In period from September 1958. to March 1959. Lisp developed gradually and continuously, without some major redesign. Changes in that period led, mainly, toward what would later be called “pure Lisp” and which is described in McCarthy’s first article about Lisp^99.
In second memo McCarthy criticizes first version of maplist function^100,101 which was called by expression maplist(/L/, /J/, /f(J)/). First, it would be better if in function call values J were elements of list L instead of address parts of list elements^102. If a list element is known, it’s address part can be calculated. Reversal is not valid.
A second, more important objection, is that a name of a variable can not be used “conclusively” as a function argument. For example, if a first version of maplist function is called by expression
maplist(list(1,2,3),x,x*x) (*)
subexpressions x and x*x will be calculated and results of calculations passed to maplist function. While evaluating x*x there will be error, because variable x does not have a defined value, and if such value is defined somewhere in the program, the result will not have the data needed for calculating the expression (*).
Thus McCarthy defines new version of maplist function. The function is called by expression in form
maplist(/L/, /f/),
where L is an expression whose value is a list, and f is an expression whose value is a function. For example, the value of function call maplist(list(1,2,3),car) is a list constructed from values obtained by applying function car on all list elements obtained by computing list(1,2,3).
IMAGE 10. The result of computing maplist(list(1,2,3),car).
Defintion of maplist function resolves all ambiguities.
maplist(L,f) = (L = 0 → 0, 1 → cons(f(L), maplist(cdr(L),f))).^103
Function cons^104 takes a word from the free storage list, in address part of the word writes address f(L) and in the decrement part address of maplist(crd(L),f).
The second version of maplist function, in this form, is more limited than the previous version. For example, with second version it is not possible to write an equivalent of the expression
as in first version of maplist function. Therefore McCarthy returns to the idea from Letter to Perlis and Turanski. He defines “a functional abstraction” as an expression which gives rules for computing function appliction on arguments. An expression like x*x+y does not have such property. For example, if we try to calculate
it is not clear which values should be associated with parameters x and y. McCarthy’s lambda-expressions^105, for example λ(x,y,x*x+y) inspired by Church’s^106 satisfy that criteria. Value of expression
equals value 3*3+4. More generally, value λ(/J/, /E/)(/e/) is a value of expression obtained by substitution of argument e into J and E. Similar holds for lambda-expressions with multiple variables. For example, call to second version of the function
is equivalent to call of the first version of function maplist(list(1,2,3),J,J).
Important McCarthy’s example is definition of the function for derivation diff^107 which skillfully exploits the second version of the maplist fucntion and lambda-expressions.
diff(L,V)= (L=V → C1, car(L)=O → C0, car(L)=plus → cons(plus, maplist(cdr(L), λ(J, diff(car(J), V)))), car(L)=times → cons(plus, maplist(cdr(L), λ(J, cons(times, maplist(cdr(L), λ(K, (J≠K → copy(car(K)), 1→diff(car(K), V)))))))), 1 → error)
C0 and C1 represent constants 0 and 1. It should be noted that 1 is the last condtion in previos definition, i.e. it is calculated in “all other cases”. The program is unusually skillfully and elegantly written, especially for the time when McCarthy barely could have lots of experience in writing programs in Lisp.
From the historical distance, it is not obvious that lambda-expressions are the best solution for the problem with maplist function. Lambda-expressions are a consequent development if the idea that functions can also be arguments for other functions. Nonetheless, the need to use non-evaluated symbols and expressions as arguments persisted and was alter solved more generally, by introducing the “special operator” QUOTE. Considering this, we could say that lambda-expressions are introduced in Lisp too early, or perhaps, even accidentally. Despite, almost all Lisp dialects continue to keep lambda-expressions^108.
There are also opinions that differences between Lisp and lambda calculus are big^109,110 as well as that λ-calculus is a basis for Lisp^111,112,113. McCarthy himself refuted the later ones as “a myth”.^114
McCarthy realized soon^115 that for all needed operations, it is enough to use just address and decrement part of the word. Among big number of functions for processing single words, left were only few. Some functions got new names.
Functions^116 add(/w/) and dec(/w/) extracts address and decrement part of a word which is the value of expression w.
Function comb(/a/, /d/) evaluates the value of a word that contains values a and d in address and decrement parts.
Functions cwr(/n/), car(/n/) and cdr(/n/) returns the value of a word n, respective of the address and the decrement part of the word at the address whose value is n.
Function consw(/w/) writes value w in a word taken from the free storage list and returns the address of that word.
Function cons(/a/, /d/) writes values a and d in address and decrement part of a word taken from the free storage list and returns address of that word.
Function erase(/L/) returns word at address L to the free storage list, and as a result returns the previous value of the word L.
