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of Fighters Online </a><br />
<a href="http://gamers2play.com/game/uno-online"> UNO Online - Game -
Gamers2Play.com </a><br />
<a href="http://cs.gameflare.com/">Cartoon Strike: Lite Online</a><br />
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<a href="http://libertygalaxy.com/ebooks/starwars/">Index of /ebooks/starwars</a><br />
<a href="http://www.chesscorner.com/tutorial/openings/opening_survey.htm"> A
Survey of the Openings </a><br />
<a href="https://www.naclbox.com/gallery/wolf">Play Wolfenstein 3D - Naclbox</a><br />
<a href="http://mediafire-bank.blogspot.com/2011/09/monopoly-2008-portable-mediafire-link.html"> Monopoly 2008 portable (mediafire link) </a><br />
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<a href="http://thugracing.com/junior-chess/fullscreen/">Junior Chess</a><br />
<a href="https://en.lichess.org">Lichess.org</a><br />
<a href="https://www.chess.com/play/computer">Chess.com</a><br />
<a href="https://dopewars.sourceforge.io/">DopeWars (Druglord (by John E. Dell))</a><br />
Harry Potter [2] and the Chamber of Secrets CD Key: 2501-5635676-9791120-3400<br />
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<a href="http://playwitharena.com/?User_Files%2C_Engines:Arena_Graphics%2C_Intros:Intro_Sounds">Arena Chess GUI 3.5.1</a><br />
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<a href="http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/command-conquer-tiberium-alliances">Tiberium Alliances [PC] trailer</a><br />
<a href="http://ts1depot.hfguide.net/houses/index.html">More Sims Lots\ Objects and stuff...</a><br />
<a href="http://www.8bbit.com/play/battle-city/2010">Battle City 2010 [Flash]</a><br />
<a href="http://www.betterthanchess.com/">BetterThanChess: 3D Chess Game [online] for Beginners (Great graphics)</a><br />
http://www.sparkchess.com/ http://www.mdgx.com/chess3.htm<br />
<a href="http://www.webbattleship.com/">Online Battleship</a><br />
Desktop toy progs: <a href="http://esheep.petrucci.ch/">Desktop eSheep\ Stray Sheep/</a> & <a href="http://www.softpedia.com/hubs/Desktop-Screenmates/">Softpedia Screenmates (Ants\ Heineken\ Frog)</a><br />
<a href="http://www.snapfiles.com/get/alarmtarry.html">Alarm Clock by Tarry91</a>: Awesome & robust —incorporates multi-Alarm Clock + Countdown timer (which gets translated into actual time —novel idea !) Professional, freeware & feature-laden yet tiny size, this is a must have replacement for Alarms and Clock Windowz 10 app.<br />
Choose Your Theme The Microsoft Solitaire Collection features several beautiful themes, from the simplicity of "Classic" to the serenity of an Aquarium that comes to life before you while you play. You can even create custom themes from your own photos! Xbox Live Integration Sign in with your Microsoft account to earn ...<br />
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/microsoft-solitaire-collection/9wzdncrfhwd2<br />
<a href="http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tworld/">Chip's Challenge freeware (Windows 10)</a><br />
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[x] http://home.gna.org/vodovod/ pd<br />
<a href="http://www.gametop.com/download-free-games/jezzball/">http://www.gametop.com/download-free-games/jezzball/</a><br />
<a href="http://www.gameswin.org/gameen.php?id=176">Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure</a><br />
<a href="https://www.mediafire.com/file/2hfnd2hk5si9yvz/wail32.dll">Sound fix for crashing</a><br />
https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/863796-anyone-tried-to-play-bowep-games-on-7/<br />
<a href="https://winaero.com/blog/40-free-store-games-for-windows-8-including-new-and-classic-ones/">https://winaero.com/blog/40-free-store-games-for-windows-8-including-new-and-classic-ones/</a>(Real Chess Online by Alienforce !!)<br />
<a href="http://ahmedateeqzia.blogspot.ro/2014/07/red-alert-2-plus-yuri-full-free-download.html">Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge Full setup (recommended !)</a><br />
How to fix flickering + blackscreen: follow instructions, then install CnCNet Lobby, then search for nasoul DDraw & copy |rename to ddraw.dll for the superior DDraw wrapper from CnCNet ! <a href="http://patrikkopac.blogspot.sk/2015/09/c-red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-windows.html">http://patrikkopac.blogspot.sk/2015/09/c-red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-windows.html</a> & <a href="http://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge">http://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge</a><br />
Cheat Tables for the game: <a href="http://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1026">http://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1026</a> & <a href="http://www.gamepatchplanet.com/game/command_and_conquer_red_alert_2_yuris_revenge">http://www.gamepatchplanet.com/game/command_and_conquer_red_alert_2_yuris_revenge</a><br />
<a href="http://www.mediafire.com/file/e1dlplcow4cuh7e/1137+RA2+%26+YR+Maps+%28unsorted%29.zip">Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge: Free large collection of maps</a><br />
For the movies: <a href="https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/15966593/C_amp_C_Red_Alert_2___Yuri_s_Revenge_[Win10_Fixed]_-_V2">https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/15966593/C_amp_C_Red_Alert_2___Yuri_s_Revenge_[Win10_Fixed]_-_V2</a> | Or <a href="https://www.1337x.to/torrent/1823535/Command-Conquer-Red-Alert-2-Yuri-s-Revenge-Win10-Fixed-V2/">https://www.1337x.to/torrent/1823535/Command-Conquer-Red-Alert-2-Yuri-s-Revenge-Win10-Fixed-V2/</a> <br />
<a href="https://gamegix.com/tetravex/game">Tetravex Online !</a><br />
<a href="https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/3739101/Windows_Entertainment_Pack_Collection_Disks_1_-_4">https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/3739101/Windows_Entertainment_Pack_Collection_Disks_1_-_4</a><br />
<a href="https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4793630/Microsoft_Entertainment_Pack">https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4793630/Microsoft_Entertainment_Pack</a> (error)<br />
<a href="https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/3509003/Best_of_Windows_Entertainment_pack_(Classic_games)">https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/3509003/Best_of_Windows_Entertainment_pack_(Classic_games)</a><br />
<a href="http://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/2016/01/star-wars-chess.html">http://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/2016/01/star-wars-chess.html</a><br />
<a href="http://www.chessmania.narod.ru/chess2005/ChessKids.rar">http://www.chessmania.narod.ru/chess2005/ChessKids.rar</a><br />
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26OQONzwHF0">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26OQONzwHF0</a> & <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU3v28mhnyg">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU3v28mhnyg</a>:VirtualBox XP 32 bit How-to<br /><a href="http://vetusware.com/download/Microsoft%20Entertainment%20Pack%204%20SE/?id=8357">For Tic-Tac-Drop WEP</a><br />
<a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/threads/red-alert-2-and-yuris-revenge.1026/">https://fearlessrevolution.com/threads/red-alert-2-and-yuris-revenge.1026/</a> <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/attachments/ddraw-rar.9580/">https://fearlessrevolution.com/attachments/ddraw-rar.9580/</a> (Alt+Tab DDraw) (Put the dll in your game folder.) <a href="http://patrikkopac.blogspot.sk/2015/09/c-red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-windows.html">http://patrikkopac.blogspot.sk/2015/09/c-red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-windows.html</a><br />
<a href="http://hdvds9.com/file/download?id=62IW2zl3m8U">http://hdvds9.com/file/download?id=62IW2zl3m8U</a> (MK videos) <a href="https://www.mksecrets.net/forums/eng/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4211">https://www.mksecrets.net/forums/eng/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4211</a> <a href="http://www.mediafire.com/file/okycuxu6fzy75cz/UMK4.zip">http://www.mediafire.com/file/okycuxu6fzy75cz/UMK4.zip</a> <a href="https://www.myabandonware.com/game/mortal-kombat-4-450">https://www.myabandonware.com/game/mortal-kombat-4-450</a><br />
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<a href="https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5324742/COMMAND.AND.CONQUER.RED.ALERT.2.YURIS.REVENGE-DEViANCE">https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5324742/COMMAND.AND.CONQUER.RED.ALERT.2.YURIS.REVENGE-DEViANCE</a><br />
<a href="http://parsimonious.org/sims1.html">http://parsimonious.org/sims1.html</a><br />
<a href="https://www.thesimszone.co.uk/files/index.php?Section=7">https://www.thesimszone.co.uk/files/index.php?Section=7</a><br />
<a href="https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?t=919321">https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?t=919321</a><br />
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4tSs7whlQ0&t=0s&list=LLjQOKYaWG3OXNzBsGWzI_gg&index=2">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4tSs7whlQ0&t=0s&list=LLjQOKYaWG3OXNzBsGWzI_gg&index=2</a><br />
{<a href="https://www.gamerstemple.com/games/000126/000126t00.asp">https://www.gamerstemple.com/games/000126/000126t00.asp</a><br />
<a href="http://ultimateconsoledatabase.com/articles/yuri.htm">http://ultimateconsoledatabase.com/articles/yuri.htm</a><br />
<a href="http://www.neoseeker.com/command-conquer-yuris-revenge/faqs/52333-yuris-revenge-tech.html">http://www.neoseeker.com/command-conquer-yuris-revenge/faqs/52333-yuris-revenge-tech.html</a> **<br />
<a href="http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/62084-yr-players-guide/">http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/62084-yr-players-guide/</a><br />
<a href="http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/59475-ra2-players-guide/">http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/59475-ra2-players-guide/</a><br />
<a href="https://www.supercheats.com/pc/walkthroughs/commandandconqueryurisrevenge-walkthrough01.txt">https://www.supercheats.com/pc/walkthroughs/commandandconqueryurisrevenge-walkthrough01.txt</a><br />
<a href="http://en.gameslol.net/monopoly-1122.html">http://en.gameslol.net/monopoly-1122.html</a><br />
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<a href="https://www.pacogames.com/strategy/epic-city-builder-2">https://www.pacogames.com/strategy/epic-city-builder-2</a><br />
<a href="https://www.pacogames.com/action/lego-city-my-city-2">https://www.pacogames.com/action/lego-city-my-city-2</a><br />
<a href="https://www.pacogames.com/driving/car-wrecker">https://www.pacogames.com/driving/car-wrecker</a><br />
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<a href="https://www.pacogames.com/logic/caveman-adventure">https://www.pacogames.com/logic/caveman-adventure</a><br />
<a href="http://fearlessrevolution.com/threads/empire-earth-gold-gog-gm-and-more.2278/">http://fearlessrevolution.com/threads/empire-earth-gold-gog-gm-and-more.2278/</a><br />
<a href="https://www.supercheats.com/pc/walkthroughs/empireearth-walkthrough03.txt">https://www.supercheats.com/pc/walkthroughs/empireearth-walkthrough03.txt</a><br />
<a href="https://skidrowgamez.net/starcraft-remastered-pc-free-download/">https://skidrowgamez.net/starcraft-remastered-pc-free-download/</a><br />
<a href="http://yuanpaper.blogspot.com/2013/05/starcraft-widescreen-with-mods-tutorials.html?m=1">http://yuanpaper.blogspot.com/2013/05/starcraft-widescreen-with-mods-tutorials.html?m=1</a><br />
<a href="http://diabloonvista.uw.hu">http://diabloonvista.uw.hu</a><br />
<a href="https://ia600206.us.archive.org/6/items/Tekken3_20160329/Tekken%203.exe">https://ia600206.us.archive.org/6/items/Tekken3_20160329/Tekken%203.exe</a><br />
<a href="http://www.racketboy.com/retro/best-sega-genesis-action-platformers#">http://www.racketboy.com/retro/best-sega-genesis-action-platformers#</a><br />
<a href="http://www.racketboy.com/retro/the-best-sega-genesis-games-hidden-gem">http://www.racketboy.com/retro/the-best-sega-genesis-games-hidden-gem</a><br /><br />
<a href="https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/">OpenRA GitHub</a><br />
<a href="https://www.openra.net/download/">OpenRA Homepage Installer</a><br />
<a href="https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/wiki/Compiling">OpenRA Compile How-to</a><br />
<a href="https://github.com/OpenRA/ra2">OpenRA Red Alert 2 GitHub</a><br /><br />
<a href="https://pastebin.com/raw/BscJ9zW6">Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge Download Links + How To Setup</a><br />
<a href="https://www.thesettlersonline.com/en/homepage">The Settlers Online</a>: [browser-based RTS] Unparalleled graphics & attention to detail ! Powerful & good replay value (get you hooked.)<br />
<a href="https://forum.thesettlersonline.com/threads/31942-PinkTutuPrincess-Guide-for-newbies">https://forum.thesettlersonline.com/threads/31942-PinkTutuPrincess-Guide-for-newbies</a><br />
<a href="https://forum.thesettlersonline.net/threads/17502-Gio-s-guide-to-the-dreaded-0-production-quests">https://forum.thesettlersonline.net/threads/17502-Gio-s-guide-to-the-dreaded-0-production-quests</a><br />
<a href="https://forum.thesettlersonline.com/threads/19136-FAQ-How-to-Adventure!">https://forum.thesettlersonline.com/threads/19136-FAQ-How-to-Adventure!</a><br />
<a href="https://forum.thesettlersonline.com/threads/25571-Guide-Detailed-combat-guide">https://forum.thesettlersonline.com/threads/25571-Guide-Detailed-combat-guide</a><br />
<a href="https://forum.thesettlersonline.net/threads/21045-A-beginner%E2%80%99s-guide-by-Moonlime">https://forum.thesettlersonline.net/threads/21045-A-beginner%E2%80%99s-guide-by-Moonlime</a><br />
<a href="https://forum.thesettlersonline.com/threads/15383-Guide-Combat-Guide-amp-FAQ">https://forum.thesettlersonline.com/threads/15383-Guide-Combat-Guide-amp-FAQ</a><br />
<a href="http://settlersonlinewiki.eu/en/island/conquer-island/">http://settlersonlinewiki.eu/en/island/conquer-island/</a><br />
<a href="https://www.myabandonware.com/game/comix-zone-1s1">https://www.myabandonware.com/game/comix-zone-1s1</a><br />
<a href="https://archive.org/details/Comix_Zone_1995_Sega">https://archive.org/details/Comix_Zone_1995_Sega</a><br />
<a href="http://www.freeminesweeper.org/">http://www.freeminesweeper.org/</a><br />
<a href="https://rokawar.itch.io/war-attack">https://rokawar.itch.io/war-attack</a><br />
<a href="https://nasser.itch.io/dialogue-3-d">https://nasser.itch.io/dialogue-3-d</a><br />
<a href="https://itch.io/games/html5/tag-first-person">https://itch.io/games/html5/tag-first-person</a><br />
<a href="https://rokawar.itch.io/rush-team">https://rokawar.itch.io/rush-team</a><br />
<a href="https://snootboop.itch.io/november">https://snootboop.itch.io/november</a><br />
<a href="https://aidenstudios.itch.io/gun-game">https://aidenstudios.itch.io/gun-game</a><br />
<a href="https://wf.my.com/en/">https://wf.my.com/en/</a><br />
<a href="https://www.crazygames.com/game/bullet-force-multiplayer">https://www.crazygames.com/game/bullet-force-multiplayer</a><br />
<a href="https://www-hardcoregaming101-net.cdn.ampproject.org/v/www.hardcoregaming101.net/command-and-conquer-renegade/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCKAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s">C&C: Renegade Review</a><br />
<a href="https://beedefense.net/">'Bee Defense' Chess Books For Sale</a><br /><a href="https://minesweepergame.com/download/game.php?id=96">Mines-32</a> | <a href="http://www.minesweeper.info/downloads/games/Clone__2007release2(Setup).exe">Minesweeper Clone (Cheat Version)</a> | <a href="https://gamemodding.com/en/gta-vice-city/scripts/35201-smena-skina-igroka.html">GTA:Vice City Skin Selector</a> | <a href="https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Dialogues_in_GTA_Vice_City#Pedestrians">GTA:VC Dialogue</a> | <a href="https://libertycity.net/files/gta-vice-city/124693-no-radio.html">VC No Radio Mod (bkp Audio)</a> | <a href="https://mp3.pm/song/12423308/GTA_Vice_City_-_Malibu_1/">VC Radio Songs MP3s (Malibu)</a><br /><br /><br /><br />
<center><img style="width: 450px; height: 258px;" alt="City Light Skyline" src="city_lights_by_gazette_ruki_d2mllkk.png"/></center>
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<div class="CntHeadInfo"><span class="style6">> </span>War Stories:</div>
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/-/-/-/-/-/ -[ The Revenge of The Technobots ]- /-/-/-/-/-/
<br />
Command and Conquer Showdown
<br />
acrid. There's a problem in the algorithm. She was running the code typing it
out from the source code book, using the define, void, string, printf tags
The war was blazing underway, the Imperial Empire set foot /wo it's
stronghold on the Comanche base which took place on the barren plains of
Eternia. When the smoke cleared on the red surface it lay before it a dismal
sight. All around lay wreckage & the dunes made it a hard surface to
cross, creating a no-mans-land for both warring factions. Red fumes still
ember from the arid landscape, destiny awaits the dogged pirate who steals
from this battle-weary onslaught. Back at the Soviet HQ plans were underway
for the Allies insidious plot to use Chrono-Legionnaires & spy's to steal &
wreck the Nuke Silo, the secondary Iron Curtain was to be used, in an attempt
to drive back the Allied tank raids. In the heated battle the Allies planned
a Mirage attack SpySatellite Uplink […] | <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alienfxfiend/Prelude-in-C/main/Revenge%20Of%20The%20Technobots.txt">Revenge Of The Technobots</a> | <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alienfxfiend/Prelude-in-C/main/Terminal%20Shock%3A%20Part%202%20Cave%20of%20Doom%20(AI%20Generated).txt">Terminal Shock: Part 2 Cave of Doom (AI Generated)</a> | <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alienfxfiend/Prelude-in-C/main/Command%20and%20Conquer%3A%20Showdown.txt">Command and Conquer: Showdown (AI Generated)</a> | <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alienfxfiend/Prelude-in-C/main/C%26C%3A%20Showdown%20(Improved%20AI).txt">C&C: Showdown (Improved AI) x2</a> | <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alienfxfiend/Prelude-in-C/main/World%20Domination%20Short%20Stories.txt">World Domination Short Stories</a> <br /><br /><br /><br /><center><img style="width: 450px; height: 463px;" alt="MK3 Trilogy Character Selection" src="umk3_fake_select_screen_maxed_out____by_palettepix_d6keeyk.png"/></center>
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<img alt="BomberHR" src="hr-planeani.gif" width="458" height="55" /><br />
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<div class="CntHeadInfo"><span class="style6">& </span>AOE II HD\ Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga Strats:</div>
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-=Age of Empires Gold Guide v0.001=-
<br />
<img style="width: 150px; height: 210px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="Aoeiirotr-cover" src="Aoeiirotr-cover.png"/>Shore Bombardment | Choke Points | Kill Zones | Economic Warfare\Chipping |
Huns are the best 4 their Huskarls light rush\ raid | Turks: Bombard Tower\ Camels | Petards. Teutonic Knights (Castle attack) are fun & cool plus can be formed
in large groups easily | Koreans: Cannon Galleon shore bombardment | Byzantine: strong unit (Cataphract| Marmaluke) 50% hitpoints 15 on Food, Wood + Fishing Ships hotkey Villager groups (987) Bombard Tower in front Enemy stronghold takes extreme casualties | Big Boomers | Rushers\ Raiding Party |
Paved Bombard-Tower Doom Ground Zero | Pick Island maps (/w Easy not
Easiest) for better defence— wall it up\ place Towers every few spaces | Play
as Korea for Naval domination | Picks Goths or Vikings as your ally & Persia
as your enemy: Beware of War Elephant + Priest + Onager hoarders | Steal resources to
stay ahead of the game | Palisade Walls are cheap for making 'em in large
no.s for keeping the enemy out *+& esp. bleeding them of resources |
Building Wonders to win are great for practicing your army groups & winning
/w the least headache !! \Also Defend the Wonder is ideal for Advanced players
to hone their skillz | Paladins plus Trebuchets are lethal versus Castles
even in low numbers | Blue Lagoons are breathtaking\ beautiful | Hand
Cannoneers are the best unit in this game! They're second to none | I miss
the cheat for Photon Man—if you had an older Alpha (not in Beta) build then
it has it—extra-ordinary way to finish the game! | Naval blockade | Last-Ditch Attempt | <!-- new content --> [Location] Nomad: Where you find a suitable spot to buld your Town Center. Or MegaRandom, Fortress, Hill Fort. Sudden Death: Lose when your Town Center is destroyed (pretty short) you cannot build new ones. Regicide, Defend The Wonder. Post-Imperial Age + All Tech. Black Forest, Arabia, Arena maps. In-game handle: Charles Martel. <!-- new strathere --> | First food, then wood. Play Fortress [Regicide] games till you learn the ropes. Mediterranean maps offer good naval battles. War Galleons & Cannon Galleons, but Demolition Ships add a whole new dimension to the game, in weakening their stronghold. Cobra Car in control the center, Standard\ hard difficulty ? 15 Villagers on wood (hotkey 9), 9 on food (hotkey 8) (build Farms ASAP) et. al. hotkeyed Villagers, so you can quickly switch to diff resources patches once they're depleted. Castle + Wall + Tower + Stable Everywhere tactic (Paladins to kill Trebuchets). Make enough Housing & watch yer pop cap, Use gate for Palisades, Castles near the shore make great killspots for nearby Trade Cogs & Transport Ships, Turtling. <!-- endstrat --> | "Town Centers are impregnable in the Dark Age, Towers are virtually unbeatable in Feudal Age, Castles unbeatable in Castle Age, as long as you deal with Battering Rams, but in the Imperial Age long-range artillery dominates the battlefield" (excerpt) | Fun facts:: #The “cheese steak jimmy’s” cheat is aptly named after a restaurant near Ensemble Studios where the crew used to go for lunch a lot. #The super-cheats are even more obscure and are all named after babies that were born during the development of Age of Empires II: The Forgotten. #Cobra Car is modeled after a Shelby Cobra. One of the original artists really liked this car. #VMDL is named after “Villager Male Dave Lewis”. In the original game he was a low-res naked villager, which allegedly is based on a true story from an office party at Ensemble Studios. #Photon Man was an original Age of Empires I cheat code that was made available during the “Age of Empires Anniversary event” in February 2020. The unit is still available in the Scenario Editor. <a href="https://www.forgottenempires.net/aof/strategy/cheat-codes">More Here !</a> | <a href="https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Age_of_Empires_II:_The_Age_of_Kings/Tactics">Some Good AOE2 AOK Tactics</a> | <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ageofempires/images/4/4e/Age_of_Empires_2_HD_Rise_of_Rajas_Tech_Tree.png/revision/latest?cb=20170111184840">AOE RotR Tech Tree (Full) Image</a> |<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alienfxfiend/alienfxfiend.github.io/main/Age_of_Empires_2_HD_Rise_of_Rajas_Tech_Tree.webp">CloudAlt</a> | <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=1118">AOE II HD: RotR Cheat Engine Table !</a> | <a href="https://diamondlobby.com/age-of-empires-2/strategy/">AOE II Strat Guide</a> | <a href="http://artho.com/age/strats.html">AOE 1 Strats</a> | <a href="https://anotepad.com/note/read/afq59i2r">AOE2 Onager + Must-Read Curated Strats</a> (tiny.cc/aoeii)<br />
<br /><br /><br />
-=Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga: Expanding Fronts Guide [Beta]=-
<br />
<img style="width: 150px; height: 210px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="Swgb-cover" src="Swgb-cover.jpg"/> Trade Federation for freedom of exponential expansion or Galactic Empire for c00 unit voices. Taking EF cheats into consideration, I had most successful /w the Killer Ewoks cheat —I suggest playing versus Gungans (the Zerg of SWGB) at the beginning —they have no air units & are grounded plus Shield walls hold them off, unlike versus Galactic Empires Sith Lords & powerful Siege\ Artillery. Play Terminate The Commander as Galactic Empire & build Dark Trooper Phase 2, or Death Stars. Playing against Genosians was a little tough. Gungans are easy pickings. Collecting Relics can be rewarding, placing Mines adds a whole new dimension to hit-&-run & defensive-style play. If access to enemy is available via water, use Cannons to bombard the shore, it's very powerful to build a beachhead & establishing a frontal assault base. Building multiple smaller bases\ outposts can help drive back the enemy & control territory ! Bleeding them of resources, late-game Caravan trades for depleted Gold. Forward defensive\ Expansion bases.
