PowerShell script to collect major hardware and some software information for local system. Designed for Windows OS family with Powershell version 5.1 or higher.
When executed, script collects system hardware data and network settings to save as file of your choice in script's root directory using local system name as filename.
Output data formats are: JSON, CSV, XML, HTML(GUI) local files or SQL insert to your database. Multiple choiсe is possible. So, if you started script from D:\ drive, your system name is I123456-Home and you choose *.csv and *.json as output file format you end up with D:\I123456-Home.csv and D:\I123456-Home.json files
Script to create simple MySQL database also avialable in this repository: create_mysql_databse.sql
Incase your Windows OS Powershell execution policy is "Restricted" (Which is highly possible because this policy enabled by Default) you need to change execution policy either manually or start hwinfo.ps1 via hwinfo-start.bat (Run as Administrator) It will set *.ps1 files execution policy to "RemoteSigned" and return it to "Default" later.
Incase you do not have MySQL Server, here is a brief tutorial (For ubuntu-server 22.04 LTS)
- Install MySQL Server:
(It is supposed that you already have Putty and connect to your ubintu-server via Putty terminal)
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server
Wait a bit while Ubuntu finish up it console magic then make sure that mysql-server is up and running:
sudo service mysql status
If everything ok, you must see mysql-server status like: active (running) highlighted by beautiful green color. MySQL Server installed. You're breathtaking!
- Configure MySQL to accept remote connections:
Install and run Midnight Commander
sudo install mc
sudo mc
You must see amazing blue panels of Midnight Commander. Navigate to MySQL configuration file /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysql.cnf and press F4 to open file for editing. Find "bind-address" string and assign THE SAME IP-ADDRESS WHICH HAS YOUR UBUNTU-SERVER. For example, if your ubuntu-server IP address is your bind-address string must looks like:
bind-address =
Press F2 to save changes, then press F10 to exit file. Type "exit" to exit amazing blue panels of Midnight Commander. Restart mysql-server for your efforts to take effect:
sudo service mysql restart
MySQL Server configured. Good job, soldier!
- Create MySQL Database and its tables.
Download create_mysql_database.sql script from this repository and copy its content. Open mysql-server console:
sudo mysql
Paste contetnt of create_mysql_database.sql script in console by clicking RMB (Right Mouse Button) in Putty terminal. Wait while database and tables will be created. Press ENTER. Well done!
Make sure that all tables has been created:
use pcinfo;
show tables;
If you see all necessary tables:
| Tables_in_pcinfo |
| baseboards |
| computers |
| cpus |
| gpus |
| netadapters |
| netconnections |
| rammodules |
| ramtypes |
| storages |
Then it is alright.
- Create user for remote access to MySQL Database.
And grant neccessary privileges to insert and references data. You must still have mysql-console open in your terminal, so execute next commands:
CREATE USER 'sqlwriter'@'192.168.0.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-secure-password';
GRANT INSERT, REFERENCES ON pcinfo.* TO 'sqlwriter'@'192.168.0.%';
sqlwriter is username which remote clients will use to write data to your MySQL server's database tables. 192.168.0.% is your network (JUST AN EXAMPLE, CHANGE IT TO YOUR CURRENT NETWORK RANGE). your-secure-password is, well, your secure password.
Now your MySQL server will accept connections from remote hosts of your network and allow them to INSERT and REFRENCES data in your databse. Yay! Of course, if you do not forget to edit your firewall rules, you know.
P.S. Remember, if (when) you would need to read or manage your data you'd better create user, say 'sqlreader', who can SELECT, UPDATE, ALTER, etc., and do some other SQL stuff of your choice.
- Copy Oracle's MySQL Database Connector
Download MySQL.Data.dll and System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll from this repository and make sure to copy these files in same directory with hwinfo.ps1 for script will search these assemblies in its root folder. Alternatively you can download these files from Oracle official site https://www.mysql.com/products/connector/ or NuGet repository, but make sure to download exact same version of System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll which requires MySQL.Data.dll Otherwise they can not work together.
- You're good to go!