- Basic Node Operation
- Query Information
- Transaction Information
- Calculations
- Liquidity Params
- References
- Official Repository
- The latest release version of gaia (currently v5.0.5)
- Genesis file (genesis.cosmoshub-4.json)
- Official documenation: Join the Cosmos Hub Mainnet
- Gaia Basic tutorials
- Cosmos Hub Mainnet ggithub repository
- Discord channel
- Peers and seed nodes
- Performance Testing for Liquidity module(Gravity DEX)
Minimum requirements
- 2 Core CPU
- ex) AWS m5.Large
Recommended spec
- 4 Core CPU
- 16GB RAM
- Provisioned IOPS SSD
Minimum requirements
- 2 Core CPU
- ex) AWS m5.Large
Recommended spec
- 4 Core CPU
- 16GB RAM
- Provisioned IOPS SSD
Go 1.16+ or later is required for the Cosmos SDK.
In this example, we will be installing Go on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS:
# First remove any existing old Go installation
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
# Install the latest version of Go using this helpful script
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/canha/golang-tools-install-script/master/goinstall.sh | bash
# Update environment variables to include go
cat <<'EOF' >>$HOME/.profile
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin
source $HOME/.profile
# Verify that Go is installed
# Should return go version go1.16.4 linux/amd64
go version
# Clone mainnet version of the project
git clone -b v5.0.5 https://github.com/cosmos/gaia.git
cd gaia
make install
# Verify the osmosisd version
gaiad version
-> v5.0.5
Initialize the chain with the config files.
# (Recommend) Save chain id in gaiad config gaiad config chain-id cosmoshub-4 # Initialize chain # Replace <moniker> for the public alias of your node # (you can also edit moniker later) # Example: gaiad init testnode --chain-id cosmoshub-4 gaiad init <moniker> --chain-id=cosmoshub-4 # This will create a new $HOME/.gaiad folder in your HOME directory.
Fetch the mainnet's genesis file
wget https://github.com/cosmos/mainnet/raw/master/genesis.cosmoshub-4.json.gz gzip -d genesis.cosmoshub-4.json.gz mv genesis.cosmoshub-4.json $HOME/.gaia/config/genesis.json
Manually add the below peers list in your
file. Since IBC and swap state transactions are very large, it is suggested to increase the timeout for a transaction to be committed and maximum size of request body and header. Without configuring those values, you may experience the node to stop from time to time when your node receives too many requests.# Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to seeds = "45f1fe6187a92cdabc7e52e6f65f743ad72c1ba1@,bf8328b66dceb4987e5cd94430af66045e59899f@public-seed.cosmos.vitwit.com:26656,cfd785a4224c7940e9a10f6c1ab24c343e923bec@,d72b3011ed46d783e369fdf8ae2055b99a1e5074@,ba3bacc714817218562f743178228f23678b2873@public-seed-node.cosmoshub.certus.one:26656,3c7cad4154967a294b3ba1cc752e40e8779640ad@,366ac852255c3ac8de17e11ae9ec814b8c68bddb@" # Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to persistent_peers = "45f1fe6187a92cdabc7e52e6f65f743ad72c1ba1@,bf8328b66dceb4987e5cd94430af66045e59899f@public-seed.cosmos.vitwit.com:26656,cfd785a4224c7940e9a10f6c1ab24c343e923bec@,d72b3011ed46d783e369fdf8ae2055b99a1e5074@,ba3bacc714817218562f743178228f23678b2873@public-seed-node.cosmoshub.certus.one:26656,3c7cad4154967a294b3ba1cc752e40e8779640ad@,366ac852255c3ac8de17e11ae9ec814b8c68bddb@" # The ibc and swap state are very large, causing the node itself # to stop on excessive queries. Therefore, we customize the rpc configuration # as above. # How long to wait for a tx to be committed during /broadcast_tx_commit. # WARNING: Using a value larger than 10s will result in increasing the # global HTTP write timeout, which applies to all connections and endpoints. # See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/3435 timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "600s" # Maximum size of request body, in bytes max_body_bytes = 10000000 # Maximum size of request header, in bytes max_header_bytes = 10485760
Note: If your node is unable to connect to any of the seeds listed here, you can find seeds and peers in this document maintained by community members, and at Atlas, which is automatically generated by crawling the network. You can also join Discord channel to reach out to any Cosmos community members to get help on this.
