- Distributed Caching: Easily scale your cache across multiple servers.
- High Performance: Efficiently handles large amounts of data with low latency.
- Scalability: Seamlessly increase cache capacity as your application grows.
- Ease of Use: Simple setup and configuration.
To use the library add MemcachedConfiguration
section to appsettings.json as follows:
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"HeadlessServiceAddress": "my-memchached-service-headless.namespace.svc.cluster.local"
groups all memcached pods. Using dns lookup all the ip addresses of the pods can be obtained.
Default Memcached port is 11211
, but you can also specify it in config.
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"MemcachedPort": 12345
is an optional setting that specifies which port should each memcached node use. If not set the default value of 11211
For local run or if you have a static amount and setup of pods you can specify Servers
manually instead of seting the HeadlessServiceAddress
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"Servers": [
"IpAddress": ""
"IpAddress": ""
"IpAddress": ""
Default Memcached port is 11211
, but you can also specify it in config
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"Servers": [
"IpAddress": "",
"Port": 12345
In case you have only one instance deployed in k8s specify consistent dns name of a pod.
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"Servers": [
"IpAddress": "my-memchached.namespace.svc.cluster.local"
Ypu can have both HeadlessServiceAddress
and Servers
nodes in configuration. In this case the resulting nodes will be collected from both headless service and static configuration.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Then inject IMemcachedClient
whenever you need it.
This client supports single-key get
, store
, delete
, inc
, decr
, flush
operaions. Multiple keys counterparts are available for get
, store
and delete
Stores specified key-value of multiple key-value pairs to the cache.
Task<MemcachedClientResult> StoreAsync<T>(
string key,
T value,
TimeSpan? expirationTime,
CancellationToken token,
StoreMode storeMode = StoreMode.Set);
: the entry key to store value forvalue
: the value to store under specified keyexpirationTime
: the absolute expiration time for the key-value entry. If not set or set toTimeSpan.Zero
, cached value never expirestoken
: the cancellation tokenstoreMode
: the mode under which the store operation is performed
Task MultiStoreAsync<T>(
Dictionary<string, T> keyValues,
TimeSpan? expirationTime,
CancellationToken token,
StoreMode storeMode = StoreMode.Set,
BatchingOptions batchingOptions = null,
IDictionary<string, TimeSpan?> expirationMap = null);
: the entry key-value pairs to storeexpirationTime
: the absolute expiration time for the key-value entry. If not set or set toTimeSpan.Zero
, cached value never expirestoken
: the cancellation tokenstoreMode
: the mode under which the store operation is performedbatchingOptions
: optional batching options. The batching will be covered in the later part of this documentationexpirationMap
: individual key expirations that will be used instead expirationTime if provided
Gets the value for the specified key or set of keys from cache. If value is not found by the key - IsEmptyResult
is true
In MultiGet scenarion the key in dictionary is absent.
Task<MemcachedClientGetResult<T>> GetAsync<T>(
string key,
CancellationToken token);
: the key to get the value fortoken
: the cancellation token
Task<IDictionary<string, T>> MultiGetAsync<T>(
IEnumerable<string> keys,
CancellationToken token,
BatchingOptions batchingOptions = null);
: the keys to get values fortoken
: the cancellation tokenbatchingOptions
: optional batching options. The batching will be covered in the later part of this documentation
Deletes the value for the specified key or set of keys from cache.
