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matlab-whole-body-simulator is a simulator for the humanoid robots. It has been designed to work in Simulink. In the simulator the ground is assumed to be flat and the contact forces are computed using the Maximum dissipation principle and under the linear approximation of the friction cones assumption.

🔨 Dependencies

💾 Binary Installation

This section is for users wishing to run an example showcase of the library or integrate the library in a wider Simulink model they are implementing., it is recommended to:

One Line Installation

For users not familiar with the conda package manager nor Git version control system, a one line installer is available, that can be downloaded and run from the Matlab command line, without any access to a terminal:

  1. Run Matlab.
  2. In the Matlab command line change the current folder to a directory where you wish to download the one installer script and install all the packages.
  3. Run the following commands:
websave('install_robotology_packages.m', '')

For testing the installation, run the example as described in this section.

Binary Installation from the Conda Robotology Channel

If you're familiar with running shell commands in a terminal, handling environment variables, and have a home directory where you can freely install a package manager, you can run the following steps:

  1. If you are not already using the conda package manager, install the conda miniforge distribution following Remember to restart your shell session or run source ~/.bashrc (~/.bash_profile on MacOS) for the conda init command to take effect.
  2. Install Mamba, create a new environment and install the robotology dependency binaries:
    conda install mamba
    conda create -n robotologyenv
    conda activate robotologyenv
    mamba install -c robotology matlab-whole-body-simulator
    To read more about installing robotology package binaries refer to
  3. Check the MATLABPATH environment variable. It should now have...
    <user-home-dir>/miniforge3/envs/robotologyenv/mex: <user-home-dir>/miniforge3/envs/robotologyenv/share/WBToolbox: <user-home-dir>/miniforge3/envs/robotologyenv/share/WBToolbox/images
    Check the mex and Simulink libraries in the folder <user-home-dir>/miniforge3/envs/robotologyenv/mex. It should contain:
    +iDynTree               BlockFactory.mexmaci64      mwbs_lib.slx
    +iDynTreeWrappers       BlockFactory.tlc            mwbs_robotDynamicsWithContacts_lib.slx
    +mwbs                   iDynTreeMEX.mexmaci64       mwbs_robotSensors_lib.slx
    +yarp.                  yarpMEX.mexmaci64           mwbs_visualizers_lib.slx
  4. The Matla Whole Body Simulator library, along with the sub-libraries robotDynamicsWithContacts, robotSensors and visualizers should be visible in the Simulink Library Browser. They can be drag and dropped into any open Simulink model.


For testing the installation, run the example as described in this section.

☁️ One Line Installation in MATLAB Online Session

This use case is very convenient if a local host with installed MATLAB application and license is not available, or simply if the user wishes to leave his usual working environment unchanged by the package dependencies of this simulator framework.

With a MATLAB account, one can sign in and access to MATLAB online, an online workspace that provides MATLAB and Simulink from any standard web browser. The GUI is practically identical to the one provided by the desktop application.

The procedure is similar to the One Line Installation one, except that you run it in the MATLAB online session and the command set is slightly different (refer to robotology-superbuild/doc/

The same example integrating the "YOGA++" controller and the Matlab Whole-body Simulator simulator library blocks can be run in MATLAB Online in the same way as described in section One Line Installation.

For testing the installation, run the example as described in this section.

💾 Source Installation

This section is for developers wishing to implement new features or fixes in the library Matlab Whole Body Simulator. This repository has to be cloned and the modules listed in the dependencies section need to be installed.

It is recommended to follow one of the two procedures using the robotology-superbuild resources:

  • Get the matlab-whole-body-simulators repository and the dependencies by installing the full superbuild from source.
  • clone the matlab-whole-body-simulators repository, then install the dependency binary packages from the conda robotology channelusing the miniforge conda distribution package manager.

For testing the installation, run the example as described in this section.

👀 Checking The Installation

A Simulink model example, from the repository whole-body-controllers, integrates a controller model with the simulator library RobotDynWithContacts from this repository. The controller (labelled "YOGA++") controls a humanoid robot (iCub) in performing a dynamic trajectory while balancing.

For getting the whole-body-controllers repository, follow this guide.

You can then run the model from the MATLAB command line, from any directory, as follows:


🏃 How to use the simulator

Two simulator blocks are available, namely RobotDynWithContacts and RobotDynWithContacts_closedChain. The RobotDynWithContacts block simulates an open-chain kinematic robot with two feet as the links interacting with the ground. Instead, the RobotDynWithContacts_closedChain block is capable of simulating a robot with open/closed chain kinematic where multiple number of links can be defined as the links interacting with the ground.

For using the simulators:

  1. Connect your controller to the RobotDynWithContacts or RobotDynWithContacts_closedChain block. These block takes as input the joints torque, motor inertia and an eventual generalized external wrench. The RobotDynWithContacts block outputs the robot state, the contact wrenches wrench_LFoot and wrench_RFoot, respectively applied to the left and right foot (sole frames), and kinDynOut, an output bus exposing all the computed dynamics quantities relevant for debugging or the extension of dynamics computations in external blocks (emulation of an IMU sensor, of pressure sensors on the feet, etc). The RobotDynWithContacts_closedChain block combines all the contact wrenches applied to the sole frame of the links defined as the links inetracting with the ground, and outputs wrench_groundContact instead of wrench_LFoot and wrench_RFoot.

  2. Select the robot model by setting the environment variable YARP_ROBOT_NAME (e.g. setenv('YARP_ROBOT_NAME','iCubGenova04')). The available models are:

    Model description iCub robot (iCubGenova04) RRBot from Gazebo
    Preview iCubGenova04 RRbot1
    $YARP_ROBOT_NAME 'iCubGenova04' 'RRbot1'
  3. Set the configuration parameters robot_config, contact_config and physics_config.




