Releases: ammarahm-ed/react-native-actions-sheet
Releases · ammarahm-ed/react-native-actions-sheet
This release adds new props and some breaking changes.
New Features/Props
- CustomHeaderComponent .
- CustomFooterComponent .
- footerHeight
- footerStyle
- footerAlwaysVisible
- headerAlwaysVisible
Breaking Changes
customStyles prop renamed to containerStyle
release v0.1.6
Fix Typescript Definitions @vincentbello
release v0.1.4
This release has the following changes:
- Add open & close Animation duration prop
- reimplement bounce animation on android and ios
- replace bounceOffset prop with bounciness prop.
- removes animationType prop
- add defaultOverlayOpacity prop
- now you can set overlay color of any type, not just 'rgba'
v0.1.3: Merge pull request #1 from ammarahm-ed/add-license-1