Task<MemcachedClientResult> DeleteAsync(string key, CancellationToken token);
: the key to delete the value fortoken
: the cancellation token
Task MultiDeleteAsync(
IEnumerable<string> keys,
CancellationToken token,
BatchingOptions batchingOptions = null);
: the keys to delete values fortoken
: the cancellation tokenbatchingOptions
: optional batching options. The batching will be covered in the later part of this documentation
Task<MemcachedClientValueResult<ulong>> IncrAsync(
string key,
ulong amountToAdd,
ulong initialValue,
TimeSpan? expirationTime,
CancellationToken token);
: the key to increment value foramountToAdd
: amount to add to stored valueinitialValue
: initial value if value does not existexpirationTime
: the absolute expiration time for the key-value entrytoken
: the cancellation token
Task<MemcachedClientValueResult<ulong>> DecrAsync(
string key,
ulong amountToSubtract,
ulong initialValue,
TimeSpan? expirationTime,
CancellationToken token);
: the key to increment value foramountToSubtract
: amount to subtract from stored valueinitialValue
: initial value if value does not existexpirationTime
: the absolute expiration time for the key-value entrytoken
: the cancellation token
Clears the cache on all the memcached cluster nodes.
Task FlushAsync(CancellationToken token);
This library internally logs all exceptions that occur during memcached operations. Also both MemcachedClientResult
and MemcachedClientValueResult<T>
have a public property Success
which is set to false
if any error occured during command execution. You can inspect the ErrorMessage
property to get error message.
To simplify the error logging, an extension method exist for each of the aforementioned return types.
public static void LogErrorIfAny(
this MemcachedClientResult target,
ILogger logger,
[CallerMemberName] string operationName = null)
public static void LogErrorIfAny<T>(
this MemcachedClientValueResult<T> target,
ILogger logger,
int? cacheKeysCount,
[CallerMemberName] string operationName = null)
By default cancellations and therefore OperationCancelledException
occurrences are treated as any other exceptions and logged accordingly. But there are times when one just need to know that cancellation heppened and doesn't need a full stacktrace for it.
It's possible to switch on the terse cancellaiton logging by setting MemcachedConfiguration.IsTerseCancellationLogging
config key to true
In that case only the operation name and a short message will be logged upon cancellation.
For MultiStoreAsync
and MultiGetAsync
methods there is an optional argument batchingOptions
. If this argument is specified the store and get operations split input key or key-value collection into batches an processe every batch on every memcached node in parallel with specified maximum degree of parallelism (Environment.ProcessorCount
by default).
Batching is requered to lower the load on memcached nodes in high-load scenarios when keys are long and values are even longer than keys. There is an empyric default value of batch size : 20
which is optimal for the most cases.
By default batching is off for all the operations.
To use the dafault values simply pass the new instance :
await _client.MultiStoreAsync(
batchingOptions: new BatchingOptions());
To configure the batch size for one physical memcached operation or change the maximum degree of parallelism - change the batchingOptions properties accordingly.
new BatchingOptions(){
BatchSize = 100,
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4
Note that the batch size lower than zero is invalid and MaxDegreeOfParallelism
lower then zero is equivalent to Environment.ProcessorCount
For MultiStoreAsync
, MultiGetAsync
and MultiDeleteAsync
methods there is an optional argument replicationFactor
. If replicationFactor > 0
a key will be stored on replicationFactor
additional physical nodes clockwise from initial one chosen by hash. In case of MultiGetAsync
if you need replica fallback you can specify replicationFactor = 1
even if replicationFactor
for MultiStoreAsync
is more than 1. While physical node does not respond but still is on HashRing MultiGetAsync
command will try to fetch data from both initial node and it's replica. When request to initial node is cancelled you still have data from it's replica. In case the broken node is already removed from HashRing you will have some probability to hit it's replica and with higher replicationFactor
probability is higher as well.
Be careful when using this parameter as it increases workload by x replicationFactor
. You also should consider some tunings for memcached - see Memcached tuning part of the README.
Please note that replicationFactor
parameter only present on multi-key versions of store, get and delte operations.
Since Memcached requires data to be binary serialized before storing it, we utilize various binary serializers to perform the serialization.
We use hand-written plain binary serializer to serialize primitive types, but with complex user-defined types the matters are a bit more complex.
Currently there is no universal binary serializer that can handle all the possible type heirarchies while not requiring annotating stored types with some kind of attributes (contractless).
