DB Console
- additional commands (help, reset, etc.)
DB view.
change log.
settings (lang, theme, implementation, analytics on/off).
app info, policies, and 3rd party licenses.
- ads disabling subscription for apps?
- authorization for subscription (all kinds of authorization including web3)
(interactive, signals handling, colored output)
- jvm
- GraalVM + UPX compression
- jvm-cli-compose (mosaic)
- js-node
- wasm-wasi
- kotlin-native
- Android (Compose, Views, Fragments)
- iOS (SwiftUI, Compose, Compose Cupertino)
- Desktop for all OSes (Win, Linux, Mac)
- Compose JS
- Compose WASM
- TeaVM
- JS frameworks from Kotlin and vice versa
- switchable different implementations
- Copy-on-Write with Snapshots
- Initially, all transactions point to the same data map. On modification, a copy of the modified part is made.
- platform-specific like:
- Room-based
- SQLDelight
- Copy-on-Write with Snapshots
- some info for each implementation in the apps
- Layers & feature splits (clean arch, etc.)
- Decompose navigation.
- FluxoMVI vs. other MVI libs (switchable?)
- Kotlin-inject for DI.
- Debug-console
- time-travel
- coroutines/jobs monitoring
- tracking events
- etc.
- Own hosted deep user analytics.
- App protection and anti-tampering techniques.
- Cross-platform ads with own ads.
- Paid app-subscriptions and one time payment.
- Authorization to distinguish persistent stores and app-subscriptions.
- ...
- code quality with git hooks.
- shrinking, minification, optimization.
- Double (R8 + ProGuard) when possible.
- all types of auto-tests.
- including final package testing.
- publication of releases everywhere
- F-Droid
- GitHub repos.
- ...