This repository contains the re-implementation of the paper Learning with AMIGo: Adversarially Motivated Intrinsic GOals.
The repository is organized in the following way:
- The training process is fully implemented in main/, where functions for acting in the environment, training the model and testing pre-trained results are contained
- The neural network models for the teacher and the student together with a state-embedding network are contained in the models/ folder
- Functions utilized in the training loop are contained in utils_folder/ and utils_folder/
- torchbeast/core contains util functions to implement the IMPALA algorithm for fast distributed policy gradient
Our project reimplements AMIGo, which is described in the following paper:
title={Learning with AMIGo: Adversarially Motivated Intrinsic Goals},
author={Campero, Andres and Raileanu, Roberta and K{\"u}ttler, Heinrich and Tenenbaum, Joshua B and Rockt{\"a}schel, Tim and Grefenstette, Edward},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.12122},
However, some of the experiments leverage the work described in:
title={BeBold: Exploration Beyond the Boundary of Explored Regions},
author={Tianjun Zhang and Huazhe Xu and Xiaolong Wang and Yi Wu and Kurt Keutzer and Joseph E. Gonzalez and Yuandong Tian},
# create a new conda environment
conda create -n amigo python=3.7
conda activate amigo
# install dependencies
git clone
cd adversarially-motivated-intrinsic-goals
pip install -r requirements.txt
Three main experiments can be reproduced via the main/ script:
- The default AMIGo run
- AMIGo with adaptive t* threshold
- An AMIGo model where the intrinsic reward function is substituted with one derived from random network distillation
# Run AMIGo on MiniGrid Environment
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python -m main.main --env MiniGrid-KeyCorridorS3R3-v0 \
--num_actors 40 --modify --generator_batch_size 150 --generator_entropy_cost .05 \
--generator_threshold -.1 --total_frames 100000000 --generator_reward_negative -.3 \
--savedir ./experimentMinigrid --model default
In our project, we mostly worked on the MiniGrid-KeyCorridorS3R3-v0 envronment. However, the script can be run on any other available MiniGrid envoronment as well. The parameters here are the dafault ones from the paper.
# Run AMIGo on MiniGrid Environment
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python -m main.main --env MiniGrid-KeyCorridorS3R3-v0 \
--num_actors 40 --modify --generator_batch_size 150 --generator_entropy_cost .05 \
--generator_threshold -.5 --total_frames 100000000 --generator_reward_negative -.3 \
--savedir ./experimentMinigrid --model window_addaptive --window 50
The --window flag can be changed to any preferred value.
# Run AMIGo on MiniGrid Environment
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python -m main.main --env MiniGrid-KeyCorridorS3R3-v0 \
--num_actors 10 --modify --total_frames 100000000 \
--savedir ./experimentMinigrid --model novelty_based
Less actors are employed since it yielded better learning outcomes.
# Run AMIGo on MiniGrid Environment
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python -m main.main --env trained_amigo_environment \
--mode test --weight_path path_to_saved_weights --record_video --video_path path_to_video.mp4
The flag --model
followed by default, window_adaptive and novelty_based must as well be specified.
If the flag --record_video
is used, an mp4 video of a random rollout by the trained agent will be produced at the selected path. To record the video, ffmpeg must be installed.
The results
folder reports the logs of results from running the AMIGo model on different MiniGrid environments (reproduction)
The code in this repository is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC 4.0).