Some examples.
The BSON serializer is contractless but can't handle DateTimeOffset
values or dictionaries with non-primitive keys without writnig custom converters.
The MessagePack serizlizer can be contractless, can handle all kinds of types but can't handle reference loops (when object has a property that is either a direct or an indirect reference to the object itself).
Protobuf serializer can handle reference loops, all types of objects but can't be contractless and creating contracts at run time using reflection is slow.
So we've decided to give the end user the ability to choose the serializer and if she does not like neither of the provided options - add a custom one.
The type of the serializer is configured as follows.
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"BinarySerializerType" : "Bson"
The ObjectBinarySerializerType
can have the following values.
- The default binary object serializer, it was used since v1 and is pretty good default, unless you need to store dictionaries with non-primitive keys.MessagePack
- Fast, can handle any type, but can't handle reference loops.Custom
- this option indicates that the serializer will be provided by the end user.
If the Custom
serializer type is selected then the library will search the DI container for a type that implements IObjectBinarySerializer
and use it as a serializer implementation.
Here is the example of custom serializer that uses MessagePack as an underlying serializer.
internal class MyObjectBinarySerializer : IObjectBinarySerializer
private int _serializationCount;
private int _deserializationCount;
public int SerializationsCount => _serializationCount;
public int DeserializationsCount => _deserializationCount;
public byte[] Serialize<T>(T value)
var data = MessagePackSerializer.Typeless.Serialize(value);
Interlocked.Increment(ref _serializationCount);
return data;
public T Deserialize<T>(byte[] serializedObject)
var deserializedObject = (T) MessagePackSerializer.Typeless.Deserialize(serializedObject);
Interlocked.Increment(ref _deserializationCount);
return deserializedObject;
We register this serializer in DI as singleton.
sc.AddSingleton<IObjectBinarySerializer, MyObjectBinarySerializer>();
And set the BinarySerializerType
to Custom
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"BinarySerializerType" : "Custom"
When changing binary serializer type, previously serialized values might fail to deserialize. There is a transition period solution : delete undeserializable keys from memcached to refresh data. This option is not enabled by default to not conseal errorneous deployment consequnces.
To enable this option set the following configuration key.
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"IsDeleteMemcachedKeyOnDeserializationFail" : true
Do not forget to set this option back to false
or to delte it after the transition period is over.
Key must be less than 250 characters and value must be less than the value -I
configured during memcached instance start.
The key length restriction can be lifted, see Long keys support section for the details.
If the value is greater than the configured -I
value the memcached client won't throw an exception - it simply won't store a key without any notification.
Therefore, when trying to read such key - nothing will be returned.
Also, please note that this library utilizes a memcached item flags
to store item type information to simplify and make deserialization faster.
This implies that one is not advised to use this library to read the data from memcached that you didn't put there using this library - it might be deserialized incorrectly or not deserialized at all.
To use SASL specify MemcachedAuth
section in config:
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"HeadlessServiceAddress": "my-memchached-service-headless.namespace.svc.cluster.local"
"MemcachedAuth": {
"Username": "mmchdadmin",
"Password": "pass"
This library utilizes diagnostic source to write out metrics and diagnostic data. But the diagnostcs data output is switched off by default.
