Esse é um projeto gráfico da escola 42 em que utilizo a biblioteca minilibx oferecida pela escola e a linguagem C.
How to use:
1 - Compile the project using make (this project requires some dependencies in adition to a c/c++ compiler)
2 - run the program fractol with the following parameters:
./fractol mandelbrot - To display the mandelbrot fractol
./fractol julia cr ci - To display some julia fractol
cr and ci are a float that ranges from -2.3 to 2.3 so you should write some number in that input
Commands inside the program:
left-mouse: to move to where you click
scroll-up/down: zoom
arrows: another way to move
Dependencies for linux:
MiniLibX for Linux requires xorg, x11 and zlib, therefore you will need to install the following dependencies: xorg, libxext-dev and zlib1g-dev.
Dependencies for mac:
For Mac you'll need OpenGL and AppKit