Allen Wirfs-Brock
February 23, 2015
TL;DR The Semantics of ES6 super
clashes with ad hoc method mixins
ECMAScript 2015 provides the super
keyword for delegating property accesses to a property definition provided further up the prototype (or superclass) inheritance chain. For example:
class MyArray extends Array {
push(...args) {
console.log(`pushing ${args)`);
In order for the function MyArray.prototype.push
to be able to find the Array.prototype.push
method, the function needs to keeps a reference to the object that holds it as an own property. That reference is called the function's [[HomeObject]]. In this example function's [[HomeObject]] value is MyArray.prototype
JavaScript programmers are used to installing methods on objects by simply assigning a function as the value of a property. So, a programmer might reasonably expect that the MyArray.prototype.push
method could be associated with another objects via an assignment like:
someObject.push = MyArray.prototype.push;
But, because of the [[HomeObject]] method association this usually will not have the intended result. For example, consider:
//Example 1
class Pusher {
push(...args) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(this, args);
let aPusher = new Pusher;
aPusher.push(0); //console: Pusher.protoype.push
aPusher.push = MyArray.prototype.push //ad hoc mixin
aPusher.push(1); //console: pushing 1
//expected: pushing 1
// Pusher.prototype.push
A programmer who wrote the assignment aPusher.push = MyArray.prototype.push
was probably thinking that they could just reuse the push
method from MyArray.prototype
and that the super.push
call within it would start searching for a push
method at the [[Prototype]] of aPusher
. But it doesn't. Instead that method will always begin its super.push
search starting with the [[prototype]] of MyArray.prototype
because that is what the [[HomeObject]] of the function is permanently set to.
Using Object.assign with an object literal has similar counter-intuitive results:
//Exammple 2
Object.assign(aPusher, {
push(...args) {
console.log("aPusher mixin");
In this case, the [[HomeObject]] of the mixed-in push
function is set to the literally created object that is passed as the second argument to Object.assign
rather than the object that is the value of aPusher
. super.push
will look for a push
method in Object.prototype
rather than in Pusher.prototype
as was intended. Such a method probably won't be found. The same problem exists if a programmer tries to use Object.assign
to mix methods into the prototype object created by a constructor function or class declaration
In summary, in ES6 using property assignment or Object.assign
to mix functions into objects (including prototype objects and constructors) results in unexpected problematic behavior if the functions contain any super
property references.
TL;DR The draft ES6 toMethod
solution was to set the [[HomeObjedt]] of a clone of the original method. That was solution was abandoned because it was unintuitive, complex, and error-prone.
The original approach tried in ES6 drafts was to use a built-in method named toMethod
to solve this problem. ``toMethodwas defined as a method on
function.prototype` and could be used to change the [[HomeObject]] association of a function.
For example, in example 1 the method mix-in assignment:
aPusher.push = MyArray.prototype.push //ad hoc mix-in
would have been replaced by:
aPusher.push = MyArray.prototype.push.toMethod(aPusher);
Conceptually, what toMethod
does is set the [[HomeObject]] of its this
object to the object passed as its argument and then return its updated this
value. But it can't actually do that. The any preexisting references (from MyArray.prototype
in this example) to the this
value still exists. And those reference typically need to use the old [[HomeObject]] value rather than its new value. Changing [[HomeObject]] to aPusher
would correctly set it for aPusher
usage but would break it for MyArray.prototype
Instead, toMethod
makes an almost clone of the function that is its this
value and then returns the clone function as its value. One of the ways that the clone function is different from the original function is that its [[HomeObject]] is set to the toMethod
argument. So, MyArray.prototype.push.toMethod(aPusher)
creates a clone of the function that is the value of MyArray.prototype.push
, then sets the clone's [[HomeObject]] to the value of aPusher
, and finally it returns the clone. It is that clone value that is then assigned to aPusher.push
. The original MyArray.prototype.push
function is unmodified.
However, cloning a function creates other complications. Is the clone a deep or shallow clone? In either case are all of the functions properties cloned or only some of them. If the function itself has function valued properties should toMethod
be recursively applied to them with the clone as the argument? What happens if toMethod
is applied to a built-in function, a bound function, or a callable Proxy object. Is it expected to also know how to clone those?
The answer used in the ES6 draft version of toMethod
was to perform a shallow clone of the function excluding all own properties except for length
. If any other properties needed to be included in the clone (either shallowly or deeply) it was up to caller to toMethod
to take care of that copying after toMethod
returned the clone to it. For this reason, the ES6 draft toMethod
was best thought of as a primitive that was intended to be primarily used by mix-in libraries or other abstractions over objects. Such libraries would have needed to establish their own policies for dealing with the cloning issue and for dealing with various kinds of exotic function objects.
Ultimately, TC39 decided that toMethod
was too complex and error-prone.
As shown in the examples above, defining methods that reference super
properties in class declarations is simple and straightforward. This is also true for object literals such as:
let dog = {
__proto__: animal,
walk() {
The reason this works well is that a class definition or object literal declaratively associates a new super
referencing function object with the the appropriate "home object". There is no need to manipulate the method outside the declaration, no need to imperatively modify a preexisting [[HomeObject]] reference, and no need to clone a method.
