Table is the basic unit for data access in ODPS.
To List all your tables:
To Get single Table:
table = project.tables.get('table_name') # project.tables.table('table_name')
irb(main):009:0> table.schema
=> #<Aliyun::Odps::TableSchema:0x007f90b3dca3c0 @columns=[#<Aliyun::Odps::TableColumn:0x007f90b3dca140 @comment="", @label="", @name="uuid", @type="bigint">, #<Aliyun::Odps::TableColumn:0x007f90b3dc98a8 @comment="", @label="", @name="name", @type="string">]>
irb(main):010:0> table.creation_time
=> Wed, 23 Dec 2015 13:46:08 +0000
irb(main):011:0> table.owner
=> "ALIYUN$"
irb(main):012:0> table.comment
=> nil
Before create table, you must create a schema.
schema =
columns: [{name: 'uuid', type: 'bigint'}, {name: 'username', type: 'string'}],
partitions: [{name: 'city', type: 'string'}]
Or just get schema from other table and modify:
table = project.tables.get('target_table_name')
schema = table.schema
schema.columns << 'password', type: 'string')
schema.partitions = []
Then you can create table:
project.tables.create('test_table', schema)
To deleta table, just use tables#delete
In ODPS, you can contains partitions for table:
To list all exist partitions:
partitions = table.table_partitions.list
To create partition:
partition = table.table_partitions.create(city: 'hangzhou')
To delete a exist partition:
partition = table.table_partitions.delete(city: 'hangzhou')
Note: if create partition or delete partition fail, it will raise Aliyun::Odps::InstanceTaskNotSuccessError, check your partition value is match the schema defined when create table
Ok, Tables is over, let's go to resources