<br /><br /><br /><br />
-=Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge Battle [Strategy] Guide v0.01=-
<br />
<img style="width: 128px; height: 182px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="Cncra2-cover" src="Cncra2-cover.jpg"/><img style="width: 120px; height: 171px; float: left;" hspace="5"
src="Cncyr-cover.jpg" /> Magnetrons are lethal & the best part: You need them in small numbers | How
to fight Yuri | How to deal /w Apocalypse Tank groups | Base Building 101
{Tesla Coils+Battle Bunkers} | Floating Disc hoarders {lose!} Rhinos
squadrons <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> 1 'bail' of Ores has a value of 25.<br />
1 'bail' of Minerals has a value of 50.<br />
1 Chrono Miner can hold 20 bails at maximum.<br />
1 War Miner can hold 40 bails at maximum.<br />
1 Slave Worker can hold 4 bails at maximum.<br />
Tech Oil Derricks give you small credits (20 credits) every
time and give 1000 credits for the first time you capture them<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> 3-4 War Factories (+25% Prod) & 2 MCV's at least. Pick a corner or the Turf War map (so that the Allies shield you —make cheap Base Defenses (Battle Bunkers) every 3 cells & a few advanced Base Defenses (Prism Tower) here & there. Make Boris ASAP, & Ore Purifier. Test out different strats with the Trainer (Groza\ CET.) Sea maps are great fun !.Use Force Shield a lot. Note: I play with Speed reduced to 4 & no Superweapons. Also, Yuri faction is a nuisance at best —just wait for the Robot Tanks to invade ;-) Boomer\ Floating Discs are their best doom troopers. Watch out for Yuri Clone groups & everything else should be no different —Always play as Iraq - Desolators & hone your skills. Prism Towers grouped [so should you] could be unstoppable ! Remember to scout early on with a [Waypoints] tank. SEALS\ Crazy Ivans get rid of bridges where avail.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Turf War:: Iraq [Player West] (Green) Russia (Blue) Libya (Pale Blue) America (Yellow.) Speed 4, Build Off Ally CY, Short Game, MCV Repacks Orig.: Yuri (Purple) [West|Human] Korea (Pink) German (Orange) Russia (Red)<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> #1 Drive-by shootings with Tanks. #2 place Crazy Ivan bombs on Infantry, then garrison in Flak Trak, & use them as a makeshift Demo Truck. #3 Also force-fire on Ore patches with Tanks to wipe them out. #4 Hide Tanks behind War Factories to draw out enemy fire as fodder while you attack their army. Glitch: Terror Drones don't head to over to a waypoint once repaired at the Service Depot. Ctrl+Firing a Desolator in the immediate direction increases it's range & firepower. Tank Destroyers & Tesla Tanks are useless, they make fitting AI opponents 'cause of their weaker class, easy to OverPower. Hope I've covered all the units —never underestimate Air Superiority —once I made 35 Harriers hit the Con Yard & Repair Depots to cripple the AI during the campaign —it seemed like the only way at the time. Desperate times call for desperate actions. It takes 12 Harriers to take out a Con Yard, & the rest are fodder\ compensating for casualties.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> vs. Yuri, vs. Apocs, vs. Kirov groups (intercept them early-on), vs. Battle Fortresses (Guardian GIs'), Dealing with AircraftCs', Economic Warfare, Boomer (walled-in), Chipping-in, Rush tactics, vs. Yuri it comes down to using Terror Drones, Flak Trak bomb, Desolator Ctrl+fire trick, Iron Curtain'd Demo trucks, Tanya + 2Chrono-IFVs, Conscript Cannon Fodder [with Terror Drones'], Genetic Mutated Brutes on Slave Miner's sold in Grinder, Army Of The Potomac\ Turf War++\ The Alamo. The 'heaviest unit is vulnerable to the cheapest unit' concept. The player who starts at the top of the map has the tactical advantage as he finds it easier to scroll [down.] Campaigns & Skirmish are opposing & very different as you can get away garrisons & the AI lack of intelligent competetiveness; In Multiplayer [which adds a whole new dimension to the game] however the human brain will exploit your weakness IRL not just throw\ spam non-anti units your way, but keep you on your toes … Middlegame is economy micromanagement leaving you utterly vulnerable, & a treaty\ pact with your enemies of some sort while you get your base established (cheatcodes are a killjoy here :( }|| Endgame is nuclear technology assuming it’s a lengthy game leaving you dumbfounded with [potentially] loads of cash unclear on what to spend on … <br />
Read More... [RA2:YR] Tips++
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<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Resources stats question:: how much cash per second trickles in with harvester in red alert 2 yuri's revenge? <a href="http://forum.falloutstudios.org/topic/25624-hexetics-community-summit-writeup/">http://forum.falloutstudios.org/topic/25624-hexetics-community-summit-writeup/</a> :: "EA felt the problem with C&C3's Tiberium fields was that matches too often boiled down not to who could control the most number of fields, but rather who could slap down more refineries and pump out more harvesters to gather tons of money fast from their starting field(s)." <a href="https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YouRequireMoreVespeneGas?from=Main.RTSResources">https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YouRequireMoreVespeneGas?from=Main.RTSResources</a> :: “How exactly these resource are gathered varies. Sometimes your basic Worker Unit will go back and forth from the resource node back to your base, giving you a bit of resource each time. Other times the player may need only to capture the resource node with units and/or build a building on top of it gain a constant flow of the resource. Occasionally, the game allows you to trade one resource for another in some way.” “Collecting natural resources can also be seen as an easy way to avoid the Unfortunate Implications of looting and pillaging, a war crime going as far back as The Roman Empire; avoiding a What the Hell, Hero? moment, because no one owns nature. Some games use Gaia's Lament as a means to do the opposite, even having it as the reason for a group In Harmony with Nature to get involved in a conflict.” “Almost every RTS has some sort of Resource gathering” “Colonization, Outpost 2, Dwarf Fortress, Dominions, {Dungeon Siege}, Earth 2160, SimCity ("Unlike RTSes, however, the only resource you need (as Mayor) is money. Power, water, and waste management are things you build with that money that are necessary to attract Sims (i.e. citizens), create jobs, and gain popularity. Since population, jobs, and popularity are (theoretically) your goal, these "resources" are actually more like the units in an RTS, i.e. the tools with which you achieve your aim. However, it is true that money works like Gold and power works like Power, as do water (with the proper infrastructure) and waste management (again, with proper infrastructure. The 2013 release adds some odd complications. Not only is water made an exhaustible (though renewable) resource, meaning you might have to keep moving water pumps in a place with a low water table, there are several optional resources that can be tapped with special buildings: coal, ore and oil. These can be sold for a quick buck or refined and combined in yet more specialised buildings to make increasingly complex (and lucrative) products like plastic, alloy, and computers.)", Metal Fatigue, Caesar III, … ” <a href="http://yuri411.tripod.com/redalerthq2/id20.html">http://yuri411.tripod.com/redalerthq2/id20.html</a> (walkthroughs) Q, W, E, R : Production tabs. (Structures, Turrets, Infantry, Vehicles) Q: Place finished Structure. W: Place finished Turret. N: Select nearest unit D: Deploy <a href="http://www.cheatbook.de/files/cc3yr.htm">http://www.cheatbook.de/files/cc3yr.htm</a> <a href="http://www.cheatcodes.com/guide/command-conquer-red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-faq-command-amp-conquer-red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-pc-43018/">http://www.cheatcodes.com/guide/command-conquer-red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-faq-command-amp-conquer-red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-pc-43018/</a> <a href="http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/manuals/Red%2520Alert%25202%2520-%2520Yuri%27s%2520Revenge/Red%2520Alert%25202%2520-%2520Yuri%27s%2520Revenge%2520-%2520English.pdf">http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/manuals/Red%2520Alert%25202%2520-%2520Yuri%27s%2520Revenge/Red%2520Alert%25202%2520-%2520Yuri%27s%2520Revenge%2520-%2520English.pdf</a> <a href="http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/manuals/Red%20Alert%202%20-%20Yuri's%20Revenge/">http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/manuals/Red%20Alert%202%20-%20Yuri's%20Revenge/</a> <a href="http://www.cnclabs.com/forums/cnc_postst6572_Red-Alert-2-Yuri-s-Revenge-Tactics.aspx">http://www.cnclabs.com/forums/cnc_postst6572_Red-Alert-2-Yuri-s-Revenge-Tactics.aspx</a> "I was just interested in that, are there any other "tactics" to kill the enemy than a regular tank rush or wait-for-the-enemies-money-to-end-and-then-strike-him-with-SW? //I just build up my base fast, build some defence structures. And then tank-rush him or Nuke him. //And this seems to be boring (but the most effective) tactic. //I also tried to play different armies like the yuri and so on. But they all seem to be boring. //And then water filled maps are so easy... WHY don't the AI ever build Naval units? I won the game with one Boomer from Yuri. //Also the units are so overpowered in this game... I attacked with 3 Apocalypse tanks (just for the action, didn't even want to win). But after one of the Apocalypse tanks got promoted it destroyed the whole enemy base, nothing could stop it. It auto-healed and shot 2 ultra heavy shells. Took out a Warfactory in 4 shots. //I mean, what's the point in making so powerfull units? //And I hate playing online, it isn't "more fun" to play online. Harder but not much more of the fun part. //I played also against Brutal army (for the first time ever). But it was also too easy, no match. //Then if I play against 3-6 Brutal AIs, then I have to tank-rush like hell or build Naval units to kill them. I mean, stopping 6 Nukes are almost impossible. And still, not a fun game.” “Playing online gives you so many more tactics since you can't always predict what your enemy is going to do.” <a href="https://tl.net/blogs/188063-1000-or-how-to-beat-brutal-computers-in-ra2">https://tl.net/blogs/188063-1000-or-how-to-beat-brutal-computers-in-ra2</a> "you can beat any number of AI .. just turtle and ready to spam Flak Traks, Gatling tanks, or IFVs with Heavy GI and Engineer inside .." "My favorite side would be the Allies <3 Guardian G.I. and regular G.I.'s where so awesome with all the combinations you could do with them in a battle fortress. I also just loved chrono teleporting 9 Prism tanks in the back of any base and just massacre everything with ease..." <a href="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MRl9WzT0PV0/maxresdefault.jpg">https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MRl9WzT0PV0/maxresdefault.jpg</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRl9WzT0PV0">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRl9WzT0PV0</a> "#1 When the game starts with 0 units, use the No + D keys to deploy your MCV. In the early stages of the match every second counts. #2 Use the Q & W keys to place buildings on the map without clicking their icons in the sidebar. This saves lots of time over the whole match. When an opponent attacks you with 5 Tanks while you have 3, this is why. #3 After building a barracks, train a few dogs & use them to scout the map. It's important to see what your opponent is doing, so you can prepare or attack him where he's weak. Dogs are good for scouting because they're fast, cheap & have a good sight range. #4 Use the shortkeys. D to deploy units. S to stop units. Z for waypoints. K to repair. L to sell. G to guard. X to scatter units. #5 Use Control + Shift + Left Click. This is attack to. Units will move to the spot where you clicked & attack any enemy units they encounter along the way. Use this when scouting with dogs & they'll eat any enemy dogs along the way. #6 When defending or attacking use fodder. Dogs are useful fodder since they're as fast as most tanks. They won't do anything against enemy tanks, but when their tanks hit your dogs instead of your tanks you'll start winning a lot of fights. When the map is runnng out of ore or you have too many miners, they are also useful fodder, since they can take a lot of damage. #7 If map has gems, go for them first. They're worth twice as much as ore. #8 Always build towards ore & gems. The shorter the way for miners the faster money will come in. Base walk if you need to. #9 When map has oil, capture it sooner rather than later. The sooner you capture the derricks the more money you get from them. A nice & steady flow of funds is always good. #10 Protect your miners ! When you lose a miner you lose 1400 credits you need to spend to build a new one. & you don't get the funds you'd get from a miner mining during that time. #11 Always build ! When someone attacks you having 10000 credits won't help you. Having 12 tanks will." Don't build a Sentry gun in early game Dogs don't kill Brutes, wished Yuri Prime was as OP as in RA2 :( <a href="https://www.quora.com/What-do-you-like-the-most-about-the-game-Red-Alert-2">https://www.quora.com/What-do-you-like-the-most-about-the-game-Red-Alert-2</a> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/whiteboysrules/downloads.html">http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/whiteboysrules/downloads.html</a> {rip} <a href="http://cncseries.com/content/?113">http://cncseries.com/content/?113</a> {<a href="http://cncseries.com/content/?yrstrategies">http://cncseries.com/content/?yrstrategies</a>} <a href="https://www.cncworld.org/?page=games/redalert2/special">https://www.cncworld.org/?page=games/redalert2/special</a> <a href="http://ra2faq.freelinuxhost.com/index.php?page=cncfaqninfo">http://ra2faq.freelinuxhost.com/index.php?page=cncfaqninfo</a> {rip} {determine the final outcome}<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Bryan Vahey once Terror Drone'd a Demo Truck — sent it over the bridge vs. Yuri in the ”Isn't anyone coming to save me” Romanov Campaign — it backfired as it exploded before the intended target –so yeah people can be silly at times. Wrote a huge strategy guide with my old box [during] (high-school crushes DJ/ MDJM) in my intro lost all of it, probably wouldn't have if I didn't delete that section before uploading it to my personal website Knightmare602 {old LANcafe handles:: Sniper, Serial Killer, Hollow Man, Deep Coma} Alas all I have now are my base-building strategy for Soviet — Special-case needs handling (vs. Yuri — Apocs.) <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=Yuri%E2%80%99s+Revenge+tips&client=firefox-b-m&ei=TeNuXY7XNYj-9QP6_JXgAg&start=90&sa=N">https://www.google.com/search?q=Yuri%E2%80%99s+Revenge+tips&client=firefox-b-m&ei=TeNuXY7XNYj-9QP6_JXgAg&start=90&sa=N</a> Terror Drones' en masse RA2 mission (credits cheat (in my old mansion)) V3 Launchers’ — Tesla Troopers' are redundant, not a lot can be said about Allies except for maybe the Chrono Legionnaire (Attack Bike TS.) Forward defensive, chokepoints, killzones, Terrain Tactical Opportunities (Cliffs.) Amphibious Transports carrying Demo Trucks, Cheat Engine is the best trainer of all —All Techs !! He who has more wins ! There are subtle differences between the primary superweapons of the 3 factions, in how much damage they dish out to the different structures\ specific unit types … Libya + Cuba = More nuclear options mayhem for the Soviets at their disposal ! Not to mention the Tesla Tanks –however I still think the Soviets are outclassed by the Allied faction. Nighthawks with Tanyas are always a killer tactic. German Tank Destroyer:: Really deserve to be re-evaluated as they're far too underrated, — fare better against tanks, though if you're Yuri then you've obviously rendered these useless, but you can go for Robot Tanks, also underappreciated. Tank Destroyers outlast many a tank in head-to-head battles !! Germany, France, — America vs. Russia —sounds like good odds to me ! They will certainly hold their own against an opposing Allied faction especially if they didn't pick Germany as well, — also against many Soviet vehicles too —so give it a try ! [Black Eagles]:: "Korea's finest" "Gunner in position" These dudes save so many aircraft slots that you would otherwise waste extra time — effort on —& they get the job done everytime ! So deadly, can be used to pick off lone units easily !! You'll never be offenseless with these guys around, a godsend to defensive boomers, will always be of immense usefulness to you —vs. Demo Trucks' or _anything_. Rhinos' are your bread — butter. Wall your base in in a corner position preferably to minimize wall placements, then build 5 Battle Bunkers' + 3-4 Tesla Coils' should provide coverage for your whole base. Power them offline with 3+ Tesla Troopers', there are perks — downsides to having them charged with a Tesla Trooper (Rate of Fire, special countering of unit-type) … “Loaded up — truckin’” 12 Mirage + 6 Prism + 15 Rhinos + 30 Conscripts + 8 Terror Drones + 8 Yuri Clones<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Unlocking all Campaign videos can be done fairly easily through the Groza trainer (Credits |Power |Map Reveal |Skip Level (F9 ?)) —no need to waste time with Save Games. For actual cheating I recommend Cheat Engine Table 'cause Shift+F3 = Instant Countdown Reset ~_^ what more do you want ? All techs, God mode, Instant build, Map reveal, Immune to psychic, Detect spies et. al. ... You can set movies to always play by settings intro movies = True — modifying file permission to Read-Only, at the cost of not being able to update your Skirmish game settings persistently.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Desert Storm, Operation Phantum Fury, Operation Anaconda, Bhagram Airbase —all realworld scenarios:: Send in airstrike to take out the power — then roll in with your ground forces to take out the crippled defenseless-preparation base. Taking out the power plant in the first wave is actually remarkably effective, over taking out the more heavily-fortified Construction Yard, which actually lies at the heart of the base.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "Boyd, the Silo doors are open, this is suicide !" "All hail to the great Yuri !” "They won't detect our approach" "Course set" "Vessel ready" "Ay ay captain" "By your command" "Largest ship in the fleet" "The pride of the Allied navy.” Aircraft Carrier vs. Kirov; which is superior ? Aircraft Carrier, Kirovs move above the land whereas ACs’ are stealthier unless you waypoint the Kirov by the sea route –actually this is a pretty good idea –more people should do it :D That Sean (LANcafe player) is a rogue — yellowbelly –he always keeps avoiding Naval Maps [not to mention he plays that horrid RA2 not YR, — only showed me Amphibious, Tanya spams] … “Rudders set for new heading” “Main engines’ engaged” Our covert plan went overt. I found my calling –If there’s one thing I'am good at it’s RA; got loads of practice — experience with this game !!! Random [seed] Map FTW ! [Temperate |Islands |Giant] “Watertight comrade” Don't use any mods, I had a bad experience with these ! Already regret Destructive Forces 0.1 on my Generals: ZH game. B=Battle Bunker with 5 Conscripts T=Tesla Coils with 4 Tesla Troops 3WF<br />
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<br />
|B T BT B<br />
| WWWB<br />
|B RR|___<br />
|T B |CY|<br />
| |__|<br />
|B<br />
|<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> If the game looks like its going to last long enough build a nuke. Yuri is ... With the release of Yuri's Revenge the Soviets are now the weakest side. But since they force ... https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?t=919321<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> 6 Miners 2 CY [walled-in anti-Engineer] Industrial Plant Battle Lab 3 Kirovs targetting enemy CY & WF Yuris 3 Engineers Attack Dogs’ (Spies) Borris Spy Plane Force Shield [SW] FlakTraks with TDs'<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Stop playing unconducive AI —look for a fitting opponent that adjusts to your game at hand. American Paradrop is like a Spy Plane with free units —make the most of this generosity; Masterminds are disruptive like Chaos Drone only they’re more ranged. TBH Yuri faction teaches good micro-management skillz —you have to mix Brutes' with Viruses, Yuris', Magnetrons & Masterminds ? Such a team is devastating if well coordinated ! Get comfortable with the idea of building expansion bases, these will prove to be vital in PvP games ! Destroyer / Grizzly Battle Tanks / Harrier jets Best defense is a good offense. Mastermind: (parity with Allied Prism tanks and Soviet Apocalypse tanks) "Alpha wave ready." "Brainwave overload !" "Where are the simpletons ?" "Time for a brain storm !" "Come into the fold !" "Their mind will be addressed." France\ Great Britain. Yuri lacks transport units except for the Amphibious Transport. Slave Miners susceptible to Mirage Tanks... Attack /w 8 Floating Discs. Psychic Amplifier "One series of events must takes precedence over the other" Navy SEALS in IFV’s —you were always allies or did you ask em. Played germany first. Think they know everything (Fuzzy) the patched version has all the glitches fixed (1.006 1.001) "Yes commander" "I will carry out thee operation" Always have Service Depot: Terror Drones\ attack waves Conscript Cannon Fodder 10 brutes | 1 virus 2 Yuri Primes 1 Magnetron Lots of tank bunkers /w lasher tanks Hide your army behind your building to avoid first attack. Put Terror Drone + Engineer in Flak Trak. Destroy Ore patches with Tanks. Blood Feud Dune Patrol Block enemy WF building placement with dog Put a Squid in Bridge pathway to block it. Set Ivan to TNT bridge hut in an Waypoint loop. Deploy Siege Choppers & use Nuke.<br /><br />
::Red Alert 2 Laboratory::<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Equal amounts of Mirage Tanks vs. Rhino Tanks: Rhino's win —that's why I kept going as Soviet. Some Allied player at my LAN cafe was kicking ass by making hordes of Rocketeers, Mirage Tanks, expansion bases, & initially sending Spies to the Barracks. All I could do was Wall my base up & built Grand Cannons —I lost that battle but did better than my two allies who were Soviet (they built Apocalypse Tank & Demo Truck.) Felt good to know Rhino Tanks are still pretty good, & Soviet is powerful. Borris once was able to take out 3 Tanks but now that doesn't seem to be the case. I've been hooked on Skirmish ever since —I wrote a Strategy Guide but lost it when my computer broke. I still have some strategies inked down, like sending Conscript hordes & a few Terror Drones in front of your tanks as Cannon Fodder, I forgot Kikematamitos force-fired Ore to destroy them, though I've done this in Tiberian Sun (I play both games (I play NOD vs. enemy GDI.)<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Prima: You forgot to mention saving screen positions with ctrl+f1-f3 & pressing f1-f3 to focus to the saved views, useful for spying on enemy base activity. Brutes, Navy SEAL\ Sniper in IFV, Engineer Rush, Slave Miner protecting Ore Miner, Maximizing Your Economy, Harrier for Scouting, Capture an enemy miner right when it starts to unload ore, then drop it immediately. This destroys both the miner and the Refinery (Magnetrons ?) ! Iron Curtain Master Mind. Battle Fortress crush enemy Walls, Using Crazy Ivan bombs on a group of Terrorists, placing the Terrorists inside a Flak Track, and using the Iron Curtain to get the Flak Track inside the enemy base, Battle Bunkers are a good early defense, Desolators are a good way to stop Slave Miners, Siege Choppers are excellent for stopping Rocketeers<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Viruses, Brutes, Yuri Primes, Magnetron, Prism Tanks, Spies pincer movement A pincer movement is an attack by an army or other groups in which they attack their enemies in two places at once with the aim of surrounding them. Grinding Brutes via Genetic Mutator. Drone the Master Minds'. Typhoon Attack Subs are the best naval unit IMO —I must say I've played & more confident with tried & tested Soviet Navy more than the Allies. Brutes destroy Terror Drones in one hit, interesting, also vice versa (I think)... <a href="https://youtu.be/IAK9oV-gJ4c">https://youtu.be/IAK9oV-gJ4c</a> Desolators + Terror Drones<br /><br />