Structure Field name Size/Type Description
robot_config jointOrder [1×N_DOF] / cell List of N_DOF "controlled" joints (matches dimension of joint torques input)
meshFilePrefix char Prefix to be concatenated to the mesh file path specified in the URDF model file (*)
fileName char File name of the URDF model (typically: model.urdf)
N_DOF [1x1] double Robot degrees of freedom
N_DOF_MATRIX [23×23] double] eye(robot_config.N_DOF)
initialConditions [1×1] struct Base pose and velocity. Joint positions and velocities
SIMULATE_MOTOR_REFLECTED_INERTIA [1x1] logical Activate motor reflected inertia emulation
robotFrames [1×1] struct Selected reference frames (base, left/right sole)
robotFrames.BASE char Base frame
robotFrames.LEFT_FOOT char (RobotDynWithContacts block) Left foot frame
robotFrames.RIGHT_FOOT char (RobotDynWithContacts block) Right foot frame
robotFrames.IN_CONTACT_WITH_GROUND [1xN_C] cell (RobotDynWithContacts_closedChain block) List of the links interacting with the ground
robotFrames.BREAK [1xN_P] struct (RobotDynWithContacts_closedChain block, optional) List of the prints of the break points in N_p closed chains
contact_config foot_print [3×4] double 4 Contact points on one of the feet soles
total_num_vertices [1x1] double Total number of contact points (Nv=8)
friction_coefficient [1x1] double Ground/feet Coulomb friction coefficient $\mu _{xy}$ ($F _{\bot} = \mu _{xy} N$)
useFrictionalImpact boolean (optional) Consider the friction effects in the impact model if it is true. By default, it is false.
useDiscreteContact boolean (optional) Use the discrete contact model that considers the contact constraints in the velocity level if it is true. By default, it is false.
useQPOASES boolean (optional) Use QPOASES solver if it is true. By default, it is true. If it false, QUADPROG solver in MATLAB is used.
max_consecutive_failures boolean (optional) Maximum acceptable fails in computing the reaction forces. By default, it is equal to 10.
physics_config GRAVITY_ACC [1x3] double Gravity vector (gz = -9.81)
TIME_STEP [1x1] double Simulator sampling time (recommended 1e-03)


(*) Since iDynTree 3.0.0, if meshFilePrefix='', the standard iDynTree workflow of locating the mesh via the ExternalMesh.getFileLocationOnLocalFileSystem method is used. The iCub model meshes file tree is compatible with this workflow.

  1. Set to vector or matrix the parameter "input motor reflected inertia format" from the pop-up pick-list. The selected format should match the format of the input signal motorInertias and respective definition as follows:


parameter value motorInertias format represented quantity
vector [NDOFx1] Column vector composed of the diagonal terms of $\Gamma^{-\top} G^{-1} I _m G^{-1} \Gamma^{-1}$
matrix [NDOFxNDOF] Matrix defined by $\Gamma^{-\top} G^{-1} I _m G^{-1} \Gamma^{-1}$

The motor inertia reflected on the mass matrix of the articulated system is given by $\Gamma^{-\top} G^{-1} I _m G^{-1} \Gamma^{-1}$, which results in a diagonal matrix in the case of a robot without coupled joints. In such case, we only need to pass to RobotDynWithContacts the diagonall terms as a [NDOFx1] column vector. Otherwise, in presence of coupled joints (as in the case of iCub), the coupling matrix $\Gamma$ is not diagonal (the gearbox ratio matrix $G$ is though). The same applies to the term $\Gamma^{-\top} G^{-1} I _m G^{-1} \Gamma^{-1}$, which now does not have only diagonal terms and has to be passed to the block RobotDynWithContacts in its full matrix form of dimension [N_DOFxN_DOF].

  1. To run and example open and launch test_matlab_system.mdl. It also contains a callback to the init file that retrieves the needed information.

📖 Citing this work

If you find the work useful, please cite our publications:

  author={Guedelha, Nuno and Pasandi, Venus and L’Erario, Giuseppe and Traversaro, Silvio and Pucci, Daniele},
  booktitle={2022 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC)}, 
  title={A Flexible MATLAB/Simulink Simulator for Robotic Floating-base Systems in Contact with the Ground}, 
  keywords={Software packages;Object oriented modeling;Computational modeling;Heuristic algorithms;Robot sensing systems;Mathematical models;Robots;robotic simulator;open-source;MATLAB/Simulink;floating-base robots},
author = {Guedelha, Nuno and Pasandi, Venus and L’Erario, Giuseppe and Traversaro, Silvio and Pucci, Daniele},
title = {A Flexible MATLAB/Simulink Simulator for Robotic Floating-base Systems in Contact with the Ground: Theoretical Background and Implementation Details},
journal = {International Journal of Semantic Computing},
volume = {0},
number = {0},
pages = {1-17},
year = {0},
doi = {10.1142/S1793351X24300036},
URL = {},
eprint = {},
abstract = { This paper presents an open-source MATLAB/Simulink physics simulator for rigid-body articulated systems, including manipulators and floating-base robots. Thanks to MATLAB/Simulink features like MATLAB system classes and Simulink Function blocks, the presented simulator combines a programmatic and block-based approach, resulting in a flexible design in the sense that different parts, including its physics engine, robot-ground interaction model, and state evolution algorithm are simply accessible and editable. Moreover, through the use of Simulink dynamic mask blocks, the proposed simulator supports robot models integrating open-chain and closed-chain kinematics with any desired number of links interacting with the ground. This simulator can also integrate second-order actuator dynamics. Furthermore, the simulator benefits from a one-line installation and an easy-to-use Simulink interface. }