Supported were also a few operations over whole lists. Call to function copy(/L/) copies entire list structure at address L, taking as needed words from the free storage list.
copy(L) = (L=0 → 0, car(L)=0 → L, 1 → cons(copy(car(L)), copy(cdr(L))))
Function equal(/L1/, /L2/) compares list structures at addresses L1 and L2 and returns 1 if they are equal, 0 otherwise.
equal(L1,L2) = (L1=L2 → 1, car(L1)=0 ∨ car(L2)=0 → 0, 1 → equal(car(L1), car(L2)) ∧ equal(cdr(L1), cdr(L2)) )
The condition in second line is needed because the address part of the first element in property lists contains number 0. If L1 and L2 are at different addresses (which is guaranteed by condition L1=L2) and at least one of L1 and L2 is a property list, then equal(L1,L2) has value 0.
Subprogram eralis(/L/) erases entire list structure at address L.
subroutine (eralis(L)) / L = 0 ∨ car(L) = 0 → return M = erase(L) eralis(add(M)) eralis(dec(M)) \ return
Subprogram is considerably simpler than one in the previous chapter, but now it can not recognize if elements in a list to be erased are “borrowed”.
Defined is also a subprogram print and function read which as a result returns address of a list constructed on bases of a symbolic expression written on a punched card or other medium.
Functions that modify values of list elements, star and stdr are removed from the language, but as it will be seen, temporary.
Functions maplist, diff and some others are recursive; they call themselves. Implementation of recursive functions was somewhat of a difficulty because different instances of same functions use same variables.
The problem was solved by storing “protected temporary storage”, that holds symbols and values that have to be preserved during a call to same function, on a “public stack”, at the time called public push down list.^117 Called function first store contents of it’s protected temporary memory on the stack, evalueates value that has to be returned, and then from the stack reconstructs “protected temporary storage”. The solution is genuine, but not complex, and was already discovered by Turing^118.
Today it is widely assumed that programs written in functional style are more “elegant”, but less effecient than programs written in imperative style. Despite that terminology like “functional” and “imperative style” were yet not used, those differences were very fast discovered. Beside the previous one, “functional definition” of the function maplist
maplist(L,f) = (L = 0 → 0, 1 → cons(f(L), maplist(cdr(L),f))).
McCarthy defined in the fourth memo a second, imperative version.
maplist(L,f) = / L = 0 → return(0) maplist = cons(f(L),0) M = maplist a1 L = cdr (L) cdr(M) = cons(f(L),0) cdr(L) = 0 → return(maplist) M = cdr(M) \ go(a1)
The imperative version was about four times faster. McCarthy, nevertheless, was not keen to recommend writing programs in less clear, imperative style^119. He speculated that compiler could translate programs from one style into another, but he didn’t see how such compiler could be written. Instead, he pragmatically decided that few number of frequently used programs for which speed is important should be written in imperative, and all the others in functional style. Also, prominent is the difference in use of statement return.
McCarthy widens discussion about already briefly described function list. The function can be described with equalities
list(i) = cons(i,0) list(i_1, …, i_n) = cons(i_1, list(i_2, …, i_n)).
McCarthy observes that list is defined recursively with number of arguments, and that such list can not be defined in Lisp, but has to be implemented in a Lisp compiler^20.
McCarthy introduces somewhat enigmatic term of substituional functions which are “applied” on a list of arguments^121. Substituional functions are symbolic expressions, for example,
(subfun, (x,y), (times,x,y)).
If the above substituional function is “applied” over a list of arguments
the result is
Generally, the result of “applying” a substitutional function
(subfun, (x_1, …, x_n), e)
where x_1, …, x_n are symbols, e any expression, on a list of arguments
(e_1, …, e_n)
if a value of expression e’ which is obtained by simultaneous substitution of all free occurence of x_1, …, x_n in e with arguments e_1, …, e_n in order.
McCarthy didn’t wrote exactly what it means that substitutional functions are “applied” on an argument list. Today is custom to say, for example, that expression car(/e/) denotes applying of function car on expression e. But, in about fifty pages of the memo that were written to date, McCarthy just once
uses the word “apply” in that context, and that relatively informally too^122. Almost certainly, for “applying” substitutional functions, he ment evaluateing expressions if the form
apply(l, f)
where l is a list of arguments, f a substituion function and apply a Lisp function. For example, if
f has value (subfun, (x,y),(times,x,y)) and l has value ((plust,a,b),(minus,a,b))
apply(l, f) has value (times,(plust,a,b)),(minus,a,b)).
Despite early form of apply not being particularly complex, for the implementation of apply are needed help functions, less important, but interesting search, subst, sublis and error.
