###To add a solution for a question:
- fork the repo
- add your well named file to the solutions directory
- add a link to your solution file on the question page
- submit a pull request
- questions? ask Amelia at downs.amelia@gmail.com
September 9: Big O notation
August 19th: Intro to Whiteboarding
July 29: Big O notation
July 22: Recursion (Questions/solutions from prior lectures)
July 15: Stacks & Queues
- Priority Queue (Next 2 from prior lectures)
- 1 Stack, 2 Queues
- Matching Parens / Brackets
July 8th: Intro To Whiteboarding
June 17: Linked Lists
June 3: Recursion
May 20: Intro to Whiteboarding
May 6: Linked Lists
April 29: Big O
April 22: Recursion
April 15: Stacks and Queues
April 1: Trees
March 25: Linked Lists
March 4th: Stacks and Queues
Feb 25th: Intro to Whiteboarding
Feb 18th: Graphs
- Find all nodes, non-directional
- Find all nodes, directional
- Shortest route, weighted, non-directional
Feb 11th: Trees
Feb 4th: Linked Lists
Jan 28th: Big O
Jan 21st: Recursion
Jan 14th: Stacks and Queues
Jan 7th: Intro to Algorithms