]; x; cons[cons[cadr[fn]; caddr[fn]]; a]]]

eval[e; a] = [atom[e] → cdr[assoc[e; a]]; atom[car[e]]→ [eq[car[e]; QUOTE]→ card[e]; eq[car[e]; COND]→ evcon[cdr[e]; a]; T → apply[eval[fn; a]; x; a]]; T → apply[car[e]; evlis[cdr[e]; a]]

Help functions evcon and evlis are defined as in paper Recursive functions … S-function that was in original presentation about “pure Lisp” called apply is here called evalquote and is defined by the expression

/evalquote/[fn; x] = /apply/[fn; x; NIL].

“Pure Lisp” is left as a mathematical idea, while the real interpretter worked somewhat differently. Introduced are many changes that made Lisp 1.5 more practical. More functions are defined, not just the basic five. Real eval and apply were much more complex. Beside the five elementary functions, defined are also many other functions.


Property lists are intern representation of symbols. Property lists are similar to other lists, their maintance is done by the Lisp system, but a programmer can also manipulate them. It would be a misstake to think that property lists are symbol values. On contrary, a Lisp system can use property lists only to calculate a symbol value, if a programmer asks it to.

For example, intern representation of a symbolic expression (A B) is shown graphically in image 17.


IMAGE 17. Graphical representation of a symbolic expression (A B).

In those places in graphical representation were A and B are written, are addresses of property lists of symbols A and B respective. In crossed, decerement part in second part of the list is address of property list of symbol NIL.


IMAGE 18. Graphical representation of property list for symbol NIL.

In the example of property list of NIL symbol, it is also possible to see the general form of a property list. In address part of first element of a property list there is always a binary representation of number -1. In address part of next elements of property lists are addresses of indicators, here APVAL and PNAME. Indicators are symbols that denote kind of properties that immidiately follow. For example APVAL denotes that property that follows is the symbol value. Symbol NIL is a special case: value NIL is NIL itself.

Indicator PNAME denotes that the following property is name of the symbol, stored in one or more memory words in the, back then used, BCD code.

If a programmer with some expression defines a function then in the symbol list will be indicator EXPR after which will follow the address at which is representation of lambda-expression which defines the function. Lisp 1.5 allows also functions to be written in machine language. Then it is machine code for that function that is in the property list, after the indicator FSUBR.

Function deflist/[((u_1 v_1) … (u_n v_n));i] inserts indicator /i with it assigned property v_1 in property list u_1, …, indicator i and it assigned property v_n into list of properties u_n. For example with the expression

/deflist/[((IDENTITY (LAMBDA (X) X)));EXPR]

is defined identity function. If some symbol u_j already has indicator i and it assigned property, that property will be substituted with v_j.

Function get/[s;i] returns property of symbol /s assigned to indicator i. For example, after computing the above expression


Function /attrib/[x;e] concatenates two lists in computer memory changing last element of the first list so it points to the first element of the second list. Specially, if x is a symbol, then e will be added to the property list of that symbol. For example, function call

/attrib/[IDENTITY; (EXPR (LAMBDA (X) X))]

inserts indicator EXPR and associated symbolic expression (LAMBDA (X) X) in property list of symbol IDENTITY.

Function remprop/[x;i] removes indicator /i and assigned property from the property list of symbol x.

Programmer can insert any indicator and associated property into the property list of a symbol if he wishes. But, only some of indicators are used by the system.


By utilizying property lists it is possible to store results obtained during the computation of symbolic expressions and then use them again later, for computations in other symbolic expressions. Functions that utilze that possibility - and which does not exist in mathematics - are called pseudo-functions. S-function deflist and attrib are obviously such functions.

Another reason for using pseudo-functions is connected to list structures that are introduced just as intern representation of symbolic expressions, but which also themselves cause problems that needs to be solved. In Lisp 1.5 is defined a number of function inspired by the need for more efficient use of list structures. Most important example are functions rplaca and rplaced. Function rplaca/[x;y] substitutes first element of symbolic expression /x with y. For example,

/rplaca/[((A) B); (C D)]=((C D) B).

It could be thought that

/rplaca/[x; y] = cons[y; cdr[x]].

