Powershell Script to utilize System.DirectoryServices.Protocols to add/change/delete attributes of an LDAP object
Fed by a csv file (sperated with ";")
Sends a summary by email afer completion
.\Modify.ps1 -Datafile .\inputfile.csv -Stage Test -ProcessMultiHit false -DoneRecieptient reciepient@example.com
Specify the file which defines the search filters and the modify requests -
Specify Test/Prelive/Live
Refers to the config.ini section "Stages" -
True / False
True = all search results will be modified
False = only the first result will be modified -
Recipient of the summary of results
Following columns need to be defined:
- SearchAttr
The attribute used for searching the object - SearchVal
The value of the SearchAttr for searching,
will be used to build the ldapfilter according (SearchAttr=SearchVal) - WriteAttr
The attribute tht have to be updated, deleted or added - WriteVal
The value that have to be added or upated
leave blank for deletion of the attribute