Replace necessary configuration
sed -i '' 's#"tcp://"#"tcp://"#g' $HOME/.gaia/config/config.toml sed -i '' 's/enable = false/enable = true/g' $HOME/.gaia/config/config.toml sed -i '' 's/swagger = false/swagger = true/g' $HOME/.gaia/config/config.toml
State sync allows a new node to join a network by fetching a snapshot of the application state at a recent height instead of fetching and replaying all historical blocks. This can reduce the time needed to sync with the network from days to minutes. Reference this article to know more about Cosmos SDK state sync.
Option 1. Setup using state synced data dump
The data that is state sync based on A height is about 1 gigabyte, so it can be set lighter and faster, but there is no index for past blocks.
Download one of the download links below.
- cosmoshub-4_state_synced_7271293.tar (IPFS)
- cosmoshub-4_state_synced_7271293.tar (Google Drive)
tar xvzf cosmoshub-4_state_synced_7271293.tar
Rename the gaia data files
mv gaia_synced ~/.gaia
Start node and sync
gaiad start
Option 2. State sync via snapshot supply nodes
snapshot supply nodes (2 node setting- Block must be at the latest height)
Manually add the below setting in
file.[state-sync] # snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are # taken (0 to disable). Must be a multiple of pruning-keep-every. snapshot-interval = 100 # snapshot-keep-recent specifies the number of recent snapshots to keep and serve (0 to keep all). snapshot-keep-recent = 2
Node to receive snapshot (1 node that needs to sync)
Manually add the below setting in
file.(Set the peers list as well.)
#"snapshot-interval = 100, snapshot-keep-recent = 2" → lastblock - 100 = trust_height
curl -s http://<Public-RPC-NODE>/block?height=7270300 | jq -r '.result.block.header.height + "\n" + .result.block_id.hash'
[statesync] # State sync rapidly bootstraps a new node by discovering, fetching, and restoring a state machine # snapshot from peers instead of fetching and replaying historical blocks. Requires some peers in # the network to take and serve state machine snapshots. State sync is not attempted if the node # has any local state (LastBlockHeight > 0). The node will have a truncated block history, # starting from the height of the snapshot. enable = true # RPC servers (comma-separated) for light client verification of the synced state machine and # retrieval of state data for node bootstrapping. Also needs a trusted height and corresponding # header hash obtained from a trusted source, and a period during which validators can be trusted. # # For Cosmos SDK-based chains, trust_period should usually be about 2/3 of the unbonding time (~2 # weeks) during which they can be financially punished (slashed) for misbehavior. rpc_servers = "http://<Public-RPC-NODE1>,http://<Public-RPC-NODE2>" trust_height = 7270300 trust_hash = "7115EDFC7ADD3A71F6685584DF9669600E8B8D0C8514A0089C66956F355FA027" trust_period = "336h" # Time to spend discovering snapshots before initiating a restore. discovery_time = "15s" # Temporary directory for state sync snapshot chunks, defaults to the OS tempdir (typically /tmp). # Will create a new, randomly named directory within, and remove it when done. temp_dir = "<snapshot save dir>"
gaiad start
If you see log like this, it's going well.
