a. Define an enumeration called iOSDeviceType with member values iPhone, iPad, appleWatch. Create a variable called myiPad and initialize it to .iPad.
enum iOSDeviceType {
case iPhone
case iPad
case appleWatch
let myiPad = iOSDeviceType.iPad
b. Adjust your code above so that iPhone and iPad have associated values of type String which represents the model number. Create an instance of a .iPhone("12") and assign it to a variable called myPhone
enum iOSDeviceType {
case iPhone(String)
case iPad(String)
case appleWatch
let myPhone = iOSDeviceType.iPhone("12")
Write a function named getPosition(startingAt:afterSteps:)
that takes an array of Steps, and a starting location of (Int, Int)
and returns an (Int, Int)
tuple representing the final position.
A step .up will increase the y coordinate by 1. A step .down will decrease the y coordinate by 1. A step .right will increase the x coordinate by 1. A step .left will decrease the x coordinate by 1.
enum Step {
case up
case down
case left
case right
let startingLocation = (x: 0, y: 0)
let steps: [Step] = [.up, .up, .left, .down, .left]
// expected output: (x: -2, y: 1)
enum Step {
case up
case down
case left
case right
func getPosition(startingAt location: (x: Int, y: Int), afterSteps steps: [Step]) -> (x: Int, y: Int) {
var finalLocation = location
for step in steps {
switch step {
case .up:
finalLocation.y += 1
case .down:
finalLocation.y -= 1
case .left:
finalLocation.x -= 1
case .right:
finalLocation.x += 1
return finalLocation
let startingLocation = (x: 0, y: 0)
let steps: [Step] = [.up, .up, .left, .down, .left]
let endPosition = getPosition(startingAt: startingLocation, afterSteps: steps)
print(endPosition) // (x: -2, y: 1)
You are given a Coin
enumeration which describes different coin values. Write a function called getTotalValue(from:)
that takes in an array of tuples of type (number: Int, coin: Coin)
, and returns the total value of all coins in cents.
enum Coin: Int {
case penny = 1
case nickle = 5
case dime = 10
case quarter = 25
let coinArr: [(Int, Coin)] = [(10, .penny),
(15, .nickle),
(3, .quarter),
(20, .penny),
(3, .dime),
(7, .quarter)]
let total = getTotalValue(from: coinArr)
// expected total: 385
func getTotalValue(from values: [(number: Int, coin: Coin)]) -> Int {
var cents = 0
for value in values {
let coinValue = value.coin.rawValue
let number = value.number
cents += number * coinValue
return cents
let coinArr: [(Int, Coin)] = [(10, .penny),
(15, .nickle),
(3, .quarter),
(20, .penny),
(3, .dime),
(7, .quarter)]
let total = getTotalValue(from: coinArr)
print(total) // 385
Write an enum called Day
to represent the days of the week with a raw value of type String
Write a method inside Day
that returns whether or not it is a weekday (Monday - Friday).
// Sample expected outputs
let day = Day.saturday
day.isWeekday() // false
let anotherDay = Day.wednesday
anotherDay.isWeekday() // true
enum Day: String {
case monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday
func isWeekday() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .monday, .tuesday, .wednesday, .thursday, .friday:
return true
return false
let day = Day.saturday
day.isWeekday() // false
let anotherDay = Day.wednesday
anotherDay.isWeekday() // true
Define an enumeration named HandShape
with three members: .rock
, .paper
, .scissors
Define an enumeration named MatchResult
with three members: .win
, .draw
, .lose
Write a function called matchResult(fromPlayerOneShape:andPlayerTwoShape:)
that takes two HandShapes
and returns a MatchResult
. It should return the outcome for the first player (the one with the first hand shape).
Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, scissor beats paper
let games: [(playerOne: HandShape, playerTwo: HandShape)] = [(.rock, .paper),
(.paper, .paper),
(.scissors, .rock),
(.rock, .scissors)]
// expected output:
enum HandShape {
case rock, paper, scissors
enum MatchResult {
case win, draw, lose
func matchResult(fromPlayerOneShape playerOne: HandShape, andPlayerTwoShape playerTwo: HandShape) -> MatchResult {
if playerOne == playerTwo {
return .draw
if playerOne == .rock && playerTwo == .scissors ||
playerOne == .paper && playerTwo == .rock ||
playerOne == .scissors && playerTwo == .paper
return .win
return .lose
let games: [(playerOne: HandShape, playerTwo: HandShape)] = [(.rock, .paper),
(.paper, .paper),
(.scissors, .rock),
(.rock, .scissors)]
for game in games {
let result = matchResult(fromPlayerOneShape: game.playerOne, andPlayerTwoShape: game.playerTwo)