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Sorting Visualizer

A sorting algorithms visualizer written in opal

to run from source, open or compile SortingVisualizer.opal using the opal compiler.

to build a release, use opal release build.iproj or opal release build_dev.iproj depending on which version you want to build.

here you can find a video about the program:


To properly run the visualizer from source, you will need to install the Python modules listed in requirements.txt.

To use render mode, ffmpeg needs to be properly installed on your system.


The visualizer consists of three main menus:

  • Run sort: Lets you pick all settings to run a specific sort and visualize it;
  • Run all sorts: Lets you pick a distribution, shuffle, and visual style to run every sort on. This is the mode that's used to create videos such as the example;
  • Threads:
    • Threads are sequences of actions that are defined through the thread builder, useful to make videos about a certain topic or algorithm. The "Threads" menu has two submenus:
      • Run threads: Runs a thread that's been previously created;
      • Thread builder: Enables the user to create threads;

While an algorithm is running, the "S" key on your keyboard can be pressed to skip it.


Show text

If set to False, the visualizer will hide the text in the top left corner.

Show auxiliary array

If set to False, auxiliary arrays will not be visualized.

Show internal information

If set to True, additional information about the visualizer's state will be visualized in the top left text.

Render mode

If set to True, the visualizer will generate videos instead of visualizing algorithms in real-time. A preview of the video will be visualized on the screen while it's being made, at a lower framerate.

Lazy auxiliary visualization

The visualizer checks if the auxiliary array changed in size, or its maximum element changed, in specific scenarios, so that the visual can re-compute its data accordingly. If lazy auxiliary visualization is set to True, these checks are disabled, that is, the visualizer will assume the maximum element of the auxiliary array and its length are constant.

Lazy rendering

Real-time visualization will try to use fast or selective variants of the given visual style for performance reasons in favorable scenarios, while render mode always uses standard variants, which are higher quality, but slower in those same scenarios. If lazy rendering is set to True, the visualizer will try to use fast or selective variants of visual styles for render mode too. This does not result in quality loss in certain cases, and can be used for quick videos.

Render bitrate (kbps)

Sets the output video bitrate (in kbps) for videos generated through render mode.

Render profile

Allows the user to select one of the different encoding profiles to be used with ffmpeg in render mode. Such profiles are found in the profiles folder, and can be added and customized dynamically. Note that some of these profiles are platform or hardware dependent, so they're not guaranteed to work. In case an incompatible profile or invalid options have been provided through the selected profile, or something went wrong during the rendering process, the visualizer will report that ffmpeg exited with a nonzero return code.

Creating Python extensions

To do Python development to add modules for the visualizer, it's sufficient do download a release version and add your modules in the external folder. Development releases (marked as dev) are available and provide Python definitions for the program's API.

When adding modules to the visualizer dynamically (through the external folder), you can use the Python definitions like this:

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

	from SortingVisualizer import *

This way, your IDE will be able to typecheck the program and give you proper hints, while not executing the import when the code is actually ran.

If you're working directly with the source code, you can create the Python definitions yourself. To do this, it's sufficient to compile SortingVisualizer.opal in Python mode, like this:

opal pycompile SortingVisualizer.opal

Note that all visual styles and sound systems added through the external folder have to be marked as @SortingVisualizer.external for them to be recognized. For example:

class MyVisual(Visual):

class MySound(Sound):

Other types of extensions don't require this.

If you are writing code that will be embedded in the compiled visualizer (that is, not through the external folder), add these lines on top of your Python code:

#opal$if False
from SortingVisualizer import *

These will import the visualizer normally when you're doing development, since Python will see the #opal lines as comments, but ignore the import when compiling the whole project, since opal will treat those lines as precompiler instructions.


Array operations

The array provided to the algorithms is filled with instances of the Value class. A Value contains a numeric value that actually gets sorted; an index, which is used for visualization and tracking of the value inside the array; a stability index, which is used for stability checking; an aux flag, that marks whether the Value is contained in the main array, or an auxiliary one. An instance of Value acts as any sortable data type, but it will automatically track elapsed time and display highlights for the current operation. The Value class provides the following methods:

  • copy() -> Value: creates a copy of the Value without tracking time, statistics or highlighting;
  • read() -> Value: like copy but it tracks time and statistics and highlights the Value's index;
  • noMark() -> Value: creates a copy of the Value without the index field, causing it not to get highlighted;
  • getInt() -> int: returns the integer value of the Value without tracking time, statistics or highlighting;
  • readInt() -> int: like getInt but it tracks time and statistics and highlights the Value's index;
  • readDigit(digitIdx: int, base: int) -> int: returns the given Value's digit in the given base;
  • readNoMark() -> Value, int: like read, but the returned value becomes "invisible" (that is, it doesn't get highlighted anymore). The Value's index is returned so it can be restored later;
  • write(other: Value | int): writes a Value to that Value's position;
  • writeRestoreIdx(other: Value | int, idx: int): like write, but it allows to restore an index. Used in conjunction with readNoMark;
  • swap(other: Value): swaps with another Value.