7:11PM INF Fetching snapshot chunk chunk=7 format=1 height=7271000 module=statesync total=33 7:11PM INF Applied snapshot chunk to ABCI app chunk=3 format=1 height=7271000 module=statesync total=33 ... 7:15PM INF executed block height=7271024 module=state num_invalid_txs=0 num_valid_txs=0 7:15PM INF commit synced commit=436F6D6D697449447B5B313130203439203133392031353420313336203235342032303620313439203134203230352031323420313033203134322031392039392032303020313536203130372032392031343520313137203232362036342033372031333220343320323433203834203131392032313320323331203133355D3A3645463237307D 7:15PM INF committed state app_hash=6E318B9A88FECE950ECD7C678E1363C89C6B1D9175E24025842BF35477D5E787 height=7271024 module=state num_txs=0 7:15PM INF indexed block height=7271024 module=txindex 7:15PM INF minted coins from module account amount=4453682uatom from=mint module=x/bank 7:15PM INF executed block height=7271025 module=state num_invalid_txs=0 num_valid_txs=0 7:15PM INF commit synced commit=436F6D6D697449447B5B3233312039372032333720313738203230392031333020323435203431203234332039203139362032343620313036203231392031393920393120343220313732203234372031313120313632203238203738203631203232392033312036322035352032333620363420323237203233335D3A3645463237317D 7:15PM INF committed state app_hash=E761EDB2D182F529F309C4F66ADBC75B2AACF76FA21C4E3DE51F3E37EC40E3E9 height=7271025 module=state num_txs=0 7:15PM INF indexed block height=7271025 module=txindex
When the sync is complete, set it up as follows:
[statesync] # State sync rapidly bootstraps a new node by discovering, fetching, and restoring a state machine # snapshot from peers instead of fetching and replaying historical blocks. Requires some peers in # the network to take and serve state machine snapshots. State sync is not attempted if the node # has any local state (LastBlockHeight > 0). The node will have a truncated block history, # starting from the height of the snapshot. enable = false
Query, tx are available when synchronization is up to the latest height.
Details are available here.
Query details of a liquidity pool
Example pool
query command using pool-id
gaiad query liquidity pool 1
id: "1"
pool_coin_denom: pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295
reserve_account_address: cosmos1jmhkafh94jpgakr735r70t32sxq9wzkayzs9we
- uatom
- uusd
type_id: 1
Example pool
query command using --pool-coin-denom
gaiad query liquidity pool --pool-coin-denom=pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295
id: "1"
pool_coin_denom: pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295
reserve_account_address: cosmos1jmhkafh94jpgakr735r70t32sxq9wzkayzs9we
- uatom
- uusd
type_id: 1
Example pool
query command using --reserve-acc
gaiad query liquidity pool --reserve-acc=cosmos1jmhkafh94jpgakr735r70t32sxq9wzkayzs9we
id: "1"
pool_coin_denom: pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295
reserve_account_address: cosmos1jmhkafh94jpgakr735r70t32sxq9wzkayzs9we
- uatom
- uusd
type_id: 1
Query reserve coins of the pool:
gaiad query bank balances cosmos1jmhkafh94jpgakr735r70t32sxq9wzkayzs9we
- amount: "999003494"
denom: uatom
- amount: "50050075000"
denom: uusd
next_key: null
total: "0"
Query total supply of the pool coin
gaiad query bank total --denom=pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295
amount: "1000000"
denom: pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295
Query for all liquidity pools
Example pools
query command:
gaiad query liquidity pools
next_key: null
total: "2"
- id: "1"
pool_coin_denom: pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295
reserve_account_address: cosmos1jmhkafh94jpgakr735r70t32sxq9wzkayzs9we
- uatom
- uusd
type_id: 1
- id: "2"
pool_coin_denom: poolA4648A10F8D43B8EE4D915A35CB292618215D9F60CE3E2E29216489CF1FAE049
reserve_account_address: cosmos153jg5y8c6sacaexezk34ev5jvxpptk0kscrx0x
- stake
- uusd
type_id: 1