To enable metrics and diagnostics use tho following DI extension method in Startup
class in Configure
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
// some previous calls here
writes RT and RPS metrics to either Prometheus or OpenTelemetry diagnostics. To disable metrics specify:
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"HeadlessServiceAddress": "my-memchached-service-headless.namespace.svc.cluster.local",
"Diagnostics": {
"DisableDiagnostics": true
You can select which metrics provider will be used by setting MetricsProviderName
to either Prometheus
or OpenTelemetry
as follows:
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"HeadlessServiceAddress": "my-memchached-service-headless.namespace.svc.cluster.local",
"MetricsProviderName" : "Prometheus"
: use Prometheus metricsOpenTelemetry
: use OpenTelemetry metrics
This library exposes the following memcached metrics
- memcached command duration in seconds per commandmemecached_socket_pool_used_sockets
- number of used socket pool sockets per endpointmemcached_commands_total
- total executed memcached commands number
writes memcached nodes rebuild process state to diagnostics. This state includes the nodes that are currently in use and socket pools statistics. To disable this data logging specify:
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"HeadlessServiceAddress": "my-memchached-service-headless.namespace.svc.cluster.local",
"Diagnostics": {
"DisableRebuildNodesStateLogging": true
writes socket pool diagnostic data. This data includes events for the socket being created and destroyed. By default this data is written out as LogLevel.Information
log events. To disable this diagnostics or configure event level use the following settings.
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"HeadlessServiceAddress": "my-memchached-service-headless.namespace.svc.cluster.local",
"Diagnostics": {
"DisableSocketPoolDiagnosticsLogging": true, // this disables socket pool diagnostics entirely
"SocketPoolDiagnosticsLoggingEventLevel" : "Debug"
Socket pool has a default configuration. If you need to tune it, add the following sections in config:
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"SocketPool": {
"ConnectionTimeout": "00:00:01",
"ReceiveTimeout": "00:00:01",
"SocketPoolingTimeout": "00:00:00.150",
"MaxPoolSize": 100
: Amount of time after which the connection attempt will failReceiveTimeout
: Amount of time after which receiving data from the socket will failSocketPoolingTimeout
: Amount of time to acquire socket from poolMaxPoolSize
: Maximum amount of sockets per memcached instance in the socket poolMaximumSocketCreationAttempts
: Maximum number of attempts to create a socket before the associated SocketPool is considered poisoned and its underlying endpoint broken
Maintainer service has a default configuration. If you need to tune it, add the following sections in config:
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"MemcachedMaintainer": {
"NodesRebuildingPeriod": "00:00:15",
"NodesHealthCheckPeriod": "00:00:15",
"NodeHealthCheckEnabled": true,
"UseSocketPoolForNodeHealthChecks" : true,
"MaintainerCyclesToCloseSocketAfter" : 2,
"NumberOfSocketsToClosePerPool" : 2
: Period to rebuild nodes using dns lookup by Headless ServiceNodesHealthCheckPeriod
: Period to check if nodes are responsive. If node is not responded duringSocketPool.ConnectionTimeout
it is marked as dead and will be deleted from memcached nodes until it is responsive againUseSocketPoolForNodeHealthChecks
: If set totrue
node health checker mechanism should use socket pool to obtain sockets for nodes health checks. If set tofalse
, new non-pooled socket will be created for each node health checkMaintainerCyclesToCloseSocketAfter
: Number of memcached maintainer cycles to closeNumberOfSocketsToClosePerPool
(see later) socket connections after. The sockets are going to be destroyed on the next maintainer cycle after the specified numberNumberOfSocketsToClosePerPool
: Number of sockets to close per pool on eachMaintainerCyclesToCloseSocketAfter
Initial number of seconds is got by last digits of calculated hash. Number of digits depends on SpreadFactor
, be default it is the remainder of the division by SpreadFactor
= 2 digits. Then it is multiplied by this factor to get final expiration time. MultiplicationFactor
= 1 makes jitter in a range of 0 to 99 seconds. MultiplicationFactor
= 10 makes jitter in a range of 0 to 990 seconds (0, 10, 20, ..., 990) etc.
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"HeadlessServiceAddress": "my-memchached-service-headless.namespace.svc.cluster.local",
"ExpirationJitter": {
"MultiplicationFactor": 1,
"SpreadFactor": 100
In case you need consistent cache across clusters or data centers you can use cache synchronization feature of this library.
