- Amir Shukayev
- Arun Woosaree
- Tamara Bojovic
- Christian Lo
- Pranavkumar Bodawala
Gallery in Three.js is a 3-D gallery app made in Three.js, which is a 3-D Javascript library. The web application has three modes, in which GIFS are displayed on the walls in a hallway that you can walk through:
The most basic of the three modes, has snowboarding GIFs.
We don't know what social interaction would feel like, but this felt good enough.
- GIFs randomly loaded from gfycat's top 100 trending GIFs
- Lights that change colour
- Wobbly Camera
Note: Party Mode can be resource intensive (taxes bandwidth and CPU), so we also made a more lightweight version which loads fewer GIFs,
Okay, maybe this isn't actually scary but it definitely looks cool.
- Flashing lights
- Random Teleportation
Note: All GIFs are loaded from gfycat. Party mode uses gfycat's API to fetch 100 top trending GIFs as links in a JSON object, then randomly selects GIFs to display. This functionality could easily have also been implemented in Snowboard Mode and Horror Mode as well, but it was more of a proof of concept. We wanted to focus on improving the other modes once Party Mode was finalized, so the GIFs in Snowboard and Horror Mode are just direct links.
Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move
Pressing the spacebar will toggle the camera automatically rotating slowly on all modes, except for the "full" Party Mode
This was our first hackathon. We went in not knowing what to expect, or what to do. Initially, we thought that we would do something with our Arduinos, since all of us knew how to code in C++ for the Arduino from a common course that we were taking. Instead, we threw everything out the window and started from scratch, not knowing anything about Javascript. The first 5 hours or so were dedicated to doing some exercises on Codecademy! It was quite the learning experience, and we're all very happy to have participated.