++Protekt RA2 Gold++ v0.003 -Book Of Survival Guide | Strategm-<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Welcome to the world of Command and Conquer: Brett Sperry's Red Alert pits you into battle as Soviets or Allies & Tiberian Sun where the eternal clash /w the GDI (Global Defense Initiative) & the evil Brotherhood of NOD over rare Tiberium mineral & the Tacitus. The classic rock, paper, scissors of units like on SC, sometimes annoying like this skater game I had (three-tier) you had to jump over the stones but avoid the car. Offtopic: Pizza Throw, tested your reflexes... Frank Klepacki did a wonderful job /w the sound compositioning —everything was choreographed very well, the gameplay, plot orchestrated was totally more immersive than [RA] Counter-Strike, The Covert Operations, Sole Survivor, Retaliation, or Aftermath... The introduction of pips & larger, less toy looking units adds to the overall game satisfaction considerably. Spanning many fansites & an increasing fanbase this game is sure to put your zealotry to its fervent limits & leaving you gasping for more! One thing that sets it apart is its futuristic never-before-seen technology —unlike in other series like AOE.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Slower speeds appeal to me as well too —gives you more time to contemplate your moves & make judgments. However, I guess temporarily increasing speeds [in single-player] can be quite handy to increase production time. But anyone with a modicum of logic can tell the game is more breathtaking at a speed slower than the default, which is 'Fast,' so tone it down one notch (6 to 5) as I have.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> The Allies have the Battle Fortress which can crush tanks & walls, lethal against vehicles _&_ air —the Soviets have no counterpart & are severely outclassed. Also, Allied Robot Tanks in 15+ are the answer to Yuri's psychic technology & can be pivotal against an Easy Enemy for instance.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> I read in the <a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/476890-command-and-conquer-red-alert-2-yuris-revenge/faqs/14539">GameFAQs guide</a> by <a href="http://www.cheatcodes.com/guide/faq-command-amp-conquer-red-alert-2-pc-13730/">S. Rudiyanto</a> that the Industrial Plant: Reduces production costs and production speed of all Vehicles (including Aircraft and Naval) by 25%. Also, If I remember correctly, each additional War Factory increases production speed by 25% —can't verify this anymore & you can have this increment in speed for up to 6 additional buildings. (oil derricks, c00 landscape) like Turf War<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Defense from the outset. Force multipliers. Quick Tip: Use Tanyas with Chrono Legionnaires to deal with the occasional Gattling Tank—Also can be lured with Rocketeers. Another tactic that is effective: Use 10 Navy SEALs with 2 Battle Fotresses (filled with Guardian Gis') & some Rocketeers to lure in the tanks, easy killzone bait. (actually works vs. YR AI ("Army Of The Potomac" map").)<br />
[_] Use Tesla Troopers to charge Tesla Coils<br />
[_] Garrison buildings to gain vantage point attacks<br />
[_] Use range & sneaky<br />
[_] Make Dogs for Paradrops<br />
[_] Disable target lines<br />
[_] Use V3's<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Played Army of The Potomac as Libya, took most of the derricks, then hit the WF with Demo Trucks, then 2 Siege Choppers camped outside their base, & finally 3 Kirovs bombed them to kingdom come.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> The Allies have cool Linked Prism Tower technology (2 additional Prism Towers can link to create a powerful beam.) The Soviets have their Tesla Troopers powering the Tesla Coils (3 other TT's in close proximity of Tesla Coils to power it offline, & a more lethal blast.) It has its usefulness in MP but I see no use for it in Single-player. As you can see, the Allies have iron-clad techniques, whilst the Soviets require you to make use of adhoc motley tactics. Perhaps if the Siege Chopper could transport units, could turn the tide...<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> break trees /w tanks initially, spies in nighthawk, harrier conyard strike then weather controller on warfactory; shift+click production queue for 5 units at a time, tesla tanks + siege choppers, steal MCV using Nighthawk engineer, demo truck spam.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> deployed slave miner cannot be attacked by terror drone, barracks units are produced faster, siege choppers cannot be mindcontrolled as they are airborne.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Yuri's Revenge Hotkeys:: S (stop), C (cheer), D (deploy), G (guard), X (spread), Z (waypoint), H (go to home base), P (all selection), T (select all time local), TT (select all same time all map), R, TTYYYY, SPACE, F (follow), B (beacon), K (repair: reassign this later), L (sell), F5-F12 (taunts), Ctrl + 0-9 (create team), alt +0-9 (center team), ctrl +f1-f4( set bookmarks), F1-F4 go to bookmark (Note F1 has a default of usually your mcv before you set it to anything. N is next M is previous but pointless to use these. N D = press fast as soon as game starts then move mouse toward power-plant at same time to get a 3 second head start. CTRL + Shift = auto attack on the move (Best with magnetrons), Last two i forgot are CTRL + click you can fire at anything (Trees ground etc.), Alt + move = you can move units to anywhere without firing at selected area. —<a href="https://youtu.be/mkDKStNox_E">YR Shortcuts (YouTube viddy)</a><br /><br /><hr>
<a href="https://arstechnica.com/civis/threads/red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-1-001-patch.906048/">::Excerpt from ArsTechnica thread::</a><br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> 1 jet takes 1 prism out with one shot get eight jets number them 1 to 8 (ctrl 1,2,3 etc) if you see eight prisms on the map with little/no air support then goodbye. 8 jets will kill MCV (building or vehicle), Harvester 6 for Ore Refinery 4 for radar (this will also kill the planes on the radar) Use the chrono legionaire to get crates one he's elite and has all the increased speed/fire power/armour he get mostly cash and units (good way to get Yuri or Sov Const yards) use two as you will usually see 2 crates and sometimes one appears as soon as you get one. Scout early with dogs in order to see enemy base and find tech buildings. Mirage tanks in numbers will chew through Rhinos and even Apocs. Build and sell refinerys to get cheap harvesters. 3 to 5 war factorys will decrease tank build time same for barracks and radar. Deployed GIs are better than you think. When paradropping an enemy base you should take out a high cost / low armour building like a Tech center 1st this will give you an elite GI and no dogs will get near you then go for the barracks and then the Const yard. Use a chrono legionaire to protect buildings from jets, force fire on your building and the jets missiles will strike the building but not harm it, remember to stop your chrono guy after the attack. PLace three dogs under an enemy paradrop and your dogs will kill all the GI's easily. Tanya/Seals can swim and take out ships in one go. In a naval war get your naval yard up as quickly as possible and build alot of dolphins place these at the only places where your enemy can build a shipyard and as soon as he places it your dolphins will destroy it and you will win the naval war. Elite Aegis cruisers are "teh win" dont even think about moving air units near them. Prisms own buildings but not tanks, Mirages are the exact opposite. Mix them up. and when playing Allied players ensure your tanks are covered by at least the same amount of IFVs. Prisms outrange any other tank/defense structure in the game (including teslas and prism towers) and they have splash damage, This is why you can not just beat Prisms with Mirages. a large group of prisms will destroy Mirage tanks because they will start firing 1st and there damage will spread across all the mirages. Elite prism tanks are incredible, protect yours if you get one. Destroy the enemies at all costs If you are lucky enough to get a yuri const yard in a crate build tank bunkers and put prisms in them...... Any elite unit has improved Speed/Firepower/Armour/Range and can self repair. Elite Chronoguys will jump out of the way of jet missiles. Use Z for waypoints, Ctrl and Alt for Guard, Ctrl and number to number units, Ctrl and F keys to number areas on the map, H to take you to your primary Const yard, Ctrl for Force Fire. Double click to make a building primary, T select all units on screen of the type/s currently selected T again to select across the map. Remember its all about the ore, expand your base take strategic locations on the map, learn the maps. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> For allies dont forget the seal+ifv combo...omg this thing rocks. Also good for taking out a con-yard or key structure. Get in close, undeploy the IFV and wham, send the man in. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "What countries do you guys prefer for games? I use the British snipers when I know that infantry will be a big factor. Most of the time, I use France's Grand Cannons to suppress incoming tanks and such."> I find the british sniper to be a waste. a seal in an ifv will handle all of your infantry needs. Yes its a bit more expensive, but its worth it to have the paratroopers or grand cannon. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> for the Paradrop. Unlike the others, only the USA gets periodic free units. As said before, deployed GI's are pretty powerful. Garrisoned GI's are even moreso. Dropped into a vulnerable base, they become elite pretty quickly, and because you get 8, a few elites means you'll be taking out tanks rather quick. The key is getting on the ground, deployed, and out of range of enemy defensive structures. Once deployed, dogs won't make it in if you're watching for them, and neither will Spiders. A building usually raises the rank of the last guy firing, so a few small structures can make your guys elite very quickly while also crippling their base. And, think of it this way. The good ol' USA gets 1600 coins every few minutes so long as you have an Airbase. Capture an Airport? You get another airdrop(extra airports do not do this, only the USA can have two airdrops). Its not worth much unless the map has structures on it, but if it does, the USA is in a much better position than any other country. The USA can play on a map that has low resources and outresource the other player simply by never making infantry of any sort. 8 deployed GI's WILL beat just about any tank if they're all firing on it. Prism's of course are the exception. This also means that the USA is the ONLY country(besides perhaps Yuri) without a special country unit. NO Black eagles, no (worthless) tank destroyers, no grand cannons, no snipers. But trust me, free units makes it worthwhile, especially because infantry in RA2 do NOT suck ass like they did in RA. Well, GI's don't anyway. ------ BTW, when playing against a Yuri player, has anyone ever found a use for those free'd slave miners? They're slow, they do almsot no damage, and they're stupid. Why bother freeing them? <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Well Yuri's revenge and plain ol' RA2 are much different, especially when it comes to quick rushes. Yuri's revenge has given all sides more early defense, Allies get the Gaurdian GI's, Soviets get the Battle Bunkers and Yuri gets chaos drones. All of these help to stop early tank rushes. But RA2 is a totally different story. Online there are 2 basic RA2 stratagies, one basic Allied stratagy and one basic Soviet stratagy. You can usually tell what someone is going to do by the country he plays. The Soviets have the best basic tech level tank in the game, the Rhino tank. It is only $200 more expensive and slightly slower than the Allied Grizzly but it has much more armor and does more damage. So, sorry to say, most Soviet players, especially on small maps, will almost always rush with 4-6 Rhino tanks right off the bat. Some people will call this a cheap tactic, but there is a reason for this. The Allies don't have a very good arsenal of low tech units therefore making a quick Rhino rush hard to stop, but once the Allies get their Airforce Command and Battle Lab up they have a huge advantage over the Soviets. The Mirage and Prism tanks are deadly when used together, even with Apocolypse tanks a Soviet player usually stands no chance against a good Allied player with a mix of Mirages and Prisms. So as you can see, most games (for the most part) involve the Soviets trying to cripple or kill their opponent before they can build up the tech tree and get Prisms and Mirages while the Allied player is trying to hold off the Rhino attacks so they can get their Battle Lab up. This is just a generalization, but for the most part this is how RA2 games go. Yuri's Revenge on the other hand is a much different story, with the addition of the Yuri race and additional early defenses the games are a lot different. Anyway, depending upon the map and how much ore, gems and oil derricks are laying about, here are a few good basic build guidelines for RA2. Allied: Power plant, Barraks, Ore Refinary, Airforce Command, War Factory, Ore Refinary, Ore Refinary, Power Plant, Battle Lab Once you build your barraks make 4 dogs and send one to each corner of the map. If there are any tech buildings to capture build a dog to defend it while you train an engineer to go capture it. Build a pillbox or two to defend against any infantry that wanter into your base or to protect any oil derricks you capture. Once your Airforce Command is up build a few rocketeers to scout out the map and harrass anything that can't shoot back. First thing out of your war factory should be a mix of Grizzly Tanks and Chrono Miners, depending upon your financial situation at the time. You can sell your second or third refinary, you only needed them for the extra harvester. If you survive long enough to get your Battle Lab up be thankful, things get much easier for you after that. Use Mirages to stop the tank rushes and Prisms to take out infantry or base defenses. Don't rely on only one type, because they each have their weaknesses. Soviet: Power Plant, Barraks, Ore Refinary, War Factory, Power Plant, Ore Refinary, Ore Refinary, Radar, Power Plant, Battle Lab. Once you build your barraks make 4 dogs and send one to each corner of the map. If there are any tech buildings to capture build a dog to defend it while you train an engineer to go capture it. Build a sentry gun or two to defend against any infantry that wanter into your base or to protect any oil derricks you capture. Once your War Factory is built start pumping the Rhino tanks, if you don't have any gems or oil derricks it might be a good idea to build a War Miner or two first, but if you do have that extra income go straight for the tanks. Make sure to scout out your opponents base, and if it looks clear attack him once you get 4-6 Rhinos. If his base looks well defended take your tanks and go harrass any harvasters or oil derricks he has that arn't defended. You can sell your second or third refinary so that it doesn't take up too much power, you only really need one refinary, the reason you built it was so you could get a harvester without tying up your war factory build time. If you can make it into his base but don't kill him, assuming your economy is still going strong you can keep building Rhinos and keep sending attacks at him until you get your Battle Lab up. If the game lasts this long you could be in trouble, but if you have taken out enough harvesters or critical structures you will hopefully have enough of an advantage to eventually win. I hope that helps, just remember that these build orders are general, a lot of things depend upon the map. It will take some tweaking to make sure you don't run out of money halfway through. Sometimes you need to build more harvesters, sometimes you don't. Also, ALWAYS scout out your opponents base, if he isn't building anything to attack you, just build up your economy and tech tree!!! Capture oil derricks at all costs!!! They can turn the tide of any game! If you need any more specific advice just give me a holler. Also if any Yuri's Revenge players need some help I will gladly write up some ideas for you as well. It's not as hard as Starcraft, just play a few games online and eventually you will get better as you gain some experience. Good luck! <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> I prefer to tech up as the allies and start building the mirage and prisms whilst using the build and sell refinery ploy to get harvesters at the same time, all the time selling the refinery furthest from the ore and harvesting gems where possible. its all about having enough money to build all the time but not spending too much time building your economy that u are vulnerable to the rush tactic. I find alot of the time that a rushing soviet player will forget to defend his base with dogs and my first paradrop will be on his base if so otherwise defensive. Because you have the money early on build jets and rockies to hit the incoming rushers tanks then they will be damaged enough by the time they reach your base. Use a dog to scout the quickest path between your base and the soviet player, then you will know what is comeing at you. Once you have defeated the rush, attack whatever is most weakly defended his ore miners or his base. Mirages will rip through his ore miners and tanks and men and Terror drones, prisms will flatten his base in a second. You need to get him before HE techs up and gets kirovs/apoc which will force u to to buy more mirage tanks and lots of air defense. If he is iraq watch for the desolater... deployed, several of these things make a mess of your lightly armoured tanks not to mention your men. Kill them with jets. Libya have the demo truck so when you hear "my truck is loaded" hotkey to his base and nail that sucker with jets, if you can get it to go off in his base then if its near your base dont destroy it conventionally get it with a chrono guy then it will vanish rather than going nuclear. Russia have the tesla tank which isnt that good when you already have Rhinos and Apocs, better against men but one paradrop can kill one tesla tank easly. most soviet players dont play russian. If he's cuba then watch out for flack tracks full of terrorists or bombed conscripts these can be very bad, treat every flak as deadly and take it out with jets at range and the chrono guy if its closer. Spys and Secret Units. Barracks: Your infantry are trained as veterans. War Factory: Your vehicles are built as veterans. Refinery: All of your enemy's credits are stolen. Power Plant: Enemy power supply is temporarily shut down (timer at the bottom of the screen informs you of how much time is left before their power is restored). Battle Lab: You gain the ability to train a special infantry technology unit (appears on your Infantry Tab on the Command Bar). Radar Tower: Enemy shroud is reset. Yuri Prime: Spy into a Soviet oppenent's Battle Lab. Of course, to do this, you must capture an Allied opponent's Barracks and Battle Lab. Chrono Commando: Spy into an Allied oppenent's Battle Lab Psi Commando: Spy into a Soviet oppenent's Battle Lab Chrono Ivan : Spy into an Allied oppenent's Battle Lab. Of course, to do this, you must capture an Allied opponent's Barracks and Battle Lab. Has anyone spied a Yuri tech building yet? Im gonna try it tonight. Thanks to http://www.red2.org for the info on spies and special units (I couldnt remember the Psi Commando) <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "I use the British snipers when I know that infantry will be a big factor. Most of the time, I use France's Grand Cannons to suppress incoming tanks and such."> I find the british sniper to be a waste. a seal in an ifv will handle all of your infantry needs. Yes its a bit more expensive, but its worth it to have the paratroopers or grand cannon. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Prism tanks leave me underwhelmed, to be honest. A decent number (10-20) of GIs will wipe them out; move the GIs into range of the prisms, hit 'd' to deploy 'em, and wipe out the tanks one by one. The prisms have pisspoor armour, and, whilst you'll lose a few GIs when moving them in range, you shouldn't have any significant problems. And massed rocketeers kick anyone's ass. My feelings on Yuri's Revenge are mixed. His tanks bite. The genetic mutator is a fucking PITA if you have any infantry in your base. The gatling guns take too long to spin up to full speed. The Allied big crushing vehicle thingy is neat. Tank bunkers are a waste of time. Infantry bunkers are not. I was hoping for more stuff (along the lines of the stuff in RA2 DeeZire). And I rather want to have trenches. I was also hoping that some reason to play as anything other than the Americans might be given, but it hasn't been. Indeed, the incentive to use the Brits (the only competition, IMO) has been reduced, 'cos the SEAL makes the sniper a lot less special. It's gotta be allies, 'cos of the spy satellite and rocketeers. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Anyway, while most of what you say is true, as it currently stands Yuri's team is really broken. He can whipe out HUGE amounts of enemy tanks or infantry with only 1 or 2 Chaos drones. He has the best cheap defense tower, the Gattling Cannon, which shoots in the air and ground. He has the best naval unit, the boomer, which domintes with torpedos AND missiles. He has a sniper, the virus, which is better than the british sniper. He has the best early game derrick protector, the brute, which cannot be killed by dogs. Initiates are the best infantry when garrisoned into buildings. Initiates can also be placed into power plantes therefore giving Yuri a big speed advantage since he only needs one power plant for a long time. He has the best radar, it gives him pychic detection and the pychic reveal. He is the only team that can produce two heros. Yuri Prime can be cloned. Gatting tanks are not weak at all, they can kill infantry, planes, rocketeers, and terror drones VERY quickly. They can also destroy tanks that are being lifted with magnatrons. Don't forget Yuri Clones and Masterminds, when used correctly they don't just eliminate enemy threats but turn them into armies of your own. And most of all, his Slave miner only costs 1500, as opposed to the Soviet and Allied refinaries which are 2000, and it is even better since it can move to where the ore is and has more armor, plus a gun! All of these things add up to make Yuri the toughest team to beat. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Prism tanks + 20 Gi's == 20 dead GI's. NOt only do the prism's do splash damage, but they outrange the GI's, and kill instantly. They will torch any building you garrison the GI's in, and torch the infantry before they can get into another building. Maybe you just need to use more than one Peter. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Against massed prisms you need jets or heavy tanks (rhinos or Apocs) so always have enough ifvs and mirages mixed in and use the prisms long range to draw other units into the mirages or force them backwards. Its all about combos of units, a task force. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "He (Yuri) has the best radar, it gives him pychic detection and the pychic reveal"> I disagree. While the Phychic detection is nice, the physic reveal sucks. For exploring the map in a hurry, dont' rely on your radar. For this one, I still have to give it to the allies. The Spy Satallite still rules in this regard. Everything else, i'm okay with. -Alpha <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> You misunderstand the (imho) correct use of the Psychic sensor, it is used to momentarily reveal the area under the Allies gap generators revealing whether he has thousands of prism tanks in there or not etc, its epescially usefull if he has more than one base. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> I was playing around a bit last night. I used Crazy Ivan to bomb 5 conscripts, loaded em into a flakvee and drove them to the opponents conyard. Undeploy, BOOOM! Funny stuff... More contained explosion than a bomb truck, also more concentrated I believe. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "Prism tanks + 20 Gi's == 20 dead GI's."> I meant per tank. And given that GIs are free, that's not a great deal to ask. "NOt only do the prism's do splash damage, but they outrange the GI's, and kill instantly. They will torch any building you garrison the GI's in, and torch the infantry before they can get into another building. Maybe you just need to use more than one Peter."> The splash damage does very little when the GIs aren't coming in a tight bunch (well, for anything other than an elite PT, it does plain "very little" no matter what). The prisms take too long to "reload". It kinda irks me that you can *still* win with massed infantry. Sure, it's not as easy as it was in C&C (with the "selling a defensive structure" cheat), but you can still do it (unless the other person has deployed desolators ("It will be a silent spring!") or enough snipers that they don't get overwhelmed). <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> All I can say is good luck having enough paradrops to have 20 GIs to every one of my prism tanks. I do agree with you though Infantry massed is very powerful. But then in reality one man with a LAW can take a Tank out. Id like a game like RA but with a little but more real units and tactics, yeah I know about Real War, dont get me started on that POS so much potential wasted. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "Anyway, while most of what you say is true, as it currently stands Yuri's team is really broken. He can whipe out HUGE amounts of enemy tanks or infantry with only 1 or 2 Chaos drones. He has the best cheap defense tower, the Gattling Cannon, which shoots in the air and ground. He has the best naval unit, the boomer, which domintes with torpedos AND missiles."> The missiles are pretty good, I haven't seen the torpedos do much against mass dolphin attacks. "He has a sniper, the virus, which is better than the british sniper."> British sniper outranges it; the gas stuff is nice an' all, but uselses if the british sniper has just killed you. "He has the best early game derrick protector, the brute, which cannot be killed by dogs."> True. "Initiates are the best infantry when garrisoned into buildings."> But I can still kill a building filled with initiates with a single chronotrooper. "Initiates can also be placed into power plantes therefore giving Yuri a big speed advantage since he only needs one power plant for a long time."> That is true. "He has the best radar, it gives him pychic detection and the pychic reveal."> Psychic reveal is meh. Psychic detection is nice, but nothing beats spy satellite. "He is the only team that can produce two heros. Yuri Prime can be cloned."> Do people really bother with heroes? Tanya's lost all reason to live now that SEALs are properly buildable units, and the Russian guy with his fucking laser aiming thing is a complete waste of time. Yuri Prime is probably the least useless of all heroes, I'll give him that. "Gatting tanks are not weak at all, they can kill infantry, planes, rocketeers, and terror drones VERY quickly."> Yeah, if you have enough of them that you can tolerate the loss of units whilst they're busy spinning up. Of course, even that doesn't help against planes, because the planes are long gone by the time the gattlings have reached a decent firing rate. And a decent sized army of rocketeers hasn't too much to worry about. "They can also destroy tanks that are being lifted with magnatrons. Don't forget Yuri Clones and Masterminds, when used correctly they don't just eliminate enemy threats but turn them into armies of your own."> Until I blow them away with my rocketeers. "And most of all, his Slave miner only costs 1500, as opposed to the Soviet and Allied refinaries which are 2000, and it is even better since it can move to where the ore is and has more armor, plus a gun!"> The gun is nice; the moving is sometimes nice. When it's walking about it's very vulnerable. "All of these things add up to make Yuri the toughest team to beat."> IMO Yuri's best unit is the UFO. It's fun sitting one on top of a power plant. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "All I can say is good luck having enough paradrops to have 20 GIs to every one of my prism tanks."> I can build them too. And if I capture an airstrip... I think, what, 13 every few minutes? They can add up really quickly. The only real levellers are desolators, perhaps snipers/viruses, oh, and I forgot earlier, genetic mutators. "I do agree with you though Infantry massed is very powerful. But then in reality one man with a LAW can take a Tank out. Id like a game like RA but with a little but more real units and tactics, yeah I know about Real War, dont get me started on that POS so much potential wasted."> I'm not sure how well it'd work. I have often thought it might be nice, but I dunno how well it'd work in practice. Tanks would be very vulnerable to men with rockets. They'd blow each other up in a single shot. Planes could blow up buildings with a single shot, but be killed with a single SAM -- but could blow up the SAM site without being detected. MLRSes could lay waste to men from a long way off. I think it'd end up being RA2 but with one-hit kills from everyone. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "The missiles are pretty good, I haven't seen the torpedos do much against mass dolphin attacks."> Dolphins require a Battle Lab to build, Boomers only need a Radar, therefore there will be boomers attacking your naval yard before you even can get a chance to build dolphins. "British sniper outranges it; the gas stuff is nice an' all, but uselses if the british sniper has just killed you."> True but you just said yourself that you only play America. Yuri ALWAYS gets viruses when only Britain gets snipers. The virus outranges the SEAL. "But I can still kill a building filled with initiates with a single chronotrooper."> What does your single chronotrooper do when I undeploy them and you now are faced with 10 initiates? "Psychic reveal is meh. Psychic detection is nice, but nothing beats spy satellite."> The Spy Satallite is the best, but it isn't the basic radar, its a high tech building. The Allied radar is the Airforce command, and Yuri's radar is better. As stated above one of the best uses is to use the psychic reveal to reveal gap generated areas quickly so you can target key buildings with boomers. "Do people really bother with heroes? Tanya's lost all reason to live now that SEALs are properly buildable units, and the Russian guy with his fucking laser aiming thing is a complete waste of time. Yuri Prime is probably the least useless of all heroes, I'll give him that."> You forget that Tanya can place bombs on tanks now, as well is immune to being squished and mind controlled. This makes her MUCH better than the SEAL. "Yeah, if you have enough of them that you can tolerate the loss of units whilst they're busy spinning up. Of course, even that doesn't help against planes, because the planes are long gone by the time the gattlings have reached a decent firing rate. And a decent sized army of rocketeers hasn't too much to worry about."> What are you talking about? 5 or 6 Gattling tanks can kill at least 4 planes or 20 rocketeers. Especially if we are in my base, which would probably have some Gattling cannons in it as well. Trust me, Yuri has the best Anti Air weapons. "Until I blow them away with my rocketeers."> If you have so many rocketeers that you can kill mulitple gatlling cannons and tanks then you probably don't have enough ground force to keep you alive very long. "The gun is nice; the moving is sometimes nice. When it's walking about it's very vulnerable."> Not really, it has the most armor of any harvester. It takes a lot of tanks (or rocketeers) to kill it before your opponent sends in forces to protect them. "IMO Yuri's best unit is the UFO. It's fun sitting one on top of a power plant."> Oh yes, I forgot. The Disks can be very lethal. Once someone has 10+ disks its almost impossible to stop him. "I'm not sure how well it'd work. I have often thought it might be nice, but I dunno how well it'd work in practice. Tanks would be very vulnerable to men with rockets. They'd blow each other up in a single shot. Planes could blow up buildings with a single shot, but be killed with a single SAM -- but could blow up the SAM site without being detected. MLRSes could lay waste to men from a long way off. I think it'd end up being RA2 but with one-hit kills from everyone."> Yeah, I agree. It's hard to think of RA2 as a realistic RTS, its more done in a comic book style. Either way I think its a good balance between fun and reality. Concerning the prism tank issue: Prism tanks are great, but if they arn't backed up by at least a FEW mirage tanks they will be whiped out by an equal number of Rhinos or Apocs. The prisms might get a few kills at first because of their superior range, but after the armored tanks get in close they prisms are toast. They take too long to reload and have too little armor. They are best for taking out bases and infantry, not being the main battle tank in the allied army. Funny how as soon as people in this thread began arguing it took off. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "Originally posted by Wudan Master: You misunderstand the (imho) correct use of the Psychic sensor, it is used to momentarily reveal the area under the Allies gap generators revealing whether he has thousands of prism tanks in there or not etc, its epescially usefull if he has more than one base."> While I agree that can be useful, you've also just reminded me of another very good reason to play Allies - the Gap Generator. The other teams just don't have the advantage of both revealing all of the map AND hiding their little piece of it. A very powerful combination.... Plus, if you station a few Guardian GIs strategically, spy planes will never reach your base. The psychic reveal is good for a quick glimpse, but it's just not as useful to me as being able to look again in just a few minutes to see if anything at the location has changed. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> I have to say, you've made several statements that my experiences just don't support. The more men you have, in fact, the better the prism tank will be. The kills are instant, and the beam refracts and does damage over an area. It moves slowly, but you can roll it away, and most importantly, the more infantry it kills, the faster it gains rank. An elite prism tank is a force to be reckoned with by anyone's standards. As for that many rocketeers.. at 600 a pop, if you're building them and I'm building grizzlies, you're massed rocketeers are gonna leave your base toast. Rocketeers simply can't kill fast enough to stop tanks en mass, and more importantly, nothing stops me from using guardian GI's at 200 a pop or IFV's or rocketeers to kill your own rocketeers. The gatling cannong takes out aircraft very quickly, and at 1200 each, harriers getting lost often cost more than the target they're destroying. Aircraft carriers, on the other hand... If you haven't played people online or at a LAN, you're going to be in for a rude awakening when you do. The AI, no matter how good, is relatively dumb, even as far as RTS AI's go. Even on brutal they're relatively easy to defeat. I agree with you, the American Side really is the best, because it gets free units. However, Yuri's not the pushover that is made out.. in fact, I think the gattling cannon is TOO powerful. And the patch just makes it worse. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Dont get me wrong Vampyre i'm a U.S.A. player as well, the paradrops are just too nice. I go allies for these reasons. Spy sat + gap gen + Chrono guys. With the chrono guys and the full map, when crates are on I will have nearly every crate and once i get a yuri or soviets MCV the combos are hard to beat. and not to forget all the extra cash. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "Dolphins require a Battle Lab to build, Boomers only need a Radar, therefore there will be boomers attacking your naval yard before you even can get a chance to build dolphins."> That's certainly true (I rarely, if ever, play maps with lots of water, the naval units don't really do it for me). "True but you just said yourself that you only play America. Yuri ALWAYS gets viruses when only Britain gets snipers. The virus outranges the SEAL."> The virus doesn't shoot quite fast enough (IMO) to make it effective against being swarmed. They seem most useful for harrassing other Yuri harvesters. "What does your single chronotrooper do when I undeploy them and you now are faced with 10 initiates?"> I didn't think you could undeploy when the building was being chronoshifted. Assuming you'd notice (you don't get a "your base is under attack" alert when someone does this, nor do you get a little red box on the radar screen). "The Spy Satallite is the best, but it isn't the basic radar, its a high tech building. The Allied radar is the Airforce command, and Yuri's radar is better. As stated above one of the best uses is to use the psychic reveal to reveal gap generated areas quickly so you can target key buildings with boomers."> If you have naval units, which I don't much care for. "You forget that Tanya can place bombs on tanks now,"> But she can't shoot whilst approaching that tank. The Allied crusher thingies will make short work of her (with the SEAL or whoever you've put inside it), gattling tanks can mow down infantry reasonably fast. The Soviets have a problem in this area (I think). "as well is immune to being squished and mind controlled. This makes her MUCH better than the SEAL."> Having one unmindcontrollable unit doesn't really excite me all that much. If you could build a whole bunch of Tanyas, that would be neat. "What are you talking about? 5 or 6 Gattling tanks can kill at least 4 planes or 20 rocketeers."> Whoever uses only 4 planes? "Especially if we are in my base, which would probably have some Gattling cannons in it as well. Trust me, Yuri has the best Anti Air weapons."> I think that a bunch of elite rocketeers are the best AA weapons. "If you have so many rocketeers that you can kill mulitple gatlling cannons and tanks then you probably don't have enough ground force to keep you alive very long."> Well, perhaps. That remains to be seen. Rocketeers are very useful, because they can't be mind controlled and they can't be mutated. They're at risk from gattling cannons but, if memory serves, that's about all. "Not really, it has the most armor of any harvester."> And it's also the slowest. "It takes a lot of tanks (or rocketeers) to kill it before your opponent sends in forces to protect them."> Kill them, too. "Oh yes, I forgot. The Disks can be very lethal. Once someone has 10+ disks its almost impossible to stop him."> Yes, indeed. Their lasers are quite weak, but because they can turn off your power, they can normally afford to take their time. <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "The more men you have, in fact, the better the prism tank will be. The kills are instant, and the beam refracts and does damage over an area."> The splash isn't enough to kill men, and the splash only has a shortish range. "It moves slowly, but you can roll it away, and most importantly, the more infantry it kills, the faster it gains rank. An elite prism tank is a force to be reckoned with by anyone's standards."> Once they're elite, they're much more useful, that's true. But they have to get elite first. "The gatling cannong takes out aircraft very quickly,"> I really haven't seen this. The aircraft don't stick around long enough for them to make a significant dent. "and at 1200 each, harriers getting lost often cost more than the target they're destroying. Aircraft carriers, on the other hand..."> The little hornets could do with being a bit stronger... though a carrier with elite hornets has some serious firepower. "If you haven't played people online or at a LAN, you're going to be in for a rude awakening when you do. The AI, no matter how good, is relatively dumb, even as far as RTS AI's go. Even on brutal they're relatively easy to defeat."> I've played on LANs a number of times, though online seems never to work reliably enough to be worth my while. "I agree with you, the American Side really is the best, because it gets free units. However, Yuri's not the pushover that is made out.. in fact, I think the gattling cannon is TOO powerful. And the patch just makes it worse."> Does the patch alter the gattling cannons? I didn't think it did. <hr><br /><br />
<a href="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/39877375">Red Alert 2 + Yuri's Revenge Voice Quotes</a> | <a href="https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Mastermind_(Yuri%27s_Revenge)">C&C RA2 Fandom Wiki</a> | <a href="http://www.cncseries.com/content/?warstories">C&C Series War Stories</a> | <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=1026&start=45">Yuri's Revenge + Red Alert 2 Full Cheat Engine Table</a> (by laserbeak) ! | <a href="https://pastebin.com/raw/Mzxm1Aky">Command And Conquer Storyline !!</a> |<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alienfxfiend/alienfxfiend.github.io/main/command_and_conquer_story.txt">CloudAlt</a> | <a href="https://www.dlh.net/en/cheats/6223/command-conquer---red-alert-2.html">Soviets RA2 MP\Build Order</a> | <a href="https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/CommandAndConquerRedAlert2">Game Lore!</a> | <a href="https://web.eecs.umich.edu/~sugih/courses/eecs494/fall06/lectures/lecture19-strategy.pdf">Strategy Games Whitepaper</a> | <a href="https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Transcript:Yuri%27s_Revenge_introduction">Opening Vid Tanscript</a> | <a href="http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/manuals/Red%20Alert%202%20-%20Yuri%27s%20Revenge/Red%20Alert%202%20-%20Yuri%27s%20Revenge%20-%20English.pdf">YR Manual</a> | <a href="https://www.moddb.com/games/cc-red-alert-yuris-revenge/addons/zoom3000-map-pack-v3">zoom3000 200 Maps</a> | <a href="https://www.fandomspot.com/cnc-yuris-revenge-best-mods/">Mod Reviews</a> | <a href="https://tiny.cc/techtree">tiny.cc/yuri">(YR Unit Stats Shortened URL)</a> | <a href="https://tiny.cc/techtree">tiny.cc/ra2">(RA2 Unit Stats Shortened URL)</a><br /></div>
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<div class="CntHeadInfo"><span class="style6">! </span>Command and Conquer: Tiberium Alliances Strats:</div>
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-=CnC: Tiberium Alliances 101
Strategy Guide v3=-
<br />
<img style="width: 150px; height: 79px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="cnc:tacover"
src="ab968a40-615d-4322-a028-1e32d07336dc.jpg" /> Bone-chilling suspense, gripping storyline of the Cnc: TS & you live forever
(Immortal Legends) are some of the things that give this game its charm &
appeal —Enough rambling. I’m amused. It’s all staged for the grand finale (You
can find the videos on Youtube.) <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Command points are replenished every 6
minutes (10 per hour.)<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Don’t waste your time with the MCV —focus on researching new units like
the BlackHand.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Wait for your resources cap to amass [at 1M] & then spend the lumpsum on
economy (after Base defenses.)<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Try to get 10k RP min. for every 12 CP. It doesn’t matter if you get
Total Defeat, as long as you rake in the RP ! Avatars are good for raiding ! Check if Forgotten actually attack in your server —waste of Base Defenses otherwise.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Use cnc-opt.com to optimize your base layout for efficiency. & Battle
Simulator V2 —indispensable tool that tells you how much RP you get in advance.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Fnck continuous production —leave your comp on to receive Package
bonuses —’tis the best way ‘sno joke !<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> You change your base name by clicking on base info there should be a button
at the bottom of window <br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Current stats:: lvl 41 Resource Structures & lvl 42 Silos\Accu |Def tech upgr first or you'll be exposed\ vuln to attack.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Support Structures - Skystrike, Ion Canon, Falcon<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> To change game ID: 1) login in to origin @ http://www.origin.com 2) go through the security questions (if any) 3) change to the new name you wish to have 4) log out of origin 5) log into https://gamecdnorigin.alliances.commandandconquer.com/WebWorldBrowser/index.aspx immediately before logging into any TA:CnC world <a href="https://forums.ea.com/en/commandandconquer/discussion/111835/changing-your-in-game-id#latest">Click here to see article</a><br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> <a href="https://sites.google.com/site/tiberiumalliancesfieldmanual/">Tiberium Alliances Field Manual</a><br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Needs more info on finding good base layout from ruins...<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Refinery next to PP\ and\or Tib field boosts credit production<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> <a href="https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-phenomic-shut-down-report/1100-6411370?utm_source=gamefaqs&utm_medium=partner&utm_content=news_module&utm_campaign=gamespace_news">EA Phenomic shut down</a><br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Each alliance member that obtained a satellite code can inject a virus to weaken the Forgotten Fortress, once its shield is down.<br /><br /><br /><br />
<center>-=Red Alert Tips=-</center><br />
<a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/196962-command-and-conquer-red-alert/faqs/47905">https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/196962-command-and-conquer-red-alert/faqs/47905</a><br />
<a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/196962-command-and-conquer-red-alert/faqs/13721">https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/196962-command-and-conquer-red-alert/faqs/13721</a><br />
<a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/196962-command-and-conquer-red-alert/faqs/1699">https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/196962-command-and-conquer-red-alert/faqs/1699</a><br />
<a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/196962-command-and-conquer-red-alert/faqs/7857">https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/196962-command-and-conquer-red-alert/faqs/7857</a><br />
<img style="width: 152px; height: 211px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="Cnc:RA-cover" src="Cncra-cover.jpg"/> AT instead of AP, Turret instead of Flame Tower, Parabombs on Artillery, 10 MIG, Chinook, Camo Pillbox, Fake Structures, The Mine Layer carries
only 5 mines, and can be reloaded at the Service Depot. Mobile Gap Generator Don't bother with these against the CPU. (Mobile Radar Jammer) - If near the enemy's radar dome (within 15 spaces), this unit will effectively shut down the enemy's radar. Good to put near an enemy base, before attacking. Mammoth Tank Also, it can repair itself to half health for free, if given time. Only vehicles can be chronoshifted to a new destination; living matter will spontaneously combust. The Iron Curtain will change the molecular structure of a unit, making it impervious to all damage. This effect lasts for 45 seconds. Iron Curtain Charges every 11 minutes. Nuke
Charges every 13 minutes. Parabomb Charges every 14 minutes. Paratrooper
Charges every seven minutes. Chronoshift Charges every seven minutes. Only structures that have over 75 percent structural damage can be taken over by an engineer. If the arrows are red, the engineer can only damage the building. When it is green, it's okay to take it over. Engineers can repair friendly structures back to full health.