Manually working with statistics

To manually increment, decrement, or edit statistics, you can access:

  • sortingVisualizer.reads;
  • sortingVisualizer.comparisons;
  • sortingVisualizer.writes;
  • sortingVisualizer.swaps.

Comparisons and reads are tied together, like swaps and writes. That is, if you add one swap, two writes will be added. The visualizer also provides a method to time operations manually:

  • sortingVisualizer.timer(sTime: float)

It's used in conjuction with default_timer() like this:

new float sTime = default_timer();
# perform an operation here

Manual writes

For array operations that don't work properly with the Value class, the visualizer provides two methods that automatically keep track of statistics and time:

  • sortingVisualizer.write(array: list, i: int, val);
  • sortingVisualizer.swap(array: list, a: int, b: int).

Manual highlights

The visualizer provides twelve methods for manual highlighting:

  • sortingVisualizer.highlight(index: int, aux: list | None = None): highlights the given index;
  • sortingVisualizer.multiHighlight(indices: list[int], aux: list | None = None): highlights a list of indices.
  • sortingVisualizer.highlightAdvanced(index: HighlightInfo): highlights a HighlightInfo object;
  • sortingVisualizer.multiHighlightAdvanced(indices: list[HighlightInfo]): highlights a list of HighlightInfo objects;
  • sortingVisualizer.queueHighlight(index: int, aux: list | None = None): adds the given index to the list of highlights that will be visualized with the next update;
  • sortingVisualizer.queueMultiHighlight(indices: list[int], aux: list | None = None): like queueHighlight, but accepts a list of indices;
  • sortingVisualizer.queueHighlightAdvanced(index: HighlightInfo): like queueHighlight, but uses a HighlightInfo object;
  • sortingVisualizer.queueMultiHighlightAdvanced(indices: list[HighlightInfo]): like queueHighlightAdvanced, but accepts a list of HighlightInfo objects;
  • sortingVisualizer.markArray(id: Any, index: int, aux: list | None = None, color: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None): marks the array persistently until the end of the current algorithm. id can be any hashable object;
  • sortingVisualizer.markArrayAdvanced(id: Any, index: HighlightInfo): like markArray, but uses a HighlightInfo object;
  • sortingVisualizer.clearMark(id: Any): clears a mark precedently set through markArray, given its id. Throws a VisualizerException if the id of the given mark does not exist;
  • sortingVisualizer.clearAllMarks(): clears all marks set through markArray.

An HighlightInfo object contains more information for each highlight. Internally, the visualizer also generates those when calling the non-advanced variants of highlights. They are composed like this: record HighlightInfo(index: int, aux: list[Value] | None = None, color: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, silent: bool = False);

  • index: contains the array index to be highlighted;
  • aux: stores a pointer to the auxiliary array where the highlight came from. If None, the highlight came from the main array;
  • color: the color that the highlight will have. If None, the color will be set to the default highlight color for the current visual style;
  • silent: whether the highlight should not produce sound. Useful for color coding.

For dynamic color coding, the visualizer provides a sortingVisualizer.getColor(n: int) -> tuple[int, int, int] method, which assigns a color dynamically to a number, as a color id.

Queued highlights are stored in a list (sortingVisualizer.highlights) that can be edited manually for advanced operations. In a multithreaded context, it should be edited while the relative lock (sortingVisualizer.highlightsLock) is acquired. This is done automatically in the queue methods.

Working with auxiliary arrays

To create a new array, the visualizer provides sortingVisualizer.createValueArray(length: int) -> list[Value], which is pre-filled with already configured Values. This also automatically shows the array in the visualizer. To remove an array from visualization, you can use sortingVisualizer.removeAux(array: list). In case the createValueArray function is not used to create an array, but you still want to visualize it, you can use sortingVisualizer.addAux(array: list) and, if it's not an array of values, you can provide adaptation functions using sortingVisualizer.setAdaptAux(fn, idxFn = None):

  • fn(arrays: list[list]) -> list[Value]: set this function to properly convert all the auxiliary arrays in a list of Values that the visualizer can work with;
  • idxFn(idx: int, aux: list) -> int: this function can be set to adapt the highlighted indices to the resulting list[Value] for visualization purposes.