It is true if we think only in terms of symbolic expressions. But, while computing expression cons/[y;cdr[x]] takes new list element from the free storage list and sets address and decrement parts of the list element to addresses of /y and cdr/[x], computing /rplaca/[x;y] writes address /y in address part of first list element of list x.

For example, let ((A) B) be value of symbol X and (C D) value of symbol Y. Call to function /rplaca/[x;y] will not just return ((C D) B), but the value of X will also be changed from ((A) B) into ((C D) B). Image 19. shows what exactly will happen.


IMAGE 19. Property lists of symbolx X and Y before and after call to function /rplaca/[x;y]

Dotted thin arrow denotes the value of addres part of a list element before computing /rplaca/[x;y] and thick full line denotes value after the computation of /rplaca/[x;y]. After finnishing /rplaca/[x;y] value of symbol X will be changed; after computing /cons/[y; cdr[x]] it will not.

Function rplacd/[x;y] on same way change decrement part of the first list element /x.

Functions rplaca and rplacd have analogous effect also on list structures that are not symbol values.

Other important pseudofunctions are /cset/[x;val] and /csetq/[x;val]. Those two functions are Lisp 1.5 equivalent of the command for assignement, or, as McCarthy wrote earlier, “fortran-like commands” x = val. Both psuedofunctions set value of symbol x to val by writing val in property list of symbol x, immidiately after the APVAL indicator. Letter c infront of set and setq comes from the word “constant”; symbols whose value is stored in property list are in Lisp 1.5 manual called constants.


Differences between psuedofunctions cst and csetq can be seen from the meta-expressions, but they can also be seen in translation from meta-expressions into symbolic expressions.

meta-exressiontranslation into symbolic expression
cset[X; (A B C D)](CSET (QUOTE X) (QUOTE (A B C D))).
csetq[X; (A B C D)](CSETQ X (QUOTE (A B C D))).

In translation of csetq one QUOTE was not needed, and thus csetq was used more often than cset.

In function eval, function CSETQ must have different treatment than other functions because the first argument of the function must not be evaluated. For that reason CSETQ is not called a function or psuedofunction but “special form”, as was also COND and QUOTE.

More general, special forms are expressions in form (e_1 e_2 … e_n) computed without computing symblic expressions e_1, …, e_n before the execution control is transformed to symbolic expression e_1. In LISP 1.5 Manual expression e_1 itself was also called special form. Today e_1 in expression (e_1 e_2 … e_n) is usually called special operator.^245

Second important property of special forms is that they, for the difference from functions, can (but don’t have to) allow for variable number of arguments. For example, special form COND can have arbitrary number of arguments.


In “pure Lisp”, special forms have special rules for computing in function eval and programmer can not define his own operators. In Lisp 1.5 special operatos can be defined with lambda-expressions as well as functions, and interpreter recognize them by the indicator FEXPR^246 in property list and computes them differently. With time it become accustomed to call such special forms for fexprs to differentiate them from other kinds of special forms which appeared during Lisp development. In Lisp 1.5, CSETQ is, for example, fexpr.

Fexprs are very powerful. For example, let fexpr Q2 be defined with

deflist[((Q2 (LAMBDA (V1 V2) (CAR V1))); FEXPR],

(Q2 X) is a simple symbolic expression that uses fexpr and ((X A)) is an association list. Then it holds

eval[(Q2 X); ((X Y))] = = eval[((LAMBDA (V1 V2) (CAR V1)) (QUOTE (X)) (QUOTE ((X Y)))); ((X Y))],

so from the definition of eval follows

= /eval/[(CAR V1); ((V1 (X)) (V2 ((X Y))) (X Y))] = = /car/[eval[V1; ((V1 (X)) (V2 ((X Y))) (X Y))]] = = /car/[(X)] = = X.

Also, fexpr Q2 can be used instead of special operator QUOTE. As it is seen from the previous equality, fexprs have access to the association list which is passed to eval that applies them.

More general, fexprs are defined by expressions of form

/deflist/[((fx (LAMBDA (v1 v2) e)));FEXPR]

where symbol fx is name of the special form, v_1 and v_2 are symbols, e is symbolic expression that probably contains v_1 and v_2. Let a be the association list. Then the value,

/eval/[(fx e_1 e_2 … e_n); a],

is equal to the value

/eval/[((LAMBDA (v_1 v_2) e) (QUOTE (e_1 e_2 … e_n)) (QUOTE a)); a].

