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Create your first Pull Request

Julia Glaszka edited this page Sep 11, 2023 · 2 revisions

See open issues

You can view open issues that have not yet been assigned to anyone.

If you are searching for easy first issue - you can check the label good first issue.

If you come across an issue that interests you, please leave a comment under the issue that you would like to work on it. We will assign you to the task.

Make a git fork of the Tradukisto

  1. Go to the tradukisto repository.

  2. Click button "Fork" in top-right corner of the page.

  3. Choose "DEFAULT branch only" to copy only the master branch. If this option is not selected, it will copy all existing branches.

  4. Click Create fork.

Clone your fork

Open terminal. Go to the expected directory - for example: cd ~/Projects/.

Clone your fork repository to your compute:

git clone

Go to tradukisto directory:

cd tradukisto

Operate on branches

Create your branch where you will push code to:

git checkout -b name-of-your-branch

Implement your code

You can freely operate on your branch and implement changes. Remember to regularly commit your changes to not lost your work.

git add .
git commit -m "description of your changes"
git push

For more information see the guide how to implement new language.

Write and run tests

After you add your code, you need to write tests to ensure everything works fine. Don't be scared - it's easy. 😊

  1. Create package
  2. Create file {YourLanguage}ValuesTest.groovy (you can see how it was done in file EnglishValuesTest.groovy
  3. Edit tests as it was done for the other languages:
  1. Run tests
./gradlew test

Push your final changes

Open the terminal in the tradukisto directory and run commands:

git add .
git commit -m "description of your changes"
git push

Open your Pull Request

  1. Go to your fork and see branches.
  2. Find your branch.
  3. Click "New Pull Request".
  4. Add description to your Pull Request. Remember to add link to the issue (from "Issues" section) which you decided to solve.
  5. Add label "looks for reviewer".

🧡 That's all. We will make code review. Remember to ask for support if you have trouble with code - we are open to help you. :)