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detKit is a Python package for computing determinant functions of matrices.



Install with pip


pip install detkit

Install with conda


conda install s-ameli::detkit

Docker Image

docker-pull deploy-docker

docker pull sameli/detkit

Supported Platforms

Successful installation and tests performed on the following operating systems, architectures, and Python and PyPy versions:

Platform Arch Python Version PyPy Version 1 Continuous Integration
3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.8 3.9 3.10
Linux X86-64 build-linux
macOS X86-64 build-macos
Windows X86-64 build-windows
ARM-64 2

Python wheels for detkit for all supported platforms and versions in the above are available through PyPI and Anaconda Cloud. If you need detkit on other platforms, architectures, and Python or PyPy versions, raise an issue on GitHub and we build its Python Wheel for you.

1. Wheels for PyPy are exclusively available for installation through pip and cannot be installed using conda.
2. Wheels for Windows on ARM-64 architecture are exclusively available for installation through pip and cannot be installed using conda.


deploy-docs binder

See documentation of the package.

Benchmark Test

Read about the benchmark test of detkit in practical applications.

How to Contribute

We welcome contributions via GitHub's pull request. If you do not feel comfortable modifying the code, we also welcome feature requests and bug reports as GitHub issues.

How to Cite

If you publish work that uses detkit, please consider citing the manuscripts available here.



This project uses a BSD 3-clause license, in hopes that it will be accessible to most projects. If you require a different license, please raise an issue and we will consider a dual license.