Function search finds data that satisfy given criterion in a list; if it finds it, it returns given function of that data; if it is not found, it returns given value. For example, call to function
search(list(1,2,3), λ(x,x+x=2), λ(x,x*x*x), 0).
has value 8. Arguments to function call are a list in which to search for data, a predicate that has to be satisfied, a function to apply on found data that satisfy the predicate and value that is returned if no data satisfies the predicate.
search(L,p,f,u)=(L=O → u, p(L) → f(L), 1 → search(cdr(L),p,f,u))
Function subst implements substitution. For example, if l is an expression with value (A,B), v an expression with value (X,Y), m an expression with value ((X,Y),C,(X,Y)). Then subst(/l/, /v/, /m/) has value ((A,B),C,(A,B)). More generally, if l, v, and m are expressions, the expression subst(/l/, /v/, /m/) has as it’s value the result of substituting value l for value v in m.
subst(L,V,M)= (M=0 → 0, equal(M,V) → copy(L), car(M)=0 → M, l → cons(subst(L,V,car(M)), subst(L,V,cdr(M))))
The condtion car(M)=0 means that value M is a symbol (property lists has value 0 in address part of the first element).
Function sublis implements multiple substituions, coordinated in list of form ((l1,v1), …, (ln,vn)), where li is a symbolic expression to be substituted in and vi symbolic expression to be substituted. For example, if
p is an expression with value ((X,A),((Y,Z),(B,C))), e is an expression with value ((X,Y),X,Y,(Y,Z))
than call to function
sublis(/p/, /e/) has value ((A,Y),A,Y,(B,C)).
Definition of function sublis is quite sofisticated.
sublis(P,E) = maplist(E, λ(J,search(P, λ(K,equal(car(J), car(car(K)))), λ(K,copy(car(cdr(car(K))))), (car(car(J))=O → car(J), 1 → subst(P,car(J)))))
The definition contains two errors. In list line instead of subs should be sublis. The second, the program will not work if the expression in which substution is to be done, E, is trivial - a symbol. For example, if p is an expression with value ((X,A),(A,B)), e an expression that has value (X,A,X,A) then call to function sublis(/p,e/) has value (A,B,A,B).
Function pair creates a list of pairs, needed for use in function sublis. If l and v are expressions whose values are (/l1, …, ln/), (/v1, …, vn/) then call to function pair(/l,v/) has value ((/l1,v1/),…,(/ln,vn/)).
pair(Ll,L2)=( Ll=O ∧ L2=0 → 0, Ll=O ≠ L2=0 → error, l → cons(cons(copy(car(Ll)), cons(copy(car(L2)), 0)), pair(cdr(Ll), cdr(L2))))
Function error is called in exceptional cases and writes messages about a misstake and information useful for the error analysis.
After definition of all help function, the defintion of apply function is brief
apply(L,f) = (car(f) = subfun → sublis(pair(car(cdr(f)), L), car(cdr(cdr(f)))), 1 → error)
Substitutional functions are an important step in Lisp development. Because of them, a very general and important function apply is defined which later was understood as an “universal function”.
One could think that function apply is simpler then function maplist so that
apply(L,f) = car(maplist(list(L),f)).
The previous expression, though, is valid only for functions of one variable, while apply can be used on functions with arbitrary number of variables.
Functions for erasing list elements and whole lists, erase and eralis as described in the first memo, are not used in next three memos. There is an indicative McCarthy’s comment together with above apply function. He realizes that function pair constructs new list, and that this list is not assigned to any variable, and thus can not be erased with function eralis. Instead of using an assignement statement to solve that problem, McCarthy realized that, if we don’t write a compiler that inserts instructions for erasing such, “help lists”, they will always “steal the memory”^123,124,125.
Rochester observed that McCarthy’s lamda-expression does not allow for definition of recursive functions. As it will show later, it is still possible - but is not easy. For that reason he introduces other, more expressive lambda-expression (he calls them “function abstractions”) in which the name of function is specified. For example, function that checks if there is a symbol var in a property list of a symbol is defined with lambda expression
λ(F(K),(K=0 → 0, car(K) = var → 1, 1 → F(cdr(K)))).^126
Variable F does not have value outside of the lambda-expression. Rochester’s lambda-expressions will become slightly changed and re-named into label-expressions in “pure Lisp”.
Rochester was the first to start formatting in today custom way, by indenting lines and also explicitly recommends such notation. For example, the above program is formatted almost identically to Rochester’s original. Other members of the Lisp community didn’t accept that idea for a quite long time. Identing lines is explicitly mentioned in Lisp 1.5 manual^127.
Rochester’s contribution is also a shorter notation of compositions of car and cdr. For example, instead of car(cdr(cdr(L))) it could be written caddr(L).^128 However, this idea is not new; it was applied already in FLPL.