<br /><br /><u><a href="https://github.com/MustaphaTR/Romanovs-Vengeance/releases/">Romanovs-Vengeance notes</a></u>:: (Cheats) /all /give-cash 9999999 [Q twice] /levelup 4 /kill /help (4th BattleFortress comes /w Tanya+4Guardian GIs for 4000$ ! 4th NightHawk comes /w Tanya & 2 GGIs ! 3rd IFV GGI ! 5th Carryall Apoc ! 4th Carryall Demo ! 2nd Flak Drone ! 3rd Flak Tesla+Flak !), France GC, Tsunami Island or DEFCON 6 (cf. Two-Faced, Bay Of Pigs, Threat, Stardusk, cf. Urban Pipeline, Sudden Sickness, Frozen Cold Circuit, Heidelberg.) NightHawks cannot be MindControlled & can takeout Rockees. <a href="https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/684421/openra-unofficial-thread/">OpenRA Unofficial Thread</a> | <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ft0tvnkxm1pkr7nmarzg6/COMMAND.AND.CONQUER.TIBERIAN.SUN.V1.0.PLUS.2.TRAINER.BY.CyberMan.zip?rlkey=jd5beukyshobl3d8wpk3byt0y&dl=1">TibSun +2 Trainer by CyberMan</a> (Map Reveal + Inf. Money) | <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=1838">TibSun +Firestorm Cheat Table #1</a> | <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=10362">TibSun+FS Cheat Table #2</a> (Copy Power Script from this)<br />
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<img alt="BomberHR" src="hr-planeani.gif" width="458" height="55" /><br />
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<div class="CntHeadInfo">Age of Mythology: Tale of The Dragon Strats</div>
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<br /> <img style="width: 152px; height: 211px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="AoM:TotD-cover" src="Aom-cover.jpg"/> <a href="https://mega.nz/file/qkthXYLK#kr4j-KqOv3EjXHwJWeoygQ6aPoueZj2bmuiWopkDRVA">Trainer +8 Mr. Anti Fun</a> | [Versus AI] Loki:: Mountain Giants. Isis (Rain):: Phoenix, War Turtle, Roc /w Petsuchos. | Mercs help regain control over the battlefield. | Build containment walls it's an effective strategy (channeling) | Play on Watering Hole, River Nile (defensive walled off), Erebus (aesthetics) (cf. Anatolia, Blue Lagoon, Oasis, Savannah.) Fav units: Avengers, Scorpion Man. Fav GPs: Fimbulwinter, Son Of Osiris, Healing Spring, Plenty Vault. Fav civ: Norse (are overmatched\ strong military\ userfriendly (Favor)) Egyptians (walls\ defensive) | <!-- new godstrat --> Atlantean minor goddess. Kronos. Egyptians:: Defensive(!) Norse:: Offensive Greek:: Balanced | Known shortcut arguments are eg. (like you start in safe mode) ...\aom.exe xres=640 +noSound +noIntroCinematics bpp=16 +window +lowend +terrainHalfDensity +lowPoly -waterbump skipMipMapLevels=1 graphicDetail=2 | <a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/792694-age-of-mythology-extended-edition/faqs">AOM Strategy Guides GameFAQs</a> | <a href="https://aom.heavengames.com/strategy/">AOM Strat & Tactics Heavengames</a> | <a href="https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Chinese_(Age_of_Mythology)/Tree">Chinese Tree</a> | <a href="https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Greeks_(Age_of_Mythology)/Tree">Greeks Tree</a> | <a href="https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Atlanteans/Tree">Atlanteans Tree</a> | <a href="https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Egyptians_(Age_of_Mythology)/Tree">Egyptians Tree</a> | <a href="https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Norse/Tree">Norse Tree</a> | <a href="https://itstillworks.com/12192784/how-to-use-the-age-of-mythology-editor">AOM Editor How-to</a> | <a href="https://youtu.be/q31glUSS4s0">Hades vs Kronos Deathmatch Guide</a> | <a href="https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=371145470">How to play as Thor</a> | <a href="https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=605946593&searchtext=hades+cronos amateurcivguide">Amateur Civilisation Guide</a> | <a href="https://www.neoseeker.com/age-of-mythology/faqs/">FAQs, Guides and Walkthroughs</a> | <a href="https://aom.heavengames.com/downloads/lister.php?category=rms">AOM Custom Maps</a> | <a href="http://aom.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=44">Player Colors Trick</a> | <a href="https://gist.github.com/sebask/9d45c8aa6c397a2505ddbef676b88f3d">AOM Tweaks</a> | <a href="http://aom.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/forums/display.cgi?action=st&fn=1&tn=22744&st=20#post21">How to Disable Fog of War</a> + <a href="https://www.oocities.org/ek4nt4/">Sample user.con (cf. Fog of War Hotkey)</a> | P.S: Edit ProtoX.XML <buildlimit> for Towers\ Migdol etc. to 8000 (semi-unlimited!) | P.P.S: The manual, in-game manual and tech-trees, as well as some more technical guides are located in the "docs" folder of the game files.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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<div class="CntHeadInfo">Generals: Zero Hour Strat Guide</div>
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<br /> <img style="width: 152px; height: 211px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="CnCGZH-cover" src="Gzh-cover.jpg"/> <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6222">Generals: Zero Hour Cheat Engine Table</a> | Strats:: Play on Manic Aggression map & Cairo Commandos. China Nuke General or GLA Stealth General. SuperWeapon General is also OP. Build a Toxin Tunnel Network behind your base for sneak attacks & quick retreat —build a Stinger Site in front. Use 2 Humvees garrisoned with Missile Defenders & leave 2 in random spaced out location. | Battle Buses\ Humvees /w RPG Troopers'\ Missile Defenders, Tactical Nuke MiG guard area to pick off Rocket Buggies' or use Nuke Cannon's range. Stealth all your base buildings & ensure Palaces' perimeter coverage (starting with the area facing the enemy.) Comanche RocketPods are overkill plus Ambulances' escorting Humvees' & use HellFire Drones. Quad Cannons ripped the Comanches to shreds in the Generals Challenge vs. Granger. The USA [Supply Dropzone] income is the weakest as the planes can be intercepted. No walls [& navy\ dogs !] in Generals :[ Traverse + strategically [place on] map (SCUD-Launcher forcefire-ground etc.) & make fortified chokepoints &\ or killzones. Combat Chinooks Helix Napalm Inferno Cannons (vs Buggies) Avengers | Voice Quotes:: "We have a network!" "I know people there!" "Supreme truth!" "On the true path!" —Toxin Terrorist. "Their tragedy will come !" —SCUD Launcher. "Pushing the envelope !" —Aurora Alpha. "Enemies of the free world !" —M1A2 Abrams Tank, Destructive Forces [mod.] | <a href="https://github.com/crosire/d3d8to9/releases">'crosires' "dx8to9.dll" (Github) for better graphics !</a> | <a href="http://modsreloaded.com/camera-zoom">Zoom Mod</a> | <a href="https://media.moddb.com/images/downloads/1/73/72380/Enhanced_New_Install_V.jpg">Interface Mod</a> | <a href="https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Command_%26_Conquer:_Generals_-_Zero_Hour&redirect=no">Game Fixes</a> | <a href="https://www.moddb.com/games/cc-generals-zero-hour/downloads/skirmish-on-main-menu">Skirmish on Main Menu Mod</a> | <a href="https://modotor.com/generals_zh">Game Mods</a> | Shell Maps: <a href="https://gamebanana.com/mods/cats/6032">#1</a> |<a href="https://www.moddb.com/mods/generals-zero-hour-shell-maps/downloads/generals-shellmap-for-zh">#2</a> | <a href="https://www.moddb.com/mods/generals-zero-hour-shell-maps">#3</a> | <a href="https://generals-maps.com/2021/01/21/zh-shellmap-caribian-dreams/">#4</a> | <a href="http://www.cnclabs.com/downloads/details.aspx?id=2066">#5</a> | <a href="https://en.ds-servers.com/gf/command-and-conquer-generals-zero-hour/maps-levels-missions/shell-maps/">#6</a> | <a href="https://generals405.rssing.com/chan-47469769/all_p1.html">#7</a> | <a href="http://www.gamepatchplanet.com/game/download-tr.php?file=COMMAND.AND.CONQUER.GENERALS.ZERO.HOUR.MISSION.UNLOCKER.BY.Daan.zip">Save Games</a> | <a href="https://github.com/FreemanZY/Command_And_Conquer_INI/blob/master/Command%20%26%20Conquer(tm)%20Generals%20Zero%20Hour/Data/INI/GameData.ini">Modified GameData.ini</a> | <a href="http://gentool.net/download/">GenTool Downloads (for the Maps)</a><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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<div class="CntHeadInfo">Zeus: Poseidon: Master Of Atlantis Tips</div>
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<br /> <img style="width: 152px; height: 211px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="Zeus-Poseidon-cover" src="Zeusp-cover.jpg"/> <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?t=4802">Cheat Engine Table 2.3 !</a> | Older Trainers:: <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4802">Old /w Money Options Basic</a> | <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?p=8893#p8893">1.2 /w Loads of Options Superseded by 2.3</a> | <a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/476755-poseidon/faqs/9573">Poseidon Strategy Guide GameFaQs</a> | Haephustus is all-powerful & gives you Talos ! Sending heroes like Achilles in your Conquests helps. Also make Toxotes & Phalanxes to defend your city.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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<div class="CntHeadInfo">The Sims: Complete Collection Guide</div>
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<br /> <img style="width: 150px; height: 211px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="Simscc-cover" src="Simscc-cover.jpg"/> Sims:CC Links: <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_J6tdQjStiDd184a1VUa0Y3VTQ">Full Game + Mod Objects</a> | <a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/930408-the-sims-complete-collection/faqs/6840">Strategy Guide</a> | <a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/193984-the-sims/faqs">The Sims Strategy Guides (GameFAQs)</a> | <a href="https://mega.nz/file/jtUXUa5a#4psnFVKXlbAp2OD4TWt8MzS_vctdy8xcsQFFESp7m3g">All The Sims Strategy Guides Zipped (PrimaGuides PDFs)</a> | { Past Sims Characters:: Jeff (Sim Mars -patio), Betty + Nick (benchpress\ swimming pool), Pyro Falkon, David Greene, Anita (blonde)\ Claire (redhead), Diane Pleasant, Mortimer Goth. (make Hedge-gardens <3 ) } | <a href="https://archive.org/details/thesimsallexpansions">Full Game Download (Archive.org)</a> | Downloads:: <a href="http://www.parsimonious.org/sims1.html">Parsimonious</a> | <a href="http://www.simlogical.com/sl/downloadpages/downloads.htm">Simlogical</a> | <a href="https://xonotic.org/">Xonotic</a> | <a href="https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/browse/category/sims1-objects/">The Sims Resource</a> | <a href="http://www.simechoes.org/simechoes1/archive/simslice/1.html">SimEchoes SimSlice1</a> | <a href="http://www.simechoes.org/simechoes1/bnjxlvr/BNJxLVR.html">SimEchoes SimSlice2</a> | <a href="http://www.simechoes.org/simechoes1/archive/simslice/dl/Simslice-MysticFountain.rar">SimEchoes SimSlice Mystic Fountain</a> | <a href="http://www.simechoes.org/simechoes1/archive/simslice/dl/Simslice-LoveCrystal-P-0305.zip">SimEchoes SimSlice Love Crystal</a> | <a href="http://www.simechoes.org/simechoes1/archive/simslice/dl/Simslice-NPCGenerator-MM.rar">SimEchoes SimSlice NPC Generator</a> | <a href="http://www.simslice.com/freebies/Simslice-BatPhoneII.ZIP">SimSlice BatPhone II</a> | <a href="http://svs.paysites.mustbedestroyed.org:8080/booty/ts2/simslice/objects/">SimSlice Objects TS2</a> | <a href="http://simscave.mustbedestroyed.org/index.php?board=12.0">SimsCave</a> | <a href="https://theautomatedparts.com/simsrepository/Simslice/">The Automated Parts1</a> | <a href="https://theautomatedparts.com/simsrepository/Livin_It_Up/Miscellaneous/liucvzfreemagicMMv2.zip">TheAutomatedParts Livin It Up</a> | <a href="https://theautomatedparts.com/simsrepository/Simfully/Furniture/-Desert%20Storm.zip">TheAutomatedParts Desert Storm</a> | <a href="http://simania.nl/sdls/sdls.htm">Simania SDLs</a> | <a href="http://www.pearltrees.com/damnskippy/sims-1/id2316670">Pearltrees Sims1</a> | <a href="http://www.awesomeexpression.com/sims-1-active-links.html">AwesomeExpression Sims1 Links</a> | <a href="http://wayyuay.blogspot.com/2011/09/sims-1-favorite-download-sites.html">Favorite Download Sites</a> | <a href="https://www.thesimszone.co.uk/links/index.php">The Sims Zone links</a> | <a href="http://www.parsimonious.org/furniture1/pages/k8_elgardian_night.html">Parsimonious Elgardian Night</a> | <a href="http://forums.thesimsresource.com/topic/284844-blue-phone-hacked-object-for-social-boost-download-link-required/">The Sims Resource forum</a> | <a href="https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/edgeville_sims/info">Edgeville Sims Y!Groups</a> | <a href="https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Sliverofslice2/info">Sliver of Slice2 Y!Groups</a> | <a href="http://www.simechoes.org/simechoes1/maxis/homes/lot1/castle/castlehouse.html">SimEchoes CastleHouse</a> | <a href="https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp1826921.jpg">The Sims Wallpaper</a> | <a href="https://wallpapercave.com/the-sims-wallpapers">More Wallpapers</a> | <a href="https://i.redd.it/i32jlwf8z5521.png">Sims Screenshot</a> | <a href="https://images.pcgamingwiki.com/7/7e/Sims1_800.jpg">Sims Screenshot #2</a> | <a href="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a5/16/79/a5167998e64cf21a9f841f5d27a1bf85.jpg">Sims Screenshot #3</a> | <a href="https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/h8XbWG9a3qZ34AjN2foBKM.jpg">Sims Screenshot #4</a> |<a href="https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_Sims">PCGamingWiki Fixes</a> | <a href="https://github.com/narzoul/DDrawCompat/releases/">DDrawWrapper Compat</a> | <a href="https://megagames.com/trainers/xownage-sim-city-4-deluxe-v116100-2-trainer">SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition +2 Trainer</a> (Money + Population)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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<div class="CntHeadInfo">Counter-Strike: Source Maps\ Strats</div>
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<br /> <img style="width: 152px; height: 211px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="CSS-cover" src="Css-cover.jpg"/> CSS Links & Advanced Strats: Pick Arctic Magnum Sniper for long-range & Desert Eagle for close-quarters | M4A1 Silencer /w Smoke Grenades | Kevlar for Arena [fy] maps | <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/HellsLabTeam/comments/qritde/counterstrike_source_cheat_engine_table_ct_god/">CS:S Cheat Engine Table Working ! </a> (For offline play only !!) | <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/HellsLabTeam/comments/qesgfy/counterstrike_source_game_mods_tweaks/">Game Mods & Tweaks here ! </a> Make listenserver.cfg file in CFG folder & put all your commands to auto-execute on join there (sv_cheats 1) for Bot-play !! Command for Logo is cl_logofile "materials/vgui/logos/ui/Paige.vtf" <a href="https://sites.google.com/site/cssconsolehacks/">CSS Console Hacks</a> | { "This [insert CSGO team or player here] is fantastic. Just needs to work on communication, aim, map awareness, crosshair placement, economy management, pistol aim, awp flicks, grenade spots, smoke spots, pop flashes, positioning, bomb plant positions, retake ability, bunny hopping, spray control and getting a kill." } | <a href="https://itstillworks.com/install-maps-counter-strike-source-15531.html">How to Install Maps</a> | <a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/922013-counter-strike-source/faqs/34826">CS:S GameFAQs StratGuide</a> | <a href="https://www.wikihow.com/Be-Great-at-Counter-Strike-Source">WikiHow Be Great At CS</a> | <a href="https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=162017361">Tips on Improving</a> | <a href="https://www.overclock.net/threads/counter-strike-source-basic-advanced-tips-and-tricks.372726/">Basic Advanced Tips\ Tricks</a> | <a href="https://www.pcgamer.com/10-top-tips-from-a-counter-strike-pro/">Top 10 Tips From Pro</a> | <a href="https://gamebanana.com/tuts/10720">CSS Tips & Tricks</a> | <a href="https://pc-games.wonderhowto.com/how-to/play-better-counter-strike-source-0121301/">Play Better CS:S</a> | <a href="https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Source_Achievements/Obtaining_tips">Achievements Info</a> | Some Map DL Sites: <a href="https://www.17buddies.rocks/17b2/View/Map/62441/de_corruption.html">17BuddiesRocks</a> | <a href="https://gamebanana.com/maps/186133">GameBanana</a> | <a href="https://maps.cs-bg.info/maps/css/573/">Maps CS BG</a> |<a href="https://www.lonebullet.com/maps/download-cs-source-lego-assault-final-map-v3-counter-strike-source-map-level-free-38112.htm">Lone Bullet</a> | <a href="https://gamemodding.com/en/counter-strike-source/maps/de/">Game Modding</a> | <a href="https://www.gamemaps.com/details/24683">GameMaps</a> | <a href="https://www.gamingcfg.com/category/Counter-Strike-Source-maps">Gaming CFG</a> | <a href="https://www.thetechgame.com/Downloads/id=158455/css-fy_buzzkill_rm_v1.html">The Tech Game</a> | <a href="https://www.pcgamer.com/10-essential-counter-strike-source-maps/">10 Essential Maps</a> | Map Overviews: <a href="https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/Dust_II">CSFandom Dust II</a> | <a href="https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cswikia/images/4/40/De_dust2_radar.png/revision/latest?cb=20201206162746">DeDust2 Radar</a> | <a href="https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Source/de_dust2">StrategyWiki DeDust2</a> | <a href="http://www.counterstrikestrats.com/map_overviews.asp">CS-StratsMap Overviews</a> | <a href="https://crosshairgenerator.com/maps/a-look-at-map-cs_italy/">CrosshairGen CS_Italy</a> | <a href="https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/Italy">CSFandom Italy</a> | <a href="https://www.bailopan.net/cssdm/">CS:S Deathmatch Mod</a> | <a href="https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Source/cs_italy">StrategyWiki Italy</a> | My favorite maps are "fy_iceforts2", "nyaarena", "tdm_fullauto", "de_speedball_b2", "cs_paintball2_s", "cs_mansion_s", "de_deltacity", "fy_vacation", "de_dust_legos_ger", "$1337$", "gg_jungle_fight."<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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<div class="CntHeadInfo">Monopoly: Here & Now Edition Tips & Tricks </div>
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<br /> <img style="width: 152px; height: 211px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="MonoH&N-cover" src="Mhne-cover.jpg"/> <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17985&p=218134#p218134">Monopoly: H&N Cheat Engine Table</a> (Works with ChatChittos verion & iNDUCT patch) (by laserbeak) | <a href="https://mega.nz/file/K5MBzCBb#eWM_xVz4Dpe5Rh9fyUcYMwKEtMC3D_bfkHGyKrKzuPA">Monopoly H&N Full Game Download</a> (From SceneGamePacks (Archive.org)) | Play /w 'All Properties Dealt at Start' & 'No Forced Auctions' & 'No Auction Bankrupt Estates' & 'Initial Cash 5M'<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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<div class="CntHeadInfo">Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest Tips</div>
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<br /><img style="width: 152px; height: 211px; float: left;" hspace="5" alt="EE-AOC-cover" src="Eeaoc-cover.jpg"/><img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> <a href="https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2278&p=217928#p217928">EE:AOC Cheat Engine Table /w Pop Hack (by laserbeak) ! </a> (Works /w non-GoG non-Gold) | "The game requires players to collect resources to construct buildings, produce citizens, and conquer opposing civilizations. Empire Earth spans 500,000 years of world history, which is divided into 15 epochs, beginning with the Prehistoric Age, and ending with the Nano [Space] age. Titan Engine." | Mars map, Standard High Resources, Walled bases /w Ares II + Centurian Tanks + Skywatcher AA + Hercules + Missile Base (to pick off structures) + Spectre AT Helis' (to harass ground units.) Interesting Epochs: Atomic World War I (old tank\ trench wafare), Digital Age (present epoch), also, Middle Ages (cavalry), Copper Age (ships\ Priest spells), Space Age (Tempest, space units.) Guide:: WW2 Atomic | Industrial | Space Sharpshooter Centurian Hercules-AT Ares Spectre Uni Wonderz Paladin Titan-Bomber MissileBase. [_] Expand bases to conquer territory 2 AA + 5 Towers. Airport heals Helicopters. Collosus Artillery Coli Zeus Ishtar Alexandria. I made a massive offensive army (combining all my units) in Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest —but the AI brushed it off like it was nothing (with scores of Aircrafts) —unbelievable ! Disabling musik in the game can be beneficial —it can be distracting, when you feel giddy from exerting & your head is spinning from a 6-hour Random Map pursuit of the AI's relentless base rebuilding (always remember Territory Expansion !) | Just build defenses' around settlements bases (in front) in EE:AOC a.k.a. expansion bases.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> "<u>-=Turtle=-</u> is a tactic that emphasizes heavy defense. It consists of defense building and some ranged units. It holds off rushes, but is not cost effective against boom, since the Boomer could get better economy to build stronger offensive strategies. | A <u>-=boom=-</u> in RTS games is the faster economy build up. The goal of the boom is to outperform the opponents economically. This will enable faster epoch advancements, better unit improvements and the ability to build stronger armies. Due to the need to first build up a booming economy, however, military buildup is delayed, making a booming player vulnerable to rushes. But they can outperform turtler in term of economy. | A <u>-=Rush=-</u> is one of three basic strategies in RTS games like Empire Earth. Goal of a Rush is to strike the opponent early in the game with military units. Those military strikes do not necessarily have the goal of total annihilation as early military units often lack the power to do so. Most rushes consist of small groups of military units, which are sent to the opponents base to kill Citizens and/or destroy resource drop-offs.; Basic Strategy: To rush an opponent, several key elements come into play: Early scouting: To rush an opponent, you have to know where he is and where his Citizens are, so early scouting is needed. The downside is, that if the opponent sees your scouting unit, it might tip him off to expect a rush.; Weakened economy: A rushing player will have to make compromises in terms of his economic buildup. While it is best to invest in food and wood gathering to start up the economy, a rushing player has to divert gatherers to iron or gold gathering early, because these are required for military units.; Since military units are scarce in the early games, a rusher might find himself rushed by another opponent, unable to react due to the weakened economy.; Rushes in Empire Earth: Due to the exaggeratedly cheating AI, rushing can not be applied by human players against the AI in Random Map Games. The AI players, however, will usually rush the human player. Rushes can be employed in Multiplayer games or against the AI in scenarios, if the AI cheating has been disabled in those. | <u>-=AI Cheat=-:</u> An AI cheat is an advantage given to the AI players to offset the lack of improvising talent and intelligence, which puts the human player at a disadvantage. The AI in Random Map Games cheats massively, which makes it virtually impossible for any but the most experienced human players to beat the AI in a land-based game. The AI employs several key cheats; Unlimited Resources: Symptoms: AI players have virtually no need to gather Resources as they are provided unlimited resources for free. This means that it is impossible to starve an AI opponent off resources. Therefore, a key element in RTS warfare is only available when playing against human opponents.; Testing: This can be proven by raiding an AI's base until only one Town Center or Capitol remains. A small military force waits in front of the building and kills every Citizens immediately after it has been trained. Even though the AI has no longer any resource gathering citizen, it will never run out of food and will perpetually train citizen. Acceleration Effect: Symptoms: AI players can train units and build structures in a fraction of the time it takes the human player. A single citizen, for instance, can rebuild a Tower quicker than a fully upgraded battle ship can take it down. During a massive raid of an AI base by a human players force, the AI player can rebuild important military buildings almost instantly if only a single citizen survives; Testing: Start a Random Map Game with an AI opponent and an AI ally. Assign yourself 20 Citizen at the start, one each to the AI players. In the time the human player manages to create 5 additional citizen, the AI ally will have created at least 10, built several buildings and trained several military units. On Island games, the computer will have built at least 3 towers as well, which is nigh-on impossible for the human player in the same time.; Magic Eye: Symptoms: The AI players are not hampered by the fog of war. The AI can perform detailed terrain analysis of the human players base despite the fog of war. It can even see University, Hospital and Temple ranges, enabling it to exploit even the smallest gaps in the human player's defenses.; Testing: Start a Random Map Game on a 'Large Islands' map. Surround your island with towers, protecting all but one with temples. The AI opponent will go straight for the single unprotected tower and flatten it with an Earthquake, even though it never scouted your base.; Defending against AI cheating: The easiest defense against AI cheating is to play custom scenarios in which the AI cheating has been disabled. It may be worth noting however, that the exaggerated AI cheating has seemingly been introduced to offset the generally poor quality of the Empire Earth AI. AI players, who cannot employ aforementioned cheats will be ridiculously easy to beat.; While it is generally extremely hard to with withstand the attacks of AI players, who can build huge armies in mere minutes, there are some options to beat an AI player, for instance in Large Islands Random Map Games." —Excerpt | <a href="https://empireearth.fandom.com/wiki/Guides">Tips Guides</a> | <a href="http://www.cheatbook.de/wfiles/empireearthstrat.htm">EE Strategies</a> | <a href="https://www.gamerstemple.com/games/000044/000044t00.asp">EE Tips</a> | <a href="https://www.ign.com/articles/2007/05/04/empire-earth-multiplayer-strategiesfaq-597675">Multiplayer Strategies</a> | <a href="https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Empire_Earth">Tuts & Walkthrough</a> | <a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/376328-empire-earth/faqs">GameFAQs Guides</a> | <a href="https://ee.heavengames.com/new/eeh/strategies/viewarticle.php?id=83">EE Guide HeavenGames</a> | <a href="https://mega.nz/file/ep0BAJwZ#Q6Kou5lBX5nL_s5Qns5_tIN_mAWPFer5HKjvATtcfzE">EE Tech Tree.xls (AOC)</a> <a href="https://tiny.cc/techtree">tiny.cc/techtree</a> (Shortened URL) | <a href="https://mega.nz/file/Ct9QGD5Z#tbKfEfTseu3yh4i_t8b2HmNbvPW0KjopMPH1H-i3vN8">Empire Earth - Manual - PC.pdf</a> | <a href="https://mega.nz/file/PxdllTjY#0eFgdbmqn8WepxDVuPTRXyRXl2I0kJ28XU9biDIhq0E">eEE-AoC - Prima Official eGuide.pdf</a> | <a href="https://mega.nz/file/jg9WxCCI#8KcK_qZ4DO26PfwK6r4TEKKyvKqb-bZ-2r8g21Kp_O8">Empire Earth - The Art of Conquest.pdf (Manual)</a> | <a href="https://mega.nz/file/GhMDHICR#5fQwH0fO7FXbiNOERmkOPLxGG359mN02q9hyb1KQQ14">Empire Earth - TECHNOLOGY TREE.pdf</a> | <a href="https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/561395-empire-earth-the-art-of-conquest/faqs/57107">Strategy Guide by _0blivion_</a> | <a href="https://archive.org/details/Empire_Earth_Empire_Earth_The_Art_of_Conquest_Prima_Official_eGuide">Prima Official eGuide</a> | <a href="https://empireearth.eu/download/">EE-AOC Download Page</a><br />