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"HeadlessServiceAddress": "my-memchached-service-headless.namespace.svc.cluster.local",
"SyncSettings": {
"SyncServers": [
"Address": "http://my-service.cluster1.k8s.net",
"ClusterName": "cluster1"
"Address": "http://my-service.cluster2.k8s.net",
"ClusterName": "cluster2"
"ClusterNameEnvVariable": "MY_ENV_VAR_FOR_CLUSTER_NAME",
"RetryCount": 3,
"TimeToSync": "00:00:01",
"CacheSyncCircuitBreaker": {
"Interval": "00:01:00",
"MaxErrors": 50,
"SwitchOffTime": "00:02:00"
is used as default and can be replaced with your own implementation.
By default sync servers are obtained from SyncServers
array and filtered by name of a cluster that is specified in ClusterNameEnvVariable
to prevent a service instnace in one cluster from syncing cache to itself.
- number of retries to sync data to servers. Default value is3
- time before sync attempt is cancelled. Default value is00:00:01
allows to switch off synchronization if there are too many errors
time interval to count errorsMaxErrors
maximum number of errors inInterval
by instanceSwitchOffTime
time of synchronization switch off
Also you must add memcached endpoints in Configure
method of your Startup
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
argument here is a property on a Startup
When using cache synchronization feature, the MemcachedClientResult.SyncSuccess
property can be inspected to determine whether the sync operation succeeded. When cache synchronization is not used this property is set to false
To check whether the cache synchronization is configured and enabled call the IMemcachedClient.IsCacheSyncEnabled
Memcached has a by-design restriction on the key length - 250 bytes (or in most cases 250 characters).
This library has a mechanism to circumvent this restriction. If the following option is set
"MemcachedConfiguration": {
"IsAllowLongKeys" : true
then on each operation the key byte size is calculated and, if it exceeds the 250-byte limit, the key is hashed using xxHash128
algorithm to a fixed length string.
Please note that all hashing algorithms, icluding xxHash128
, has a potential to get a collision - same hash for two different inputs. Enabling aforementioned option might lead to unforeseen consequences, if the long to short keys ratio is considerable. Therefore it is recommended to enable IsAllowLongKeys
option only if the long keys count is low.
Nonetheless, it worth noting that every case for this option should be considered and tested individually.
Other than logs check Prometheus \ OpenTelemetry metrics.
To check if there are any unsuccesful commands: problems with connection, pool is run out of sockets, etc. :
sum(rate(memcached_commands_total{app_kubernetes_io_instance="$instance",kube_cluster=~"$cluster",is_successful="0"}[1m])) by (command_name)
sum(irate(memcached_commands_total{app_kubernetes_io_instance="$instance",kube_cluster=~"$cluster"}[$__interval])) by (command_name)
histogram_quantile(0.9, sum by (le, command_name) (rate(memcached_command_duration_seconds_bucket{app_kubernetes_io_instance=~"$instance",kube_cluster=~"$cluster"}[$__interval])))
version: "3"
image: memcached
restart: always
container_name: memcached
command: ["-m", "128"]
- 11211:11211
Consider setting memory limit to have all your data in cache and avoid unneccessary evictions. Also make sure that number of connections is enough, it will spike in moment of redeployment.
# MaxMemoryLimit, this should be less than the resources.limits.memory, or memcached will crash. Default is 64MB
- -m 8192
# Specify the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the memcached service. The default is 1024.
- -c 20000
In multi key client methods of the library there is a default BatchSize = 15
, if you want to change it consider tuning the following parameter:
- -R 40
The command-line parameter -R is in charge of the maximum number of requests per
network IO event (default value is 20). The application should adopt its batch
size according to this parameter. Please note that the requests limit does not
affect multi-key reads, or the number of keys per get request.
Each multi key client method requires addition noop operation so you need to set -R
parameter as BatchSize + 1
Otherwise you can encounter the limit:
STAT conn_yields 126672162
Number of times any connection yielded to another due to hitting the -R limit