Fexprs could, as functions, be defined in machine code too. Then in the property list they would be preceded by the indicator FSUBR. Almost all special operators in Lisp 1.5 system, including COND, QUOTE, AND, OR and LIST have indicator FSUBR.

In “pure Lisp” and Lisp 1.5 functions does not need to have name; it is enough to use lambda- or later label-expressions, for example (LAMBDA (X) X). Such functions are today called “anonymous functions”. Information that some lambda-expression should be used as fexpr can only be in the property list and thus in Lisp 1.5 anonymous fexprs are not possible.

Fexprs make it possible for a programmer to define elements of the language that seems more basic than functions. Despite this insight seeming exceptionally important and exciting^247, fexprs are only briefly described, without any examples. Also in other documents from that time, fexprs are barely even mentioned. McCarthy discussed fexprs in the memo from 1962.^248


A program in Lisp 1.5 is a sequence of symbolic expressions pair. For example, program that defines S-function

append[x; y] = [null[x] → y; T → cons[car[x]; append[cdr[x]; y]]].

and afterwards computes /append/[(A B); (B C)] is


Interpreter calls in order function evalquote with arguments which are pairs of symbolic expressions in the program. In this example, the interpreter calculates, in the order

/evalquote/[DEFINE; (((APPEND …)))], /evalquote/[APPEND; ((A B) (B C))].

Function evalquote calls as needed function apply, function apply calls as needed function eval etc.

Lisp 1.5 interpreter “remembers” some symbol values and after the computation is finnished calls evalquote. In above example, interpreter wrote into property list for symbol APPEND in first call value (LAMBDA (X Y) …). In second call, evalquote computes

/apply/[APPEND; ((A B) (B C)); NIL].

Function apply then computes

/eval/[APPEND; NIL]

during which interpreter first searches for value APPEND in associated property list, and if it is not found there, then in the association list a. Also, once defined function APPEND can be used in entire program. Something like that was not possible in “pure Lisp” in which APPEND can be used only if the definition is in the association list, for example

/eval/[ (APPEND (QUOTE (A B)) (QUOTE (B C)); ((APPEND (LAMBDA (X Y) (COND … )))) ].


Functionals, functions which accepts other functions as arguments are already discussed in chapters Elements of functional programming and Pure Lisp. In fall 1959. Slagle run into unexpected problems, later called ”funarg problems”.^249 Such problems are barely noted in LISP 1.5 Manual^250 but Saunders^251 cites example similar to Slagel’s^252,253 which shows why naive use of functions as arguments to other functions does not render expected results. That example is here exposed in somewhat simplified form.

Let function TESTR be defined by lambda-expression


After call to


parameters L and FN would have following values:

L: ((A) (B) (C)) FN: (LAMBDA (X) X)

Since the condition (NULL L), is not satisfied, then the execution would follow the other branch of cond-expression


After repeated call to function TESTR, the value of parameters would be

L: (A) FN: (LAMBDA()(CONS (CDR L) (FN))).

In the expression that is value of FN appears symbols L and FN, but values of those symbols is now different from the values that they have at time when the gunction G is called. [OBS! Otkud funkcija G?]

McCarthy didn’t show interess for this problem, so the solution was developed by Russell, Edwards and Patrick Firsher.^254 For the Lisp interpreter to correctly compute such expressions, it is important to also save original values of variables with expressions. In Lisp 1.5 for this is used operator FUNCTION with wich functions can be used as arguments to other functions. Thus, TESTR should be defined as


Then after the call

(TESTR (QUOTE ((A) (B) (C))) (QUOTE (LAMBDA (X) X)))

parameter values will be

L: ((A) (B) (C)) FN: (LAMBDA (X) X)

Since the condition (NULL L) is not met, execution would go to other branch of cond-expression


After repeated call to function TESTR values of the parameters would be

L: (A), FN: (FUNARG (LAMBDA()(CONS (CAR L) (FN))) ((L . ((A) (B) (C))) (FN . (LAMBDA (X) X)))).

