Here is my submission which is accepted by Apple for WWDC20 Swift Student Challenge!
Before starts, I would like to introduce what NLP is and what Semantic Spaces are. Briefly, Natural Language Processing is ability of a computer program to understand human language as it is spoken. At this point, semantic spaces are representations of natural language that are capable of capturing the meaning of the words in huge dimensional matrix spaces. Such a cool isn't it?
I tried to gamify a description of the Semantic Spaces in a fun way! I had fun while coding this playground and I hope that you will also have fun while playing!
In first game, try to add words that are semanticaly close to your words. In default "base word" is computer. For example, computer is semantically close to "notebook" but semantically far away from "apple"
- Sounds that used in this playground retrieved from:
- Image that used in this playground retrieved from:
- Ali Eren Ak Istanbul, Turkey