Tracking Algorithms for Phagocytes and other moving objects.
After cloning the repository, it is important to add it (with subfolders) to the Matlab path. Full manual and instructions can be found here.
Phagosight can be used with the help of a GUI that allows the user to select manually the folder where the data is in. This is done by the command
[handles] = neutrophilAnalysis();
The program can be fully automatic, the user knows some or all the parameters. An example of this:
[handles] = neutrophilAnalysis('/path/to/data/', 0, [], [0.2 0.4]);
where parameters not known, or that want to be taken by default, are simply
set to empty arrays []
. For a detailed review of the input parameters, the
command outputs all the information the user might need.
help neutrophilAnalysis
For a detailed and comprehensive user manual, check the Wiki ( section.
Phagosight returns variable handles
, which contains information about the
tracks and locations where results from intermediate steps are stored. For
example, if the path to data is a folder with name Data/
, then the new
folders created:
Stores the original data in Matlab's own.mat
Stores the data after preprocessing, whether it is reduction by subsampling or filtering (if size is not reduced)Data_mat_La
Stores the labelled data after segmentation.
Phagosight is released under the GNU General Public License v3. Please cite Phagosight in your publications if it helps your research:
author = {Henry, Katherine and Pase, Luke and Ramos-Lopez, Carlos Fernando and
Lieschke, Graham J. and Renshaw, Stephen A. and Reyes-Aldasoro, Constantino Carlos},
issn = {19326203},
journal = {PLOS ONE},
month = {January},
number = {8},
pages = {e72636},
pmid = {24023630},
title = {{PhagoSight: An Open-Source MATLAB\textsuperscript{\textregistered}\
Package for the Analysis of
Fluorescent Neutrophil and Macrophage Migration in a Zebrafish Model}},
volume = {8},
year = {2013}