Lesson files for my code learning journey.
- Lesson 1-2: Introduction to HTML tags.
- Lesson 3: Forms in HTML.
- Lesson 4: Introduction to CSS.
- Lesson 4.1: Block-level and Inline-level Elements.
- Lesson 5: Classes and Selectors.
- Lesson 6-7: HTML 5 Semantics
- Lesson 8: CSS Layout & Positioning
- Lesson 9: Pseudo Classes and Elements
- Lesson 10: Media Queries and Responsive Design
- Lesson 1 - Colors & Typography
- Lesson 2 - Buttons & Links
- Lesson 3 - Utility Classes
- Lesson 4 - Containers
- Lesson 5 - Grid Layout (Part 1)
- Lesson 6 - Grid Layout (Part 2)
- Lesson 7 - Navbars & Cards
- Lesson 8 - Accordions
- Lesson 9 - List Groups
- Lesson 10 - Icons
- Lesson 11 - Forms
- Lesson 12 - Tooltips
- Lesson 13 - Modals
- Lesson 14 - Offcanvas
- Lesson 15 - Dropdowns
- Lesson 16 - Customising Bootstrap
- Lesson 17 - Tabs
- Lesson 1: Syntax Basics & Types
- Lesson 1 - Python Basics
- Lesson 2 - Methods & Functions
- Lesson 3 - Containers
- Lesson 4 - Control Flow
- Lesson 5 - Functions