Bondhu is a simple social media platform to connect people around the world
🌎. This is actually a practice project, probably a silly clone version of
Facebook. Main objective of this project is to get handy with a MVC framework
and learn how to work with it. This knowlege will help me later to work with
Laravel or any other PHP framework, that follows MVC pattern.
is the core of this platform. AlanMVC is a micro MVC PHP framework. Both
'Bondhu' & 'AlanMVC' is made with ❤ by
NOTE: Upload "bondhu.sql" to your PhpMyAdmin or MySQL db and then Check config folder and update with your preferred data ⚠
Create a new account and play around 💫
✅ Login To An Existing Account
❌ Resetting User Password
❌ Forget Password
❌ Deleting a User Account
✅ View Full Post Page
✅ Create a Post
✅ Edit a Post
✅ Delete a Post
✅ Upload a Post Image
✅ Attach a Video URL from YouTube
❌ Upload a Post Image
❌ Like a Post
❌ Comment on a Post
❌ Share a Post

Front End:
- Bootstrap 5.2
- a little bit JavaScript
Back End:
- Core PHP
- AlanMVC (Made by me)
Almost every basic functionalites implementation has been completed, except
Some features like, Post Image Upload, Functional Settings Page, and a few
little things.
Maybe Someday, I'll spend some time implement that feature later.
I have been following Brad Traversy's Udemy course to build some kinda PHP
MVC framework and build a project on that. Since the last week, I worked so
hard and I was honestly dedicated to it. Now I'm kinda tired and bored to
work with this project anymore. By the way, that was very first time in my
life that I ever put some effort on project like this. It was really fun
learning all these interesting things.
Thank You Dear Mentor, BRAD TRAVERSY 💚