Lisp system thus have access to all data needed for the computation. More generally,

eval[(FUNCTION fn); q] = (FUNARG fn q) apply[(FUNARG fn q); x; p] = apply[fn; x; q].

The future would show that Lisp community was not satisified with this solution. Even McCarthy himself, after being not so interested in the start, expressed unsatisfaction with the solution.^255


Function program^256 as described in an earlier chapter, was introduced in Lisp 1.5 as a special operator prog and that in very developed form. For example, function length which computes length of a list, is defined with

length[l] = prog[ [u; v]; v := 0; u := l; A [null[u] → return[v]] u := crd[u]; v: = v +1; go[A]].

Translation of that definition into symbolic expressions is


First argument of prog-expression is a list of “program variables” which are treated same as parameters in lambda-expressions. If there are no program variables then it should be written either () or NIL.

Rest or arguments to prog-expression are commands and atomic symbols. Prog-exression is computed by executing commands in the order as they are written in the prog-expression. Terms “command” and “execution” as opposed to “term” and “computing” show an important difference: obtained value is ignored.

Variables can be “installed” inside a prog-expression. Variables are installed by M-expressions such as a := b.

Command return/[e] is executed so that /e is computed after which prog-expression ends computing with the value obtained by computing e. If prog-expression runs out of commands to execute, it ends the computation with value NIL.

Command go/[s] causes continuation of prog-expression execution from the command directly after symbol /s. Translation of prog-expressions into S-expressions is somewhat more complex and is not at all described in the literature. From examples is obvious that M-expressions a := b translates into (SETQ a^* b^*), pseudo-functions SET and SETQ are behaving like in CSET and CSETQ, minor the difference they are applied on variables. Command /go/[s] is translated into (GO s) and command /return/[e] into (RETURN e^*). Inside the prog-expressions, symbols that serve as names of commands are translated directly, without QUOTE.


One of most interesting functions in Lisp 1.5 is /gensym/[] which every time it is called generates a new symbol, previously not used in the program. In Lisp 1.5 those symbols had names G00001, G00002, G00003, …

The Manual does not describe how the function gensym could be used. From only few documented examples of usage it can be observed two, somewhat different usage patterns.

Generating new, previously unused symbols is often needed operation while processing logic formulas. For example, first two axioms of propositional calculus, written in symbolic expressions form are:

  1. (→ A A)
  2. (→ B (→ A B))

If axiom 1. is substituted into axiom 2. instead of B into axiom 2. it is obtained

  1. (→ (→ A A) (→ A (→ A A)))

From 1. and 3. follows after modus ponens

  1. (→ A (→ A A))

That theorem is weaker then theorem (→ A (→ G00001 G00001)) which would be obtained if all symbols used in 1. theorem were substituted with new, previously unused symbol. Expression

sublis[cons[cons[A; gensym[ ]]; NIL]; (→ A A)]

is computed into (→ G00001 G00001), if G00001 is first unused symbol. Function gensym was used in such way in Abrahams’ program PROOFCHECKER.^257,258

Second reason for which function gensym was used is processing of Lisp code. For example^259, recursive function search/[l;p;h;u] in list /l searches y for which is p/[y] = *T*; if it is found, value of the function is /h/[y]; if it is not, value of the function is /u. The function is defined with expression

search[l; p; h; u] = [null[l] → u; p[car[l]]→ h[car[l]]; T·→ search[cdr[l]; p; h; u]].

Such defined function is slow because during the every call, are used arguments p, f and u which are not changed. A possible solution is exchanging function search with function compsearch/[l;p;h;u] which for every argument quadruple defines and calls a new, similar to function /search, but more efficient function searchf. Definition of searchf has form

searchf[g] = [null[g]→ u; pf → hf; T·→ searchf[cdr[g]]],

where g is some generated symbol, for example G00001, and pf and hf are M-expressions which has same effect as p/[car[g]] and /h/[car[g]], which are not applications of functions /p and h, but are constructed from the definitions of functions p and h. For example, if

h[y] = [y = NIL → NIL; T → λ[[r]; cons[r; y]][cons[y; y]]]

then in place of hf it should be

[car[g] = NIL → NIL; T → λ[[r]; cons[r; car[g]]][cons[car[g]; car[g]]]].

