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Ligatures processing for emoji sequences and modifiers

Emoji such as 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 or 🇨🇦, or emoji with skin tones such as 👩🏾‍💻, use a combination of multiple Unicode code points to form a single glyph. To achieve this in the font, Apple Emoji uses ligatures, with data stored in the morx table (which is specific to the Apple Advanced Typography spec)

A quick intro

Ligatures transform multiple glyphs into another single glyph. This glyph may not map back to any specific Unicode code point, but it may index into the sbix table to give us the image we need.

For example, with the family: man, woman, girl, girl emoji 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧:

  1. The Unicode code point sequence used to construct the emoji is 1F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467
  2. The corresponding glyph IDs are 1062, 43, 1164, 43, 1056, 43, 1056
  3. These glyph IDs are transformed through the ligature process into a single glyph ID, 1280
  4. The glyph 1280 maps to the image you see above in the sbix table

State tables and state machines [reference]

A simplified example

The font uses state tables to represent a finite state machines, which is what processes sequences of glyphs into another glyph as a ligature.

Consider the Canadian flag emoji 🇨🇦. It's constructed from a sequence of 2 glyphs, the regional indicator C glyph and regional indicator A glyph (we'll refer to them as C and A throughout this doc, though they're actually 🇨 and 🇦).

The state machine begins at a START state, then transitions to a new SEEN-C state when it sees C, and from there, resolves the ligature if it sees A as the next glyph.


Because there are a large number of possible sequences of emoji forming ligatures, it's inefficient to have unique transitions per glyph; instead, similar sets of glyphs are grouped into "classes" before being processed again. In the state machine representation in the font, all transitions are done through these classes (even if they sometimes only contain a single glyph).

Representation in the font (the morx table) [reference]

The morx table is split up into chains (in the current Apple Emoji font, there is only 1 chain to process), which is then split into the feature subtables (unused here) and actual subtables; of those, we are interested in the ligature subtables (type 2).

Each ligature subtable stores the representation of a state machine, which comprises the following tables (whose offsets are given by the subtable header):

  • Class table: maps glyph IDs to classes
  • State array: maps a given state and class to the index of the corresponding item in the entry table
  • Entry table: contains information about the next state to transition to, and any actions that need to be taken
  • Ligature action table: information on what action to take if specified by the entry table
  • Component table: contains values that are accumulated and added up as the ligature is processed; the added result is then used as an index into the ligature table
  • Ligature table: maps component results to the glyph ID of the final ligature

Class lookup tables [reference]

Class lookup tables map glyph IDs to the classes used to determine which transition to take. There are a few formats of lookup tables, 3 of which are used in the Apple Emoji font:

  • Segment Array (Format 4): an array of segments covering [startGlyph, endGlyph] and mapping them to their respective classes in an array
  • Single Table (Format 6): an array of classes indexed directly by glyph ID
  • Trimmed Array (Format 8): similar to the single table, but the first item in the array maps from firstGlyph instead of 0

State array

The state array is a 2D array with the state ID as the row index, and the class as the column index. For example, if we are currently at state 5 and the next glyph has class 11, the value we would read is stateArray[5][11]. The 2D array is stored in row-major order. The value read is the index into the entry table.

Entry table

The entry table is an array of state entries, containing the next state to transition to as well as flags to determine whether additional actions need to be taken:

  • setComponent (0x8000) — Push the current glyph onto a stack (the "component stack") for processing later on
  • dontAdvance (0x4000) — Go to the next state, but not the next glyph
  • performAction (0x2000) — Process the stored component stack into a ligature using the instructions in the ligature action table starting at index ligActionIndex

Ligature action table

The ligature action contains instructions for processing a component stack (list of glyph IDs).

⚠️ Note: The index into the action table is the starting index of the instructions. If the component stack has 5 glyphs, the instructions are the 5 actions starting from the given index.

Each action contains couple of flags in addition to an offset field which is used to pre-process the glyph ID. The algorithm to run through the actions is:

  1. Initialize the component accumulator to 0
  2. Iterate through the component stack. For each glyph ID, and its corresponding action:
    1. Compute the offset (action & 0x3FFFFFFF, then sign extend to 32 bits)
    2. Add the offset to the glyph ID
    3. Use the result to the index into the component table to get the component value
    4. Add the component value to the component accumulator
    5. If the action has either the last or store flags, break the loop
  3. Use the value of the component accumulator to index into the ligature table to get the final glyph ID

Component table

The component table is a simple array mapping the offseted glyph ID to component value.