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<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Five Keys to Success: <b>#</b>1. Attack! Attack! Attack! Most people never attack soon enough which is a hindrance to you and your team. The more aggressive you are, the better chances you are at winning <b>#</b>2. Play Defensively as well as offensively. Use every defensive method you can think of. Use towers, walls, houses and even your buildings for making your base economy free. One thing that you should be aware of is your base formation. Don't make everything so close together. This could hinder microing later on. Make your base like a sive, so you can "weave" the enemy out. <b>#</b>3. Keep popped at all times. Never stop making citizens or units. Make sure to be at the very peak of your popping point at all times. Use fortresses for storing up some units for later on, pop some settlements to be town centers. Do anything it takes to be on top of everyone's economy. <b>#</b>4. Counter units. One of the great things about Empire Earth is the large variety of units and their upgrades. Many people will just mass units because it wins that game easily. This can be a hindrance to yourself if another player has your counter. Using the right type of units can win you almost any battle. <b>#</b>5. Micromanagement. This is probably the most important point. If you can learn how to micro well, you will be the victor in most games. Microing not only takes speed, but a patient player. Don't just run into your enemies hands, make him chase you, lead him where you want him to be. I encourage those with a low PS to get to know your hotkeys well. It would be a great advantage for you. Speed wins the game.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Tactics:: <b>#</b>The Walls: Finally, if forest and/or mountains surround you, passages leading to your camp should be quite narrow: in that case, it can be very efficient to put wall in those passages. But watch out! Do not completely surround yourself with walls, because in that case, it would be very easy to siege your town and your economical development would become very difficult as you won’t be able to go out from your city et conquer the map. In anyway, defense using a wall bring your expansion potential down. | <b>#</b>-Speed: <u><b>#</b>This is extremely important</u> to micromanage properly your units at the same time as expending your economy. To do so, it is vital to use hotkeys (H, D, C, S, E etc… see user manual pour the full list of hotkeys). Do not forget that using hotkeys is suppose to gain time, so if you have to constantly look at your keyboard, it is doubtful that the speed increase will be great . <u><b>#</b>If you feel that you</u> are overwhelmed and that there are too many things to do, it’s mean that you are not fast enough compared to your playing level. However, if you feel that all what you wanted done is done but there are no blank, that’s mean that your speed is balanced with your level, therefore no problem J . <u><b>#</b>Finally, if there are blank</u> moments in a game, it’s mean there is a problem somewhere (except game speed normal or slow lol): indeed, there are always things to do in EE; move your dog, continue creating peons (HCHCHC), use all your resources, (more farms if wood excess, boom with food excess, etc… <u><b>#</b>You should always try</u> to be active, once you succeed into that, try each following game to be faster doing the same things so you can improve your level (if speed does not make you progress, you will need sufficient speed in order to progress) | <b>#</b>Managing your army: <u><b>#</b>A basic control is</u> the use of "ctrl + right click", so your troopers will reach the chosen point attacking everything on their way. <u><b>#</b>Each group is named</u> (ctrl 1, ctrl 2 etc…you come back to each group by pressing 1,2 etc…. <u><b>#</b>If you are using those</u> groups for a massive attack, ideally you should then separate each units types into different groups (for instances: group 1 archers, group 2 pike man etc… <u><b>#</b>However is you need</u> to hassle your opponent, it would be best to just mix them (or mix all the units with the same speed together, there is nothing more frustrating that loosing half of your army while the other half is still on the way) <b>#</b><u>Regarding the hassling part</u>, personally I am using maximum 3 groups, 1 main group with 80% of my army, 2 others with 10% each. The 2 small groups should attack constantly one after another. You need to surprise the opponent where he won’t expect you, or where the defenses are down. For example, the 1st group is going to attack at the top of the enemy base, generally, even if you surprise him at that point, this attack should not do a lot of damage as your opponent is going to react very fast by sending all his army there. Of course, this is the second attack which is suppose to do a lot of damage, by attacking at the bottom of the enemy camp, where the enemy army is missing in action . During that time, the first group (which you asked to flee the battle), could for instance, come back by behind. When you feel that your opponent is getting disorganize, send the main of your army through the front of the camp, where you did not conduct any attack yet. <b>#</b>Doing those attack is very important: <u><b>#</b>- Weakened the enemy</u> <u><b>#</b>- Push him into defense</u> and stop him to attack you <u><b>#</b>- Disorganize him et</u> mess him up: he does not know anymore where you are going to attack and will try to defend everything all together: this is exactly what you want as, like Caesar use to say "Dividing to Rule", and then the main attack will be much easier. <u><b>#</b>- You will always know</u> what he is doing, where are his best spots etc… <u><b>#</b>However, if the enemy</u> camp is too well defended, or if your army does not have range units, you could loose more than him...so hassling is not always the best solution. <u><b>#</b>During a large attack</u>, do not forget your production, economic as well as military, and also, place the rally point of barrack, factories etc quite close to the action. If you have to go back, do not forget to remove those rally points and bring back the units that were on the way. | <b>#</b>Scouting procedure: <u><b>#</b>Always start your game</u> by creating a dog, even before starting your citizens. <b>#</b>Scouting is very important whatever game it is; this is the scout that will allow you to organize your defense and your attack as explained in above chapter. It will allow you to discover your camp as well as the enemy one, to evaluate the enemy choices (in terms of army, rushing attitude or booming attitude, his defense (tower localization or houses)). <b>#</b>To use the scout properly: <u><b>#</b>First explore your camp</u> in circles, to find your food (forage, hippo, hunt place), your forest, and your mines, your camp configuration (surrounding hills, places, et access possibilities). Following to that, try to find as soon as possible the enemy camp, explore as best as possible, by avoiding the peon concentration that might kill your dog, your minimum discoveries should be what mine is he using, and what military building is he constructing, in order to guess what units is he going to produce. After that, you’ll need to find out the same information that in your own camp, food sources, mines, forest and hills. Once you do have all those information, you should be able to adapt your strategies according to his weaknesses. <u><b>#</b>Do not forget to</u> have your dog always active, have him circling the enemy camp in quite large circles (in order to see any expansion, and he won’t be killed by the first military units). During long games, it is almost a must to produce another dog to explore others part of the map. <u><b>#</b>At ages 9 and 10</u>, do not forget that you have a balloon, having a safe spot of exploration as long as the enemy does not have anti aerial units. | <b>#</b>The 2 extremes rush/boom are: <u><b>#</b>-A rush</u> super fast without producing any peons at all, betting on the fact that the opponent won’t have any military units or tower yet <u><b>#</b>-A full boom</u>, using all your food to produce peons without any military units before 10/15 min and to get a good economy | <u>-=Army diversity and upgrades:=-</u> <u><b>#</b>Looking at the units</u> you use, you need at least 2 kinds of different units (in a way that some are piercing, and the other one shock for example). Ideally, having one type of fast moving unit (for hassling and to more easily control the enemy army) and/or a range unit (to benefit from hills bonuses, and further more, to avoid having all your close contact units getting of the way of each other). <b>#</b>You should know as well that long-range units are way more efficient when produced massively. A mass archer, especially with a hero warrior, would be very hard to handle even with cavalries or shock infantries. <u><b>#</b>Regarding the upgrades</u>, if this is a close combat unit, look at upgrading the speed (if those units are cavalries or pike men’s, improve speed only if the gain if +2 minimum, otherwise it won’t be much of a benefit), the armor (at least to the first level as it is cheap), attack and hit points only when you start having quite a number of units to really feel the benefits. <u><b>#</b>For range units</u>, the most important is to increase the range, first of all, it will make your hassling easier to handle, and also they will kill a lot more units before being attacked (especially if the enemy units is composed of close combat units). Next would be attack upgrade, quite important, but then again only when your army is quite big. I won’t recommend the armor upgrade, even though it is not expensive, it is not really efficient, and you won’t be able to upgrade the hit points (the order of those upgrade should then be: range, attack, hit points, range, attack)<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> Introduction to Pre2Space (Not Planets): Pre2Space (P2S), has been a favorite setting for many years. This setting takes speed and right techniques to boom or rush your way into victory. The first epoch you start out in is "Prehistoric." In <u>-=Prehistoric=-,</u> the gather rate is slow and the unit's don't come in a wide variety. The best of players will be seen clubbing their way through the enemy as well as saving up for epoching. The main strategy for P2S Plains is Wing will go clubs and the Pocket will either go Clubs/Spear or even Archers. As in most cases, the wing must rush and the pocket will boom. The key epochs that one must achieve to aid him or the team are as follows: Copper, Bronze, Renaissance, WW1 and Space. <u>-=Copper=-</u> - Contains farms. With farms you are no longer constrained to foraging and hunting <u>-=Bronze=-</u> - One is able to get siege aiding him in taking out any unwanted buildings or towers. <u>-=Renaissance=-</u> - The use of ranged infantry come into place <u>-=WW1=-</u> - Allows one to get tanks and air. If a player gets air while all others are in an epoch which does not allow any anti-air units, they are as good as dead. <u>-=Space=-</u> - A wide variety of robots/cyborgs are at use. Also, the farms are able to gather food by themselves.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> #Different strategies depending on the ages: Except stated otherwise, the following strategies will use Austria civ, and are mainly for 1v1 on a small map <u>-=Age 1: Prehistory:=-</u> At this age, harvesting food can only be done by hunting and forage, it is therefore very important to properly control and defend the food spots -The most classical strategies: pikeman rush: quick change of age at about 7min30, than production in a barrack. Do not forget to quickly upgrade speed and attack at least. This strategy is completely based on hassling the opponent. After a while, you must rapidly start slingers, and then upgrade age 3 (latest at 22-23min) to get the bows -Mass pikeman: going to age 2 will be a little bit later, but military production happen in 2 or even 3 barracks. To do so, assign a lot more peon on wood before going to era 2, and then, when the barrack are done, assign those peons on hunting (you’ll need to have enough wood for another settlement beside hunting ground). This strategy is possible only if hunting is near and quite massive. Here again, it is a must to upgrade speed and attack. Do not produce bows and save your gold to go age 3, and then produce cav to counter the enemy archers that your opponent will have done for sure. You will also need to build some farms to ensure continuous production of peons, pikeman and cav. -Boom + slingers: here again, you will need enough hunt to do this strategy, because even if you do have enough to produce continuously from2 TC, you will still need 375 Food to go to era 3. This strategies is based on a slinger mass and then, quite fast, bows. Houses will do your defense, and that will allow a good defense (especially against maceman which are such peon killers). The attacks will happen at age 3 with bows, rapidly supported by cavalries. NB: a variant of this strategy is to take the Assyrian Empire to get their speed and range bonus on bows. The strategy is then totally different: the 1st one is based on a boom; this one is based on hassling, without booming, helped by greater speed and range from the bows. -Peon rush: this strategy targets the enemy forage. First of all, you must be sure that your enemy did not build houses or a tower on the food spot. The attack needs to be done exactly at the moment where the opponent is going age 2, so his economy will be the lowest. The principle is to take all your peons at F11 6:30-7:30 et send them on enemy forage: in theory, the enemy peons should flee to regroup and fight, at this time, you must build a tower next to the forage. You will then do a settlement and start harvesting the forage and exploit his camp. During that time, continue to produce peons in your base, and go through age 2 at about 13/15 min. Even if it seem quite late, you will normally weakened your opponent so much, that you will be in a stronghold position on his own ground, and your economy will be 2-3 times stronger that his. <u>-=Age 2: Stone Age:=-</u> Possible strategies are the same than age 1, except that rush pikeman is more efficient and the slinger boom is more risky due to earlier battles. -Fast age3 followed by rush cav: this strategy is possible only if your opponent is doing slingers, you will require a very good scooting to ensure and consolidate your strategies. <u>-=Age 3: Copper Age:=-</u> Bow mass isn’t really valid anymore at this age as the 2 other military building (stable and barrack) provide bow-counter. Leaving 3 strategies possibilities: -Rush pikeman (Do not hesitate to produce in mass if your opponent choose bows) -Rush Cav, even against an opponent producing pikeman, cav rush is playable as long as you hassle properly using the speed advantage. The goal in that case is to kill as much peons as possible while avoiding the enemy army -Mass pikeman then fast age 4: goal being to go to age 4 fast, to upgrade pikeman to Phalanx and start producing Cav archers <u>-=Age 4: Bronze Age:=-</u> At this age, there are 2 main strategies, rush cav archers with Assyrien Empire or defense with cavalries then fast age 5 with Austria -Rush cav archers: the advantage of this strategy is to be able to hassle very easily using the high speed and range of cav archers. If your opponent does the same, the game will be a mass cav archers production (with upgrades as fast as possible), a very good micro management of the units, and a very good hassling. If your opponent does cavalries, you must imperatively hassle him as much as possible, the most important being not to leave any access to iron, so he won’t be able to go to age 5. You must absolutely go to age 5 before him, to obtain the Persian cav to counter his cav, If you fail to do so, he will upgrade his cav to cataphractes, you can be certain to loose the game, as cataphractes are deadly against cav archers and peons (5 cataphractes upgraded (1 up attack, 1 up anti pierce, 1 up hit points) can kill at least 15 cav archers up at 10) -Fast age 5 cavalries: this strategy is meant to counter the mass cav archers. The principle is to produce few cavalries in defense to limits rush possibilities, and go to age 5 as fast as possible to get the cataphractes. If your enemy is making cavalries, in that case, the best solution is to rapidly create 2 elephants, as the only counter for them are archers, and if luckily (for you ) your enemy attack you with his peons, because of his foot area effect you may be able to kill up to 15 peons with 4-5 shots. Further more, elephants are very efficient in destroying buildings (2 elephants are enough to destroy 1 tower) NB: I won’t recommend the inf rush, short sword or Phalanx because if your opponent is doing cav, the elephants are deadly to inf, and if he is producing cav archers, their speed is so high that they can face almost anything with good micro management (and some Javelin in support) <u>-=Age 5: Dark Age:=-</u> At this age, you have the choice between classical devellopement, starting with Persian cavalries and going to cav archers quite fast with Assyrian Empire, or do a very fast rush Persians cav with England. -Persians cavalries followed but cav archers: if your opponent does the same, it will often be the best micro manager the winner. If he starts by cav archers, you stop Persian cav and start cataphractes. -Very fast Persian cavalry rush with England: this can be done only if you locate a gold mine very fast. The goal of this strategy is to stop producing peon to get enough food to produce Persian cav very fast. Here you will benefit from England bonuses, building cheaper, gold harvest faster, and ranged cav cheaper. To use this strategy, you do not do any settlement to gain speed at the beginning (even if you loose some economical power). I do not know any strategies that demand more micro management and focus on a game, at least, when the opponent resist to the first rush. <u>-=Age 6: Middles ages:=-</u> At this age there are 2 min strategies possible: mass cav archers with Assyrian empire (in 99% of the case), and long sword rush followed by cav archers with Byzantine Rome. -Mass cav archers: The principle is exactly the same as mass in age 4. NB: I advise you to be extra careful into going to age 7, against a player using all his resources and hassling you to a maximum, going age 7 means surely defeated. - Long sword rush: the goal of this strategy isn’t to kill his army (way too fast for inf to follow), but to kill his peons. You must weaken his economy before producing cav archers. NB: Anti pierce upgrade for long sword are very efficient (6+5 when 2 ups) <u>-=Age 7: Renaissance:=-</u> At this age, if in a short term a couple of combos are possible, on the long run, there are not really further choices. Short term, you may find inf+pikeman, cav+carabineers. The only efficient combo on long term is cav+inf (+some carabineers). -Rush inf: Classic stuff, but always efficient if you scoot properly and react on time if you see cav in front of you. If your opponent is taking gold, create fast 3 or 4 pikemans (with some inf still) and up their speed to ease the micro management toward cav/carabineers. In order to slow down the enemy economy, it can be very good to kill his hunt, as producing cav without hunt becomes really hard. You should do the same to someone booming with cav. Against an inf rush, it is often the best hassle and/or the fastest to add cav to his army that end up winning. Last important point is that you must find the opponent base very fast...its look obvious, but it is really the crucial point of this strategy (like most rush in fact) because if your enemy choose to boom+inf, you must arrive in his base before he can produce any inf at all, or, having a better economy, he will overpower you by producing in a couple of barracks. -Rush cav: against another rush cav, you’ll need to produce only carabineers, and then quickly change your production line to do inf. Against a rush inf, the best solution is to do a majority of cav along with few carabineers (those have to kill the pikemens). Against a boom, you shouldn’t have any problems because hassling will be quite easy. Still you will have to think about producing inf to kill the inevitable pikemens or carabineers. -Boom: Only if you have hunting ground near by! If you choose to start with inf, you should play in defense until you have some cav. However, if you start by cav, that will allow you to hassle the enemy camp, therefore allow you to develop your side quietly, you will then be more focus on the attack. -Very fast rush cav: principle being the same as very fast Persian cav in Age 5, this can be done only if you actually stop your peon production and find a gold mine very fast. You can do that with Frank’s civ. <u>-=Age 8: Imperial Age:=-</u> The units here are the same as in age 7 except for the ranged infantries and pikemens (whatever are their name ), which are much better while cav, remains the same. The strategies therefore remain identical except that cav strategies are not efficient any more. Effectively, against a cav combo cav + carabineers (the one efficient at age 7) the new pikemens with speed up are efficient enough (+ very deadly against peons). Here you have the choice between boom+inf (with Austria), rush inf (Austria or Kingdom of Italy) or just a classical development (but slow) with Spain (Spain having the best bonuses of the game for inf, but doesn’t have bonus on peons nor on hunting… Either ways, if you principal army is made of inf, it can be good to include some Elite guard (however, do no do an army of them as they are being trashed by cav). After a while in the game, you must include some cav with your inf. Another interesting strategy, well, if you find the enemy base fast enough, is to do a rush with 2/3 pikemens (not more, because after it is better to produce musketeers)..If you arrive in the enemy base while he doesn’t have any inf yet, you almost guaranteed the victory for yourself, however, against inf that is worthless <u>-=Age 9: Industrial age:=-</u> Here again the strategies are the same as age 7, the difference being that booming is much easier. I advise you to be careful into going age 10, there are no longer anti cavalries at this age, so a piece of advice, do some cav and/or carabineers before going into age 10…otherwise only tanks and planes can kill cav and both of them are quite costly and slow to produce. Against somebody going into age 10 while you are still at age 9, you should produce quite a lot of cav, but also some canons (theses are the only unite from age 9 (with carabineers) efficient against tanks) <u>-=Age 10: WW1:=-</u> Here again nothing really original…boom and rush inf are largely in use. This rush inf is particularly efficient, along with AC and then artilleries. The power of the units start to really become important, and it is more and more important to upgrade the range. -Rush inf: I would emphasize that if your opponent plays defense with Machine gun, you’ll have 2 choices, or you up the range of your inf +2 and with some micro management, you should be able to kill machine gun, or you do a factory and start producing tanks (but in small quantities if possible…mass tanks require a lot of resources and are easy to counter). If you see some tanks, stop directly mining iron and switch to a gold mine (even 2 for security) and start to produce grenade launchers, waiting to have enough wood to create a siege factory for AC. -Rush Tank: this one can be very efficient if instead of building your tank factory in your camp, you build it in the middle of the map so it will be hidden from your enemy. However, this rush is double sided, due to cost of factory itself and tanks thereafter, it becomes quite hard to change your production later on. -Boom: with Austria, and in that case, you will be fast enough, and start producing inf+AC or tanks (if you scooted a rush inf in your enemy. You can also take Great Britain to get a tower range bonus (best defense against a rush) and bonus on gold (in barracks, there are counters to all other units at age 10 :anti-inf=machine gun and anti tanks=grenade launchers. Those 2 units demands gold, and at the siege factory, AC also require gold and has more attack, hit points and speed with great Britain. The main problem with those units is that they are counter units and not attacking units. Great Britain is then very good if you play defensive style. <u>-=Age 11: WW2:=-</u> Units are the same as age 10 except the fact that they are all much better (not AC). Rush inf or rush tank are therefore more efficient, and boom is more risky. Keep this in mind, but the strategies are the same as WW1. <u>-=Age 12: Modern Age:=-</u> At this age, again, the units are identical as the one in age 11, except AC have evolved (Tank rush are more risky now) and planes, which prior to this age are too easy to counter, become now very powerful. So if the strategies are still the same, now you can add the air rush (or air boom, as planes to not require food) Furthermore, food (and wood) is being collected faster than age 11, so boom is easier. -Air rush or Air boom: if it seems that United States is the best for that, I wouldn’t recommend that choice because their economy is good only for minerals, and you will be immediately spotted as doing Air attack (maybe a tank rush…. It is safer a more flexible civ such as Great Britain. Once the Air rush is done, if your opponent isn’t dead, you must add a ground army, because an army based on one type of units only won’t last long. <u>-=Age 13: Digital Age:=-</u> Here power and range of all unit increases again. As well to help out your defense, tower range increases. Cyber appear at that age. Previous strategies are still valid, and one more strategy appears: rush tempest Air rush becomes less efficient due to increase in AA power. -Rush Tempest (+Apollo): Take Novaya Russia to get cyber bonuses (Hit points, speed and tempest/Apollo cheaper). The goal is to kill enemy peons (in on shot only!!! So look at the hassling possibility, with his 21 point of speed… and not killing enemy army. However, tempests are strong against any small ground army (except AC) due to his special powers. Precisely, if Apollo is curing him and gives him a shield, Tempest becomes almost invulnerable for a short period. Do not forget not to stick too long to this combo; you should turn to a more classical army as Tempest becomes obsolete if the opponent army is too large (as Tempest is a close range unit). <u>-=Age 14: Nano Age:=-</u> Here again all the units are more powerful, Food and wood is gathered much faster to facilitate booming. Rush at Nano age becomes difficult, except if you put a tower in attack (range at 10 with great Britain!) and play with less common units (tanks, cyber ect..) to surprise your opponent. The 3 TC boom becomes very much possible but remain risky. Gathering Resources is so fast at this age that micro management of units and development becomes quite tuff.