You can mark arrays as not containing elements from the original array by using sortingVisualizer.setNonOrigAux(*arrays), this will allow for better visualizations. Note that this method automatically marks the algorithm as using dynamic aux since this requires dynamic computations.

Deleting an array, or making it go out of scope, while the array is being visualized, will automatically remove the array from the visualization thanks to the dedicated garbage collector.

You can also disable highlights from a given array using the sortingVisualizer.setInvisibleArray(array: list[Value]) method.

Using rotations and pivot selections provided by the visualizer

To fetch a specific rotation or pivot selection algorithm, sortingVisualizer.getPivotSelection(id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) and sortingVisualizer.getRotation(id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) can be used. You can either pass the name of the algorithm to the function, like this:

new auto myRotation = sortingVisualizer.getRotation(name = "Gries-Mills").indexedFn;

... or you can pass the ID of the algorithm of choice, mostly useful in combination with a user selection, for example:

new auto myPivotSelection = sortingVisualizer.getPivotSelection(
	id = sortingVisualizer.getUserSelection(
		[ for p in sortingVisualizer.pivotSelections],
		"Select a pivot selection algorithm: "


Rotations provide two modes: indexed, and lengths. Indexed mode uses these types of arguments:

myIndexedRotation(start, middle, end);

While lengths mode uses these:

myLengthsRotation(start, lengthOfFirstSegment, lengthOfSecondSegment);

sortingVisualizer.getRotation() returns a Rotation object, which provides both indexedFn, for the indexed version of the function, and lengthFn for the lengths version of the function.

Pivot Selections

Pivot Selection algorithms on the other hand, provide just one function that takes as input the start and end of the segment in which the pivot has to be selected, and return the index of the selected pivot.

sortingVisualizer.getPivotSelection() returns the function directly.

Other utilities

The visualization speed can be changed through sortingVisualizer.setSpeed(value: float) and reset to 1 via sortingVisualizer.resetSpeed(). The speed can be fetched through sortingVisualizer.speed for temporary speed editing.

Delays can be set by using sortingVisualizer.delay(timeMs: float) before any highlighted operation.

Custom titles can be set through sortingVisualizer.setCurrentlyRunning(name: str, category: Optional[str] = None). The category is best left untouched to avoid confusion.

The visualizer also provides methods for user input, namely:

  • sortingVisualizer.getUserInput(message: str = "", default: str = "", type_: int) -> type_: asks the user a text input that gets converted to type_. default sets the default value;
  • sortingVisualizer.getUserSelection(content: list[str], message: str = "") -> int: asks the user to select between a list of items and returns the selection index.

And a method for warnings and errors, often used for invalid inputs:

  • sortingVisualizer.userWarn(message: str).

When the process of asking the user needs to be skipped, like in a custom thread, an "autoValue" can be pushed into a queue through the sortingVisualizer.pushAutoValue(value) method. To remove the next value, sortingVisualizer.popAutoValue() can be used. sortingVisualizer.resetAutoValues() clears the queue.

Adding new shuffles

Adding a new shuffle is extremely simple! You just need to add your .opal or .py file inside the shuffles folder, and provide a run function, composed like this:

@Shuffle("Shuffle Name");
new function myShuffle(array) {
    # your code here

or, in Python:

@Shuffle("Shuffle Name")
def myShuffle(array):
    ... # your code here

An optional boolean argument called usesDynamicAux can be set if the shuffle uses an auxiliary array which is not static in size or maximum element, or is composed of items that don't belong in the main array. It is False by default.

Adding new sorts

Like shuffles, adding sorts is very simple. .opal or .py files need to be added to the sorts folder, and they have to provide a run function:

    "Sort Category",
    "Sort Name",
    "Sort Name in menu selection"
new function mySort(array) {
    # your code here

Like in shuffles, the sort class provides a usesDynamicAux argument for the same purpose. The sort class also provides an enabled argument, that can be set to False for sorts that aren't ready for use. Those sorts will only be added to the sorts list if DEBUG_MODE is set to True

Adding new pivot selections

Pivot selections are algorithms used to select a pivot in partitioning sorts that require one. The visualizer provides a set of pivot selections for those algorithms to use, and the user can pick the one they prefer to experiment with. The process to adding one is very similar to adding a shuffle. The file needs to be added in the pivotSelection folder, and provide a run function:

@PivotSelection("Pivot Selection Name");
new function myPivotSelection(array, start, end) -> int {
	# [start, end) is the interval in which the selection should pick a pivot
	# the code should return the index of the selected pivot
    # your code here

Adding new rotation algorithms

The process to adding a rotation algorithm is very similar to shuffles and pivot selections. The file needs to be added in the rotations folder and provide a run function:

# using RotationMode.INDEXED (which is default, it doesn't need to be passed)
# creates the indexed variant of the function. The Rotation class will automatically
# generate the lengths function
@Rotation("Rotation Name", RotationMode.INDEXED);
new function myRotation(array, start, middle, end) {
	# your code here


# using RotationMode.LENGTHS creates the lengths variant of the function. 
# The Rotation class will automatically generate the indexed function
@Rotation("Rotation Name", RotationMode.LENGTHS);
new function myRotation(array, start, lenA, lenB) {
	# your code here

Adding new distributions

Adding distributions is similar to adding shuffles and pivot selections. Files need to be added to the distributions folder. Creating arrays doesn't use the Value API, since the Values aren't placed in the array at that time yet.

@Distribution("Distribution Name");
new function myDistribution(array, length) {
    # your code here

Working with threads

The visualizer usually operates in a sequential manner, so, to properly visualize parallel sorts, it's sufficient to call the algorithm's main function in sortingVisualizer.runParallel(fn: Callable, *args, **kwargs), so that the visualizer can create a separate sort thread and run the visualization code on the main thread (since pygame has to run on the main thread), as well as properly handle highlighting. To create a thread inside of such an algorithm, sortingVisualizer.createThread(fn: Callable, *args, **kwargs) should be used to avoid program freezing and crashing.

Adding visual styles

To add a visual style, a class needs to be created and inherit from the Visual class. That way, visuals are automatically added. Said file needs to be added in the visuals folder. Example:

new class MyVisual: Visual {
	new method __init__() {
			"Visual Name",
  • highlightColor: a tuple containing 3 values (0, 255) in the RGB format. By default, it's set to (255, 0, 0);
  • refreshMode: can either be RefreshMode.LINES for line-like visuals that intersect with the text or RefreshMode.NOREFRESH for visuals that don't need forced indices reloading. By default, it's set to RefreshMode.NOREFRESH. Note that this is only relevant for visuals that implement selectiveDraw;
  • outOfText: a boolean that indicates whether the visual draws over text. If it doesn't (True), the visualizer will draw a black rectangle under the text, to refresh it. By default, it's set to False. This also only relevant for visuals that implement selectiveDraw.

The Visual class contains two abstract methods:

  • draw(array: list[Value], indices: dict[int, Optional[tuple[int, int, int]]]): draws the main array. indices contains the list of highlighted indices, each mapped to a color. If the mapped color is None the visual should draw those indices like they're not highlighted;
  • drawAux(array: list[Value], indices: dict[int, Optional[tuple[int, int, int]]]): like draw, but draws the aux array.

The class also provides seven methods that get called in specific scenarios and can be overridden. By default, they do nothing:

  • init(): gets called when the graphic system is re-initialized (usually when the resolution is changed). Useful to change data that relies on the resolution.
  • prepare(): precomputes data for the visual style;
  • onAuxOn(length): gets called when aux is turned on or constants are to recompute. Useful to prepare data;
  • onAuxOff(): gets called when aux mode is turned off. Useful to restore old values.
  • fastDraw(array: list[Value], indices: dict[int, Optional[tuple[int, int, int]]]): like draw, but it can contain a lower quality version of the visual style which is less expensive to compute. By default, it just calls draw.
  • fastDrawAux(array: list[Value], indices: dict[int, Optional[tuple[int, int, int]]]): like fastDraw, but draws the aux array. By default, it just calls drawAux.
  • selectiveDraw(array: list[Value], indices: dict[int, Optional[tuple[int, int, int]]]): like draw, but it assumes only the highlighted indices are changed, working in a selective manner.

The graphicsUtils.opal file contains some presets for common visual styles.

Adding sound systems

To add a sound system, a class needs to be created and inherit from the Sound class. The file needs to be added in the sounds folder. Example:

new class MySound: Sound {
	new method __init__() {
		super.__init__("Sound name");

The Sound class contains an abstract method:

  • play(value: int | float, max_: int | float, sample: numpy.array) -> numpy.array: generates the sound sample to be played based on the array value. The original sample should be left untouched.

The class also provides a method:

  • prepare(): it gets called when the visualizer has to prepare the sound system. Usually used to request or load settings if it needs any, or precompute data. By default, it does nothing.