Query details of a liquidity pool batch
Example batch
query command:
gaiad query liquidity batch 1
begin_height: "563"
deposit_msg_index: "2"
executed: false
index: "3"
pool_id: "1"
swap_msg_index: "2"
withdraw_msg_index: "2"
Query for the deposit message on the batch of the liquidity pool
Example deposit
query command:
gaiad query liquidity deposit 1 1
executed: true
- amount: "1000000000"
denom: uatom
- amount: "50000000000"
denom: uusd
depositor_address: cosmos1le0a8y0ha99txx0ngsh0qhyyx7cwnjmmju52ed
pool_id: "1"
msg_height: "35"
msg_index: "2"
succeeded: true
to_be_deleted: true
Query for all deposit messages on the batch of the liquidity pool
Example deposits
query command:
gaiad query liquidity deposits 1
- executed: true
- amount: "100000000"
denom: uatom
- amount: "5000000000"
denom: uusd
depositor_address: cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3
pool_id: "1"
msg_height: "458"
msg_index: "1"
succeeded: true
to_be_deleted: true
next_key: null
total: "1"
Query for the withdraw message on the batch of the liquidity pool
Example withdraw
query command:
gaiad query liquidity withdraws 1 2
next_key: null
total: "1"
- executed: true
amount: "10000"
denom: pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295
pool_id: "1"
withdrawer_address: cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3
msg_height: "562"
msg_index: "1"
succeeded: true
to_be_deleted: true
Query for all withdraw messages on the batch of the liquidity pool
Example withdraws
query command
gaiad query liquidity withdraws 1
next_key: null
total: "1"
- executed: true
amount: "10000"
denom: pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295
pool_id: "1"
withdrawer_address: cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3
msg_height: "562"
msg_index: "1"
succeeded: true
to_be_deleted: true
Query for the swap message on the batch of the liquidity pool
Example swap
query command:
gaiad query liquidity swaps 1 2
next_key: null
total: "1"
- exchanged_offer_coin:
amount: "50000000"
denom: uusd
executed: true
demand_coin_denom: uatom
amount: "50000000"
denom: uusd
amount: "75000"
denom: uusd
order_price: "0.019000000000000000"
pool_id: "1"
swap_requester_address: cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3
swap_type_id: 1
msg_height: "178"
msg_index: "1"
order_expiry_height: "178"
amount: "0"
denom: uusd
amount: "0"
denom: uusd
succeeded: true
to_be_deleted: true
Query for all swap messages on the batch of the liquidity pool
Example swaps
query command:
gaiad query liquidity swaps 1
next_key: null
total: "1"
- exchanged_offer_coin:
amount: "50000000"
denom: uusd
executed: true
demand_coin_denom: uatom
amount: "50000000"
denom: uusd
amount: "75000"
denom: uusd
order_price: "0.019000000000000000"
pool_id: "1"
swap_requester_address: cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3
swap_type_id: 1
msg_height: "178"
msg_index: "1"
order_expiry_height: "178"
amount: "0"
denom: uusd
amount: "0"
denom: uusd
succeeded: true
to_be_deleted: true
For error codes with the description, see errors.go.
curl "\"swap_transacted.success='success'\""
A node exposes the REST server default port of 1317. Configure the port in [api] section of the app.toml file located in your $HOME/.liquidityd/config/ directory. When swagger param is set to true, you can open up your browser and check out the Swagger documentation in http://localhost:1317/swagger-liquidity/. You can also reference the public api documentation in this link.
REST API Specs (swagger)
With the exception of creating the liquidity pool, all commands are implemented to execute on the batch.
Create liquidity pool
Example create-pool
tx command:
gaiad tx liquidity create-pool 1 1000000000uatom,50000000000uusd --from user1 --keyring-backend test --chain-id testing -y
JSON Structure:
"body": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/tendermint.liquidity.MsgCreatePool",