<br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> EE Tips & Tricks:: <b>#</b>"Two granaries surrounded by farms should be plenty to provide the food your civilization needs. Make sure that you populate the granaries so that your farms operate at peak efficiency." <u>- TEM</u> <b>#</b>"Send out a scout canine to explore the map as soon as possible. You can better defend yourself against an enemy if you know where he is coming from." <u>- TEM</u> <b>#</b>"While working on your own empire, don't forget to always keep an eye on what the rival empire is up to (canine scouts set to explore are great for this). If you're not careful, the enemy may show up at your door with 10 clubmen and just wreak havoc on your city." <u>- Aviationlover</u> <b>#</b>"find a battlefield as far away from home as possible... your armies should defend that line of fire so no one can pass through... but if they do... but towers to protect your peasants...\ remember you got to build those temples...cause you're gonna need it..." <u>- general sinner</u> <b>#</b>"If playing a island random map here's a good tip as soon as you start try to start with 20 peasants send 5 guys to build towers around your territory then send another 5 guys to build barracks and another 5 guys to build temples the rest of them send to make a dock" - Severan <b>#</b>"Don't forget when you are busy building and stockpiling your resources occasionally spy on your enemy and always try to be ahead of them because this will offer you the opportunity of having stronger more elite units." <u>- Roger</u> <b>#</b>"Always attack with all of the unit types that are available to you and always attack with large numbers if you can and you will be INVINCIBLE." <u>- J Dub</u> <b>#</b>"when playing with an ally, make your first priority units siege units. as you build up the siege weaponry, ask your ally for unit support. If he's a computer, well there's no problem with that. (works only with long range siege units)." <u>- Ibis</u> <b>#</b>"Whilst building up your economy try to disturb theirs by attacking fleets of fishing ships and [using] little squads to wipe out citizens." <u>- Twist</u> <b>#</b>"some (hopefully) helpful tips for beginners, when playing a random map, (after playing all tutorials!) start with 20 citizens, build more straight away, send 6 to each mine, gold, iron, stone, food, another 6 into the woods, 4 more to hunt animals, 2 dogs to explore.; later on (epoch II), send another 4 into the woods, find more mines, send more people to those, build settlements near them, build 2 granaries and build a wall across your territory as soon as you can (not too big!) then place towers on every 6th position you can place one at, alongside the wall, as well as a few inside your city. build hospitals on key positions so your army always restores itself in a fight, same goes for temples and units.; now it is time to work on your defense, build every unit available, upgrade them to the max, and put them in a 'secret' area in your territory, as well as a few alongside your wall. keep building the army, upgrading stuff and advancing to new epochs, until you get to middle ages at least. when you've got a real big army, open your previously locked gate(s), hold down shift and start pressing the comma key for a really long time, so your entire military force is selected. now click on an empty button on the lower bar, and you have a hotkey for your entire army. send this army out to attack the enemy, lock the gates straight away, and start building more units to protect your land.should be easy now to win just about every random map game." <u>- rvo</u> <b>#</b>"After building walls, put a load of archery forces on your side of the wall to shoot bows over the wall & on to your opponents. Most of your opponents won't be able to hit you ,like sword men or war elephants!" <u>- Will K</u> <b>#</b>"if you are playing with a friend start out and build a barracks right away and as many guys as you can and then attack immediately, it really makes them mad but its funny" <u>- Decoy</u> <b>#</b>"In multiplayer games, try not to host a game otherwise you will lose 10% as it says in the instruction book! DON'T HOST GAMES! Make your friends host them (that's what my dad did to me!)" <u>- Cool Chros</u> <b>#</b>"When doing any island game make sure you have towers and aas all around the island. Make a navy using every water unit at your disposal. If you're in atomic or higher make artillery to pound approaching boats and subs. " <u>- Mango</u> <b>#</b>"You should build those Wonders to evolve, especially early on. They don't cost so much then and they can be very handy. Like The Library of Alexandria (with that you can see his best defenses and know where to attack), Pjaraos Lighthouse (only if you're playing on an island, then you can REALLY get on with your navy, and Ishtar Gates (makes your buildings very very strong, which is (of course :) ) very useful, especially to walls." <u>- Defcon</u> <b>#</b>"If you're playing an internet island game with a friend on high resources, try to build a tower wall around the island then ask them to come to your island. One person focus on building the tower wall while the other makes an army to protect the open spots. This tower wall will make you almost invincible because it's a lot easier to defend against navy attacks and transports than troops on land." <u>- marshmanguy</u> <b>#</b>"When you build a wall around the city. Build a dummy wall opposite the gates, and place towers inside. These will draw troops away from the main gate, and buy you time to get troops to the gate. And it allows the towers to pound the troops no matter which way they go." <u>- dan</u> <b>#</b>"If you want to become an expert Rm player here are the settings you need to become good at: This is for 1:1= Tourney Low sets; Very fast; 5 citizens; Plains; Small map; Medium Difficulty (doesn't really matter this one); Tournament Varients; When u get good at these settings you will be able to join expert games. The games hosted by SRW, Seraphic_, _Pure_, Mystic, AKoh, and be a respected player in EE." <u>- Seraphic_Energy</u> <b>#</b>"When you begin make loads of citizens to get loads of recourses then build up a bigish army + go and attack them early" <u>- dan</u> <b>#</b>"Remember, quality over quantity! It is wiser to spend your resources upgrading your units statistics in the long run." <u>- Alexander</u> <b>#</b>"when playing online if you are about to quit give your resources to your allies" <u>- lop90</u> <b>#</b>"Don't go in the enemy base without back up. Create some small camps around the map this will be an advantage for u because the enemy will soon run out of resources and come to ur area. but u must keep creating an army. create many war elephants and archers!!! now build one big army and march out. when ur army seems to lose the battle bring out your additional reinforcements. hehehe the enemy will have no chance against u especially now since their economy has stopped. :D" <u>- fr3ak</u> <b>#</b>"When doing a pre-indy game with 20 citz, always start collecting some wood and ANIMALS. animals provide much more food than forage patches. If you are doing custom civs, select as many important economic things as you can. this will boost your income. advance through pre and stone as fast as possible. once in copper, start building farms. your goal for the game is to have at least 5 loaded with 8 citz. also, in the copper age u should build a wall around your kingdom-to-be. make pierce units in a barracks as they can always upgrade all the way up to indy. when you reach indy, put mortars along the inside of your wall with balloons to increase their line of site (THIS IS ALMOST INDESTRUCTIBLE). By now you must have an army collected. upgrade the units and send them out to attack, while still making more units (a way to make units fast is make at least 6 barracks, stables, and archery ranges). remember not to hesitate! keep pressure on the enemy.; if you run low on resources, set up little camps around the map" <u>- Court Jester 140;</u> <b>#</b>"When playing a DM it is most important to build a military straight away using most of your resources. Then start building up an economy when your army is being trained." <u>- unknown</u> <b>#</b>"I found that heavy motors are the most efficient in land troops.; Build AAA all around your islands as well as towers.; Sea lions(??) are very effective in dropping enemy subs, just make sure they have close air support.; build tons of trident subs and attack enemy ports asap or as a final offensive. Good luck" <u>- nexus6</u> <b>#</b>"Combinations of troops is important, mix and match, have enough of one type to crush your enemy, but have enough different types to cover any eventuality, its all about moderation." <u>- EmperorOfEarth</u> <b>#</b>"When in world war two stage (or 1) it is very important to build airport run ways, so that you can build the bombing type planes. Before you send your planes to bomb the enemy send a couple of solders to attack and wreck there AAA guns. As this is the main threat to your beloved planes. Designate where you want your planes to bomb hopefully you will be able to destroy many of there buildings without any attack to your planes." <u>- cyril sneer</u> <b>#</b>"Make more than one military building ( around 4 of them). Double click and and pick a unit. It will still cost the same but it will take the time of one" <u>- bryan smith</u> <b>#</b>"Build an economy first while creating an army. And heroes can be very effective." <u>- buttmaster2000</u> <b>#</b>"Try using the "hot keys" for selecting units one by one. I usually have a unit of Archers, infantry and siege weapons. Learn also how to set the behavior as some times an archer will chase down a civ and end up a pincushion." <u>- VenGance</u> <b>#</b>"When in WW1 or WW2 on a big map if you want to bomb your enemies but can't get your bombers to there base(not enough flight time) try setting a second air base closer to the enemy base. If your ally has already done that build it near them, it cheaper to defend." <u>- The Forgotten Kid</u> <b>#</b>"A very effective tactic once you reach the Atomic WWII and Atomic Modern ages is the use of atomic bombers. Build at least two airports and fill them both with the bombers. Wait until you have them filled to capacity then launch your attack. Target AA guns first, then airports, then whatever you want. Eliminating the air defenses is crucial, once they're gone it becomes a free fire zone for your bombers. You will lose quite a few on the first wave but even the best defenses can't stop 30+ atomic bombers! Just keep sending them back in until you've bombed your opponent back into the stone age. Shock and awe, baby!" <u>- Ottar the Cruel</u> <b>#</b>"in an island game build a lot of subs and nuke subs. then protect them from helicopters with a carrier. you can easily wipe out whole islands with 4-5 nuke subs." <u>- laserb</u> <b>#</b>"if you are playing of indy. and against anything then i have the best rush strategy. ok first make sure you start out with 5 citizens and have them start working on the food patch, then u go to the capitol and build as many citizens as you can. and once you have about five start to build a settlement near some wood and have them beginning to chop. mean while you should have a couple more citizens and depending on how many you have find the closest iron mine and have them mine while you are supposed to be still producing some citizens the whole time...after that u start to build a granary, and a barracks or two depending on how much wood u have. and remember that the grendler is the cheapest in the barracks so build them with both barracks. meanwhile still finding more mines to use. once you have about ten then u start to attack your enemy. and one more thing if you build a stable then get dragoons bc they are good!!! by the way this will not work against the computer." <u>- nobody special</u> <b>#</b>"Heavy mortars with artillery behind your walls provide an excellent defense." - Rawnblade "Once you get into the Atomic WWII epoch, make lots of carriers and fill them up with planes. Five carriers should do it. Set fighter rally points at the enemy base. Let's see them try to deal with 75 fighter/bombers!" <u>- Mjolnir IF</u> <b>#</b>"In a indy game make sure you start with a forage patch then go on to put two men on iron or gold, then proceed to wood and lets that build up till u have enough to build a barrax or stable, also make sure u don't build crusaders if you have bombards or bronze cannons it will wipe them out!" <u>- Supreme{KING}{lite 1}</u> <b>#</b>" "The Crocodile : 2018" Objectives: Get to Voldograd then blow up Vorenzh's Capitol.; Overview: Gain control of a city and blow up a Capitol by Titan Bombers, pretty fun.; When you start off you are with Grigor,Pytorr and his car. Take Grigor and Pytorr on Pytorr's car and head northeast to find a farm. Beside the farm you will find a potato truck, the truck is yours, get in and go to Voldograd ( you are pretty safe when you passing the gate). When you get to voldograd, you will talk to a officer and the city is yours. Now make 2 diplomats. Send each to other cities's fortress except Ukraine and Vorenzh. While your diplomats are going to other cities, make bunch of citizens. Put 6 on iron, 6 on gold, 5 on stone, make a granary and put 8 citizens on farm, for wood 5 are enough. Now start making a wall so that it covers whole of your base (Do not forget to build towers beside the wall, you must make two or three towers with the gate and two or three at some other place). I suggest that you put 4 or 5 citizens on wall. Your diplomats must have reached the cities (ignore any attack that the city armies make on your diplomats). They will demand 1000 iron and 1000 gold from you. Tribute them gold and iron. When you ally with these two cities, Ukraine will ally automatically. Now prepare some defences, make some tanks and some soldiers (I suggest that you must not make Trench Mortar). Scatter your base with AA guns. Make a gate in between your wall where there is road.; Once you have enough money, upgrade into the digital age,; this is a much needed upgrade.Be sure to make an airport or two. Now start making titan bombers(first you have to upgrade B-52 bombers), make about 3 or 4.Make them fly and upgrade their hp, attack and flight time.By this time in the game Ukraine probably have already blew up Vorenzh's AA guns, if not blow them up yourself, or send a flare there. (You better send a flare) It's at the west side of the city; the wall there should have zero AA. (It does not matter if the Capitol have some AA guns as you have 3,4 bombers). Now send your Titan bombers to their capitol. One of your titan bomber will surely reach their capitol and bomb it. You are now done with the first scenario............. -="Novaya Russia : 2035"=- Obejectives: Blow up 3 Capitols.; Overview: Titan Bombers and Titan Bombers, destruction, destruction, destruction!!!!!!; Many players of Empire Earth think that this scenario is a though one but if you do it my way its easy. Now when you start quickly make an airport and make 2 Titan Bombers. While the airport is producing titan bombers make many citizens and put 6 on gold, 6 on iron, 6 on stone, 5 on food and start making a wall so that it covers your whole base (Wall is very important because british troops come and attck you time after time and also do not forget to build towers with your wall, they are very important). Put 4,5 citizens on wall. Also start getting wood as it is important for AA guns. Now scatter your base with AA guns. Your titan bombers must have been completed make them fly and quickly send them to Ukraine's capitol and blow it up. (You have to make an agressive move because they do not prepare their defences too early, same is the case with western allies). While your titan bombers are going to Ukraine upgrade their attack, hp and speed (Upgrade more attack and hp than speed). When Ukraine is defeated a doctor guy will come and now you can make cyber factories and laboritries. Now prepare some defences, make some tanks, some black robes and some cybers(Ares).; Now start making more Titan Bombers make 4(If any of the Titan Bomber is left from Ukraine, then make 3). If any one attack defend it with your troops and towers(upgrade towers and AA guns range, hp and attack). Now when your Titan Bombers are produced take them together to Western Allies capitol and blow it up. Now you are almost done. Your one or two Titan Bombers must have return safely, if not then make so that you have two titan bombers. When they are ready take them to Rebels capitol and blow it up(You do not have to blow all the rebels buildings). Scenario is beated.................; -="Changing of the Guard : 2064"=- Objectives: Gain favour of some army, destroy a fortress, kill some guys.; Overview: There will be Grigor II and Molotov, Grigor gonna die, extra simple scenario.; This scenario is very very simple, writing faq of this scenario is quite a difficult thing but I have tried. When you start Grigor is making a speech and beside him is Grigor II, a robot and Grigor's successor. After the speech some guys will plan something about Grigor and Grigor II, ignore it! but that they are your enemy. When the speech is over collect armies from every city(dont miss even a single one, the tiny blue spots are the cities). Some cities will attack you and some will give you whatever small army they have. In between the game Grigor will fell ill, take him to the Moscow hospitol (South of the map). When you have visited all the cities and have your army, go to your enemy's gate and destroy it, its pretty simple! Now get in and destroy any army and tower and finally destroy the small fortress which is in the city. fortress. Some guys will come out of fortress, kill them and the scenario is completed....." <u>- RS</u> <b>#</b>"A favorite strategy in indy is now cavalry cause they can hack through greadiers ad cannons as well as raze buildings quick. All you have to do to counter this is have halbrediers with your grenadiers. This will stop the cuirassiers long enough for you to blow them to bits. Bronze cannon are cheap and work really good on dragoos" <u>- RedArmy</u> <b>#</b>"Defense is always better than offence if you are a beginner. defend your town from your enemies attack and once he has lost his military force go attack him in all directions so that a counterforce army of his does not do the same to you" - Anand <b>#</b>"If you build five Towers of Babylon your priests will be able to convert 250% faster than normal." <u>- Yahoo</u> <b>#</b>"I like to use forward bases with an airport, a hospital, and a barracks. Then a whole bunch of towers and AA guns and you build about 6 of these all along the front line and keep attacking, and their troops won't be able to recover fast enough to counterattack very often, especially if you bombard them with air and if possible sea support." <u>- Maurice St. Joaquin</u> <b>#</b>"use partisan warfare to your advantage in industrial and ww1.use them to pick off citizens and counter attack [by by lumber industry" <u>- johny10</u> <b>#</b>"If you are playing random map and you are using the small islands landform, i suggest you us a cheat called brainstorm, it builds up fast. then,build towers to guard your base, if you are in a age with airplanes, build up some aa guns or towers. then, transport atleast 5 citizens to the island nearest to the enemy island, and build another city there. Your old base should be well guarded for you to do this.; Now for the conquering of enemy island. If you are in the Nano age, make lots of ares. If you are in any other age, make about 10 battleships. And then, you'll need about 3 transport ships loaded with citizens. Use your ares or your battleships to destroy the enemies near the sea that can harm your transports. Right after you sent them, send the transports to enemy island and unload your citizens. Then, use your citizens to build somekind of weapon production factory, it'll build in less than a second since you used brainstorm. Then, build as many weapons as you can to protection your factory, and send them to conquer. You need to act fast tho. Wherever they conquered, build towers and aa guns or towers to make sure that your enemies doesn't rebuild there. Next step is more relaxing, go on rampage with your weapons until the enemies are all wiped out of this island, then prepare for your next attack. Abandon your old islands when you conquered a new one, but of course there should be no populations left anymore on the old islands." <u>- Nickname Death</u> <b>#</b>"When you are in a age with planes available, build an airport and build around 15 fighters or 10 bombers, then sent them to the place that you want to protect but don't want to sent troops there. For example, you are in the frontline fighting an enemy while another enemy army attacks your base. In this circumstance, you can put a fighter rally point to protect it. But when you want to defend a place where you have already destroyed all the enemy thats there but afraid that enemies will come back and reclaim it, place a rally point of bombers there. It works really well for me, but sometimes if they bring AAs, cancel the planes and sent your troops there right away!" <u>- Nickname Death</u> <b>#</b>"If you have a ground zero problem with nuke bombers. Build a triangular aa gun system and and aerodrome full of fighters." <u>- jonny10</u> <b>#</b>"Send troops as fast as possible straight at the enemy to wipe them out (i recommend 50 archers 50 sword and 50 persian riders." <u>- THE DEVILS PEBBLES</u> <b>#</b>"use settlement as wall at beginning, then put tower after this settlement. The settlement live longer than tower, and also allow tower shot enemy from behind. The wall could prevent tower to shot enemy from back." - xman <b>#</b>"TANKS,TANKS!,they are nasty in large numbers but the best way to counter them is by giving them a nuke." <u>- johny10</u> <b>#</b>"When doing a large island(s) map and do and invasion you should build a dock,temple,barracks and an airport." <u>- johny10</u> <b>#</b>"Best thing I do to defeat an Enemy is to Build up a whole bunch of Marines double click on one so u have controll of all of them and then march on to ur enemy base destroy defences by clicking one target at a time but first kill all enemy units that come after you and make sure u have back up like some more Marines and a group of machine gunners it may take some time but it is very effective sence the computer or the Human enemy usually use their units set them in one place and and they just shoot every where and most of their units wont hurt yours as much so this is a very effective stradagy." <u>- Causes</u> <b>#</b>"If some of your people are infected with plague isolate them and send them to the enemy" <u>- JOHNY 10</u> <b>#</b>"In world war 2 age i find my infantry are extra under risk of aircraft because there less anti air thing.The best mobile protection you get in that age is the flak harftrack so build many of these and if you can,get to the modern age." <u>- johny 10</u> <b>#</b>"In the industrial epoch build up a huge army of mostly mounted gunmen and then some mounted swordsmen and then add a hero (such as Napolean), this army will be unbelievable I had one that was undefeated for the majority of the game and only lost about 4 men out of the 40 in the whole time" <u>- master</u> <b>#</b>"In the early ages, it is better to advance very quickly by having multiple citizens on foraging patches, and hunting. Meanwhile, have citizens as well as canine scouts explore because if a citizen finds a food/mine he can build a settlement, whereas a canine cannot. Concentrate on progressing up the the third epoch(Copper) due to the walls, and the granaries. A few good, populated granaries will suffice for a long amount of time, but you can always build more citizens and just store them in fortresses to use when needed. Nevertheless, don't underestimate the power the power of a few good clubman during the first few ages because if you can destroy their economy at an early stage, thus creating a large amount of problems advancing, building an army and building an economy, as well as destroying their