Ideally, ECMAScrpt's support for ad hoc mix-ins should have these same characteristics.
Remember Example 2:
//Exammple 2
Object.assign(aPusher, {
push(...args) {
console.log("aPusher mixin");
It looked reasonable, but did the wrong thing. Here is what a declarative version that doesn't use toMethod
but still does the correct thing might look like:
//Exammple 2 - declarative
aPusher mixin {
push(...args) {
console.log("aPusher mixin");
###A Declarative Solution
In this solution, mixin
is a contextual keyword that is the first token of a high precedence left-associative postfix operator. The second part of a mixin
operator has the syntax of an object literal and all of the normal property definition forms are allowed within it except for __proto__:
. Note that the object literal is a integral part of the mixin
postfix operator operator, not a separate sub expression. We call the value that the mixin
operator is applied to the "augmented object".
A simplified syntactic description of the mixin
operator is:
MixinExpression : MixinExpression mixin
where the value of the MixinExpression to the left of the mixin
contextual keyword is the augmented object.
The semantics are almost exactly the same as a regular object literal except that the property definitions within the ObjectLiteral define properties on the augmented object. Just like a normal ObjectLiteral
the properties are defined using [[DefineOwnProperty]] and they set property attributes just like an ObjectLiteral
. The value of the mixin
object is the augmented object, after its properties have been updated.
Any methods within the ObjectLiteral
that need a [[HomeObject]] binding are created with the augment object as their [[HomeObject]] value. No method cloning is perform and a method with the "wrong" or undefined
[[HomeObject]] never exists.
Note that it is a very important characteristic that this proposal that mixin
is an operator, rather than a function such as Object.mixin
which was considered for ES6. Use of an operator allows the new methods to be initially instantiated using the correct [[HomeObject]] values. All function based approaches require initially instantiating functions with the wrong [[HomeObject]] values and this leads to the need to clone the functions.
####But What If You Need Imperative Mixins?
The mixin
operator solves the [[HomeObject]] binding problem by always defining the mixed-in methods at one place in a program so that the augmented object is available when the method function objects are instantiated. But what if you need to apply a mixin at many different places in a program? Just use procedural abstraction:
export const someMixin = obj=>obj mixin {
method1() {return super.method1()},
Method2() {...},
data: 42
import {someMixin} from "someMixin.js";
let myObj = someMixin(new MyClass());
####Augmenting Classes The mixin operator can be applied to any object, including class objects and constructor functions:
class C extends B{
static sm1() {}
m1() {}
C mixin {
m2() {super.m2()}
In the above example the augmented object is the class constructor C
so m2
will be added as a static
method C
and not as a method of C.prototype
. The super
property reference in m2
follows the constructor prototype chaining starting at B
rather than than the prototype chain of C.prototype
While this could be what somebody who wrote C mixin {...}
intended, it probably isn't. More likely, when extending a class object, a developer really wants to default to adding properties to the class' prototype object and if they want to add static
methods they would prefer to label them as such.
There are other annoyances with using mixin {...}
to augment class constructor objects. One is that the value of the [[Enumerable]] attribute that is set by an ObjectLiteral is the opposite value from what is set for method definitions in a ClassBody. More generally when extending a class constructor you would like to be able to use ClassBody syntax and semantics rather than ObjectLiteral syntax and semantics. This is already an issue for static
methods. In the future it is likely that other kinds of ClassBody
elements will be added to ECMAScript and probably at least some of those should be available when augmenting a class constructor using the mixin
We can address these issues by providing a second form of the mixin
operator that is specifically defined for augmenting constructor objects. The simplified syntactic description of this alternative mixin
form is:
MixinExpression : MixinExpression mixin class {
ClassBody }
The class
keyword following mixin
indicates that this is a class mixin operation rather than an object mixin operation. the mixin class
operator first performs an IsConstructor test of the augmented object and throws a TypeError exception if the result is false
. Otherwise, the non-static property definitions from ClassBody are defined in the manner of a class definition on the value of the augmented object's prototype
property and static
property definitions are defined upon the argumented object itself. In both cases, each method's [[HomeObject]] is set appropriately. The only restriction on ClassBody (assuming only ES6 level elements) is that it may not define a constructor
Using a mixin class
operator, the above example would be written like:
C mixin class {
m2() {super.m2()}
and m2
would be defined as a method property of C.prototype
. If you wanted to augment both the prototype and the constructor you could write:
C mixin class {
m2() {super.m2()}; //[[HomeObject]] is C.prototype
static sm2() {super.sm2()};//[[HomeObject]] is C
###None Goals This proposal is not intended to be a replacement for higher level class composition abstractions such as Traits. Instead it provides the essential primitive language capabilities which combined with procedural or object abstraction capabilities can be used to define such higher level compositional abstractions. ###BNF
Here is the proposed BNF for this extension.
MixinExpression :
MixinExpression 'mixin' [no LineTerminator here] ObjectLiteral
MixinExpression 'mixin' [no LineTerminator here] 'class {' ClassBody '}'
PostfixExpression :
MixinExpression [no LineTerminator here] ++
MixinExpression [no LineTerminator here] --