"pool_creator_address": "cosmos1s6cjfm4djg95jkzsfe490yfc9k6wazx6culyft",
"pool_type_id": 1,
"deposit_coins": [
"denom": "uatom",
"amount": "1000000000"
"denom": "uusd",
"amount": "50000000000"
"memo": "",
"timeout_height": "0",
"extension_options": [],
"non_critical_extension_options": []
"auth_info": {
"signer_infos": [],
"fee": {
"amount": [],
"gas_limit": "200000",
"payer": "",
"granter": ""
"signatures": []
"height": "5",
"txhash": "C326C06CFB50589F72CBACD6F0028EE00B94F259C869D55653CEE11208531496",
"codespace": "",
"code": 0,
"data": "0A0D0A0B6372656174655F706F6F6C",
"raw_log": "...",
"logs": [
"msg_index": 0,
"log": "",
"events": [
"type": "create_pool",
"attributes": [
"key": "pool_id",
"value": "1"
"key": "pool_type_id",
"value": "1"
"key": "pool_name",
"value": "uatom/uusd/1"
"key": "reserve_account",
"value": "cosmos1jmhkafh94jpgakr735r70t32sxq9wzkayzs9we"
"key": "deposit_coins",
"value": "1000000000uatom,50000000000uusd"
"key": "pool_coin_denom",
"value": "pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295"
"type": "message",
"attributes": [
"key": "action",
"value": "create_pool"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1s6cjfm4djg95jkzsfe490yfc9k6wazx6culyft"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1tx68a8k9yz54z06qfve9l2zxvgsz4ka3hr8962"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1s6cjfm4djg95jkzsfe490yfc9k6wazx6culyft"
"key": "module",
"value": "liquidity"
"type": "transfer",
"attributes": [
"key": "recipient",
"value": "cosmos1jmhkafh94jpgakr735r70t32sxq9wzkayzs9we"
"key": "amount",
"value": "1000000000uatom,50000000000uusd"
"key": "recipient",
"value": "cosmos1s6cjfm4djg95jkzsfe490yfc9k6wazx6culyft"
"key": "amount",
"value": "1000000pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295"
"key": "recipient",
"value": "cosmos1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd88lyufl"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1s6cjfm4djg95jkzsfe490yfc9k6wazx6culyft"
"key": "amount",
"value": "100000000stake"
"info": "",
"gas_wanted": "200000",
"gas_used": "163716",
"tx": null,
"timestamp": ""
Deposit to the liquidity pool batch
Example deposit
tx command:
gaiad tx liquidity deposit 1 100000000uatom,5000000000uusd --from validator --keyring-backend test --chain-id testing -y
JSON Structure:
"body": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/tendermint.liquidity.MsgDepositWithinBatch",
"depositor_address": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3",
"pool_id": "1",
"deposit_coins": [
"denom": "uatom",
"amount": "100000000"
"denom": "uusd",
"amount": "5000000000"
"memo": "",
"timeout_height": "0",
"extension_options": [],
"non_critical_extension_options": []
"auth_info": {
"signer_infos": [],
"fee": {
"amount": [],
"gas_limit": "200000",
"payer": "",
"granter": ""
"signatures": []
"height": "458",
"txhash": "8D8FA31125AB2A984D28F362ADC05946208C0E7927B13F984D9AD6E8E5327782",
"codespace": "",
"code": 0,
"data": "0A160A146465706F7369745F77697468696E5F6261746368",
"raw_log": "...",
"logs": [
"msg_index": 0,
"log": "",
"events": [
"type": "deposit_within_batch",
"attributes": [
"key": "pool_id",
"value": "1"
"key": "batch_index",
"value": "1"
"key": "msg_index",
"value": "1"
"key": "deposit_coins",
"value": "100000000uatom,5000000000uusd"
"type": "message",
"attributes": [
"key": "action",
"value": "deposit_within_batch"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3"
"key": "module",
"value": "liquidity"
"type": "transfer",
"attributes": [
"key": "recipient",
"value": "cosmos1tx68a8k9yz54z06qfve9l2zxvgsz4ka3hr8962"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3"
"key": "amount",
"value": "100000000uatom,5000000000uusd"
"info": "",
"gas_wanted": "200000",
"gas_used": "79385",
"tx": null,
"timestamp": ""
Withdraw pool coin from the liquidity pool
Example withdraw
tx command:
gaiad tx liquidity withdraw 1 10000pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295 --from validator --chain-id testing --keyring-backend test -y