Ligature table

The ligature table is an array that maps component accumulator sums to ligature glyph IDs.

A simple example with tables

Let's use 🤷🏽 (person shrugging: medium skin tone) as an example, which is made up of code points U+1F937 U+1F3FD, and assume the cmap table tells us these are glyph IDs 2174 and 879, respectively. We'll lay out the tables, then run through the algorithm.

Class lookup table

Name Value Description
format 4 Format 4 (segment array) lookup table
binSrchHeader.unitSize 6 Not used (used for binary searching the class table)
binSrchHeader.nUnits 2 The number of segments that follow
binSrchHeader.searchRange 12 Not used
binSrchHeader.entrySelector 1 Not used
binSrchHeader.rangeShift 0 Not used
segments[0].lastGlyph 2174 Last glyph of segment 0 is the Person Shrugging glyph
segments[0].firstGlyph 1881 First glyph of segment 0 is the Person Frowning glyph
segments[0].value 24 Start of the values array for segment 0 is at offset 14
segments[1].lastGlyph 881 Last glyph of segment 0 is the dark skin tone modifier
segments[1].firstGlyph 877 First glyph of segment 0 is the light skin tone modifier
segments[1].value 610 Start of the values array for segment 1 is at offset 600
segments[0].values [3, 3, ..., 3] All glyphs from 1881 to 2174 have class 3
segments[1].values [5, 5, 5, 5] All skin tone modifiers have class 5

State array

Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5
State 0 0 6 5 0 0 0
State 1 0 4 0 1 4 0
State 2 13 12 0 0 3 2

Entry table

Name Value Description
entry[0].nextStateIndex 0 Entry 0: goto state 0
entry[0].entryFlags 0 Entry 0: no flags
entry[0].ligActionIndex 0 Entry 0: no action
entry[1].nextStateIndex 2 Entry 1: goto state 2
entry[1].entryFlags 0x8000 Entry 1: flag to set a component
entry[1].ligActionIndex 0 Entry 1: no action
entry[2].nextStateIndex 0 Entry 2: goto state 0
entry[2].entryFlags 0xA000 Entry 2: flag to set a component and also run action
entry[2].ligActionIndex 0 Entry 2: start action at index 0 of the action table

Ligature action table

Name Value
action[0] 0x3FFFFC93
action[1] 0xBFFFF786

Component table

Name Value
component[0] 0
component[1] 1
component[2] 2
component[3] 5
component[4] 6

Ligature table

Name Value
ligature[0] 153
ligature[1] 154
ligature[2] 155
ligature[3] 156
ligature[4] 1883
ligature[5] 1884
ligature[6] 1885
ligature[7] 1886
ligature[8] 1887


We start with glyph IDs [2174, 879]. First, we'll need to find out which classes they belong to. Looking at the class lookup table, we see that glyph 2174 falls within the range of segment 0, and has class 3. Similarly, glyph 879 is contained within segment 1, and has class 5.

The starting state index is 1, and our first glyph is class 3, so we find that cell in the 2D state array above, which has a value of 1. This tells us to look at entry 1 in the entry table, which as a nextStateIndex of 2, and a flag of 0x8000 tells us to set a component. Our component stack is now [2174] and we're on state index 2.

Indexing into the state array again with index 2 and class 5, we find a value of 2. The state entry with index 2 has a nextStateIndex of 0 and flags 0xA000. Since 0xA000 includes flag 0x8000, we need to push this component to the stack as well, which is now [879, 2174]. 0xA000 also includes flag 0x2000, which means we need to perform the action specified by ligActionIndex, which in this case is index 0.

The action at index 0 is 0x3FFFFC93. Sign extending this to 32 bits, we get -877, and adding this to the first glyph in our stack results in 2. Looking at the component table, index 2 is 2, which we set as our component accumulator. The action doesn't have the last or store flag, so we move on to the next action.

action[1] is 0xBFFFF786. Sign extending the masked portion 0xBFFFF786 & 0x3FFFFFFF gives -2170, which we add to our next glyph in the stack to get 4. component[4] is 6, and we add this to the accumulator, which gives the new value of 8. This action has the last flag, so we can look up the accumulator value in the ligature table. ligature[8] is 1887, and this is our resolved ligature glyph value.