Generated symbol g is needed because any other symbol could already be in use in the body of function h, just like in previous example symbol r was used. Similar holds also for pf.

The system keeps a list oblist which holds all symbols used by the programmer. Generated symbols are not stored into oblist, which makes them different from symbols used by the programmer, even if the programmer on purpose uses symbols with same names.

16.10 SYMBOLS T, **T** AND NIL

Some of the changes in Lisp 1.5 are motivated completely practically. Symbolic expression (QUOTE T) was used so often in programs, specially in the last part of cond-expression, that a trick was often used. Instead with the symbol T, the truthness was represented with the symbol **T** and symbol T had the value **T**. Likewise, as example, an expression from “pure Lisp”

(COND,((EQ,Z,Y),X), ((QUOTE,T),Z))

was not correct in Lisp 1.5. Instead, it should be written

(COND ((EQ Z Y) X) (T Z)).

Value of the symbol **T** is **T**.

Analogous, the falsehood was represented with the symbol NIL. Value of F is NIL. Value of the symbol NIL is NIL.

Predicates are defined as functions for which values has at most two values: **T** and NIL.

In functions of Lisp 1.5 which as arguments expect T or NIL every other value is processed equally to **T**.

In conditions from conditional expressions any value different from NIL can be used instead of **T**.

Those decisions, beside shortening programs, made the language at same time more complex and less beautiful. The authors of the manual described the mentioned definitions with the phrase “Humpty Dumpty semantics”.^260

In similar, pragmatic, but not so elegant way are redefined also some functions from “pure Lisp”. For example, function eq in Lisp 1.5 is defined also on non-atomic expressions and value of that function is true if function arguments have same representation in computer memory.


McCarthy wished from the early beginning for Lisp to also be suitable for numerical computations.^261 Unfortunately, the arithmetic implementation in style of Woodwards and Jenkins was not efficient enough for practical applications so Lisp 1.5 supports the arithmetic similar to Fortran and other programming languages. For example, the epxression 123 + 456 is in Lisp 1.5 represented with meta-expression


which is computed into value 579, while 123, 456 and 579 are symbols. Those symbols are different from others, so they are called “pseudo-atomic symbols”.^262 Values of symbols 123, 456 and 579 are in order 123, 456 and 579 and can not be assigned other values. For that reason meta-expressions containing numbers translate into symbolic expressions without symbol QUOTE. For example, meta-expression /plus/[123;456] is translated into symbolic expression (PLUS 123 456). Same numbers written in different way, for example, 123 and 123.00 are considered to be same symbol.

Lisp 1.5 supported numbers with fix and floating comma. Defined is about twenty basic functions on numbers.

16.12 FIELDS

Fields are defined with pseudo-function array. For example after definition

array[((ALPHA (7 10) LIST) (BETA (3 4 5) LIST))]

alpha and beta are functions that behave in a specific way. Value alpha at coordinates 5 and 6 is set to value 8 by expression


after which expression /alpha/[5;6] has value 8. Symbol LIST is obligatory, and from the manual it is clear only that authors were thinking also about other fields, in which some other symbol would be used.

16.13 LOGIC

Considering the purpose of Lisp and relative maturity of the language in time when Manual was published, support for logical operations, specially for processing logic expressions was surprisingly weak.

There is no special logical type. NIL denotes non-truth and all other values represent truth. Number of supported propositional opeators is small: OR, AND and NOT, and there exist versions to be applied on bits: LOGAND, LOGOR, included is also LOGXOR (“exclusive or”). Other propositional operators could be easily defined; for example,


but same argument holds for many other arithmetic functions which still were supported in the language.

Only two functions which can be useful during processing logic expressions (and not just logic values) are already described SUBST and GENSYM.

Much later, McCarthy advised to augment Lisp with support for processing logic expressions^263 which existed only in experimental dialects of the language.