JSON Structure
"body": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/tendermint.liquidity.MsgWithdrawWithinBatch",
"withdrawer_address": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3",
"pool_id": "1",
"pool_coin": {
"denom": "pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295",
"amount": "10000"
"memo": "",
"timeout_height": "0",
"extension_options": [],
"non_critical_extension_options": []
"auth_info": {
"signer_infos": [],
"fee": {
"amount": [],
"gas_limit": "200000",
"payer": "",
"granter": ""
"signatures": []
"height": "562",
"txhash": "BE8827F69E8BC5909A0FFC713B6D267606A91A1CFA07552E69020638E9E1D563",
"codespace": "",
"code": 0,
"data": "0A170A1577697468647261775F77697468696E5F6261746368",
"raw_log": "...",
"logs": [
"msg_index": 0,
"log": "",
"events": [
"type": "message",
"attributes": [
"key": "action",
"value": "withdraw_within_batch"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3"
"key": "module",
"value": "liquidity"
"type": "transfer",
"attributes": [
"key": "recipient",
"value": "cosmos1tx68a8k9yz54z06qfve9l2zxvgsz4ka3hr8962"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3"
"key": "amount",
"value": "10000pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295"
"type": "withdraw_within_batch",
"attributes": [
"key": "pool_id",
"value": "1"
"key": "batch_index",
"value": "2"
"key": "msg_index",
"value": "1"
"key": "pool_coin_denom",
"value": "pool96EF6EA6E5AC828ED87E8D07E7AE2A8180570ADD212117B2DA6F0B75D17A6295"
"key": "pool_coin_amount",
"value": "10000"
"info": "",
"gas_wanted": "200000",
"gas_used": "67701",
"tx": null,
"timestamp": ""
Swap offer coin with demand coin from the liquidity pool with the given order price
Example swap
tx command:
gaiad tx liquidity swap 1 1 50000000uusd uatom 0.019 0.003 --from validator --chain-id testing --keyring-backend test -y
JSON Structure:
"body": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/tendermint.liquidity.MsgSwapWithinBatch",
"swap_requester_address": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3",
"pool_id": "1",
"swap_type_id": 1,
"offer_coin": {
"denom": "uusd",
"amount": "50000000"
"demand_coin_denom": "uatom",
"offer_coin_fee": {
"denom": "uusd",
"amount": "75000"
"order_price": "0.019000000000000000"
"memo": "",
"timeout_height": "0",
"extension_options": [],
"non_critical_extension_options": []
"auth_info": {
"signer_infos": [],
"fee": {
"amount": [],
"gas_limit": "200000",
"payer": "",
"granter": ""
"signatures": []
"height": "178",
"txhash": "AA9A3A50D9AC639730F61824AA2BD3BA9EBCCEA7E52147353C0E680041F21243",
"codespace": "",
"code": 0,
"data": "0A130A11737761705F77697468696E5F6261746368",
"raw_log": "...",
"logs": [
"msg_index": 0,
"log": "",
"events": [
"type": "message",
"attributes": [
"key": "action",
"value": "swap_within_batch"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3"
"key": "module",
"value": "liquidity"
"type": "swap_within_batch",
"attributes": [
"key": "pool_id",
"value": "1"
"key": "batch_index",
"value": "1"
"key": "msg_index",
"value": "1"
"key": "swap_type_id",
"value": "1"
"key": "offer_coin_denom",
"value": "uusd"
"key": "offer_coin_amount",
"value": "50000000"
"key": "offer_coin_fee_amount",
"value": "75000"
"key": "demand_coin_denom",
"value": "uatom"
"key": "order_price",
"value": "0.019000000000000000"
"type": "transfer",
"attributes": [
"key": "recipient",
"value": "cosmos1tx68a8k9yz54z06qfve9l2zxvgsz4ka3hr8962"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3"
"key": "amount",
"value": "50000000uusd"
"key": "recipient",
"value": "cosmos1tx68a8k9yz54z06qfve9l2zxvgsz4ka3hr8962"
"key": "sender",
"value": "cosmos1h6ht09xx0ue0fqmezk7msgqcc9k20a5x5ynvc3"
"key": "amount",
"value": "75000uusd"
"info": "",
"gas_wanted": "200000",
"gas_used": "95327",
"tx": null,
"timestamp": ""
For error codes with the description, see errors.go.