potential for danger for a period of time. " <u>- Hookups</u> <b>#</b>"When playing an islands game online, build your navy like this: Get frigates, subs, and AA cruisers (a good mix of each leaning towards frigates.) Assign your frigates and subs 1 number, then assign your cruisers another. Battleships can be added to the mix, but I've found they're too expensive and too vulnerable to subs, and if you have enough frigates it's not really necessary. Get 4-5 Trident subs and 3-4 carriers full of F14s backing up your main fleet. Then, just build a Library of Alexandria, upgrade your Tridents' range to max, and park your fleet (except carriers, keep them back a little,) right offshore of your enemy and hammer them until they go down. Use your fleet to protect your Tridents and AA cruisers. Then send your F14s in to mop up mobile units once the island is clear of AA. It's possible to take out multiple opponents this way without ever building a land military unit." <u>- {LM} Barracuda</u> <b>#</b>"When transporting an army , bring a few citizens, destroy the coastal defenses and build a barracks once the defenses are destroyed. Then build an airport so its easier to send aircraft." <u>- johny 10</u> <b>#</b>"When making an army send them in, in a huge wave so as to cause chaos in the enemy base!" <u>- kram xoc</u> <b>#</b>"If your enemy uses mortars or seige weapons that shoot in the air, and you have a lot of units hunked up in 1 place, GET THEM OUT OF THAT AREA andmove towards the m, this will make them miss the shot and if you have 1-4 men, go right where they are standing and wait till they fire. When they fire, move away and the bomb will hit themselves!" <u>- Ice-ager</u> <b>#</b>"If you're planning on sending a massive bombing raid, have about 2 airports filled with B-52s and a few more filled with fighters/fighter-bombers. Have 2 teams consisting of 10-15 gunships + AT choppers ready. Then send your fighters to the enemy's camp to engage their fighters and draw AA fire, at the same time send choppers to destroy AA guns and any AA mobile units. Straight after this, send your B-52s to nuke the hell out of your enemy's camp.; Move waypoints around to take care of any other camps and you're done." <u>- Wiggy</u> <b>#</b>"Use ur army...don't just send it to attack - because doing that is a VERY stupid thing to do because if your enemy uses his own will use piercing vs archers . meele vs sword etc etc; Also when you advance to WW1 is very important to make as much Bombers as you can ...put a number on every bomber then attack strategic places (of course this is after you destroy all the AA.)" <u>- Mr Cabron</u> <b>#</b>"sniper's are expensive but worth making if conducted wisely. Just 1 sniper can cause trouble for enemy units. first make sure the sniper isnt within enemy military unit's range (otherwise they're invisible) and take down their citizens one by one. That's one of the most effective way's to take down units without casualties" <u>- Alston Rodgers</u> <b>#</b>"hey dont let anyone tell you different than this when it comes to playin ee in the modern epoch against the computer. If you do this you will win.; Send 5 ppl to build a wall straight across the whole map just far enough out to enclose all your mines. (the closer you build to them the sooner they will attack); then send 8 ppl to build a farm; Then send the rest to cut wood; now make 6 citizens and get gold; then make 6 to get iron; now populate them 2 mines to 5; now build an airport and fill it with 15 planes makes sure they are the fighter bombers only and make a hotkey for the airport.; Now your defense is established so you can start occuping all of your mines and populating ALL of them to 50 and all the meanwhile make about 6 farms all populated to 8.; Now make 3 more airports and fill them with 15 planes again and make 1 hot key for all of them; Then make 6 airports and fill them all with 5 atomic bombers or more and then when you are ready attack with att of your planes and you will. notice i never mentioned ground troops once and thats becuse you dont need them.....well maybe a couple tanks for if all yor fighters die and there in your village but otherwise they are useles..; rock on....." <u>- G-unit</u> <b>#</b>"When your playing your friends build a wall. then build another wall of anti aircraft with the exception of paths for your ground troops to move through. then build another wall of tank factories. This way when someone starts attacking you you can build a single batch of tanks and when they get through the wall they will get destroyed. Or you can kill them before they get through the wall" <u>- i am god</u> <b>#</b>"This only works when you are playing your friends....when your friends build walls they usually build them straight through trees. Well they dont know that dogs and can go through trees but even if they did they wouldnt expect a dog to do harm.but.....; build a temple and a few prophets....then build 30 dogs now have all of them walk up to your friends wall. then search for a section of the wall that is trees....once you find it plauge the dog and send them throught the trees into the village....this will really piss your teamates off seeing that you probably will kill all of there citizens." - g-unit "On the third german level(Red Baron) your partisans can be very useful when taking out Sopwith Fighters.But you need a large group of them to do damage.; PLACE them in truck,s and you transport them quickly to hotspots.; Here,s a trap... (only useful with islands) if the enemy go to an empty island send priests (with built towers of Babylon) and convert them . Repeat this progress and it will help.; You should build at least 2 airports full of fighters(1 for escorting bombers the other for shooting down aircraft.) then an airport full of nuke bombers and heavy bombers and you should be ok." <u>- johny10</u> <b>#</b>"What u dont know can kill u. if u dont send out a scout ur playing blindfolded. it is critical that ur gatherers not have yo carry resources more than 10 steps to get to the settlement. wherever the action is put down a settlement. if they clear out an area and move further on build another settlement close to a new harvesting area.; even thriving civilizations rarely need more than twelve farms; dont get over-enthusiastic with your development plans.; if u find an ememy mine do the following: 1. kill all the citizens 2. build a tower and a settlement near the mine 3. make 6 citizens gather resources" <u>- Bad Boy</u> <b>#</b>"if starting in the prehistoric age going right up to modern (i hate those robots) any way populate like crazy, send out scouts and take all the resources, then advance faster than your opponent, dont worry too much about an army, just keep pumping out ctitsens make over 350 at least and harvest all of the resources on the map, make towers and military buildings for defence, walls are good but the best defence is a good defence :); try attacking with a few clubmen right at the start if you can kill a few of thier resources places to disrupt them.; if you can keep all those citisens farming/mining etc for as long as possible you will get more resources and advance faster, i try to take up at least 70% of the map's resources right at the start, if they attack you may lose a few, if they dont then you will win :P; as soon as you are in he last age build a huge army or atlernatley make the library of alexander and use the nuclear subs (they have an amasing long range hehe) nuke planes are good if your opponent has advanced much slower, if you can do this right you can easily be 5 or 6 ages ahead of yuor opponent and nuke thier pathetic horses or whatever they have dont bother wit fighters they cant hit you :D; have fun....." <u>- ][V][A77</u> <b>#</b>"Remember to use all sorts of weapons. Air ,land and sea. It's much more effective than single attack.....; Nuclear strikes are very effective. Send in fighters to clear em'fighters and send in chains and chains of nuc bombers. Improve it's explosion range!!!" <u>- nuke addict</u> <b>#</b>"When in the Dark Age make a Bronze Cavalry unit. Also send a citizen close(but not to close!)to the enemy base. Build as many towers as you can.Then send the Bronze Cavalry into the city(if there is no wall!)and lure some units towards the towers(lead as many units as possible)and they should be toast! I call this tactic "Defensive Offensive"" <u>- Billboy</u> <b>#</b>"Be patient. Set a goal. Stick to it. Have a main base - build defensive positions. Expand gradually. Wait for opponents to show a vulnerability - then exploit it. Use your transports for element of surprise. I have more tips - but you'll have to learn them yourselves. If I give all of my secrets - you may defeat me (Ha - Ha!!!)." <u>- Marcus the Great I</u> <b>#</b>"make yourself unpredictable and predict every move of your opponent. Master this and you have won the war 1/3.(e.g. build AAs if their building a lot of transport helis, build prophets and tempests if their building up a huge navy) Always think of every way to help you get stronger and everyway make your opponent weaker. Master this and you have won the war 2/3. These includes use of units to their extent (mobility of helis, all-purpose of standard infantryman, high armor of tanks etc.), use of terrain (getting mountain combat bonus in a mountainous map and using lots of partisans in a heavily forested enemy reagion), moralizing units (heros, town centres, houses), e.g. go on a top of a hill or a cliff that overlooks your enemy's base. If it's already under the control of your enemy then try to take it at the minimul of casaulties." - ArtofWar <b>#</b>"in nano u might want to consider making such n army: - at least 40 ares2; - 20 poseidons; - 30 hyperions; - 15-20 apollo; - 30 spectre at; - 20 reaper gunship; army can move themselves through e sea and need not take transports, so it save lot of resource n need not afraid dat they killed inside a transport." <u>- eeaoc beginner</u> <b>#</b>"you most make hero they boost the moral of the army. the war hero have a good attack and a good hit points but the other have a bad attack and a bad hit points but they cure the army and they have the battel cry it s good for wende you are losing the battel. and don t send the static heros in tho combat." - duke of games <b>#</b>"When you are playing an island build towers around it and if your in a flying age build AA guns. Also Build docks and Naval Yards so your healing point is around your island. Also build a lot of hospitals so your island is safe." <u>- Andrew</u> <b>#</b>"try defeating the opponents using my method and see if it works: - get enough food and iron (more than 100000); - deploy LOTS and LOTS of furies (i recommen' 100 to 200 of 'em); - send them, in groups of 20, to various part of enemy territory; - target at citizens and military buildings; - continue for at least 5 to 10 cycles; now, sit bac n relax and enjoy e BLOODY SUNDAY..." - eeaoc beginner <b>#</b>"NO MATTER WAT begginer or expert always always always make canine scouts to reveal ur land so u know where resources r, rivers, and enimies can attack from. trust me its best to know when u can expect company over for dinner." <u>- Sgt. Rec</u> <b>#</b>"if your under attack its best to keep tranning guys so you can keep the enimes busy" <u>- anonymous</u> <b>#</b>"when you are attacked by ships two prophets with storm attack can be very useful" <u>- cris</u> <b>#</b>"In case you are attacted when not expected, make sure you have at leats one escape route with six citizens to make a run and continue your empire.; -- If you can't live by yourself go to t your ally(s) home or empire and live there." <u>- Yojo</u> <b>#</b>"when playing islands always make sure you get to the islands closet to your main island. It would suck to have your enemy setting up shop next door." <u>- Tha Black Guy</u> <b>#</b>"One way to help advance your epochs are to use the cheat code that gives you 100,000 of each resource ( all your base are belong to us ) that way you can zip right through the epochs without searching for the materials to advance. : )" - speedy <b>#</b>"In Novayaa Russia you don't need to upgrade to the digital age to win. Ally with the other countries, then build a wall to stop attacks from the north. Build up your economy and a small army (6 AT guns, 3 or 4 Arty, 3 tanks (HE) and 3 half-traks, and finally 4 machine gunners). Then attack the tower either side of the gate with arty (holding off tank attacks and air attacks with AT and half-trak repsectively) then destroy the barbed wire either side of the gate. After that, walk right in and destroy the capital!" <u>- no-one special</u> <b>#</b>"This tip is for you, if you want your walls to look good. Put your walls everywhere that they look nice (duh) , but be sure to make them in a defensive position (DUH) ,the places where its to hard to put walls, or they just dont look cool, build a little "army" of towers. This Takes care of almost any enemy.; -- When you have attacked your oppponents city, AND have the upper hand, change your stables/barracks/archery range rally points to somewhere in your opponnents city, then build loads of troops to finish them off." <u>- Jester</u> <b>#</b>"If you have cliffs, put archers on top and infantry below and watch the bloodshed." <u>- asterixml007</u> <b>#</b>"hide a few partisans in the woods by their base it will annoy them and kill of their peasants" <u>- sneaky</u> <b>#</b>"if u start in the preastoric age start with 20 sitizens and bild as much of them at ur capital. while they are being bilt hotkey your sitizens and send them 2 explore. once youhave located at least one of each resource clik the hot key and bring them bak home and get the gathering resorses. this makes a good start" <u>- big red evil dragon</u> <b>#</b>"It may sound bizarre but using a dozen of the best sword cavalry in industrial age with fully upgraded health and gun armour (bought upgrades AND civilisation uprgades) you can hold off more advanced troops from the atomic ages. Marines, snipers and tanks should have less health than upgraded cavalry, they are slower than cavalry and have no sword armour whereas enemy bullets will just bounce off cavalry armour. Throw in a strategist hero for healing perposes too, just for juck. Youll also scare the hell out of an online enemy using this tactic; the last thing they'd expect is their big tank column being cut to ribbons by people on horseback bearing swords; Other tips:; Zeus cybers are good at dealing with towers due to high attack and HP and so make good siege weapons; Spectre anti tank helicpters with fully upgraded speed, HP and some attack thrown in (bought upgrades AND civilisation uprgades) are devastating as a rapid reaction force, plus with upgraded speed they can outrun unupgraded aircraft; if you get close to an enemy airfield, get a Tempest Cyber to cast Anti Matter Storm over the end of the runway. Enemy planes will then die as soon as they take off; Have artillery guns behind your walls in range of hospitals so they self heal. If snipers are attacking your towers and your artillery cant see them but they are in range, wait for the snipers to fire again so you can see their location and then use attack ground option to drop a shell right on their heads" <u>- Skaulden</u> <b>#</b>"a useful thing to do is to build a handful of cheap fast units with high hp. then get a prophet or two and infect those units with the plague. then send the infected units on a suicide mission to the enemy to infect as many people as possible. aim for citizens as they tend to infect more people" <u>- Achilles</u> <b>#</b>"TO SUPER JUMP THE ACTS MAKE A TOWNCENTER THEN KEEP DOING THAT OVER AND OVER TO GET TO NANO MY RECORD IS 2 MIN FROM PRE. NON CHEATS" <u>- storm</u> <b>#</b>"start off by by sending 12 citz to iron mines then get 6 citz from capitol. build 3 barax with 2 citz on each. then 2 remaining citz to build wall. then when the barax are done send the citz to wood. then all citz you get from capitol send to get food(any type will do.hunting is 30% faster than farms and foraging)." - Lucius <b>#</b>"When you have a huge army double click on one you'll get all or I think you do. -- If your scared that the enemy is stronger create a second wall and just place gates at the same area of your first gate but doing this is very useful and put in between those walls towers and AA guns." <u>- John</u> <b>#</b>" a good way to defend your base while getting resources his after youve built ur wall (epoch III) put some towers in front of the wall and put a bunch of archers behind the wall, when ur enemy comes ur archers n towers just shoot them down n the only way ur archers get hurt is by other archers n catapults, but the more archers n towers u got the better, be sure to upgrade them as much as u can " <u>- papajosh</u> <b>#</b>"Here is a tip for all of you guys...; After you have built a strong economy, make a siege team. Try to do it early in the game. Attack your closest enemy. The siege team should consist of snipers, regulars ( musketeers, axemen, spearmen, etc. etc.) cavalry, and siege weapons.*; Use your sniper (if you got them) and let them protect your main army and siege weapons. Use your regulars to protect the siege weapons and the snipers. Finally use the cavalry to protect all of them and also killing other siege weapons, cavalry, and snipers. Your snipers will fend off the infantry.; Then use your siege weapons to destroy the enemy.; * The units all depends on your epoch at that time*" <u>- WILLIWIN?</u> <b>#</b>"surround your capitol with 8 settlements and populate them into town centers. use these town centers to rapidly create citizens and the capitol in the middle to do upgrades. with these town centers you can quickly recover from any attack.; -- OFFENSE; 1.Make as many horses as you can maneuver at once.; 2.Replace one of these horses with a strategist.; 3.Put all horses in defense position.; 4.Make your army formation be a long line.; 5.Use this army for offensive techniques 6.when ever your horses health lingers, pull your army out of battle and; allow your strategist to heal them, go back in 7.this is very effective if your are trying to defend an area 8.MAKE; SURE YOUR STRATEGIST STAYS ALIVE; DEFENSE; 1.make as many infantry as you can; 2.use these men to patrol constantly until you get a nearly continues line around your empire 3. build hospitals in a row at a place where your men must always pass on the patrol route [this will constantly reheal your line" <u>- Mike</u><br />
<img src="ball.gif" width="14" height="14" alt=""/> EE:AOC Tips & Tricks:: <b>#</b>"try and build your aa in groups of 4 every 4 squares and 1-2 squares behind your wall. This'll prevent holes in your air cover" <u>- Roughneck</u> <b>#</b>"This doesn't work all the time, but it'll work most of the time. Once you have enough resources early on in the game, build a barracks and build a sniper or two and rush your nearest enemy and attack the opposing team's citizens. Usually, they won't fight back, but then there's that other 10% of players who will." - Roughneck <b>#</b>"Always have fighters escort your bombers." <u>- jack</u> <b>#</b>"Create ten cits when you first start out in a game this should be the first thing you do so later on you will have more cits and dont have to stoop and build them later on." <u>- {SU}Red army(Rangoon province)</u> <b>#</b>"If you are going to attack a enemy who is in the atomic age or above you should keep some anti aircraft tanks along with a Diffused army 〈ie a army which is in groups of 10 or 20 and surrounds the whole enemy base to attack because one nuclear missile will wipe out your whole army and totally you should have an army of about 100.〉" <u>- Anand</u> <b>#</b>"You should always destroy the towers first and then the citizens and then the anti aircraft missile launchers and then the army this is why you should have a mixed army to carry out each purpose. For example tanks and siege weapons for the towers and anti aircraft missile launchers snipers to take out the citizens and bombers to take out the army or also buildings and fighters to take on fighters" <u>- Anand</u> <b>#</b>"This is for Art of Conquest (Space Age):; A sneaky thing to do is to build ~6 or so watchmen and teleport them to an enemy resource area. They will be killed, but you will kill their citizens first, usually. An even sneakier thing to do if the base is relatively undefended is to teleport priests." <u>- the chosen one</u> <b>#</b>"GOOD TIP:When you have a lot of extra recources and your near the water,and you have the dock with subs, create a carrier and set a rally point for it.After that create planes.The planes are exeptional.Tip for space age:if u want an invincible anti aircraft gun that flies, make a tempest and wait for his blue bar to rise.Soon you you can make a anti-matter storm.They are really good but can only attack air units." <u>- Bo Fosta</u> <b>#</b>"Play as Novoya Russia in the Space Age. Consturct the Library of Alexandria, and then construct a missle base. With the buildings identified, have fun nuking the other guys. (it helps if you have allies for troop support)" <u>- King Christopher</u> <b>#</b>"you should keep in mind that when you attack your base id defended because if you send your army towards your enemys town and if he spoted you before you attacked then you are in big trouble because your base might be attacked by the enemy! and without an army near your town you are bound to lose! so make a unbreakeable untoppleable defence and your enemy will be wiped of the map!! if you have friends dont rely on them too much because they might turn against you! have fun breaking into the enemys town!" <u>- Anand (Typhlosion)</u> <b>#</b>"Industrial Age (for beginners): Sets: SH(Standard High), Very Fast. The best way to win this type of game is by rushing. You begin with 20 citz. 6 for iron mine, 6 for gold mine, 6 for wood, the rest to build 1 barrack and 1 stable, 1 granary. Starting this way u will have enough resources since the beginning. Then build Units as fast as posible(build diverse types to counter any enemies units), and destroy your enemy base with no problem by F11 10m. Well, this works if u are not dealing with a pro." <u>- Silence Sound, Twisted : )</u> <b>#</b>"Never underestimate walls, they are excelent when paired with towers and AA behind them (Mortar launchers, archers, and siege weapons are also a huge assistance). Make sure you have have temple, and to a lesser extent, universities, near important areas of your base to prevent prophets, and priets wreaking havoc (belive me they will, especially if teliported in groups). It's a good idea to keep a few towers, and sometimes AA inside your base (another big help if your enemy likes to teliport). If you have extra food, you should try to fill up your settlements / town centers / capitols this way, they'll get bonuses when your citizens deposit food, iron, gold, and/or stone there. ALWAYS ALWAYS_ALWAYS_ send your troops in groups with other types (and medics in later epochs) or else it's highly likely you'll see them fall to thier weakness. Siege weapons are great for attacking someone's defences, buildings, and/or front line due to thier range, and (usually) explosive fire, but keep them backed up with other troops, such as infantry, tanks, and mechs, and most of all, anti air, so that you're attack will be much more effective. If you're playing someone that likes to use nuke bombers, fighter jets will kick thier A**. But most importantly, PRATICE!!!!!!!!!!! I've never seen, or heard of a strategy better then experiance. Oh, and remember it's only a game, if you lose, then play again, 'else you'll never get any better. =)" <u>- DustmanD</u> <b>#</b>"if you're in an early stage, and need to bring down towers, a handful of prophets with the casting of earthquakes will do the trick." <u>- peachfrost</u> <b>#</b>"if you are in a space planet map then the only thing important is to ADVANCE forget about making an army before you reach digital age make lots of citizens and forget walls or towers because walls or towers are no use to space planes.once you reach space age build turnets and docks to protect your base it wont hurt if you build aa inside your town" <u>- Anand (Typhlosion)</u> <b>#</b>"Use helicopters to clear out anti aircraft. and deploy paratroopers to destroy miners." <u>- bansin</u> <b>#</b>"Don't try to act saddistic as to build turrets as walls. this will cause the computer's memo to fail and thus ur enemy spaceships will not receive any damage. you may like to build wonders in planets map right from the start. it costs cheaper and enemies will not be able to attack you. in the planets large, small or satellite, the following units can be considered as useless: - ALL bombers (there is no need to be so saddistic as to nuke them); - fighters (not fighter/bomber) (aa guns and fighter/bomber will take care of it.; - ALL infantry (these are not good at dealing with enemy units, tanks, cybers are better off than 'em); - planetary fighter (their accuracy and flight time and hp sux)" - eeaoc beginner; "If playing online in a 3 on 3 ,dm ,atomic modern ..... 20 cits, ISLANDS.......LARGE MAP.....; build 10 airports with 1 of each fighter type and build aa in 6 rows in front of the 10 airports . then build a big navy and ;6 carriers filled up. though u must av an economy workin by then have all mines on your island worked on and 2 ;populated granaries.u must upgrade all units in the ariports and navy . your custom civ should be as follows.................fighters.....speed .attack .hitpoints and range if u want ..do not ;bother with fuel ok. .....................................battle ships and carriers must have range.. hit points.. and attack/////////// frigates and cruisers must have attack and subs attack and range the rest u can choose.; A wall shood also be built around your island and towers .it is handy if u and your allys take over a unused island ;and fortify it also aa towers and that sorta stuff share all mines equally.; VICTOR LAZ ........Undefeated Champion" <u>- VICTOR LAZ <b>#</b>"1)</u> When you go to attack the enemy, keep making troops at your base, and you and your towers will most likely be able to take them out.; 2) When playing mid, make ca on pocket and swords on wing!; 3) for mod, i recommend making towers and not a wall, because all units are ranged. if you're playing mid or below then i recommend a wall." <u>- Ananymous</u></div>
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