236 “LISP 1 was characterized by great elegance, but in practice it turned out to be a language in which it was impossible to write useful programs. This situation led to many additions to LISP 1, and the result of these additions has become known as LISP 1.5 (since it was believed to be halfway between LISP 1 and LISP 2).” Abrahams pod LISP 1. misli na “čisti LISP” − private communication Abrahams, Symbol manipulation languages, 1968., p. 69. 237 “Experience with the present LISP system on a number of small problems has shown the importance of being able to compute with other quantities than symbolic expressions, and a revised version of LISP is being considered which will allow computation of recursive functions of a wide variety of kinds of information.” McCarthy, The LISP programming system, RLE QPR 056, 1960., p. 159. 238 “… they never documented or wrote down anything, especially McCarthy. Nobody in that group ever wrote down anything. McCarthy was furious that they didn’t document the code, but he wouldn’t do it, either.” Fox, An interview with Phyllis A. Fox, 2005., p. 30. 239 McCarthy et al., LISP programmer’s manual, 1959. 240 McCarthy et al., LISP preliminary programmer’s manual, 1960. 241 McCarthy et al., LISP I. programmer’s manual, 1960. 242 Levin, Arithmetic in LISP 1.5, AIM-024, 1961. 243 Dijkstra, Trip report, Edinburgh and Newcastle, EWD 448., 1974. 244 Saunders, LISP — on the programming system, 1964. 245 Pitman, Special forms in Lisp, 1980. 246 Term fexpr is probably abbreviated form for the term “functional expression”. Former term was used for meta-expressions in McCarthy, RFSE, MIT AIM-008, 1959., p. 4. in meta-expressions, as well as in expressions whose first element is an fexpr symbol QUOTE is not needed. 247 “… pure language was supposed to be based on functions, but its most important components — such as lambda expressions, quotes, and conds — were not functions at all, and instead were called special forms. (…) In the practical language things were better. There were not just EXPRs (which evaluated their arguments), but FEXPRs (which did not). My next questions was, why on Earth call it a functional language? Why not just base everything on FEXPRs and force evaluation on the receiving side when needed? I could never get a good answer (…)” Kay, Early history of Smalltalk, 1996., p. 534. 248 See chapter New function eval. 249 Stoyan, The influence of the designer on the design, 1991., p. 420. 250 “We also need a special rule to translate functional arguments into S-expression. If fn is a function used as an argument. then it is translated into (FUNCTION fn*). Example An examination of evalquote shows that QUOTE will work instead of FUNCTION provided that there are no free variables present.” McCarthy et al., LISP 1.5 programmers manual, 1962., p. 21. 251 Saunders, LISP — on the programming system, 1964. 252 Stoyan, LISP history, 1979., p. 47. 253 McCarthy, History of LISP, 1981., p. 180. 254 “And I never understood the complaint very well, namely, I said : ‘oh, there must be a bug somewhere, fix it!’ And Steve Russell and Dan Edwards said, there is a fundamental difficulty and I said, there can’t be, fix it, and eventually they fixed it and there was something they called the funarg device. He tried to explain it to me but I was distracted or something and I didn’t pay much attention so I didn’t really learn what the funarg thing did until really quite a few years later. But then it turned out that these same kinds of difficulties appeared in ALGOL and at the time, the LISP solution to them, the one that Steve Russell and Dan Edwards had simply cooked up in order to fix this bug, was a more comprehensive solution to the problem than any which was at that time in the ALGOL compiler.” McCarthy, Talk about LISP history, 1974., cited from Stoyan, History of Lisp, 1979., p. 47. 255 “Thus the system eval will accept functional arguments only when they are preceded by FUNCTION, which is both a theoretical and practical nuisance.” McCarthy, New eval function, AIM-034, 1962., p. 8. 256 See chapter Fortran-like commands and function program. 257 Abrahams, Application of LISP to checking mathematical proofs, 1964., p.141. 258 Abrahams, The proofchecker, AIM-021, 1961., p. 9. 259 McCarthy et al., LISP I manual, 1960., p. 139. 260 The phrase is used in the context of “corrupted and irredeemable”. McCarthy et al., LISP 1.5 programmer’s manual, 1962., p. 22. 261 McCarthy, Notes on improving Lisp, 1986., p. LP-I.2.3. 262 McCarthy et al., Lisp 1.5 programmer’s manual, 1962., p. 14. 263 McCarthy, Beyond Lisp, 2005., img. 4.