as the name indicates GSAA is a program to analyze some of AI search techniques
[Breadth First, Depth first, Depth limited, A Star, Cheapest first, Beam and Hill climbing],
it shows how different algorithms work on different graphs with good animation.
It is basically for teaching and clarification purposes
- You can make your own graph, moving cities and editing or creating either cities or paths
- You can Pause, Resume and Stop the algorithm
- You can generate a Heuristic automatically
- You can save and share the graphs you made and of course Open them later
- You can change the speed of the excution of the algorithm
- supports multigoal problems for heuristic based algorithms by specifying them with 0 heuristic.
- Include different Algorithms [Breadth First, Depth first, Depth limited, A*, Cheapest first, Beam and Hill climbing]
- the layout of the program after finding the path:
- available algorithms:
- changing position of nodes after openning saved graph:
There would be new enhancements to UI and clearity of the code on July 2017.