The POST endpoints of the new gGPC-gateway REST are not available. The Migrating to New REST Endpoints Cosmos SDK guide suggests to use Protobuf directly. You can use the command line interface or use the temporarily available REST API at localhost:1317/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs
For example, to broadcast a transaction by using the New gRPC-gateway REST Endpoint:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"tx_bytes":"CoMBCoABCh0vdGVuZGVybWludC5saXF1aWRpdHkuTXNnU3dhcBJfCi1jb3Ntb3MxN3dncHpyNGd2YzN1aHBmcnUyNmVhYTJsc203NzJlMnEydjBtZXgQAhgBIAEqDQoFc3Rha2USBDEwMDAyBGF0b206EzExNTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDASWApQCkYKHy9jb3Ntb3MuY3J5cHRvLnNlY3AyNTZrMS5QdWJLZXkSIwohAqzfoAEi0cFg0zqwBuGNvHml4XJNS3EQuVti8/yGH88NEgQKAgh/GAgSBBDAmgwaQGTRN67x2WYF/L5DsRD3ZY1Kt9cVpg3rW+YbXtihxcB6bJWhMxuFr0u9SnGkCuAgOuLH9YU8ROFUo1gGS1RpTz0=","mode":1}' localhost:1317/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs
Each pair of tokens in a pool has a pool price defined by the reserves of that pair of tokens.
Let's get pool 1 information
"pool": {
"id": "1",
"type_id": 1,
"reserve_coin_denoms": [
"reserve_account_address": "cosmos1m7uyxn26sz6w4755k6rch4dc2fj6cmzajkszvn",
"pool_coin_denom": "poolDFB8434D5A80B4EAFA94B6878BD5B85265AC6C5D37204AB899B1C3C52543DA7E"
Use the reserve_account_address to get reserve coin amounts
"balances": [
"denom": "ibc/14F9BC3E44B8A9C1BE1FB08980FAB87034C9905EF17CF2F5008FC085218811CC",
"amount": "60727676783"
"denom": "uatom",
"amount": "9018280896"
"pagination": {
"next_key": null,
"total": "2"
When users swap tokens in the pool, they want to know how much the expected swap price is. Here, the expected swap price is the price considering slippage. (swap fees are not considered)
For practical purposes, users also would like to know what amount of tokens they will receive at a specific price.
- If users want to swap X token to Y token, the swap price has to be higher than current pool price. The amount of X token they will provide to pool and the amount of Y token they will receive are below.
- Reversely, if users want to swap Y token to X token, the swap price has to be lower than current pool price. The amount of Y token they will provide to pool and the amount of X token they will receive are below.
Query liquidity parameters using cli
gaiad query liquidity params --output json
Query liquidity parameters using REST API
- {API-SERVER}/cosmos/liquidity/v1beta1/params
- ex)
(cosmoshub-4, height 7,270,000)
"params": {
"pool_types": [
"id": 1,
"name": "StandardLiquidityPool",
"min_reserve_coin_num": 2,
"max_reserve_coin_num": 2,
"description": "Standard liquidity pool with pool price function X/Y, ESPM constraint, and two kinds of reserve coins"
"min_init_deposit_amount": "1000000",
"init_pool_coin_mint_amount": "1000000",
"max_reserve_coin_amount": "0",
"pool_creation_fee": [
"denom": "uatom",
"amount": "40000000"
"swap_fee_rate": "0.003000000000000000",
"withdraw_fee_rate": "0.000000000000000000",
"max_order_amount_ratio": "0.100000000000000000",
"unit_batch_height": 1,
"circuit_breaker_enabled": false
Minimum number of coins to be deposited to the liquidity pool upon pool creation.
Initial mint amount of pool coin on pool creation.
Limit the size of each liquidity pool. The deposit transaction fails if the total reserve coin amount after the deposit is larger than the reserve coin amount.
The default value of zero means no limit.
Note: Especially in the early phases of liquidity module adoption, set MaxReserveCoinAmount
to a non-zero value to minimize risk on error or exploitation.
Fee paid for to create a LiquidityPool creation. This fee prevents spamming and is collected in in the community pool of the distribution module.
Swap fee rate for every executed swap. When a swap is requested, the swap fee is reserved:
- Half reserved as
- Half reserved as
The swap fee is collected when a batch is executed.
Reserve coin withdrawal with less proportion by WithdrawFeeRate
. This fee prevents attack vectors from repeated deposit/withdraw transactions.
Maximum ratio of reserve coins that can be ordered at a swap order.
The smallest unit batch size for every liquidity pool.
The intention of circuit breaker is to have a contingency plan for a running network which maintains network liveness. This parameter enables or disables all transaction message types in liquidity module.