Wemo based switches with alexa and google support
#Witty Cloud ESP 8266 Alexa Multiple Belkin wemo switch emulator
This project supports emulating upto 14 belkin wemo switches using 1 ESP 8266 chip.
Parts you need:
WeMos D1-mini ($4.00) http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/D1-mini-Mini-NodeMcu-4M-bytes-Lua-WIFI-Internet-of-Things-development-board-based-ESP8266/1331105_32529101036.html
How to use:
- Download the code
- Open wemos.ino in the Arduino editor.
- Change the WI-FI settings.
- Define switches and callbacks
- Flash
- Enjoy
kakopappa/arduino-esp8266-alexa-wemo-switch#7 (comment)
- makermusings - GitHub
- Aruna Tennakoon
- paypal.me/arunat
- Amit Kumar