Despite names like caddr being practical, and they are accepted in almost all Lisp dialects, to the author of this book the idea is not unquestionable. Symbols like caddr are not just names, but contain also information that human, the programmer, must decode. This data is then unavialable, or at least harder to obtain for processing by the program.
In Memo 7. McCarthy describes, but does not define, subprogram compute(L,C) where L is an expression to be computed, and C is an address on which to store the result of computing L. The value of caling compute(L,C) is a program in assembler, in list form.^129 Implementation of functions that proces the language expressions in the language itself is a Lisp specialty.
99 “The development of the LISP system went through several stages of simplification in the course ot its development and was eventually seen to be based on a scheme for representing the partial recursive functions of a certain class of symbolic expressions.” McCarthy, Recursive functions …, AIM-008, 1959., p. 1. 100 McCarthy, A revised version of MAPLIST, AIM-002, 1958. During the process of writing this book, only the first page of AIM-002 was accesible to public. That page is identical to the start of second chapter of AIM-004 so, maybe, the entire AIM-002 is contained in AIM-004. 101 McCarthy, Revisions of the language, AIM-004, 1958. 102 McCarthy, Revisions of the language, AIM-004, 1958., p. 4. 103 That and many ohter functions in this book are formated by breaking and indenting lines, as it is custome today, but not at the time when original documents were written. Formatting helps a lot with readability. 104 That function was in AIM-001 called consel. 105 McCarthy didn’t use term “McCarthy’s lambda-expressions”, but “functions” wich today is not sufficiently precise. More suitable term “lambda-expressions” come into use later, and attribute “McCarthy’s” is needed in order to differ from other lambda-expressions, especially Church’s and Rochester’s. 106 Church, The calculi of λ-conversion, 1941. 107 McCarthy, Revisions of the language, AIM-004, 1958., p. 7. 108 Important exception is PicoLisp by a German Alexandre Burger. Burger, The PicoLisp reference. 109 Cianalgini & Hindley, Lambda calculus, in Wiley Enc. of Comp. Sci., 2008., p. 5. 110 Barendregt & Barensen, Introduction to λ-calculus, 2000., p. 30. 111 Weizenbaum, Review of “The LISP 2 programming language …”, 1967., p. 236. 112 Moore & Mertens, The nature of computation, 2011., p. 295. 113 Mac Lane, Group extensions for 45 years, 1988., p. 29. 114 “That was fine for that recursive definition of applying a function to everything on the list. No new ideas were required. But then, how do you write these functions? And so, the way in which to do that was to borrow from Church’s Lambda Calculus, to borrow the lambda notation. Now, having borrowed this notation, one of the myths concerning LISP that people think up or invent for themselves becomes apparent, and that is that LISP is somehow a realization of the lambda calculus, or that was the intention. The truth is that I didn’t understand the lambda calculus, really. In particular, I didn’t understand that you really could do conditional expressions in recursion in some sense in the pure lambda calculus. So, it wasn’t an attempt to make lambda calculus practical, although if someone had started out with that intention, he might have ended up with something like LISP.” McCarthy, History of LISP, 1981., p. 190. 115 McCarthy, Revisions of the language, AIM-003, 1958., p. 1. 116 More precise would be to write “function call”, but for the simplicity it is custom to write just “function.” Same holds for the rest of this text. 117 Russell, Explanation of big “P”, AIM-009, 1959., p. 2. 118 Turing, Proposed electronic calculator, 1945., p. 12. 119 “One is very reluctant to say that routines like maplist should be described by programs like the above which is certainly much less clear than the previous description.” McCarthy, Revisions of the language, AIM-004, 1958., p. 8. 120 McCarthy, Revisions of the language, AIM-004, 1958., p. 16. 121 McCarthy, Revisions of the language, AIM-004, 1958., p. 19. 122 McCarthy, Revisions of the language, AIM-003, 1958., p. 6. 123 McCarthy, Revisions of the language, AIM-004, 1958., p. 20. 124 “When I wrote this program for differentiation … it was just much too awkward to write Erasure, that is erasing things. … So, I thought very hard “Is there some way in which we can eliminate having to have explicit erasure, in order to be able to write the differentiation function in a way corresponds to the way that mathematicians describe it?” They don’t describe, they don’t mention erasing anything in the calculus textbook, so I worked hard on that and came up with garbage collection.” McCarthy, Guy Steele interviews John McCarthy, father of Lisp, 2009. 125 McCarthy, The logic and philosophy of AI, 1988., p. 5. 126 Rochester, AIM-005, 1958., p. 15. 127 McCarthy et al., LISP 1.5 programmer’s manual, 1962., p. 16. 128 Rochester, AIM-005, 1958., p. 14. 129 McCarthy, Notes on the compiler, AIM-007, 1958., p. 1.