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scr singleanalysis

Jose Alonso (mac) edited this page Mar 12, 2020 · 2 revisions

Single cell analysis: Shape evolution + shape analysis

General workflow

I. Initialisation

The following steps are found in the code initscript.m, where if the stored information is found, then it is loaded. On the contrary, the information is calculated as shown below.

  1. Segmentation of both channels with simpleClumpsSegmentation.m. This yields the clumps and for each frame.
  2. Use of phagosight for the tracking of the RED channel.
  3. Create upgraded table tablenet with the information form handles.nodeNetwork and the addition of the clump information associated to it

II. Choose a track and follow the GREEN channel in time

The following steps show the process of choosing one of the tracks from the RED channel, and how they translate to a following of the GREEN channel, along the non-overlapping tracks.

  1. Choose a track.
  2. Get all non-overlapping paths of the track. The function getpathsperlabel.m carries this task.
  3. For each path

Full dataset - Experiments and Results

The previous workflow was run on all images from the dataset. Individual changes can be found on single tracks, as shown in the figure below.


The program is able to analyse each cell's shape changes in time. The frame updates in step 6., there are two possible ways the active contours parameters are used. One is a straightforward implementation of parameters that worked consistently during trials; the other is a more complex way that attempts to keep control over the area of the updated cell shapes.

Both experiments were run for all independent cells and a gif was generated for both experiments.

I. Straightforward Active Contours parameters

This is explained in log files and

Parameters Value
Iterations 50
Smooth factor 1.5
Contraction bias -0.1


II. Area control

This is thoroughly explained in log file The parameters used are dependant on the state of the updating cell: Grow, Shrink or Normal.

Parameters Shrink Grow Normal
Iterations 100 200 50
Smooth factor 1.25 1 1.5
Contraction bias 0.1 -0.25 -0.1


Single track - Experiments and Shape analysis



Some new measurements

The measurement for circularity seemed noisy and non helpful. The Orientation was preferred, because it could lead to findings with the


Corner detection

Using the anglegram matrix, the shape can be analysed and find the corners. Synthetic data was used to test the corner detection. An example below:


From the 700 test images, around 90% of the cases were correctly predicted.

Preliminary results from corner detection

Some preliminary results from track=8 show the detected corners and spanning in some interesting frames where Orientation and the aspectRatio variables have interesting behaviour.





